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Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-94 |
THE ROLE OF SHARIA INVESTMENT IN INDONESIA: RISKS AND BENEFITS FOR THE COMMUNITY Akhmad Yusup*, Zia Firdaus Nuzula, Irma Yulita Silviany, Yeni Haryati, Miftah Rizky Nur Alfiani
Faculty of Sharia, Universitas Islam Bandung.
Jl. Tamansari No. 24-26, Tamansari, Bandung Wetan, Bandung City, West Java 40116, Indonesia.
The growth of Islamic finance in Indonesia is in a positive category. However, investments, including the capital market and other elements, are recognized as having risks and benefits. This study aims to determine the role and development of Islamic investment in Indonesia, including the types and products and the risks and benefits of Islamic investment for the community. In addition, this research has a long goal of being able to regenerate the spirit of economic actors in investing in sharia to be able to develop and contribute to the economy of the people in Indonesia through research and other forms of community service. The use of qualitative research methods through literature study with the type of normative juridical research. The approach is based on the main legal material by examining theories, concepts, legal principles, and related legislation. The result explains that the current role and development of Islamic investment in Indonesia protects economic assets in the future. This is also driven by technological developments that provide various types and investment products to make it easier for people to invest, especially millennials. Thus, increasing the number of investors in Indonesia can improve the country^s economy in the real sector.
Keywords: Sharia Investment, Role of Sharia Investment, Investment Risk, Investment Benefits
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| Corresponding Author (Akhmad Yusup)
32 |
Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-96 |
Universitas Islam Bandung
The problem of waste management in RT 01 RW 02 Baleendah Village, Bandung Regency, garbage still has a collection and disposal pattern. The condition of waste management that has not been managed properly has encouraged the management of the Women Farmers Group (KWT) in the area to want to reduce the waste problem as well as make it a business field to seek funds for its members because not only waste can have a negative impact but also has economic potential that can have a positive impact. Handling of waste and increasing its added value will be more effective if the waste has been separated. The problem is that household waste is currently still in a mixed condition. The purpose of this PKM is to increase the participation of citizens in waste management as well as to increase the added value of the waste. The activities carried out are waste management training for residents, the establishment of a waste bank and maggot cultivation. inorganic waste. The results of the training have increased citizen participation in sorting waste and the establishment of a waste bank named the KWT Luhur Lestari Waste Bank. Meanwhile, the use of organic waste is used as feed for maggot cultivation. Cultivated maggots are used as livestock feed for residents such as catfish, chickens, etc. The remaining organic waste (residue) of maggot cultivation is also used as compost for the residents^ urban farming.
Keywords: maggot, urban farming, waste management
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| Corresponding Author (Puti Renosori)
33 |
Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-107 |
Local Economic Development Strategy through Mosque^s Islamic Leadership and Managerial Capacity Sebayang, Asnita Frida- Hayati, Fitroh- Haryatiningsih Ria
Universitas Islam Bandung
Local economic development always requires breakthroughs to create inclusive development by involving various institutions. One of the institutional involvements initiated in this study is the presence of mosque in solving economic problems at the local level. This study uses quantitative methods, namely Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Islamic leadership and managerial capacity influenced the local economic development. There was strong correlation among Islamic leadership, managerial capacity, and local economic indicators. Internalization process of Islamic Leadership based on the leadership characteristics exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, namely- honesty, trustworthy, Islamic messengers, and smart (innovative) characteristics. This study found Islamic leadership has stronger contribution than managerial capacity to support local economic indicator. The transmission of the influence of managerial capacity to support the local economy is strongest from the management of the Mosque Entrepreneur (mosquepreneur) Program that produces local entrepreneurial power that supports regional development, especially in terms of poverty reduction. The main strategies chosen by mosque managers to support local economic development are- more concerned with partnerships than competition, upholding Islamic business ethics, and program innovation based on community needs.
Keywords: mosque- local economy- leadership- capacity- managerial
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| Corresponding Author (Asnita Sebayang)
34 |
Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-110 |
The impact of Covid-19 to spiritual poverty (morals)-material poverty (economics) in Bandung City, Indonesia Ade Yunita Mafruhat (a*), Meidy Haviz (a), Noviani (a), Farah Hanieva Alfadhillah (a), Muhammad Chandra Gunawan (a), Nida Awwali Zahratul Fadillah (a), Panji Lanang Galih (a), Widya Nissa Wildani (a)
a) Economic Develoment Department, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Tamansari no 1, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
* dnita90[at]gmail.com
This article aims to analyze in depth the impact of Covid-19 on urban poverty conditions comprehensively, which includes spiritual aspects and material aspects represented by moral and economic aspects. Bandung City is the capital city of West Java Province where West Java itself is one of the provinces with the largest contributor to poverty in Indonesia. In economic development, poverty is the main problem that must be solved so that welfare can be enjoyed by all parties. This is because the question is, what are the conditions of poverty, both spiritual poverty (morals) and material (economic) poverty conditions in the city of Bandung? Does Covid-19 have an impact on these two povertyes? If yes, what are the impacts due to Covid-19? To answer this question, the methodology used is a mix method using a different test and the study sample taken is 100 poor households in the city of Bandung spread over 30 sub-districts. The results of the study show that there is an impact of Covid -19 on aspects of moral poverty and aspects of material economic poverty.
