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61 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-30

Visual Communication Skills for Motivators of Family Resilience during the Covid 19 Pandemic
Ferry Darmawan (a*), Rini Rinawati (b), Dedeh Fardiah (c), Nia Kurniati (d)

(a,b,c) Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi (d) Fakultas Dakwah
Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Tamansari No. 24/26 Bandung


The covid pandemic period, which has lasted for almost two years, requires creativity in filling the limitations of face-to-face activities, including the Family Resilience Motivator (Motekar) officers to keep their messages informed effectively. Aims to provide visual communication skills to Motekar officers, so that the pandemic is not an obstacle to remain an ^empowering^ agent. Using Focus Group Discussion and Workshop methods, the training involved Motekar groups of various ages.Messages in communication activities carried out by Motekar staff in empowering families in Ciparay District certainly need to be designed to be interesting and ultimately effective communication. This is where the solution offered is the delivery of material regarding visual communication. By utilizing the participants^ smartphones , the results of this community service are able to provide visual communication skills that can be used to convey messages creatively, interestingly, and effectively.

Keywords: motekar - family resilience - gadgets - visuals - covid 19 pandemic -

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62 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-33

Statistical Literacy Optimization of Senior High School Teachers to Improve Data Processing Skills
Nur Azizah Komara Rifai (a*), Marizsa Herlina (a), Dwi Agustin Nuriani Sirodj (a), Icih Sukarsih (b), Nadia Ratu Filgrima (a)

a) Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung
b) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari Nomor 1, Tamansari, Kecamatan Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40116, Indonesia


In the new normal era, there is a new habit occurs in education field, namely the online learning. This makes the teacher must be ready to carry out the online learning process using information technology (IT). The use of IT that is common used by teachers to assist learning activities is Microsoft Office. However, the ability of teachers to use Microsoft Excel is still lacking. The purpose of this study is to improve the ability of public senior high school teachers in Bandung Regency in terms of mastering IT, especially Microsoft Excel. The method used is to provide Microsoft Excel training which is divided into two sessions, namely data entry and data analysis. The hypothesis test of difference between the mean scores of the pretest and posttest was used to evaluate the ability of teachers before and after being given training. The results showed that the training had a significant effect on increasing the data processing skills of high school teachers.

Keywords: Senior high school, Microsoft Excel, Online learning, Statistical literacy, Teacher training

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63 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-53

The Influence of Online Learning Systems through the Syllabus component on the Learning Motivation of Private Higher Education Students
Neni Yulianita(a*), Yenni Yuniati (b), Maman Suherman (b)

Universitas Islam Bandung


In a period of more than two semesters, the learning system in higher education has transformed from an offline system to an online system. Along with the online learning system, since then news about positive and negative impacts has appeared in the media. The research team felt the need to examine this phenomenon with the aim of studying, analyzing, and discussing ^The Effect of Online Learning Systems Through Syllabus Components on Student Learning Motivation^. Researchers used quantitative research methods with statistical tests Multiple Linear Regression Analysis to see the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. The study was conducted on 175 students at six private universities in West Java, which were taken randomly from 61 private universities in West Java, namely Tel-U Bandung, Unswagati-Cirebon, Uniga-Garut, Unisba-Bandung Unma-Majalengka, and CIC University. - Cirebon. Data is collected and then processed, explained, analyzed, and interpreted. The results showed that: The online learning system through the syllabus was not significant and had a positive effect on student motivation in six private universities in West Java. Specifically, what is meant by a negative influence on Student Learning Motivation is related to six sub-variables consisting of: Competency standards of graduate learning outcomes, course learning outcomes, learning materials, learning steps, time allocation, and sources of materials or tools.

Keywords: Online Learning System- Syllabus- Learning Motivation- Private Universities

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64 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-65

Application of Entrepreneurship Curriculum in Pesantren
Indri Rachmawati (a*), Wulan Trigartani (b), Ike Junita (c), Raditya Pratama Putra (d)

Faculty of Communication Science, University Islam of Bandung, Jln. Tamansari no 24 Bandung, Indonesia.


Entrepreneurship is one program that continues to be promoted. In 2020, the Governor of West Java disbursed funds of up to hundreds of billions to develop new entrepreneurs in economic recovery after the pandemic. In Islam itself, trading (entrepreneurship) has its priority as stated in HR. Ahmad, the Messenger of Allah said, ^You should trade because in it there are nine parts of the door of sustenance.^ Therefore, the younger generation, especially Muslims, must be educated to be able to become strong entrepreneurs.
Pesantren Sirojul Huda in Bandung district is one of the madrasahs that has begun to provide entrepreneurial skills for their students starting from the Tsanawiyah level. Currently, two extracurricular activities can be followed by students. Especially those who have an interest in the culinary and convection fields. In the future, they will still develop another extracurricular. Unfortunately, this program does not manage like a professional. They need to promote their catering and convection to the public with digital marketing. The results of our research show that entrepreneurship education activities in Pesantren should be add on in the official learning curriculum. It can improve the entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of Muslims in particular.

