Implementation of the Parenting Program in Kindergartens in Bandung Enoh, Masnipal, Ikin Asikin, Nurul Afrianti
Universitas Islam Bandung
The harmony of education carried out in Kindergarten and at home is one of the determining factors for the success of children^s education as a whole, comprehensive and integrated. This parenting program aims to improve the knowledge and skills of families in improving nutrition and health, care, care, education and protection according to the stages of the child^s age so that there is harmony between programs at school and at home. This study aims as a preliminary study to obtain an overview of the implementation of the parenting program in the city of Bandung.
The research was conducted using qualitative analysis methods. The data collection technique is in the form of in-depth interviews with school principals in institutions located in the city of Bandung, totaling 15 Kindergartens. The results showed that the parenting program was not carried out in a structured manner as seen from the absence of a parenting curriculum made by the school, the absence of adequate planning and need assessment, the implementation of parenting which was only carried out tended to wait for operational assistance, and the absence of evaluation of parenting activities.
Keywords: parenting program, early childhood education, teacher, parent