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121 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-23

Communication Strategy of the Marriage Advisory, Guidance and Preseevation Agency (BP4) in Preventing Divorce
Nia Kurniati *, Nandang HMZ , Yani Ramdani, Vania Maovangi Day

Universitas Islam Bandung


Marital divorce, once a treding topic in the of Bandung, made some people concerned including the Marriage Advisory, Development and Presservation Agency (BP4). This reseach is entitled BP4 Communication Strategy in Preventing Divorce (a Case Study on BP4 Communication Strategy in Preventing Divorce (a Case Study on BP4 Communication strategy of The Bandung Municiplita Ministry of Religion in Preventing Divorce in the New Normal Era). The study aims to analyze BP4 communication strategies in preventing divorce in the new normal era, the obstracles and solutions in preventing divorce in the new normal era, with a case study methodology accompanied by data collection techniques through documentation, observation, in-depth interviews with 13 BP4 counselors, religious leaders, informants who represent represent reality. The results of the BP4 communication strategy research in preventing divorce in the new normal era were carried out formal and informal consultations- the durations of the consultation was about 2 hours. The material is delivered according to the guidelines, by telephone, video call, meeting with nhealth protocols. The internal barriers are related to the competence of human resources. Weanwhile, external barriers are in the form of education, age, positions, ethnicity culture. Other obstacles are less played by BP4. The solutions that carried out by the counselor education, repetition of marriage advice, and returning the couple^s initial intention to marry.

Keywords: BP4 communication strategy, BP4 strategy, BP4 communication

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122 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-27

Halal Ecosystem Construction and Regulatory Analysis of Halal Tourism: Case of Halal Tourism Policy Comparation Of Indonesia and Malaysia
Atie Rachmiatie, Efik Yusdiansyah, Erik Setiawan, Hera Oktadiana, Ferra Martian, Andalusia Neneng Permatasari, Lina Wiyarsih

Universitas Islam Bandung


This study aims to examine ^Halal Ecosystem Construction and Analysis of Government Policies on Halal Tourism^. The focus of this research is on optimizing the implementation of Halal in production, services, infrastructure, human resources (HR) in the tourism sector as well as government support through regulations in Halal tourism in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach with content analysis on documentation related to the Halal product act and other government policies in the form of government regulations, on halal tourism both from the central and regional levels. As for building the Halal Tourism Ecosystem model, a case study approach is used with a constructivist paradigm. Researchers conduct in-depth observations and interviews and Focus Group Discussions. The theoretical use of this research is ^Political of Law^, and concepts related to ^Ecosystem Theories^. The basic assumption this research are the governance of halal tourism regulations that have not been integrated either in substance or in terms of mechanisms. While practically producing a model or strategy to synergize and optimize all the potential of halal tourism through the use of digital technology. Based on the purposive sampling technique, We determined that the research subjects were laws and regulations from the central Goverment, West Java selected for level province, and Kabupaten Bandung Barat selected for level district. The informants that were appointed were, BPJPH, MUI, Regional Government Leaders (Head of the Tourism Office)- Head Official in West Java provinces. As an object of research content analysis, on documents of laws and regulations related to halal tourism, both central and regional. Research finding is regulations on Halal Tourism are clear and complete but not optimal in their implementation, because there are differences in perceptions between the components of the Halal Tourism ecosystem (government, industry, academia, media, and academia. So more int

Keywords: Halal Ecosystem, Halal Tourism, Policy Government

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123 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-28

Local Culture on Covid 19 Government Campaign in Social Media
Anne Maryani, Ike Junita Triwardhani, Muhamad Zaki Mustafa, Raditya Pratama

Universitas Islam Bandung


Instagram and Facebook are two social media that have a lot of users. The uniqueness built on social media to distinguish from others is the inclusion of local cultural contents. Message conveyance through campaign activities by the government as a form of communication with the public is crucial. One of the ways to do that is by incorporating elements of local culture into the campaign so that people feel they belong and close to the information conveyed. Promoting local culture in the campaign message will make people interested. The purpose of this research is to map local cultural content in the campaign activities governments regarding Covid-19 through social media- analyzing campaign messages containing local cultural content. This study uses ethnography of communication approach to obtain cultural values that exist in a condition through communication process. The case being studied is the Covid-19 campaign delivered by the Ministry of Health in Indonesia. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, in-depth interviews. This research is expected to contribute to the health campaign delivered by the government.

Keywords: Campaign, Local Culture, Ethnography of Communication, Social Media, the Government

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124 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-37

Aziz Taufik Hirzi, Yuli Aslamawati, Alex Sobur, Hedi Wahyudi, Dinda Yanisya, Febri Nur, Arshky Muntazmahal, Abu Setiawan

Universitas Islam Bandung



The teaching and learning process is essentially a communication activity between teachers and students. Teachers are obliged to motivate students to improve their learning in an effort to achieve achievement. This study aims to obtain data and information about teacher motivation in teaching and educating students through interpersonal communication. The method used is quantitative with a descriptive approach. The results showed that based on questionnaire data distributed to teachers of SD - SMP Dewata that there was an increase in teachers understanding of motivation and interpersonal communication. In conclusion, good communication between teachers and students related to motivation is important to improve so that in learning the students are enthusiastic and the teacher is enthusiastic.