Keywords: Spiritual Poverty- Material Poverty- Economy- Islamic Morals
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| Corresponding Author (Ade Yunita Mafruhat)
35 |
Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-141 |
Effectiveness Zakat Operational Risk Management on the Pandemic Era of Covid-19 (Study case Baznas West Java) Nopi Hernawati (a*), Mey Maemunah(b), Ririn Sri Kuntorini (c), Sri Fadilah (d)
a, b, c, d) Bandung Islamic University
Jalan Taman Sari 1, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
Zakat plays an important role in alleviating poverty, and contributes to the economy, but in reality the collection of zakat funds has not been optimally organized. To achieve this goal, zakat institutions require effective risk management. Risk management is an important thing in zakat institutions, starting from risk management in collecting zakat funds, managing zakat funds, to distributing zakat funds. This study discusses operational risk management. In the era of the covid-19 pandemic, it has an impact on health which requires the use of health protocols and a reduction in people^s physical activity, it also has long-term economic and social impacts, resulting in increased operational risk of zakat institutions. This study aims to show how to manage the operational risk of zakat institutions, especially in the era of the covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is a case study with a descriptive analysis approach. The results of this study indicate that operational risk management has been carried out effectively at zakat institutions in the era of the covid-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Zakat management, Operational Risk, Covid-19
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| Corresponding Author (Mey Maemunah)
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Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-158 |
Empowerment of Productive Zakat through the Empowered Village Program Case Study at the Rumah Zakat Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) Udin Saripudin, Neneng Nurhasanah, Sandy Rizki Febriadi, Akhmad Yusup, Nur Efendi, Ihsan Nurhabibulah, Salma Nurul Fadhilah
Universitas Islam Bandung
Rumah Zakat is a philanthropic institution that manages zakat, infaq, alms, and other social funds through community empowerment programs. One of the empowerment programs launched by Rumah Zakat is the Empowered Village program. This study aims to describe the implementation of the Empowered Village program carried out by Rumah Zakat. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The study results found that empowered village is an empowerment program within the coverage of the village area. Through an integrated approach, namely capacity building programs (community development), economy, education, health, environment to disaster preparedness, the target of growing and developing local institutions empowered to overcome the problem. They and collaborate with other parties, especially the village government. The Empowered Village Program has a significant impact on reducing poverty in Indonesia.
Keywords: utilization- productive zakat- empowered village- LAZ- Rumah Zakat.
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| Corresponding Author (Neneng Nurhasanah)
37 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-8 |
MODEL E-GOVERNMENT: ANTI CORUPTION STRATEGY IN INDONESIA AND MALAYSIA Pupung Purnamasari, Rusman Frendika, Lasmanah, Noor Afza binti Amran, Mohamad Naimi bin Mohamad Nor, Mohamad Sharofi bin Ismail
Universitas Islam Bandung dan Universitas Utara Malaysia
This study aims to build an e-government model as an anti-corruption strategy through the perspectives of religiosity. This study uses the implementation of e-government to explore the interaction between government and stakeholders in eradicating corruption through monitoring from the perspective of religious values, thus able to build a complete and comprehensive e-government model which is expected not only to provide services to the public in the form of a large variety of information but also to invite active public participation in eradicating corruption. This study was designed for two years. The objectives to be achieved from the first year research were to measure the insignificant interactions between the three interactions, namely Government to citizen (G2C)- Government to Business (G2B) and Government to Government (G2G) or Inter Agency Relationship using a questionnaire instrument and Focus Group Discussions. The second year research objective is to build an e-government model as an anti-corruption strategy in Indonesia and Malaysia through the pentahelix approach and religiosity. The results showed that G2G and G2B were more dominant than g2b in preventing corruption than G2C.
Keywords: corruption, e-government, religiosity, strategy
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| Corresponding Author (Pupung Purnamasari)
38 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-22 |
How Far The Psychoeducation Can Build Family Resilience For The Brides In The City Of Bandung Yuli Aslamawati (a*), Rodliyah Khuza^i (b), Kiki Zakiah (c), Chairiawaty (d)
a) Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari No. 1 Bandung 40116, Indonesia
b) Fakultas Dakwah, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari No. 24 Bandung 40116, Indonesia
c) Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari No. 24 Bandung 40116, Indonesia
b) Fakultas Dakwah, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari No. 24 Bandung 40116, Indonesia
This study was entitled ^How far the psychoeducation can build family resilience for the brides in the city of Bandung ^ which becomes the government^s attention to create a strong and prosperous family. The data at the Religious Courts of Bandung City show 5,415 divorce lawsuits throughout 2017, of which 4,113 plaintiffs were women. Divorce continues to increase at around 5% per year. To analyse internalizations of family resilience for couples processing divorce, the phenomenological method was used In-depth interviews, observation and literature were used in collecting data- Six aspects from Nick Stinnett^s and John De Frain^s theory were used to identify the main qualities of a healthy family, Th primary informants selected were 20 people and three for secondary ones. The research result shows that the six aspects of family resilience are weak to meet the strong family which lead to the divorce.