Keywords: Enterpreneurship Education- Pesantren- Digital Marketing

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65 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-66

Nan Rahminawati (a)*, Aep Saepudin (b), Arif Hakim (a)

a) Teacher Education of Early Childhood Education Program, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Tamansari No. 24-26 Bandung
b) Islamic Education Program, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Tamansari No. 24-26 Bandung


Problems in the field show that 53.4% of Kindergarten institutions in West Bandung Regency are still not accredited. The high number of institutions that have not been accredited is caused by the leadership of the Kindergarten institution in meeting the quality standards that have been set not optimally. The direct impact of this low accreditation score is that the number of enrolled students is decreasing, because parents are starting to become aware of choosing a school that has ^very good^ or ^good^ accreditation. The research design used is a literature study method by obtaining or adopting the Quality Assurance System in Elementary Schools and elaborating with the National Standards for Early Childhood Education. The research results have produced the following products: (1) Policy Documents- (2) Manual Documents- (3) Standard Documents- and (4) Form of Early Childhood Education Internal Quality Assurance System.

Keywords: Internal Quality Assurance System, PAUD, SPMI Documents

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66 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-76

Maulia Depriya Kembara (a), Bunyamin Maftuh (a), Rama Wijaya Abdul Rozak (a), Warlim (a)

a) Departemen Pendidikan Umum, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung, Indonesia


Reconstruction Research Public Compulsory Courses as General Education at the Implementation Level in the Department of General Education UPI aims to identify a portrait of general education at the University of Education in Indonesia which includes elements of general education in the vision of education, philosophy or basic principles of general education development and what lecturers do MKWU in creating and implementing silabi, creating an atmosphere of classroom education and evaluation of learning at the Indonesian Education University- analyze the implementation of MKWU at the Indonesian Education University in developing good citizens- and explore the efforts of MKWU lecturers at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in operationalizing MKWU which can develop good citizens. The research method used is a mixed method with reference to Cresswell (1994). The design of this study uses a less dominant and qualitative quantitative quantitative approach, both of which are carried out simultaneously. Quantitative research is carried out through a survey method that is identifying and describing the characteristics of research subjects in natural conditions as they are. The research subjects were students participating in the General Compulsory Course (MKWU) who had graduated or who were attending lectures in even semester 2017-2018 and odd semester 2018 - 2019

Keywords: Reconstruction, MKWU, General Education

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67 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-77

The Effect of Using The Zoom Platform on Psychomotor Learning Outcomes During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Meita Rezki Vegatama

STT Migas Balikpapan


The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the whole world, including Indonesia, has made all sectors move quickly to make changes so that everything can continue to run. One sector that is very influential is Education, where almost all education in Indonesia runs through an online learning system. This study aims to determine the effect of using zoom on student psychomotor learning outcomes in practicum in the Oil and Gas Chemistry Course. This type of research is experimental research with a quantitative approach. With a one shot case study research design. The sample in this study were 25 students of the Oil and Gas Processing Engineering D3 Study Program who programmed Oil and Gas Chemistry and Practicum courses. The technique of collecting data is by testing psychomotor learning outcomes through practicum videos. Data were analyzed using one sample t test with the help of SPSS software. From the results of the analysis, it is known that there is an effect of online learning using the zoom platform on psychomotor learning outcomes at least reaching a value of 80. This is evidenced by the t-count value of 4.379 with a frequency degree of 24 and a significance value of 0.000. If it is seen that the significance value is 0.000 < 0.05, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. For the value of t count 4.379 > t table 2.063, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Keywords: Zoom, Psychomotor Learning Outcomes, Covid-19

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68 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-78

Project-Based Lectures To Improve Students^ 6c Skills During The Pandemic
Maulia Depriya Kembara (a), Rama Wijaya Abdul Rozak (a), Bunyamin Maftuh (a), Vini Agustiani Hadian (a)

a) Departemen Pendidikan Umum, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung


Project-based lectures are activities that students need to actualize understanding of concepts which is the ability to make solutions to problems that arise in the field. In research, all abilities possessed by students will be seen starting from critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, communication, computational thinking, and compassion. Thus, doing projects can develop 6C abilities (critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, communication, computational thinking, and compassion). Therefore, the main objective of the research is to develop the skills of 6C students and to design project-based courses so that the objectives are achieved. Qualitative descriptive method was used to obtain an overview of the questionnaire data obtained. Questionnaires were distributed to 500 Indonesian Education University students. The data results were then analyzed and described. The results of the study were used as a design to develop project-based learning syntax that could improve students^ 6C abilities. The results showed that project-based learning could improve the students^ 6C skills. When students have been able to develop solutions to problems that arise, it shows that they have developed 6C abilities. This is based on data in research reports compiled and presentations made by students individually. In addition, a research seminar was also held which was the result of the selection of the best groups from each study program.

