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Disaster Mitigation Learning Through the Katumbiri Model in Early Childhood Education
Dinar Nur Inten (a*), Dewi Mulyani (a), Khambali (b), Funny Lichandra (b), Dies Tiwi (a)

a) Program Studi PG PAUD, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jln. Tamansari Nomor 22-24 Bandung, Indonesia
b) Program Studi PAI, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jln. Tamansari Nomor 22-24 Bandung, Indonesia


Children^s resilience to disasters must be physically and mentally strong, so disaster mitigation teaching is needed for children who integrate Islamic values so that children can become individuals who have mental strength and are aware that every disaster inserts various life lessons to make every human servant who is always grateful and better. So, the model used in teaching is the Katumbiri disaster mitigation model, which is a disaster mitigation learning model that is in accordance with children^s development and integrates Islamic values. The method in this study used a pre-experiment, one group pretest-posttest design. Beginning with a pretest activity to determine children^s understanding of disaster mitigation and at the end a posttest was conducted to determine the level of understanding of children after using the Katumbiri disaster mitigation learning model. The results of the study prove that there is a significant difference between the children^s abilities on the pretest results and the children^s abilities on the posttest results. This shows that there is a significant effect of teaching mitigation on the Katumbiri model on children^s understanding and skills related to disaster mitigation.

Keywords: Disaster Mitigation, Katumbiri Teaching Model, Children.

Topic: Islamic Education

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