Keywords: Keywords: Increased Motivation, Teachers, Students, Learning, interpersonal communication

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125 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-42

Preference Survey of Newspaper Readers in the Digital Era Quantitative Descriptive Study of Public Preferences Pikiran Rakyat Daily Newspaper
Firmansyah, Sophia Novita, Dian Widya Putri, Atie Rachmiatie, Septiawan Santana K., Alex Sobur

Communication Faculty, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari no.1 Bandung 40116


The mass media industry continues to grow along with digital technological developments. Print mass media is now considered to be on the verge of extinction due to the development of online media. However, print media still has a segmented audience in society. Print media such as the Pikiran Rakyat^s Daily Newspaper need to implement a strategy in retaining their readers. Pikiran Rakyat requires preference data from its audience. So this study tries to describe the preferences of print media audiences regarding the format, appearance, color, and typeface that are in accordance with the interests and desires of readers in consuming newspapers. The research uses a survey method to get an objective picture of audience preferences. The sample was obtained using purposive sampling technique based on the population of potential readers in West Java. The number of samples collected was 1540 respondents. The survey data was collected using a questionnaire through an online form which was distributed in the areas of potential readers of Pikiran Rakyat. Data analysis was carried out using non-parametric statistical test techniques by describing the actual situation in the respondent^s choice. The results showed that most of the audience of Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper wanted a change in the format and appearance of the newspaper to be more practical, efficient, but containing news that was in accordance with the needs of the community. The audience is also more interested in the colorful tabloid format with pictures and illustrations in the news.

Keywords: Preference, Audience, Print Media, Newspaper, Pikiran Rakyat

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126 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-51

Ani Yuningsih, Dadan Mulyana, Maman Chatamallah, Ashabul Yamin Asgha

Communication Science Faculty, Universitas Islam Bandung


This research on the Effectiveness of Cultural Presentation Techniques and Personal Branding Training was conducted for the members of the Bandung Hospitality Public Relations Association, namely the Bandung Hotel Public Relations Association (H3B). H3B is an association consisting of public relations practitioners from hotels in the city of Bandung. This association aims to scent and build the image of the city of Bandung, so that domestic and foreign tourists from various countries are interested in traveling or doing business trips to Bandung. Sundanese culture with its various unique values, arts and artifacts, is one of the important content that must be presented to potential tourists by hospitality public relations officers. Public relations officers, also need to build and strengthen personal branding as cultural ambassadors as well as hotel ambassadors they represent.
The research was conducted through a descriptive study using pre-test and post-test instruments, to measure the effectiveness of the training, to increasing participants^ knowledge about cultural presentation techniques and personal branding. In addition, the researchers also conducted observations and interviews some of participants, before and during the training, to determine the improvement of participants^ skills.
The number of respondents, namely the training participants, is as many as 30 people who come from hotels in Bandung. The results showed that the training was effective in improving the participants^ knowledge and skills about cultural presentation techniques and personal branding. Participants also stated that the training was very useful, because there was an interactive discussion about cultural diplomacy and personal branding which was needed to improve the performance of hospitality public relations professionals, and to assist local governments in strengthening city branding in the city of Bandung.

Keywords: cultural presentation techniques, personal branding, cultural diplomacy

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127 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-55

The Influence of Service Communication in Pandemic Era on Unisba Student Satisfaction^
Tresna Wiwitan, M.Si., M.Subur Drajat, M.Si., Dr. Nurrahmawati

Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Bandung


The indicators for the assessment of stakeholders towards an institution are, among others, due to the service provided by the institution, including higher education institutions. During a pandemic like this, lectures are held online. Since March 2020 Unisba has been running online lectures, there are several obstacles faced by lecturers and students, for example server down or internet connection problems. Thesis Guidance, Proposal Session, and Thesis Session are conducted online. Online Thesis Guidance is often an obstacle, where lecturers cannot directly guide their students. This is a problem during online lectures. Online lectures through e-learning.unisba and the services of lecturers - educators to students are part of the communication services provided by Unisba to students. Student dissatisfaction with the services provided by faculties and universities is usually conveyed on social media and this can be a boomerang effect for Unisba. Based on the background of the problem, the researcher will conduct research on ^The Influence of Service Communication in a Time of Pandemic on Unisba Student Satisfaction^ (Correlation Study on Customer Relationship Management). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a form of service communication that is based on building customer relationships. In the context of this research, Unisba should build good relationships with students through the CRM concept. The specific purpose of this research is to find out and analyze- 1) the influence of the people aspect on student satisfaction, 2) the influence of the process aspect on student satisfaction, and 3) the influence of the technology aspect on student satisfaction.
This research uses quantitative research with explanatory survey method. The population in this study was Unisba strata-1 (S1) students who were active in the 2020/2021 academic year, totaling 12,854 students. To determine the sample size, the Slovin formula is used with a margin of error of 0.09, the sample

Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Service Communication, Student Satisfaction

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128 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-84

Endri Listiani, Wiki Angga Wiksana

Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam bandung. Jl. Tamansari No.1, Tamansari, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40116