Keywords: Psychoeducation, Family Resilience
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| Corresponding Author (Yuli Aslamawati)
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Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-46 |
Astana Village Heritage Studies - Gunungjati District -Cirebon, Indonesia Agustina.I.H, Hilwati. H, Chofyan. I
Astana Village, which is located in Gunungjati District, Cirebon Regency, Indonesia, is a village that has become a tourist destination for pilgrimage to the Sunan Gunung Jati Tomb. In this village most of the population work at the tomb. This tomb is related to the Cirebon palaces, so that the tomb complex has heritage buildings and symbols that must be conserved. The condition of the artifacts that begin to deteriorate requires conservation efforts. The purpose of this study is to describe the heritage values in Astana Village. The method used in the formulation of this paper is data collection through field observations, interviews, surveys of jeneng / bekel (tomb keepers) and then making comparisons with the concept of conservation concepts carried out in heritage areas in other countries. The results of the study show a heritage concept for Astana Village and the tomb complex. This concept can be used as input for local governments and the Indonesian heritage community in carrying out conservation efforts
Keywords: Astana-Village- Heritage-Area
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| Corresponding Author (Ina Helena Agustina)
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Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-52 |
Sufistic Approach Psychotherapy As a Mental-Spiritual Development Effort Ida Afidah, N. Sausan M. Soleh, Rodliyah Khuzai, Asep Ahmad Siddiq
Universitas Islam Bandung
The pandemic has a real impact on the inhibition of various activities and the order of human life, both social, economic education and tourism. So that in the long term this situation can lead to mental and spiritual instability if not managed properly, such as stress, boredom, anger, anxiety, pessimism in facing life and others. This impact was felt by the participants of ^Sekolah Ibu^ as the guardian of the community in their area, especially in household resilience. To maintain mental-spiritual balance, an understanding and coaching effort is needed, so this study is entitled ^Psychotherapy with a Sufistic Approach as an Effort for Mental-Spiritual Development^. The method used in this study is descriptive-analytical-participatory method. There are 2 forms of this training program. First, knowledge for understanding, namely Sufistic psychotherapy insight material and mental coaching based on the Qur^an - al-hadith. Second, building mental health, namely practice sessions with dhikr through relaxation, meditation, e-mail, ecotherapy, earthing therapy, forest bathing and barefoot. The objectives of this training are: 1) They understand the scientific argumentation regarding dhikr as therapy for mental health and mental calm, so as to foster awareness/mainfulness. 2) In certain mental conditions/down, they can practice it so as to reduce pressure. The results of this coaching are expected to be able to contribute to the community in terms of mental health which is very much needed during this pandemic, especially in household resilience
Keywords: Mental Development, Spiritual, Psychotherapy, Sufism
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| Corresponding Author (IDA AFIDAH)
41 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-56 |
Designing of bullying prevention psychoeducational intervention for victims Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo, Sulisworo Kusdiyati, Hedi Wahyudi, Irma Dwiratnasari, Rajab Cipta Lestari, Rilma Puspita, Yulyanti Minarsih
Faculty of Psychology Universitas Islam Bandung
Bullying is a serious problem that affected children^s mental health and well-being. The number of bullying cases in Indonesia is among the highest in Asia. However, the bullying prevention programs are limited and have not decreased the number of bullying cases in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to design the bullying prevention psychoeducational intervention for the victims. This mixed-methods study using internet-based data collection was conducted in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. The study participants were elementary students (N = 3, two girls and a boy) aged nine years old who were school bullying victims. Bullying actions were measured by the reported frequency of experiencing being bullied by other children at school. Children also reported their perception of school climate. Two focus group discussions were conducted for needs analysis and discussed the design, which was prepared based on the need analysis results. Results showed that group psychoeducational intervention was needed to assist children from being victimized. Group psychoeducational intervention was designed through two phases of development (conceptual phase and operational phase), where each phase includes three steps. Results were discussed using Furr^s model for the design of a structured group psychoeducational program.
