Application of Entrepreneurship Curriculum in Pesantren Indri Rachmawati (a*), Wulan Trigartani (b), Ike Junita (c), Raditya Pratama Putra (d)
Faculty of Communication Science, University Islam of Bandung, Jln. Tamansari no 24 Bandung, Indonesia.
Entrepreneurship is one program that continues to be promoted. In 2020, the Governor of West Java disbursed funds of up to hundreds of billions to develop new entrepreneurs in economic recovery after the pandemic. In Islam itself, trading (entrepreneurship) has its priority as stated in HR. Ahmad, the Messenger of Allah said, ^You should trade because in it there are nine parts of the door of sustenance.^ Therefore, the younger generation, especially Muslims, must be educated to be able to become strong entrepreneurs.
Pesantren Sirojul Huda in Bandung district is one of the madrasahs that has begun to provide entrepreneurial skills for their students starting from the Tsanawiyah level. Currently, two extracurricular activities can be followed by students. Especially those who have an interest in the culinary and convection fields. In the future, they will still develop another extracurricular. Unfortunately, this program does not manage like a professional. They need to promote their catering and convection to the public with digital marketing. The results of our research show that entrepreneurship education activities in Pesantren should be add on in the official learning curriculum. It can improve the entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of Muslims in particular.
Keywords: Enterpreneurship Education- Pesantren- Digital Marketing