Citizen Journalism (jurnalistik warga) merupakan sebuah terobosan baru dari bidang jurnalistik, yang berkembang makin pesat dan dirasakan keberadaannya berkat adanya kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang bernama internet. Internet mampu menghadirkan ruang berbagi di dunia maya. Misalnya melalui weblog (biasa disingkat blog), salah satu jenis web yang bisa berisi banyak hal mulai dari tulisan, catatan harian, video, komentar, atau informasi tentang topik tertentu, seperti politik, mengkritisi kebijakan pemerintah, berita daerah, hobi, ajakan, kisah keseharian, dan lain-lain. Tak hanya melalui blog, namun juga berbagai media sosial pun dimanfaatkan menjadi ruang berbagi seperti youtube, twitter, instagram dan sebagainya. Keberadaan internet telah memudahkan masyarakat untuk berbagi beraneka ragam informasi dengan gayanya sendiri dan kondisi ini memberikan peluang lahir dan berkembangnya jurnalisme warga (Citizen Journalism).
Tak hanya web blog dan media sosial, media lain pun turut memanfaatkan jurnalisme warga ini untuk melengkapi berita mereka. Media Radio, Televisi, Media cetak pun turut mendapatkan informasi dari pendengar, pemirsa dan pembaca mereka lewat rekaman audio warga, video-video amatir yang diabadikan dari handphone sederhana, ataupun komentar dan uraian dari tempat kejadian yang ada di sekitar warga layaknya pewarta atau wartawan. Ini menjadi alasan kenapa jurnalistik warga (Citizen Journalism) berkembang dengan cepat. Apalagi kini media massa online jumlahnya juga mengalami peningkatan selain keberadaan media cetak konvensional yang juga melakukan konversi ke media cetak online. Pada intinya jurnalistik warga menyebabkan warga menjadi orang yang berpatisipasi aktif dalam membagikan informasi public yang layak diketahui oleh banyak orang.
Potensi besar dimiliki masyarakat untuk melakukan jurnalistik warga (Citizen Journalism), karena data APJII penetrasi pengguna internet di tahun 2019 sebanyak 73,7%, dari jumlah penduduk Indonesia, na

Keywords: Citizen Jurnalism, Karang Taruna, Media Online

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129 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-91

Digital Literacy Empowerment for West Java Local Media in Disaster Mitigation
Septiawan Santana Kurnia, Dadi Ahmadi, Satya Indra Karsa, Firmansyah, Doddy Iskandar

Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl. Tamansari No. 20, 40116 Bandung


Disaster is a priority in Indonesia. As one of the disaster-prone areas, Indonesia requires disaster preparedness. In disaster mitigation, journalists need education in using technology and wisely in using digital media. For this reason, the community service program ^Digital Literacy Empowerment for West Java Regional Local Media in Disaster Mitigation^ is directed at journalists. In this program, the participants of the training on disaster coverage are journalists in the West Java region who are members of journalism organizations. The goal is that journalists in the regions have the knowledge and understanding to utilize technology and transform to digital in order to mitigate disaster.
In this Community Service program, training provided by Fikom Unisba academics is provided. Training in the form of using technology in disaster reporting, training on news reporting with digital technology, to training on how to do coverage aimed at disaster mitigation. In addition to training from digital technology practitioners, briefing on digital literacy understanding in disaster reporting is also provided based on disaster mitigation provided by academics.
The method of this activity is carried out by means of training and counseling accompanied by interactive dialogue and sharing that encourages participants to be creative, innovative, participatory, and to build collaboration and work. Participants who are known in the process of designing disaster mitigation education journalism.
The results of this activity indicate changes in participants, especially increasing knowledge and ability to carry out disaster mitigation news coverage in terms of: Themes, Topics, Research, Resource Persons, Documents/Data, and Covering Techniques.

Keywords: Journalist, Mitigation, Disaster

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130 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-97

Hybrid Communication Approach for Psychotropic Drug Addiction Therapy in Bandung
Anne Maryani (a*), O. Hasbiansyah (a), Oji Kurniadi (a)

a) Faculty of Communication, Bandung Islamic University Jalan Tamansari 24-26, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


The quality of a nation, among other things, depends on the quality of its components, namely its young generation. The productive age of the Indonesian nation, which is the majority and becomes the demographic bonus in 2045, ideally is not only large quantitatively to be called the golden age but is filled by physically and mentally qualified young people. However, efforts to build a quality generation cannot be separated from obstacles with many generations young people who depend on psychotropic drugs so that it can damage their future. Of course, this needs to be anticipated so that the Indonesian nation avoids the moral degradation of the nation, especially the younger generation, because drug users among teenagers are increasing from year to year. Prevention and treatment of people with psychotropic drug dependence among adolescents requires the integration of various elements of society and various approaches. One of the efforts that can be done is also with a hybrid approach to complementary communication, such as conventional communication with new media communication, social communication with spiritually based communication. Based on these conditions, the research focus was arranged on how ^a hybrid communication approach for therapy of people with psychotropic drug dependence in the city of Bandung^. The purpose of this study to analyze- 1) Activities carried out by patients in self-healing from dependence on psychotropic drugs, 2) Hybrid communication approach used for therapy for patients with psychotropic drug dependence in Bandung, 3) Why is hybrid communication used for therapy for patients with psychotropic drug dependence in Bandung City. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques by means of interviews, observations, and references. The data validity technique was also carried out to obtain valid qualitative data. Informants were selected by purposive sampling on informants relevant to the research