Keywords: bullying, intervention, mixed-methods, psychoeducational, subjective well-being
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| Corresponding Author (Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo)
42 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-62 |
The Effectiveness of Islamic Sex Education Training for Parents and Early Childhood Teachers E.Erhamwilda (a)*, Nurul Afrianti (a), Puteri Nur Tsani (a), Arif Hakim
a) Early Childhood Teacher Education Program, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Tamansari No.24-26 Bandung, Indonesia
CThe purpose of the study was to see if there was an increase in respondents^ knowledge through Islamic sex education for early childhood training. The research design used is quantitative approach with Quasi experiment methode and research One Group Pretest-Posttest design. The research sample was determined by purposive sampling which consisted of parents and early childhood education teachers in densely populated areas classified as poor in the city of Bandung as many as fifteen people. The treatment provided is Islamic sex education model training for early childhood using the lecture method, question and answer, discussion, and case studies. The results showed that there was a significant difference in participants^ knowledge between before and after the training
Keywords: Training, Islamic Sex Education, Mediated Learning, Parents and Teachers
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| Corresponding Author (Erhamwilda Erhamwilda)
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Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-64 |
Rethinking coworking space design as a self-supporting and COVID-19 resilient community center in Indonesia Weishaguna, Hilwati Hindersah, Verry Damayanti, Fachmy Sugih Pradifta
Universitas Islam Bandung
The growing popularity of coworking space has been embraced by creative sector actors and the younger generation in urban environments as a place to work and collaborate in the contemporary creative economy current. This perception at the same time limits, that the coworking space typology only applies to the creative millennials of the middle-class segment, therefore eliminates the application of coworking space for socio-cultural and community activities by local-traditional actors. This paper describes the design process in which a neighborhood park called Kampung Hejo SAE was designed as a collaborative space for community creativity and productivity which essentially a coworking space. Driven by Wallagri, a non-governmental organization engaged in nature and cultural preservation, with a vast spectrum of programs, Kampung Hejo SAE reflects an independent and resilient local household-scale socio-economic ecosystem with its intricately interlaced activities. As a community node, the design process method of Kampung Hejo SAE resulted in the facility programming that accommodates various activities such as urban farming, organic waste composting, inorganic waste recycling, rainwater harvesting, and public open spaces. Zoning and time-based use flexibility are the main tools in the production of these shared spaces. The result of this design process is the creation of a neighborhood unit collaborative place that served as a community center and strongly portrays the local cultural identity of Ujungberung residents. Then the socio-economic ecosystem in Kampung Hejo SAE is utilized to create a self-sustained and resilient neighborhood that could help COVID-19 pandemic impacts.
Keywords: Co-working space, community development, COVID-19, resilient city
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| Corresponding Author (Weishaguna Weishaguna)
44 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-75 |
Women^s Strategy for Disaster Resilient Village: Case of Cikole Village - Lembang, Indonesia A.M Ekasari, I.H Agustina, A. Rachmiatie and R.R. Adjie
Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
Indonesia has a relatively high earthquake potential in the world. One of the causes of disaster is the Lembang Fault. The Lembang fault has an active status, so it would cause an earthquake. Cikole Village is one of the villages in Lembang District, West Bandung Regency, Indonesia which lies within the Lembang Fault. Village women^s communities who are active in PKK (Family Welfare Empowerment) activities play an active role in supporting their villages to be resilient to these natural disasters. The objective of this study is to describe the strategy of the women^s community in Cikole Village in order to create a Disaster Resilient Village. The method in this research is through the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) approach to the members of the PKK group. The result is Cikole Village^s strategy for Disaster Resilient
Keywords: Strategy- Women-Village-Cikole-Lembang- Village-Resilient-Disaster
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| Corresponding Author (Astri Mutia Ekasari)
45 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-82 |
Meaning of Phenomenon and Culture in Rawabogo Tourism Village, Bandung Regency Imam Indratno*, Chusharini Chamid, Tony Judiantono, Alma Verdiana, Muhamad Ramdani Pamungkas
Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Islamic University
Bandung, Indonesia
The development of Rawabogo Village became one of the urgencies after the establishment of the tourism village title in 2011 based on cultural potention and Nagara Padang site as a landmark. However, until now it hasn^t shown significant development of tourism village. Rawabogo Village needs to explore the meaning of phenomena and culture to develop according to their potential. The purpose of this research is to describe behind meaning the phenomena and culture in Rawabogo Village. This research method uses a symbolic hermeneutic approach (Paul Ricoeur) which offers a new paradigm in village planning. This approach describes combining explanation (distance) and understanding (appropriation) of information units to produce meaning the potention and phenomenon behind it. The results are culture and oral traditions as the life of the cultural community, the Nagara Padang site as the main attraction potential, village traditions, and tourism products as sustainable tourism in Rawabogo Village. The result can be an option for the direction of tourism development in Rawabogo Village.
Keywords: Tourism Village, Phenomenon, Culture, Distance, Appropriation
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| Corresponding Author (Imam Indratno)
46 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-98 |
Analysis of the Empowerment of the Mosque Prosperity Council in Determining of the Qibla (Case Study in Tamansari Village) Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria Hamdani (a*), Intan Manggala Wijayanti (a), Muhammad Yunus (a), Irma Yulita Silviany (a)
(a) Faculty of Sharia, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari 24-26 Bandung 40116, Indonesia
The results from the research in 2019, out of 24 mosques and prayer rooms in Tamansari village, the azimuth values for the Qibla direction vary. There is even one mosque where the difference in the deviation of the Qibla direction reaches seven degrees and six minutes. Therefore, the Qibla direction of these mosques needs to be re-verified through empowerment activities for the Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM) in Tamansari Village in determining the Qibla direction. The output target to be achieved from this Community Service Activities (PKM) is the more orderly management of the mosque, especially for DKM, so that they can determine the direction of the Qibla of their respective mosques so that the direction of the Qibla or prayer rows is facing the Kaaba. PKM activities are carried out by providing practical Qibla direction measurement training and assistance in determining the Qibla direction of the mosque using the Sun Qibla application and a magnetic compass. The participants chosen that because considered the most effective and efficient for measuring the Qibla direction by looking at the condition of the building located on a narrow street/alley.