Keywords: 6C, Studennts Skills, Pandemic, Project-Based Lecture

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69 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-79

21st Century Learning Design for Teachers through Microsoft Certified Educator Training
Erwin Harahap*, Farid Badruzzaman, Yusuf Fajar, Gani Gunawan, Onoy Rohaeni, Didi Suhaedi, Farid Fargiana, Ihsan Maulidan, Rahadatul Aisyi, Syifa Mardliyah, Gilland Achyar

Department of Mathematics, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl. Rangagading No. 8, Bandung 40116, Indonesia


Technology literacy is a competency that cannot be avoided by educators, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Educators are required to be able to have and improve technological competencies that support the learning process, where its implementation is not possible face-to-face. In general, many educators have difficulty and have not mastered the technology in the field of learning, especially various technology applications that are connected to the Internet, which allows learning to be carried out remotely or online. Referring to these problems, the community service team from the Department of Mathematics, Universitas Islam Bandung, took the initiative to organize a training activity, as one of solution to improve the technological literacy competence of educators. One of the most appropriate learning methods to be applied during this pandemic is 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) and packaged in a Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) training. Through this MCE training activity, it is hoped that teachers can improve technological literacy competencies to be applied to their respective educational institutions together with students. MCE training activities have been carried out for three days, namely at March 26-28, 2021, attended by teachers throughout Indonesia, mostly from West Java Province

Keywords: microsoft certified educator- certification- training- 21st century learning design

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70 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-81

Initiation of Traditional School Development in Rawabogo Village
Imam Indratno (a*), Chusharini Chamid (a), Tony Judiantono (a), Husni Syam (b), Muhamad Ramdani Pamungkas (a), Alma Verdiana (a), Muthia Raudatul Jannah (a), Naufal Alfaruqy Anevta Munggaran (a)

a) Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Islamic University
Bandung, Indonesia
b) Law Studies, Bandung Islamic University
Bandung, Indonesia


Rawabogo Village is one of the villages in Bandung Regency. The people of Rawabogo Village have the responsibility to maintain the Nagara Padang site, and it affects the customs and culture that prevails in Rawabogo Village. The main concern of the village elders is that young people do not live their ancestral cultures, such as awareness of their identity, spiritual values, and cultural wisdom. Character building is needed regarding the fundamental values of the nature of their own identity. The purpose of this community service is to initiate the development of character education based on local wisdom in Rawabogo Village and increase public awareness in living. Using a participatory action research approach to explore the system of meaning, awareness, and participation of customary peoples in recognizing the conditions of their territory. The results provide an understanding condition of the Rawabogo Village area which is transformed into a form of material that needs to be developed in the development of traditional schools. Conclusions this community service is generated a learning module consisting of cosmology, cultural landscapes, customary village governance, customary village policies, and the transformation of customary peoples as a means of learning and initiating the development of traditional schools.

Keywords: Customary Education- Traditional School

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71 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-86

Implementation of the Parenting Program in Kindergartens in Bandung
Enoh, Masnipal, Ikin Asikin, Nurul Afrianti

Universitas Islam Bandung


The harmony of education carried out in Kindergarten and at home is one of the determining factors for the success of children^s education as a whole, comprehensive and integrated. This parenting program aims to improve the knowledge and skills of families in improving nutrition and health, care, care, education and protection according to the stages of the child^s age so that there is harmony between programs at school and at home. This study aims as a preliminary study to obtain an overview of the implementation of the parenting program in the city of Bandung.
The research was conducted using qualitative analysis methods. The data collection technique is in the form of in-depth interviews with school principals in institutions located in the city of Bandung, totaling 15 Kindergartens. The results showed that the parenting program was not carried out in a structured manner as seen from the absence of a parenting curriculum made by the school, the absence of adequate planning and need assessment, the implementation of parenting which was only carried out tended to wait for operational assistance, and the absence of evaluation of parenting activities.