Keywords: Hybrid communication- therapy- Patients with psychotropic drug dependence

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131 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-108

Youth Knowledge on the Health Protocols during Covid-19 Pandemic
Yani Triyani, Heni Muflihah, Winni Maharani, Mirasari Putri, Titik Respati

Faculty of Medicine UNISBA


Buah Batu District is the sub-district with the second-highest Covid-19 incidence rate in Bandung City for the December 2020. Many factors affect the high incidence of Covid-19, the Unisba FK service team, in collaboration with the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI), intends to hold activities to help overcome problems in the Buahbatu sub-district by holding PHBS socialization in the Covid-19 pandemic era and analyzing the level of knowledge of youth in the Buahbatu sub-district regarding the implementation of medical protocols in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. PHBS socialization was carried out on March 18, 2021. Before implementing the socialization, participants were given a questionnaire about the causes, modes of transmission, and prevention methods-furthermore, the practice of implementing health protocols in the era of the covid-19 pandemic. Data obtained from the number of pre-test participants were 117 people. Data on the number of respondents who answered correctly for each question were 24.5%&#65293-100%. In this case, many factors affect the degree of public knowledge, the youth in the Buahbatu sub-district. It can be concluded that the level of youth^s knowledge about the correct procedures for using masks needs to be increased.

Keywords: medical protocols in the era of the Covid-19, Buah Batu, KNPI

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132 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-115

Erik Setiawan, Wiki Angga Wiksana, Ashabul Yamin Asgha

Universitas Islam Bandung


This study aims to find out how the overseas student (santri) adapts to the world of Islamic boarding schools (after this named Pondok pesantren). Not only about pesantren as a culture in particular, but also Indonesian culture in general, because these overseas students will interact fully with a heterogeneous community of students from various regions in Indonesia.
Pondok Pesantren is a typical educational institution from Indonesia that educates students to become a complete Muslim or Muslimah. Many of its alumni spread to multiple parts of Indonesia and abroad. In Indonesia, one of the best is Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor (from now on named Gontor), located in Ponorogo, East Java. Gontor is not only famous in Indonesia but also in various other countries.
Gontor is still the main attraction as an established Islamic educational institution, as evidenced by the heterogeneity of the students who come to study at Gontor. These students come from within and outside the country. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological study approach. Researchers will conduct an in-depth exploration of the results of direct interviews with resource persons who are students from abroad, including at least from the Southeast Asian region or existing international students.
The result of this study is that the typification of the communication pattern of international students at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor is a communication pattern formed within the framework of language discipline. Communication between students who must use Arabic and English in daily conversation and deliver learning materials in class. The involvement of international students with all activities in the pesantren, including participation in various cultural events, did not dampen their pride in the nationalism of the santri^s country of origin.

Keywords: Cross-Cultural Communication, Cultural Adaptation, Pesantren, Santri

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133 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-123

Santi Indra Astuti (a), Ratri Rizki Kusumalestari (b), Rita Gani (c)

(a), (b), (c) The Faculty of Communication Science, Journalism Dept., Bandung Islamic University, INDONESIA.


During the pandemic, more than 1800 misinformation of COVID-19 had been produced and circulated among people, creating massive damage and hinder public health measures to control the pandemic (Kominfo, 2021- Indicators, 2021- Unicef, 2020). Among the theme of COVID-19 misinformation, religious misinformation is a theme that pose as imminent threat for the society whose population is largely composed with members of religion community, particularly Islam (. To combatting the misinformation, fact checking and anti-hoax campaign are not sufficient anymore. The strategy should also entail a counter-narration effort to challenge the misinformation. This research aimed to design a counter-narration effort in contesting the religious misinformation of COVID-19 by employing social inoculation approach as theoretical framework. A prebunking procedure is expected as the outcome of this paper where findings of religious misinformation analysis will be incorporated with research on risk perception regarding COVID-19, along with series of focus group discussion to gain more data on message design as part of the prebunking strategy.

Keywords: religious misinformation, COVID-19, counternarration, prebunking, intervention

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134 Media, Journalism, and Information ABS-133

Cyberbullying: Physical appearance insults used by Malaysian social media users
Shahidatul Maslina Mat Sood (*), Syakirah Shafien, Noor Syamimie Mohd Nawi, Lena A/P Ramamurthy, Nik Ahmad Farhan bin Azim @Nik Azim (b)

Fakulti Pengajian Bahasa dan Pembangunan Insan (FBI),
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK),
16310 Bachok,
Kelantan, Malaysia.


Cyberbullying is a type of bullying which takes over digital devices and it has been typically identified with the presence of potentially profane or offensive words that can cause aggravation to others. This paper proposes a study on physical appearance insults used in cyberbullying among Malaysian social media users. Data collection is conducted in two phases. A self-constructed questionnaire is distributed to tertiary students of public university in Malaysia to elicit imperative keywords and phrases related to this type of bullying from different perspectives (perpetrator, victim and bystanders), while a streamed Twitter data provides a qualitative interpretation for this research. The analysis of the data is completed using a corpus-based approach where themes are gathered and categorised in contexts and clusters using SPSS Statistics 23 and AntConc software. Initial results indicate the linguistics realizations of physical appearance-related insults which use metaphors such as food imageries, a mixed code of Malay and English (code-mixing and intersentential code-switching), and there is also a presence of unusual keywords and phrases used to criticise someone^s physical appearance in Malaysian social media platforms.