Keywords: Empowerment, DKM, Qibla Direction
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| Corresponding Author (Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria Hamdani)
47 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-99 |
Community Resilience Assessment to the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study: Bandung City) Verry Damayanti, Weishaguna, Fachmy Sugih Pradifta
Universitas Islam Bandung
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only had an impact on public health, but also the condition of the economy, education, and social life. The decline in these activities has an impact on the socio-economic conditions of the community, especially the vulnerable and poor. A development concept emerged from the Resilient City, namely the Health Resilient City, which is an urban system that is able to maintain adequate protection for the population, the economy, and the environment to enable it to continue to grow sustainably in response to the Health crisis. To realize a Health Resilient City, the first effort that needs to be done is to assess the level of community resilience to pandemics that occur in socio-economic aspects. This assessment was conducted in the city of Bandung, with the observed variables being the rate of economic growth, the number of poor people, food prices, food security programs, efforts to protect the business world, social assistance, business model innovation, community empathy, cultural-based handling, and local wisdom, dissemination of information, crime rates, and the number of people who have been vaccinated. The approach taken is a descriptive quantitative approach with the Rapfish Analysis. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, the level of community resilience in the socio-economic aspect is in a position of moderately resilient.
Keywords: Resilient City, community resilience, Covid-19 pandemic
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| Corresponding Author (Verry Damayanti)
48 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-102 |
Magister Management, Consentration Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Universitas Islam Bandung
This research was conducted because of the interest in the phenomenon that the quality of health services in Garut Regency, especially puskesmas, was deemed unsatisfactory when viewed from the results of the accreditation assessment carried out by the FKTP accreditation commission which is now still under the auspices of the Ministry of Health. One of the assessments of the accreditation surveyor is the leadership in the puskesmas. This quantitative descriptive study aims to describe the capacity of the holistic leadership model of the head of the puskesmas in Garut Regency which is considered an integral leadership model that covers all aspects of leadership. The data was obtained by conducting a survey through filling out a self-assessment questionnaire to 67 Heads of Public Health Centers in Garut Regency with the results that more than 50% of the Heads of Puskesmas in Garut Regency have Holistic Leadership capacity as a role model which includes elements of customer leadership, business strategy leadership, cultural leadership and value leadership, teamwork leadership, organizational leadership and personal leadership. By looking at the results of the survey, all health centers in Garut Regency should have good service quality, even very good if you only measure it from leadership capacity, but perhaps further and more in-depth research needs to be done regarding the quality of filling out the self-assessment conducted by the community. the head of the puskesmas, it is necessary to think about how to fill in the self-assessment honestly and honestly so that you can get valid survey results.
Keywords: head of health center, holistic leadership, quality of health services
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| Corresponding Author (Leli yuliani)
49 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-118 |
RADICALISM AND EXTREMISM AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: A CASE STUDY OF USIM AND UNISBA Dr Siti Suriani Othman (a*) , Dr Marina Munira Abdul Mutalib (a), Dr Kartini Kamaruzzaman (a), Selvarani Kovilpilai (a), Dr. Anne Ratnasari (b), Dr. Ferry Darmawan (b) & Dr. Oji Kurniawan
a)Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
a) Universitas Islam Bandung
Radicalism and extremism are tendencies and activities that may affect people from all walks of life. This includes university students who can be considered as a group of informed society due to knowledge they have and level of education, but may also be influenced by propaganda made by extremists. Hence, it is important for us to understand the status of radicalism and extremism among students and how classes at universities, especially Islamic universities help to reduce the influence of radicalism and extremism. This study conduct interviews with lecturers and Islamic officers in Malaysia and Indonesia to investigate how messages of deradicalism are delivered in class at two universities namely Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) and Universiti Islam Bandung (UNISBA). A total of 14 informants from both countries were interviewed to find out the factors of radicalism and extremism among students at universities in both countries. Secondly, this study also identifies teaching method applied in class to examine the effectiveness to deliver anti radicalism and extremism messages. The concept of Rahmatan lil Alamin is the basis of the act of deradicalism in both countries. The study concludes that both universities are not threatened by radicalism and extremism, hence, there is no specific teaching approach practiced to avoid the treat. However, the role of lecturers as murabbi seems to play an important role to keep students aware the danger of the acts. Good relationship with students and continuous support to students are crucial to avoid radicalism and extremism to become a threat at both universities.