Keywords: parenting program, early childhood education, teacher, parent

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72 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-87

Lesson Plan Development By Application For Non Formal Early Childhood Teacher
Enoh Nuroni, Huriah Rachmah, Masnipal, Putty Meuraxa, Nurul Afrianti

Universitas Islam Bandung


One of the standards for early childhood educators is expected to be educators who can design learning activities by compiling children^s development programs according to themes and needs in the form of annual, semester, weekly and daily programs. Lesson plans is one of the criteria that must be arranged in the implementation and management of kindergartens, especially in the non-formal education path. Teachers often have difficulty in making lesson plans. In addition to not understanding how to make lesson plans, teachers also have difficulty in applying core competencies and basic competencies that are in accordance with the developmental aspects of the learning planning program.
The purpose of this paper is to describe a specific application in making lesson plans made by researchers. The application contains the preparation of annual lesson plans programs including semester, weekly, and daily programs. This program uses a modified excel application. There are 4 large tables that can be filled by the teacher. In the semester table there are 2 tables, namely semester 1 and 2. In the weekly table, the teacher fills in 17 tables, while in the daily program there are 5 tables.
This application has been tested in 30 non-formal kindergartens in the city of Bandung. The results of the interview with the teacher stated that the teacher found it easier and helped in preparing the annual lesson plans program.

Keywords: lesson plans, early childhood education, teacher

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73 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-95

nunung nurhayati (a*), epi fitriah (b) , Nining Koesdiningsihi (c), azkia (d), M khalid (e)

a,b,d) Departement Accounting Faculty Economic and Business Unisba
c) Department management Faculty Economic and Business Unisba
d) Faculty Communication Unisba


Zakat is the third pillar of Islam which has a very broad dimension consisting of various aspects including aspects of faith, social aspects, and economic aspects, where zakat managers are given the mandate from planning, implementing, controlling to reporting which includes collection, distribution and utilization. Zakat is in accordance with Law No. 23 of 2011. As a zakat manager who relies on muzakki, transparency and accountability of ZIS (zakat, infaq and shadaqoh) is a very important concern to foster muzakki^s trust in zakat management institutions. The more transparent and accountable the financial statements of zakat managers, the higher the trust of muzakki which will have an impact on growing public awareness and compliance in distributing their zakat to zakat management institutions. The purpose of the study was to analyze the weaknesses and needs of the standardized system of PSAK 109. By providing suggestions for system improvements in the form of an accounting system design that can meet the needs of zakat managers in conducting transactions to reporting. The research method used descriptive analysis using the FAST system development method (Frame work for the application of system technique. The results of the study turned out that almost most of Baznas had made standardized financial statements of PSAK 109, although the system used was still simple using Microsoft Excel which was not yet integrated between existing sub-systems, and the shortcomings of the system did not cover the discussion of amil funds and non-profit funds. Halal

Keywords: Zakat, PSAK 109, transparency, accountability

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74 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-101

Effectiveness of Innovative Learning Systems in Elementary Schools During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Susi Sugiyarsih, Misriah Ariyani, Yanah Yanah

Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon


Education is a very important factor in advancing a country, but with the covid 19 pandemic, schools are required to carry out innovative education so that they can still implement the learning system remotely from home. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of education conducted at elementary schools in the city of Cirebon during the covid 19 pandemic. The research used mix method. The results showed that the system innovative learning in elementary schools is still able to run effectively using hybrid learning technology

Keywords: effectiveness, learning system, covid 19 pandemic

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75 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-105

Susan Fitriyana(a), Titik Respati(b), Nurul Romadhona(c), Ganang Ibnusantosa (d)

a) Faculty of Medicine, Unisba
Jalan Tamansari No.22, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Medicine, Unisba
c) Faculty of Medicine, Unisba
d) Faculty of Medicine, Unisba


Introduction: Anxiety is a mental health problem that often occurs in students and can cause serious problems. Inadequate handling of anxiety will interfere with academic performance, which impacts students^ mental health deterioration.
Aim of Study: This study aims to develop a game-based learning program to reduce anxiety in students
Method: This study uses a quasi-experimental pre-and post-test design. This study involved 40 students from universities throughout Indonesia, with a balanced proportion between men and women. This program is held for six days in August 2021 online using the messenger application. This game consists of 5 parts: grounding, unhooking, making a room, being kind and acting on your value, and reflecting and resharing the journey. In this activity, the researcher will give narration to mediate participants in completing each challenge in each activity.
Results: The results of the pre and post-tests show that participants feel happy to follow the game and can reduce the participant^s anxiety.
Conclusion Online gamification development can be alternative activities at home or anywhere to reduce stress and anxiety in students

Keywords: Anxiety, Game-Based Learning, Mental Health, Student

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76 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-130

Prototype of ASN Unggul 2.0, New Paradigm of Learning Management System in ASN Competency Development
Witra Apdhi Yohanitas, Nur Kristian Hidayat, Evi Maya Savira