Keywords: cyberbullying- online insults- social media- physical appearance- body shaming

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135 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-18

Eri Achiraeniwati, Nur Rahman Asad, Yanti Sri Rejeki, Anis Septiani

Industrial engineering, Bandung Islamic university, Bandung, Indonesia


The plantation sub-sector is the largest contributor to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the Indonesian economy. The risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in agriculture often occurs in both developed and developing countries. It is necessary to conduct OSH training for tea farmers in Indonesia to provide an understanding to tea farmers about occupational health. Descriptive research method was used in this study to see whether there was a change in the awareness and knowledge of tea picker workers on occupational health after attending the training. The Wilcoxon signed rank test difference test was conducted to see the effect of the training carried out. The results of the statistical tests conducted showed an increase in workers^ knowledge of occupational health with a significance value of 0.008, the impact that would be felt if not paying attention to occupational health with a significance value of 0.012, and complaints of pain in body parts during/after work with a significance value of 0.018.

Keywords: Occupational Health, Manual Handling Method

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136 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-29

Ike Junita Triwardhani, Wulan Trigartanti, Endri Listiani

Universitas Islam Bandung


The growth and development of child will be in the care of parents, especially mothers. However, this condition cannot always be obtained, particularly for children whose mothers have to work abroad as female workers. Children who should still be in the care of mother are forced to shift their care to other parties in the family. The care of female workers children by the family is strongly influenced by the culture in which they live. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of the family in parenting, to analyze the parenting culture that is built, and to build communication patterns in collective recognition in children. This research will develop communication patterns in collective parenting with local cultural backgrounds. The research method used is communication ethnography. The data collection technique used is observations and depth interview. This research is expected to be able to contribute to building a culture of collective parenting in children. Communication is believed to be able to be a channel to build mutual understanding between actors in building a culture of income in children.

Keywords: ethnoparenting, collective parenting, child communication, communication ethnography.

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137 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-31

Visual Communication @Jabarsaberhoaks in Digital Literacy Education to Counteract Hoaxes on Instagram
Ferry Darmawan (a*), Rini Rinawati (b), Dedeh Fardiah (c)

(a,b,c) Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi
Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Tamansari No. 24/26 Bandung, Indonesia


Along with development of communication technology, there are several consequences, both positive and negative connotation, for use influences of communication media technology. The development of social media raises the phenomenon of hoaxes increasingly widespread, recent studies on hoaxes explain that social media and internet have changed the way hoaxes are spread. This is due to speed of information dissemination and society connectivity. This study have a purpose that digital literacy education by utilizing social media is important because today^s public uses social media a lot. This study uses descriptive content analysis with data collection techniques such as documentation, literature study, interviews, FGD, and observation. Research object is visualization of West Java Saber Hoax (JSH) messages throughout 2020. The result of the study shows that building a media platform which purpose to build digital literacy levels must pay attention to content in accordance with applicable components. Media involvement will continue until media platform is a favorite or followed by a large audience. Instagram, as social media which uses JSH can be measured through number of followers, likers, comments, and increased insight from netizens.

Keywords: digitally hoax- visual- digital platform- social media

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138 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-41

Empowering Women Aisyiyah Business Actors through Digital Marketing during the Pandemic
Tia Muthiah Umar, Dede Lilis Chaerowati, Yulianti, Andalusia Neneng Permatasari, Kharisma Lutfiah Al Hanif , Iqbal Jamil, Nova Nurun Nadhifah, Mochamad Zulfikri Aditya Rinaldi

All Faculty of Communication Science
Universitas Islam Bandung


Aisyiyah, as one of the women^s Islamic organizations in Indonesia, has also contributed to spreading the notion of progress for Indonesian women. The roles performed are mainly in the fields of education, health and the economy. Commitment in the economic field, especially has become an orientation for women^s empowerment, as an effort to increase women^s capacity as business actors, in order to improve family welfare. This role has become more tested during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The growing interest of women in entrepreneurial practices in this digital era, raises its own problems, namely how they are entrepreneurs by adapting to digital technology. Therefore, the empowerment of women by Aisyiyah is urgent to encourage capacity building of women as business actors in the context of empowering the people^s economy with readiness to adapt to the social change and demands of the era, including adapting to the development of digital technology. This paper is based on the study of digital marketing. Using descriptive quantitative research methods with female respondents of business actors from representatives of the Aisyiyah Branch Managers throughout the city of Bandung. The aim is to reveal the ability to use digital media, the ability to use a marketplace platform, an understanding of digital marketing, and an understanding of the benefits of digital media in marketing. Thus, it is hoped that Aisyiyah women who are entrepreneurs, can understand and carry out digital marketing in their entrepreneurial activities, so that they can reach a wider potential market and be able to develop their entrepreneurship as Muslim businesswomen.

Keywords: Women Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Digital Marketing, Marketplace.