Keywords: radicalism, extremism, USIM, UNISBA, factors, teaching approach
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| Corresponding Author (Kartini Kamaruzzaman)
50 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-119 |
RADICALISM AND EXTREMISM FROM STUDENTS^ PERSPECTIVE: EXPERIENCE OF STUDENT LEADERS AT USIM AND UNISBA Dr Siti Suriani Othman (a*) , Dr Marina Munira Abdul Mutalib (a), Dr Kartini Kamaruzzaman (a), Selvarani Kovilpilai (a), Dr. Anne Ratnasari (b), Dr. Ferry Darmawan (b) & Dr. Oji Kurniawan
a)Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
a) Universitas Islam Bandung
Radicalism and extremism are tendencies that might influence anybody including university students. History shown that we have seen those cases destroying students^ life and some people blame the university administration for that. Hence, it is necessary for us to examine how much exposure is given in class and what kind of university programs organised at Islamic universities that contribute to understanding the danger of radicalism and extremism. Besides that, specific Islamic principles are identified to increase understanding of radicalism and extremism among students. Views and experiences of students from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) and Universiti Islam Bandung (UNISBA) are examined from focus group discussion which comprises five students from each university. The students are selected student leaders who might have involved directly or indirectly in campaigning for deradicalism or solving student issues related to radicalism and extremism. The findings of this study suggest that the teaching of Islam itself, does not encourage radicalism and extremism among students. Exposure in class and certain type of university programs also help them to understand the danger of radicalism and extremism which is seem as a long term effect that affect how they think and react on such issues.
Keywords: radicalism, extremism, USIM, UNISBA, students^ experience, student leaders.
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| Corresponding Author (Kartini Kamaruzzaman)
51 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-127 |
The Incidence of Scabies in Sabilunnajat Islamic Boarding School Students, Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia Yasmina Mia1, Damailia Ratna2, Fitriyana Susan3, Widayanti4, Triyani Yani5
1 Dermatology and Venereology Department, Faculty of
Medicine,Universitas Islam Bandung
2 Departement of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Islam Bandung
3 Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Islam Bandung
4 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Islam Bandung
5 Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine,
Univessitas Islam Bandung
Abstract is submitted as file
Keywords: Key words: Scabies, Incidence, Boarding school
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| Corresponding Author (Mia Yasmina Andarini)
52 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-137 |
^How I become gay^ : Identifying discursive scripts in confessional narratives of Homosexual Muslim Men in Malaysia Mohd Asyraf Zulkffli- Siti Amirah Ahmad Tarmizi
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
This paper aims to shed light on the phenomenon of homosexual Muslims in the Malaysian context. The Western Liberals whom promote and glorify the LGBTQIA+ movement as part of an indispensable Human Rights movement results in great ideological clash with the Muslim world. Mainstream Islamic teaching has consistently forbid homosexuality and considers it as one of the gravest of sins. Drawing from anonymously-written ^confessional essays^ of gay muslims from a popular website, IIUM Confession- we managed to identify discursive scripts that occur in the subjects^ retelling of their experiences. ^Boarding school^, ^Sexual exploration that started as jokes^, ^development of sexual urges at a young age^ are some of the scripts identified. Finally, the implication from the findings are analysed through the Discursive Psychology Framework to further contextualised the ^Action^ that this ^Discourses^ are trying to achieve which is the proselytisation of young Muslims to not follow in on the subjects^ footsteps.
Keywords: Homosexuality, Muslim, Islam, Malaysia, Discursive Psychology, Discursive Script
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| Corresponding Author (Mohd Asyraf Zulkffli)
53 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-140 |
(1) Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
16300 Bachok, Kelantan, Malaysia
(2) Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
Jl. Pulomas Barat No.Kav. 88, RT.4/RW.9, Kayu Putih, Kec. Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13210, Indonesia
Aktivitas pengobatan tradisional telah lama ada dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Saat ini, terdapat berbagai metode pengobatan tradisional yang dilakukan dan dikembangkan, termasuk dalam pengobatan tradisional berunsur nilai-nilai Islam. Metode pengobatan Islam telah mengalami perubahan dari waktu ke waktu, terutama di zaman digitalisasi ini: para pelaku pengobatan berunsurkan nilai-nilai Islam telah bertransformasi dan mulai mempromosikan pengobatannya melalui media sosial. Perubahan teknik promosi ini menyebabkan perubahan persepsi masyarakat sehingga pengobatan tradisional Islam sudah lebih mudah diterima khalayak. Contoh platform media sosial yang banyak digunakan untuk membentuk imej baru pengobatan Islam adalah YouTube, Instagram, dan Facebook. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat bagaimana transformasi tersebut terjadi di era digitalisasi terjadi. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode observasi terhadap beberapa kanal YouTube yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas pengobatan berunsurkan nilai-nilai Islam. Jumlah kanal yang di observasi dan dianalisis kontennya adalah sebanyak 5 - 7 kanal (5 - 10 video). Data yang diperoleh akan dianalisa menggunakan metode kualitatif dan difokuskan kepada bentuk-bentuk transformasi yang terlihat di dalam percakapan dan representasi visual di dalam video-video tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini akan memberikan gambaran yang jelas, tak hanya terhadap transformasi pengobatan berunsur nilai-nilai Islam, namun juga terhadap transformasi strategi promosi dan persepsi masyrakat terhadap pengobatan non-medis di Indonesia.