Center of Technology of Competency Development - National Institute of Public Administration
Jalan veteran no 10 Jakarta Pusat 10110


Development of human resource as well as professionalism of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) enhancement are parts of the government^s priorities in 2019 - 2024. In order overcome this vision, NIPA in 2019 has developed the first learning management system (LMS) it known as ASN Unggul 1.0. This LMS has brought major changes in delivering courses from conventional into digital based platform. However, this first version has limitations such as limited in users and administrator Therefore, NIPA needs to development the new one that can be engaged with more stakeholders and administrators within system. This prototype is called ASN Unggul 2.0 as a new paradigm in learning management system.
Currently, LMS is a backbone at any training programs. Corporate University has experienced in using the LMS on both structuralized and self-studies programs. This study uses mixed methods: (1) Descriptive qualitative to grab the experts experiences in developing the LMS- (2) Designing prototype and micro learning This paper will be discusses : (1) The process of developing ASN Unggul 2.0- (2) Describing the micro learning within ASN Unggul 2.0- (3) How ASN Corporate University uses the LMS.

Keywords: Competency development, learning management system, micro learning, corporate university

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77 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-135

Community as the answer to the prevention of sexual abuse against children? Serial Intervention Program
Indri Utami Sumaryanti, Rizka Hadian Permana, Vici Sofianna Putra

Universitas Islam Bandung


Bandung Regency is a region with a high population rate. The increasing amount of the population isn^t aligned with the rate of health facilities, including mental health services. CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) is one of the biggest problems that has to be dealt with in the Bandung Regency. The total case of CSA in Bandung Regency is 203 cases, with children and early adolescents as the victims. One of the villages in Bandung Regency has the highest rate of CSA reports and there are many illegal marriages. The authors found some initial findings- Early adolescents^ lack of knowledge about reproduction health and function and proneness of being persuaded by people they know from social media. Child sexual abuse has to be resolved socially or through communities. Social intervention has to be able to reach crucial aspects in communities so that social problems can be resolved. Thus, we suggest the urgency in the bigger scope of intervention, which is the community intervention approach. The solutions that we offer are a series of intervention programs using the ecological theory of development framework. Following the social intervention principle and ecological framework, we were trained the village residents, involving the entire schools in the village, created community agents. The activities that aimed to build knowledge and skill of the agents of change by using an experiential learning approach using module as learning media. Our goals aimed to achieve were increasing knowledge, awareness, and skill regarding child sexual abuse prevention. The training was conducted towards 26 participants. This research found several results. First, we found that 6 participants had an adequate understanding of training material, 18 participants categorized as having a good understanding, and 2 participants categorized as having a very good understanding. Second, all participants had a positive attitude towards the training module. Third, all participants perceived that the module

Keywords: Child sexual abuse, Health, Community empowerment, Experiential learning

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78 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-142

Improving Students^ Math Writing Skills and Interest Through Online-Based Flipped Classroom Models
Jaka Wijaya Kusuma (a), Pardomuan Robinson Sihombing (b), Beni Junedi (a), Saeful Hidayat (b), Isnaini Mahuda (a), Hamidah (a*),

a) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Bina Bangsa University, Indonesia
b) Central Bureau of Statistics, Indonesia


People know that the internet today has become an integral part of the lifestyle of various Indonesian community groups. However, the results of surveys conducted by the Indonesian Internet Network Organizing Association (APJII) are known to have access to educational pages are still very lacking. The online-based flipped classroom learning model is packaged to appeal to students and adapts online learning in times of pandemic by directing students to utilize the internet for learning. This research was a classroom action research by applying an online-based flipped classroom model to improve Students^ Math writing skills and interests. The classroom action research was done in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research revealed that the online-based flipped classroom model could improve Students^ Math writing skills and interests. With a percentage of classical completion in cycle II, students achieved grades above 65 which was 94.74%, and students^ mathematics interest has been more than 80%, reaching the expected target.

Keywords: Math Writing- Interest- Flipped Classroom-

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79 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-147

Development of Social Skills based on Local Wisdom in the Osing Community of Kemiren Village Banyuwangi, East Java
Huriah Rachmah, Rudy Gunawan, Adang M. Tsaury, Alhamuddin

Universitas Islam Bandung, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka


This study explores how the Osing community in Kemiren Village Banyuwangi, East Java aims to identify how the Osing community^s social skills are formed. The variety of culture and arts that exist in the community, forms the social skills of every citizen in Kemiren Village from an early age. This research is part of the development of attitude competence in social studies learning, namely the needs analysis stage and the conceptual model. The research subjects were the Osing tribal community as many as 15 people who knew exactly the development of the Osing Village. This study uses a questionnaire, observation guidelines and interviews as a data collection tool. The research method used is phenomenology. The data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis which was analyzed by descriptive analysis. The results show that social skills are formed from traditions, customs and cultures such as salvation Labuh Nyingkal, Ngrujaki, Pitonan, Slametan Suwung, Tumpeng Serakat, Tumpeng Sewu, ngaturi dahar, ngirim doa, nyukit lemah, sedekah sepasaran, sedekah selapan, sedekah tahunan, sedekah pendak, and slametan siraman. In addition, the arts sector also contributes to the development of social skills because art is a form of cultural heritage that must be preserved.