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139 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-54

Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication
Neni Yulianita(a*), Tresna Wiwitan (b), Oji Kurniadi (b), Erik Setiawan (b)

Universitas Islam Bandung


Optimizing the use of social media has become a concern for online businesses. In the era of the pandemic, many people stay at home and use online media to make ends meet. This phenomenon attracted the Community Service team to conduct training on ^Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication^ for business managers at the Darul Arqom Garut Islamic boarding school as a training target. The purpose of the training is to empower the community, produce, and equip five new independent entrepreneurs based on Science and Technology who are ready to work in the community, so that they can increase their income through skills in managing communication and building online businesses. The results of the training showed an increase in the skills of the participants in managing online businesses as seen from the test results before and after the training. Participants generally recognize, understand, and can develop their abilities, skills, and skills in using social media, especially Instagram and YouTube. The training has also helped empower the community to develop their business by promoting their products on social media so that their business results are not only consumed by a limited circle of the surrounding community, but more broadly to reach a larger market.

Keywords: Online Business Communication- Social Media- Science and Technology-Based New Entrepreneurs- Community Empowerment

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140 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-61

Women^s Digital Literacy ^Aisyiyah for Continuity of Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Study at ^Aisyiyah Bandung City, Indonesia)
Dede Lilis Chaerowati, Tia Muthiah Umar, Mohamad Subur Drajat, Dendha Ocha Permana, Ladita Trivira Putri S.

Faculty of Communication Science
Universitas Islam Bandung


The ^Aisyiyah organization is a women^s autonomous organization from the Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah which was founded in 1917 in Yogyakarta, inspired by the mission of da^wah to increase the dignity of women and to promote the umat (community), by carrying out da^wah amar ma^ruf nahi munkar. One of the current ^Aisyiyah^s challenges is adapting to the development of digital technology, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper is based on the study of digital literacy. Using descriptive quantitative research methods, the respondents are cadres from representatives of the Branch Managers of ^Aisyiyah (Pimpinan Cabang ^Aisyiyah) throughout the city of Bandung. The aim is to describe the knowledge of cadres about digital media and its regulations. In addition, the ability of cadres to communicate, build relationships and participate through digital media. Lastly, the ability of cadres to produce content and analyze it, as well as cadres^ understanding of the good value of digital media for individuals and organizations. Digital literacy for cadres is important because ^Aisyiyah faces the 4.0 era also encourages her members to use digital technology-based media. This is inseparable from the predicate of ^Aisyiyah as a progressive women^s movement that must always be ready to face the changing times.

Keywords: digital literacy, ^Aisyiyah Women, Covid-19 Pandemic, progressive women^s movement

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141 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-72

Digital Literacy of Muslim Millennials in Persis Jabar
Ratri R. Kusumalestari*, Yenni Yuniati, Dian Widya Putri, Yuristia Wira Cholifah, Sophia Novita



One of the obstacles faced in the transfer of knowledge during the pandemic is digital literacy problems. This is also experienced by the du^at (Islamic preachers) of Persis Jabar, an Islamic Union in West Java area. They cannot hold recitations offline like the regular days before pandemic but they still have to convey the religious knowledge to their congregation online. However, the use of digital media to preach and carry out other Islamic activities is still not optimal, especially for young adult people as digital natives. This study aims to provide an overview of digital literacy of Persis Jabar^s muslim millennials using descriptive quantitative method. The population and the sample are all Millennial Muslim Digital Literacy training participants. The results show that they own various abilities in digital literacy, namely information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content production, safety, and problem solving. The result, in other hand, shows that their digital literacy skills are not always applied when using digital media.

Keywords: Digital literacy- Muslim Millennials - Persis Jabar

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142 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-80

nunung nurhayati (a*), epi fitriah (b) , nurhayati (c), affandi iss (d), azkia (e), M khalid (f)

(a,b,c,f) Universitas Islam Bandung FEB departement Accounting
Tamansari No 24 Bandung
(d) Universitas Islam Bandung FEB departement management
Tamansari No 24 Bandung
(e) Universitas Islam Bandung , Faculty Communication
Tamansari No 24 Bandung


Community service as a form of the Tridharma of Higher Education, aims to provide skills and knowledge and understanding in making ETAP-based financial reports . The training and mentoring method uses action research. The Implementation Team carried out activities to provide material to participants while conducting analysis for problem solving they faced. The method is delivered with lectures, interactive Q&A. demonstration in solving cases. Based on the Q&A at the beginning of the activity, it was revealed that the obstacles faced by the majority of the training participants were limited capital and marketing problems where one of the factors was the inability to compilefinancial reports comprehensive regarding the business being carried out so that financial statements that only provided information on revenues and expenses. Based on the identification of these problems, providing knowledge and skills in preparing MSME financial reports is very appropriate, because with the skills to prepare financial reports, participants are expected to be able to make financial reports, so that knitting business actors can obtain loans from banks. The enthusiasm of the participants to overcome their business problems was very high, as evidenced by the participants asking a lot of questions about the material presented. there is some hope from the participants to continue this activity by providing assistance until the financial statements they make are complete and eligible to apply for financing to the bank.

