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Da^i Caderization Through Tabligh Training for Student
Muhammad Fauzi Arif, Hendi Suhendi, Malki Ahmad Nasir, Ikin Asikin

Dakwah Faculty
Univeristas Islam Bandung


The purpose of this study is to determine the form of da^i caderization through tabligh training activities for students at the Nurul Huda Kaimas Islamic Boarding School Garut in collaboration with the Bandung Islamic University. The research method is descriptive qualitative research. The results show that form of da^i caderization through tabligh training is carried out through three activities: 1) training in writing lectures and sermons, the aim of this training is that students have ability to plan tabligh through written media, 2) da^wah rhetoric training, the goal is that students have confidence and good speech when conveying Islamic message orally, 3) Social media coaching, the goal of this training is that students are wiser in using social media and can use it as a medium of da^wah.

Keywords: caderization, da^wah, tabligh

Topic: Islamic Education

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