Keywords: social skill

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80 Innovative Education in the Digitali Era ABS-152

Dewi Surani, Ana Utami Fatoni

University of Bina Bangsa


The study aimed to analyze online learning in English class using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) analysis in Bina Bangsa University. By involving 104 students from 5 faculties, this study investigated students^ acceptance using online learning media for English classes during the Covid-19 pandemic. The analysis was divided into four categories with various responsibilities. The percentage of Performance Expectancy (PE) was 72, Effort Expectancy (EE) 53, Social Influence (SI) 68, and Facilitating Condition (FC) 49. According to the result mentioned, it showed that their acceptance was influenced by PE which all of the subcategories related to the combination of English learning and the media were responded positively by the students. For EE, the students were quite able to adapt to the media. In SI, they had some supports from their peers and lecturers. The last, FC described they had reasonably practical support of the media introductory and tutoring enhancing their ability in online learning. This study revealed that students could adapt online learning media in English class with the ease of using the media, supporting elements from peers, lecturers, and internal or external tutorials.

Keywords: online learning, English class, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, Covid-19 pandemic.

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81 Islamic Education ABS-5

Da^i Caderization Through Tabligh Training for Student
Muhammad Fauzi Arif, Hendi Suhendi, Malki Ahmad Nasir, Ikin Asikin

Dakwah Faculty
Univeristas Islam Bandung


The purpose of this study is to determine the form of da^i caderization through tabligh training activities for students at the Nurul Huda Kaimas Islamic Boarding School Garut in collaboration with the Bandung Islamic University. The research method is descriptive qualitative research. The results show that form of da^i caderization through tabligh training is carried out through three activities: 1) training in writing lectures and sermons, the aim of this training is that students have ability to plan tabligh through written media, 2) da^wah rhetoric training, the goal is that students have confidence and good speech when conveying Islamic message orally, 3) Social media coaching, the goal of this training is that students are wiser in using social media and can use it as a medium of da^wah.

Keywords: caderization, da^wah, tabligh

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82 Islamic Education ABS-21

Improving the Pedagogic Competence of Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Teachers in an Effort to Improve the Quality of Al-Qur^an Learning Based on Blended Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Helmi Aziz, Khambali, Dinar Nur Inten, Dewi Mulyani

Universitas Islam Bandung


Madrasas as the oldest Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia have unique characteristics because they were born from the thoughts of the community where the madrasa was founded. Because it was born from the thoughts of the community, the quality of madrasas is diverse. The focus of this empowerment is training and mentoring related to improving the pedagogic competence of madrasa teachers in Pangalengan and Cimaung sub-districts, Bandung Regency. Empowerment strategy by carrying out various activities starting with preparation, program planning, program implementation and program reflection and evaluation. The results of the empowerment show that the pedagogic competence of madrasah teachers has increased significantly through several activities that have been carried out, namely planning for Al-Qur^an learning, implementation of Al-Qur^an learning through the MATA method (Reading, Playing and Storytelling), teacher pedagogical competencies in industrial era 4.0. and evaluation of Al-Qur^an learning during the covid-19 pandemic. Assistance and training for madrasa teachers must always be carried out in an effort to improve the competence of madrasa teachers in a better direction.

Keywords: the Pedagogic Competence, Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Teachers, Al-Qur^an Blended Learning

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83 Islamic Education ABS-25

The Role of Health Education in Changing Knowledge, Attitudes, And Practices (KAP) Regarding The Covid-19 Health Protocol Among Islamic Boarding School Students
Meta Maulida Damayanti (a*), Yuniarti (b), Mia Kusmiati (c), Meike Rachmawati (a)

a) Department of Anatomic Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung, Taman Sari 22, 40116, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
*E-mail: meta.fkunisba[at]

b) Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung, Taman Sari 22, 40116, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

c) Department of Medical Education, Bioethics, and Humanity, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung, Taman Sari 22, 40116, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


The coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has not ended, it is even increasing, including in Bandung, Indonesia. This increase was caused by the inadequate implementation of health protocols. Health education delivered with a personal approach aims to encourage changes in knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of health, particularly related to the implementation of the Covid-19 health protocol in schools. This cross-sectional study was designed to collect information related to KAP regarding the Covid-19 health protocol in 35 Islamic boarding school students. KAP data obtained from primary data questionnaire that has been validated. Data analysis used SPSS 26.0 software and chi-square to analyze the relationship. The results showed that the provision of health education was quite effective in changing the level of KAP for the better with a p-value <0.05, but KAP between gender and age was not significantly related. Health education is the best way to change students^ KAPs. The level of student KAP on the enforcement of the Covid-19 health protocol is an important factor in achieving the program^s success in creating a healthy and Covid-free school environment.