Keywords: Training and Assistance, Financial Statements Based on ETAP, Actors Usha SMEs

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143 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-89

Riza Hernawati, S.Sos., M.Si, Maya Amalia Oesman Palapah, S.Pd., M.Si, Askurifai Baksin, Drs., M.Si

Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Bandung


Di masa pandemic ini, Public Relations Officer dari perguruan tinggi swasta memiliki peran strategis dalam merumuskan dan menjalankan program komunikasi secara kreatif, inovatif melalui penggunaan teknologi dan new media. Konten yang menarik dan empatif mutlak untuk dilakukan karena kondisi yang tidak memungkinkan untuk melakukan kegiatan secara offline. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mewujudkan trust dan persepsi positif di masyarakat. Kesulitan yang dialami oleh para PTS ini salah satunya penurunan dari calon mahasiswa untuk melanjutkan kuliah dan ketidaksiapan dari sisi teknologi, sumber daya manusia dan lainnya untuk melakukan kegiatan secara online. PTS yang akan diteliti adalah PTS binaan Unisba yang berada di Kota Bandung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah adanya pemetaan mengenai kinerja PRO para PTS tersebut dalam mengoptimalkan peran media social dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang timbul akibat pandemic, akan dianalisis secara mendalam dari berbagai aspek dan diberikan alternative solusi untuk bisa mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi. Kinerja PRO ini sangat urgent untuk diteliti dikarenakan bidang kerja public relations merupakan bidang yang krusial di tengah situasi yang tidak biasa seperti pandemic Covid 19 kali ini. Pada saat ini juga pemetaan yang spesifik mengenai kinerja PRO PTS di Kota bandung di dalam masa pandemi masih belum banyak dilakukan sehingga penelitian dapat dijadikan panduan para PTS lainnya ketika menghadapi kesulitan di masa pandemic ini.
Tahap penelitian akan berfokus kinerja PRO, kesiapan teknologi, implementasi media social pada kegiatan PRO PTS tersebut terutama ketika menghadapi penerimaan mahasiswa baru, hambatan yang dihadapi sampai dengan alternative solusi pada setiap permasalahan yang dihadapi di wilayah kota Bandung.
Untuk penelitian ini, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif yang berfokus pada upaya mendalami realitas dalam lingkup mikro, disertai analisis yang mendalam. Jadi, bukan pada upaya mengambi

Keywords: Kinerja, Public Relations Perguruan Tinggi, Media Sosial, Pandemi

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144 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-100

Achieving Open Defecation Free Using External and Internal Factor Analysis
G. Ibnusantosa, S. Fitriyana, N. Romadhona, T. Respati

Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


Proper sanitation will ensure the community is in a healthy environment and reduce most infectious diseases^ transmission. Open defecation has a considerable effect on public health. Although the government has launched an open defecation-free (ODF) program since 2014, the report from Ministry of Health in 2018 show open defecation is still high. This study aims to analyze the effort on achieving ODF in an urban village in Bandung City. This research is qualitative through Focus Group Discussion, in-depth interviews, and observations with informants, including stakeholders, cadres, environmental organizations, and health workers. Results showed that the position of this village is in quadrant two of the Cartesian diagram. Which means this village needs to make efforts to take advantage of external opportunities and overcome internal weaknesses.

Keywords: Situation Analysis, Open Defecation Free, Environmental Management Process

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145 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-113

Management of Electronic Word of Mouth Communication for Culinary Products on Instagram
Yusuf H., Anne R., Aning S.

Universitas Islam Bandung


Information on culinary products is currently easy to find on Instagram. Businessmen who are members of the Footy MSME community located in Bandung Regency in marketing culinary products do a marketing communication, namely e-WOM (Electronic word of mouth) on Instagram. Initially, term of ^word of mouth^ communication was conveyed by mouth to mouth, but now the communication is done through electronic media, one of which is Instagram. This study aims to analyze the ability of businesssmen in compiling e-WOM messages, the ability to overcome obstacles in managing e-WOM messages, and create relationships with consumers. This research method uses qualitative research methods with a case study approach. This study found that businessmen are able to compose e-WOM messages, overcome obstacles in managing e-WOM messages, and build relationships with consumers, so that consumers closely engange to the products being sold.

Keywords: MSME businessman, electronic word of mouth, Instagram product

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146 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-122

Business Communication Using Facebook Media: Business Persuasive Messages at Online Shop Indonesia Group
Ella Nurlela*, Erna Dwi Pitri Yanti, Ditya Saputro Aji, Selfiana

Faculty of Business, Bina Insani University
Jl. Raya Siliwangi No.6, Rawa Panjang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat


The development of communication technology makes it easier for humans to send messages to each other and exchange information. Marketing and sales messages encourage people to participate in trade transactions. People use information and communication technology to sell and buy goods online. This study discusses business persuasion messages on the Indonesian online shop Facebook account. This account is a promotional media in online business and a communication medium between Online Shop Indonesia owners and their consumers. This study contributes to supporting St. Elmo Lewis^s concepts regarding the AIDA model. The message framework analyzed using the AIDA model is Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. The qualitative method used in this study is the analysis of written and visual messages contained in the Indonesian online shop Facebook account. The results showed that the business messages written in the group were effective and were able to attract more than 100,000 online sellers in Indonesia. This account has implemented persuasive messages using the AIDA model. However, of the eight features that were developed, one feature was not used optimally, there was no information displayed on the ^your item^ feature. If this is used, it will increasingly persuade the viewer to take action.

Keywords: Business communication, persuasion messages, Facebook, AIDA.

