Khaerul Umam Noer (a), Siti Chadijah (b)

(a) Department of Public Policy, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, umam.noer[at]
(b) School of Graduate Program in Islamic Education Management, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta


Violence against children continues to increase every year. The Indonesian National Commission for Child Protection reported that in 2011-2019 there were 37,381 complaints of violence against children in schools. This number is believed to be just the tip of the iceberg, because in general violence against children in schools is never reported. To overcome these acts of violence, the state adopted a policy by encouraging Child Friendly School policies. The problem is, this policy focuses more on administrative issues and tends to ignore religious approaches. On the other hand, the Islamic education model is believed to be able to provide solutions with a focus on student character development, but tends to ignore administrative issues. The problem is, various studies on the one hand tend to ignore the other side. This paper tries to promote how integrating child-friendly school policies and Islamic education models should be able to provide solutions to overcome acts of violence in schools. By focusing on three schools in Depok City, this paper explains that the integration of Child Friendly Schools and Islamic education models can actually be carried out and gives very good results. However, there are several things that must be improved, both in terms of policy regulations and pedagogical approaches so that the number of violence against children in schools can continue to be minimized.

Keywords: Child Friendly Schools, Islamic education mode, character development, child protection policies, violence against children

Topic: Islamic Education

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