Keywords: Covid-19- Education- Knowledge- Attitudes- Practice

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84 Islamic Education ABS-38

Disaster Mitigation Learning Through the Katumbiri Model in Early Childhood Education
Dinar Nur Inten (a*), Dewi Mulyani (a), Khambali (b), Funny Lichandra (b), Dies Tiwi (a)

a) Program Studi PG PAUD, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jln. Tamansari Nomor 22-24 Bandung, Indonesia
b) Program Studi PAI, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jln. Tamansari Nomor 22-24 Bandung, Indonesia


Children^s resilience to disasters must be physically and mentally strong, so disaster mitigation teaching is needed for children who integrate Islamic values so that children can become individuals who have mental strength and are aware that every disaster inserts various life lessons to make every human servant who is always grateful and better. So, the model used in teaching is the Katumbiri disaster mitigation model, which is a disaster mitigation learning model that is in accordance with children^s development and integrates Islamic values. The method in this study used a pre-experiment, one group pretest-posttest design. Beginning with a pretest activity to determine children^s understanding of disaster mitigation and at the end a posttest was conducted to determine the level of understanding of children after using the Katumbiri disaster mitigation learning model. The results of the study prove that there is a significant difference between the children^s abilities on the pretest results and the children^s abilities on the posttest results. This shows that there is a significant effect of teaching mitigation on the Katumbiri model on children^s understanding and skills related to disaster mitigation.

Keywords: Disaster Mitigation, Katumbiri Teaching Model, Children.

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85 Islamic Education ABS-39

Character Education In Islamic Perspective
Alhamuddin,Eko Surbiantoro, Revan Dwi Erlangga

Pendidikan Agama Islam Universitas Islam Bandung


Religion is the strongest foundation in character education, including Islam as a religion with quite a lot of adherents in the world. Islamic character education is unique and different from Western character education. The purpose of tis study was to determine character education in an Islamic perspective. The method used in this research is a literature study by collecting data from various sources and then processing it into a research result. The results of this study state that character in Islam is identical with behavior, morals, and ethics. Sources of law and signs for Islamic character education are the revelations of the Qur^an and Hadith. So it can be concluded that character education in Islam is identical to the teachings of Islam itself so that the character education applied is something that must be considered properly and is a special concern for families, communities, especially educational institutions.

Keywords: Character Education, Islamic, Perspective

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86 Islamic Education ABS-40

21st Century Learning: Strategy and Competence
Alhamuddin, Dinar Nur Inten, Dewi Mulyani

Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia


Education is expected to be future-oriented and answer the challenges of the times. The challenges of 21st century education are certainly different from the previous century. Stakeholders in this case schools, teachers, parents and graduate users are very interested in the competencies and skills that students who graduate from schooling institutions must possess today. Various demands have emerged to answer the global demands of the 21st century education world, namely the government that gave birth to regulations encouraging 21st century learning, educational institutions that have and implement 21st century curricula, teachers who understand the various competencies and skills that must be developed for students in the 21st century, teachers who understand and be able to apply 21st century learning models and strategies, as well as a child-friendly environment for learning in the 21st century. To answer the challenges of education in the 21st century requires the cooperation of all parties, both government, schools, graduate users and parents.

Keywords: 21st Century Education, 21st Century Skills, 21st Century Learning Model

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87 Islamic Education ABS-63

Islamic Parenting Paradigm
E.Erhamwilda (a), Nurul Afrianti (a), Asep Dudi (a), Reuhulina Putri P (a), Fauziyyah Khoirunnisaa

Early Childhood Teacher Education Program, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


Sometimes Muslim families do not realize that they are actually taking care of their children by applying concepts or theories that come from a secularistic paradigm. Whereas religious teachings provide a paradigm that can guide parents in raising their children as religious individuals. Related to this, this study is intended to explore the principles of parenting from sources of Islamic teachings that can be a reference for Muslim families in the upbringing of their children. Fundamentally, Islam positions children as a gift as well as a mandate from God. Meanwhile, parents have the responsibility to make their children become pious servants of God, children who are devoted to their parents, members of the community who contribute as much as possible, and become good citizens. Through a theological normative interpretation approach, a number of parenting principles are obtained, namely: believing that children are born in a pure state, realizing deeply that parents have a responsibility to form the foundation of their children^s lives, practice parenting with love, understand that parenting is to introduce and instill a value system, and lead children to become independent, mature and responsible individuals in accordance with their general stages of development and uniqueness as an individual.