Keywords: pengobatan Islam, transformasi, digitalisasi, Indonesia, dukun
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| Corresponding Author (Yohan Kurniawan)
54 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-146 |
Prodi Psikologi, Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Islam Bandung
Vocational High School is a school that has a curriculum whose graduates have specific skills that can be applied directly in the world of work according to their field. But in reality, many SMK graduates are not absorbed in the world of work, even SMK graduates are the biggest contributor to the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in West Java. This is because one of them is not ready for SMK graduates to enter the world of work. This readiness is not only related to the readiness of the skills demanded by job providers, but more importantly because not many graduates know the real demands of the world of work. In addition to the skills that must be improved, another important thing is Career Maturity. Based on the results of the research team in phase 1, it is evident that the profile of the career maturity level of vocational students is generally at medium and low levels. From this profile, an intervention design in the form of training was made to improve the Career Maturity of SMK students. Career Maturity intervention design is designed by integrating Islamic values as the basis for strengthening behavior change. Based on calculations using the Paired Sample t-test, the results obtained that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) 0.018 < 0.05, it means that the provision of Career Maturity training is effective in increasing the Career Maturity of Vocational High School Students. The output of this research is a Career Maturity Intervention Model for Vocational High School students in Bandung. As the research sample, the students of State Vocational High School 5 Bandung.
Keywords: Career Maturity Training, Intervention Design Trial, SMK
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| Corresponding Author (Temi Damayanti Djamhoer)
55 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-150 |
Student college mental health during Pandemic covid 19 in Bandung Dra. Eni N. Nugrahawati, M.Pd., Dinda Dwarawati, S.Psi., M.Psi, Anna Rozana., S.Psi
The new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease experienced by people in almost various countries and is a global health problem and emergency. Indonesia is no exception. Various efforts and resources have been allocated to deal with and control the pandemic, from starting to treat patients with confirmed Covid 19 or even preventing transmission. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic not only have an impact on physical health, but also on mental health. Especially in students who carry out the online learning process, causing adverse effects on their mental health. This study tried to obtain data on the adverse impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the mental health of students in the city of Bandung. The research sampling method was carried out by consecutive sampling. There were 119 student respondents who were the subjects of this study. Respondents were given a self-reporting questionnaire (SRQ) scale issued by WHO with a total of 20 items, which was later developed by Shelly Iskandar and Arifah Nur Istiqomah into 29 question items. The research was carried out systematically and sequentially to obtain data about the description of Mental Health of college students during the pandemic. This method is used to explain the current problems by explaining and understanding as well. The following is a persentation of some of the problems that are often experienced by students during the COVID-19 pandemic, including: feeling headaches as much as 67.20%, easily feeling afraid as much as 58%, feeling anxious, tense, or worried as much as 79%, difficult to think clearly 65.50%, find it difficult to enjoy daily activities as much as 60.5%, have difficulty making decisions as much as 62.20%, lose interest in many things as much as 51.30%, feel tired all the time as much as 70.60%, easily get tired as much as 81.50%, interest in friends and usual activities decreased by 54.60%, difficulty understanding or or expressing feelings as much as 60.50 %
Keywords: pandemic, mental health, self-reporting questionaire
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| Corresponding Author (anna rozana)
56 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-156 |
Cultural Psychology of the Adat Karuhun Urang (AKUR) Cigugur Community, Kuningan Regency Imam Indratno (a*), Irland Fardani (a), Naniek Widayati (b), Tomi Ismiandika (a), Sena Hari Kuntoro (a), Muhamad Ramdani Pamungkas (a)
a) Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Islamic University
Jalan Tamansari No.1, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
b) Architecture, Tarumanagara University
Jalan Letjen S. Parman No. 1, Jakarta Barat 11440, Indonesia
The Adat Karuhun Urang (AKUR) Community has strong emotions in maintaining the value of Prince Madrais. The values are manifested in cultural activities that can be seen from Seren Taun activities that are still running today. This study aims to explore the cultural psychology of the AKUR community. The initial step taken was to explore various information units from aspects of perception, cognition, emotion, motivation, and behavior of the AKUR community in maintaining its existence. This research uses Husserl^s Transcendental Phenomenology approach. The resulting information units are categorized into five mental factors, namely cultural objects, Paseban Tri Panca Tunggal, cultural actions, interpersonal communication, and local politics. The cultural psychology of the AKUR community provides a moral message in the form of firmness in carrying out nationalism and human values. This value is manifested through the motivation and revival of cultural activities. However, from a social perspective, there are still psychological barriers that come from internal and external to the community. Internal pressure is in the form of conflicts over land assets. Meanwhile, external pressure comes from differences in views with intolerant groups as well as political interference from the local government.
