Maulia Depriya Kembara (a), Bunyamin Maftuh (a), Rama Wijaya Abdul Rozak (a), Warlim (a)

a) Departemen Pendidikan Umum, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung, Indonesia


Reconstruction Research Public Compulsory Courses as General Education at the Implementation Level in the Department of General Education UPI aims to identify a portrait of general education at the University of Education in Indonesia which includes elements of general education in the vision of education, philosophy or basic principles of general education development and what lecturers do MKWU in creating and implementing silabi, creating an atmosphere of classroom education and evaluation of learning at the Indonesian Education University- analyze the implementation of MKWU at the Indonesian Education University in developing good citizens- and explore the efforts of MKWU lecturers at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in operationalizing MKWU which can develop good citizens. The research method used is a mixed method with reference to Cresswell (1994). The design of this study uses a less dominant and qualitative quantitative quantitative approach, both of which are carried out simultaneously. Quantitative research is carried out through a survey method that is identifying and describing the characteristics of research subjects in natural conditions as they are. The research subjects were students participating in the General Compulsory Course (MKWU) who had graduated or who were attending lectures in even semester 2017-2018 and odd semester 2018 - 2019

Keywords: Reconstruction, MKWU, General Education

Topic: Innovative Education in the Digitali Era

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