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147 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-129

Snack Product Promotion Content on Instagram
Anne R., Yusuf H., Aning S., Zulfebriges, M. Rochim

Universitas Islam Bandung


One of the community of business actors who are trying to survive in the conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic, namely MSME DAK 2020 which is located in Bandung Regency. These MSME actors promote culinary products in the form of snacks through Instagram. This article is the result of research on Product Promotion Content on Instagram. The purpose of the study was to analyze the form of product sales promotion, types of product information, and inhibiting factors in product promotion and efforts to overcome them. The research method used is a case study. Data collection techniques in the form of literature study, in-depth interviews, and observation. The research informants are six business actors who are members of the DAK 2020 MSME business community. The results of this study found sales promotions in the form of discounts, free shipping, and giving bonuses to consumers who buy products in a certain amount, the types of product information in the form of education, entertainment, and reviews from consumers. The inhibiting factor in product promotion is that business actors lack knowledge in managing Instagram, and efforts to overcome this are by increasing the activity of business actors in participating in training on the use of Instagram as a product promotion media.

Keywords: Promotional content, culinary products, MSME business actors, Instagram, pandemic Covid 19

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148 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-134

Visual Culture in Disaster Information on the official Instagram account of the Bengkulu^s Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency
Dionni Ditya Perdana, Wahyu Widiastuti, Yuliati, Lisa Adhrianti, Rasianna Br Saragih

Dept. of Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia


Bengkulu is one of the areas prone to earthquakes. The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency is an institution that can convey accurate information related to earthquakes. We hope that earthquake information or disaster information is not only available in mainstream media but also on social media. The Bengkulu^s Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency as a government agency also pays attention to the importance of having self-managed social media accounts. One of them is the ^info_bmkg_bengkulu^ Instagram account. Instagram is a social media that focuses on audience interaction through shared images or videos. This shows that currently information is not only presented in text narratives but also through visual images. This study aims to determine the visual culture contained in the images shared by ^info_bmkg_bengkulu^ as a form of disaster information. The visual images were analyzed using Pierce^s semiotic analysis (icons, indexes, and symbols). The results showed that ^info_bmkg_benngkulu^ is routine and continuous in providing information related to disasters, especially earthquakes. Color selection, graphic presentation, and regional maps are carried out in order to condense information in one visual image. However, the letters that appear in the visual images are not readable enough for the reader. The visual culture shown in the shared content shows that what is the focus of disaster information, especially earthquakes, is the location, level of danger and magnitude.

Keywords: Disasters Information, Earthquake, Visual Culture, Instagram, Bengkulu

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149 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-136

Victims of Online Gender-Based Violence, Please don^t Keep Your Grief Alone
Sri Mustika (a), Tellys Corliana (b)

Communication Studies,
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA
Jalan Limau II, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12130


Abstract- The increasing use of social media hurts women. Many of them have experienced online gender-based violence (OGBV). This study examines the importance of family communication in assisting OGBV victims. The research approach is qualitative and the type of research is descriptive. Data were collected by observation, in-depth interviews with participants, and literature study. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model was carried out in three stages: data codification, data presentation, and concluding. This research was conducted in Jakarta and its surroundings within three months. The results showed that the participants experienced violence in the form of doxing, harassment, and terror. Not all victims communicate their problems with their families. Only victims whose families have consensual communication patterns are willing to complain about their problems and receive moral or material support from their families. With family communication, they feel relieved because the family is very supportive and sympathetic. Those whose family communication pattern includes laisse-faire, who considers personal problems like privacy, do not want to complain about their problems with their families. They are the most afraid of their parents to find out about their problem.

Keywords-- family communication, online gender-based violence, social media,

Keywords: family communication, online gender-based violence, social media

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150 New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers ABS-138

Implementation Digital Marketing Pesona 88 Curup In To Build Image For The Decision Of Visit Tourist Attraction
Yuli Hartanto (a), Lisa Adhrianti (b), Mas Agus Firmansyah(b)

a) Magister Ilmu Komunikasi, University Of Begkulu, Jl. WR. Supratman, Kandang Limun, Kec. Muara Bangka Hulu, Kota Bengkulu, Bengkulu
b) Lecturer Magister Ilmu Komunikasi, University Of Begkulu, Jl. WR. Supratman, Kandang Limun, Kec. Muara Bangka Hulu, Kota Bengkulu, Bengkulu


The tourism in Rejang Lebong Regency provides opportunities for tourist attractions to increase the tourist visits, the high number of tourist visits to tourist attractions in Rejang Lebong is able to increase regional income, so to maintain tourist visits, every tourist attraction uses marketing channels such as social media to do the promotion so that tourists can find out many tourist attractions in Rejang Lebong Regency. This study aims to find out how to implementing the digital marketing for Pesona Curup tourism in an effort to build an image for the decision to visit tourist attractions. The method that used is descriptive qualitative. The results of the field study shown that the digital implementation carried out by the Pesona Curup media manager was quite good but not optimal. The digital campaign planning phase is carried out by setting up the marketing goals, determining segmentation, preparing equipment, and managing the media and adapt. Media channels that used are social media. The evaluation phase is carried out by looking at the number of visits from the number of entrance tickets sold once a week, the image of Pesona Curup destinations is actually built from testimonials or visitors who provide recommendations to other potential visitors through social media or electronic word of mouth.

Keywords: Implementation, Digital Marketing, Tourism, Pesona Curup , Social Media Marketing

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