Keywords: Cultural Psychology- Mental Factors- Phenomenology
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| Corresponding Author (Imam Indratno)
57 |
Human Wellbeing in Islam |
ABS-159 |
Tourism Accessibility of People with Disabilities: A Comparative Study Gina Puspitasari Rochman, Afiati Afiati, Ernady Syaodih, Riswandha Risang
Universitas Islam Bandung
Previous research has examined the accessibility of persons with disabilities to tourism but have not identified differences in tourism accessibility based on the specificity of persons with disabilities. This study compares the tourism accessibility of persons with hearing, blind, and physical disabilities based on their needs and experiences. This study uses a qualitative-comparative study approach and content-qualitative analysis. Interviews was conducted with key informants, namely persons with deaf, blind, and physical disabilities who have experience traveling in the city of Bandung and its surroundings. This study concluded that the deaf has greater access to tourism attractions than the blind and the blind. The availability of guides or assistants affects the accessibility of tourism for the blind, the availability of infrastructure or visual media affects the accessibility of tourism for the deaf, and the availability of physical infrastructure affects the accessibility of tourism for the blind. Furthermore, this condition affects the opportunities for persons with disabilities to have attractive and comfortable travel experiences known as friendly tourism. This study recommends the need to improve the accessibility of persons with disabilities with a focus on improving main services and infrastructure according to the needs of persons with disabilities.
Keywords: tourism, accessibility, disabilities, infrastructure
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| Corresponding Author (Gina Puspitasari Rochman)
58 |
Innovative Education in the Digitali Era |
ABS-3 |
Respect and Responsibility Character-Building Training for Children Under Care of Foster Parents in SOS Village Indonesia Lembang Eneng Nurlaili Wangi, Dewi Rosiana, & Dewi Sartika
Universitas Islam Bandung
SOS Children^s Villages is a non-governmental non-profit social organization that actively supports children^s rights, such as provide family and loving home. In order to complete the stages that have been done in previous training, it is necessary to take the next step by providing further training on improving parenting skills about respect and responsibility to foster parents through roleplay and case examples. The methods used in this training are discussion, practice, and instruction. The result showed that training to build respect and responsibility towards children through foster parents at SOS Children^s Village Indonesia is effective, this is shown by an increase in knowledge among foster parents regarding forms, meanings, and strategies for teaching respect and responsibility to children. The suggestions are at the next training meeting it is expected to be held offline because there are several obstacles in online implementation such as difficulty in signals, incomprehension of foster mothers about the system, etc., as well as in the next training to discuss honesty and empathy.
Keywords: Respect- Responsibility- Children- SOS Children Village
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| Corresponding Author (Eneng Nurlaili Wangi)
59 |
Innovative Education in the Digitali Era |
ABS-20 |
Optimizing the Role of Mothers in Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic Raditya Pratama Putra (a*), Yulianti (a), Indri Rachmawati (a)
a) Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari No. 24 Lantai 7, Bandung, Indonesia.
The Covid-19 virus that has spread throughout the world has resulted in an unavoidable pandemic condition and has had a significant impact on various fields of health, economy, and education. In the field of education, the conditions for teaching and learning activities must change to an online system, which is also felt by the Indonesian people. Online learning activities require parents, especially mothers, to work hard to accompany and teach their children through the online system when at home. The mother^s role when learning online as it is today is not only as a parent but also as a teacher. With these changes in activity, there are many ways, understandings, and feelings for mothers as parents to direct and teach their children online in the conditions of the covid-19 pandemic. So this study aims to determine the mother^s understanding in dealing with online learning, to find out the ways that mothers do to direct and teach children online learning, and to find out how mothers feel in dealing with online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The results of this study show that the mother^s understanding for the most part has no difficulty in adjusting to the technology used because it is almost the same as digital media in general. child. The way mothers direct and teach their children with various strategies ranging from adapting to offline concepts to creating a comfortable learning atmosphere for children.
Keywords: Online Media, Education, Innovation, Strategy
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| Corresponding Author (Raditya Pratama Putra)
60 |
Innovative Education in the Digitali Era |
ABS-24 |
The Effect of Online Learning during The Covid-19 Pandemic on Eye Health Problems of Primary School Age Children Nur Azizah Komara Rifai (a*), Icih Sukarsih (b), Eva Rianti Indrasari (c), Afina Ramdhania (a)
a) Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung
b) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung
c) Department of Biochemistry, Nutrition, and Biomolecular, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari Nomor 1, Tamansari, Kecamatan Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40116, Indonesia
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected almost all countries in the world. The biggest impact felt by Indonesian people is in the economic and education sectors. To reduce the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, all learning activities at schools throughout Indonesia are carried out online so that the intensity of gadget use by students increases. Prolonged computer use may have negative effects on vision, known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This study aims to analyze how online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic affects eye health problems of primary school age children. The population of this study is students at SD Islam Ibnu Sina Bandung in 2021 with a sample of 180 people. The McNemar paired two-sample test was used for analysis. The result showed that there is a significant difference between eye health of children before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The three symptoms of CVS with the highest increase experienced by children were eyestrain (38.89%), fatigue (31.11%), itching, neck, shoulder, and back pain (23.89%, respectively). The factors that cause symptoms of the eye health problems of children are the type of gadget used, the amount of gadget usage time, the lighting conditions of the monitor, and the indoor air quality.
Keywords: Children, Computer Vision Syndrome, Corona virus disease, Gadget, Online learning
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