Islamic Parenting Paradigm Early Childhood Teacher Education Program, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia Abstract Sometimes Muslim families do not realize that they are actually taking care of their children by applying concepts or theories that come from a secularistic paradigm. Whereas religious teachings provide a paradigm that can guide parents in raising their children as religious individuals. Related to this, this study is intended to explore the principles of parenting from sources of Islamic teachings that can be a reference for Muslim families in the upbringing of their children. Fundamentally, Islam positions children as a gift as well as a mandate from God. Meanwhile, parents have the responsibility to make their children become pious servants of God, children who are devoted to their parents, members of the community who contribute as much as possible, and become good citizens. Through a theological normative interpretation approach, a number of parenting principles are obtained, namely: believing that children are born in a pure state, realizing deeply that parents have a responsibility to form the foundation of their children^s lives, practice parenting with love, understand that parenting is to introduce and instill a value system, and lead children to become independent, mature and responsible individuals in accordance with their general stages of development and uniqueness as an individual. Keywords: Islamic, Parenting, Paradigm Topic: Islamic Education |
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