Keywords: Islamic, Parenting, Paradigm

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88 Islamic Education ABS-74

Bambang S. Ma^arif1, Asep A. Siddiq2, Malki A. Nasir3, Hadi P. Hendrawan4

1, 2, 3, 4 Fakultas Dakwah Universitas Islam Bandung


Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) is the largest socio-religious organization in Indonesia that struggles in its path with its unique techniques and approaches. In the era of the covid-19 pandemic, people now see that there are many victims floating, but at the same time they are treated to information, some of which is true, but some of it is not (hoax). So that people seem to be divided: they believe in the existence of COVID-19 and some do not believe it, and view it more as a global elite conspiracy with business motives. As a result, people do not want to be vaccinated, with the risk that the number of people infected with COVID-19 will increase. The purpose of this study was to obtain data on the role of NU in tackling COVID-19 in West Java. The role of the organization includes policies, agendas, and evaluation of them. This research method is qualitative. Research findings: NU policies in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic put more emphasis on maqashid al-syari^ah to save mankind, especially Muslims and their congregations- NU^s steps in tackling COVID-19 are fostering jam^iyyah and congregations to get health and keep disaster away. By conveying messages of da^wah nuances that motivate people to face Covid-19. Combining spiritual, intellectual and physical health, worship and mu^amalah, reading the Koran. Communication media are used: mass media, social media, and outdoor. Zoom meetings are often used and are more effective in disseminating organizational and public information- evaluation of the program is carried out by approaching the congregation through internal and external channels, both vertically and horizontally organizationally.

Keywords: The role of NU, NU and da^wah organizations, da^wah in the era of covid-19

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89 Islamic Education ABS-106

Bambang S. Ma^arif 1 , Malky A.Nasir2 , Soraya Firdaus3 , & Susilo Suryo 4

1,2,3,4 Faculty of Dakwah Bandung Islamic University


Cilengkrang is one of the sub-districts in Bandung Regency, where
its citizens, even though they live in a peaceful atmosphere of rural nature with slope topography
quite a religious mountain, but some of its residents work in the city of Bandung.
Da^wah continues but does not encourage residents to manage waste
well because the material of da^wah (more) emphasizes individual piety.
Garbage and environmental hygiene are neglected. As a result, the gutter is clogged
by the disposal of garbage from households, and not infrequently it leads to
dirty situations, puddles and floods. This condition has encouraged the Faculty team
Unisba Da^wah in partnership with MUI Cilengkrang and the Quran Center Foundation
(to) hold social services in the form of training in preaching rhetoric with cycle dimensions
waste recycling for Da^wah activists and environmental activists. Training
presenting material on da^wah rhetoric, understanding of waste, and recycling
rubbish. Da^wah activists and environmental activists have a training agenda
the da^wah rhetoric is positively charged with recycling this waste because it can
increase their awareness in protecting the environment and can
recycle waste, so that it can be disseminated to the public. This writing
is the result of the training activities- Articles on the topic of Training Participants
to this training agenda.

Keywords: Expectations and expressions of da^wah activists, da^wah rhetoric

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90 Islamic Education ABS-109

Khaerul Umam Noer (a), Siti Chadijah (b)

(a) Department of Public Policy, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, umam.noer[at]
(b) School of Graduate Program in Islamic Education Management, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta


Violence against children continues to increase every year. The Indonesian National Commission for Child Protection reported that in 2011-2019 there were 37,381 complaints of violence against children in schools. This number is believed to be just the tip of the iceberg, because in general violence against children in schools is never reported. To overcome these acts of violence, the state adopted a policy by encouraging Child Friendly School policies. The problem is, this policy focuses more on administrative issues and tends to ignore religious approaches. On the other hand, the Islamic education model is believed to be able to provide solutions with a focus on student character development, but tends to ignore administrative issues. The problem is, various studies on the one hand tend to ignore the other side. This paper tries to promote how integrating child-friendly school policies and Islamic education models should be able to provide solutions to overcome acts of violence in schools. By focusing on three schools in Depok City, this paper explains that the integration of Child Friendly Schools and Islamic education models can actually be carried out and gives very good results. However, there are several things that must be improved, both in terms of policy regulations and pedagogical approaches so that the number of violence against children in schools can continue to be minimized.

Keywords: Child Friendly Schools, Islamic education mode, character development, child protection policies, violence against children

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