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Computer Science |
ABS-44 |
Ve.Rubric: A Rapid Application Development (RAD) for Vocational Education Rubric Assessment Tool Neni Rohaeni, Nenden Rani Rinekasari, Yoyoh Jubaedah, Shofa Fithriturrohmi Yusuf
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The necessity for development and progress is essential, particularly in technical advancements. This involves adaptability in the educational field. Vocational education is directly tied to experiential learning, which necessitates an objective, consistent, and criterion-based evaluation. Especially during the competency test, which serves as the last graduation requirement. In other words, it is known as performance assessment. The purpose of this project is to build an evaluation rubric utilizing the advancement of information technology. Developed web application named Ve.Rubric. The development is conducted utilizing Rapid Application Development (RAD) techniques. Using PHP, Codeigniter, and MySql for database building. The outcomes of a web-based program that can be used as a rubric for evaluating competency examinations in vocational education have been evaluated. The findings of the VE.Rubric test are valid, dependable, fair, and have a secure data storage capacity.
Keywords: Implementation- Performance assessment- Ve.Rubric- Making bed- Hospitality Industry
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| Corresponding Author (Neni Rohaeni)
62 |
Computer Science |
ABS-46 |
Preliminary Research for Provision of Javanese Script Image Dataset from Javanese Script Printed Book Anastasia Rita Widiarti, Gabriel Ryan Prima, Ciprianus Kuntoro Adi
Informatics Department
Faculty of Science and Technology
Sanata Dharma University
The initial process of developing a Javanese script transliteration system to other scripts using a character recognition approach requires training data in the form of script images with all possible forms of writing. Meanwhile, no reference shows the unique forms of Javanese script.
This research tries to provide a training dataset with all its unique shape possibilities. The source of the dataset is script images from a book written in Javanese script and then process using image processing technology. The captured images were then grouped into their respective classes. The K-means clustering algorithm can be an alternative to automating process of grouping.
The process of providing data in this research starts from preprocessing the document image which includes the sub-processes of binarization, inverse, and filtering. The process continued by script segmentation using the projection profile method. Each script image is then processed in the feature extraction steps using the Intensity of Character or IoC algorithm. The feature data of each script image is then grouped using the K-Means clustering algorithm.
The data was taken from the scan results of Hamong Tani^s book on pages 2 and 59. After preprocessed and segmented images, 597 images of Javanese script were obtained. By using the IoC 3x3 feature, and the number of groups determined by 65 classes, the silhouette index value of the grouping results was found to be 0.5060. This means that the cluster structure is included in the feasible category.
After calculating the ground truth value, namely by checking the contents of the similarity of the images in the formed group, it was found that the accuracy of the results was 86%. So it can be concluded that the steps taken in this research can be used as a model in the process of providing a Javanese script images dataset.
Keywords: k-mean algorithm, clustering, javanese script, image processing
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| Corresponding Author (Anastasia Rita Widiarti)
63 |
Computer Science |
ABS-55 |
Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification: A Study on Public Activity Restriction H Anggit Taba, Hari Suparwito(*)
Informatics Department
Universitas Sanata Dharma
Jl. Mrican Baru Caturtunggal Depok Sleman Yogyakarta
The COVID-19 pandemic two years ago has changed a lot in human life. To reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Indonesia government issued the Public Activity Restriction (PPKM). However, implementing PPKM caused polemics, pros and cons, in the community and was expressed through social media Twitter. The PPKM topic has become a trending topic on Twitter. There are so many opinions that it is difficult to classify which opinions are pros and cons with PPKM. This study aims to determine the pros and cons of PPKM through a Machine Learning approach using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm. The opinion data comes from Twitter tweets with restrictions on the keywords ppkm and ppkm rules. Data from Twitter have been collected from November 2021 to February 2022. We crawled tweets using tweepy, a python package to access the Twitter API and obtained 68,953 data. We deliberately choose data labelling without human intervention, so we label the tweet data using Vader, a python library, to determine whether the tweets have a negative, positive or neutral connotation. We proposed using the Wikipedia training Fasttext model to deliver word embedding. Next, the crucial step is to train datasets to get the predictive model. The implementation of the CNN algorithm focuses on layer architecture and parameter tuning variations. Accuracy results of 88% were obtained by using two convolution layers, ReLU and Softmax. Two Pooling techniques, MaxPooling and AveragePolling, were used to reduce the matrix size. It shows how to use machine learning approaches for predicting qualitative data in text processing.
Keywords: Convolutional Neural Network, Machine Learning, PPKM, Text Classification, Twitter
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| Corresponding Author (Hari Suparwito)
64 |
Computer Science |
ABS-70 |
Improving of Anticancer Compound Identification Model for Medicinal Plant^s LCMS Data Iwan Binanto
Sanata Dharma University
The development of an identification tool for anticancer chemical compounds on LCMS data of Medicinal Plant has been successfully carried out in previous studies. It needs further improvement especially in software architecture caused by utilizing Webscraping technique to get data. The utilized of this technique caused in frequent disconnections. Because it is considered as a Denial of Service attack. This paper provides a design to improve the existing architecture so that identification devices can run more smoothly and quickly without being suspected of being a Denial of Service attack. For this reason, a new model was developed from the previous model. The new model is 96.1% faster than the old one for labeling data. This provides huge efficiencies.
Keywords: Medicinal Plant, LCMS, identification anticancer compound, chemical compound, software architecture
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| Corresponding Author (Iwan Binanto)
65 |
Computer Science |
ABS-179 |
The Last-ten Years of Big Data in Vocational Education: A Scoping Review Theodore Oduro-Okyireh, Emmanuel Obobi Tettehfio, Quienera Nyeon Joshua, Sherly Rahmawati
Cape Coast Technical University (CCTU), Ho Technical University, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Big data is a new technology containing a massive amount of data to be processed. In education, particularly vocational education, the utilization of big data is still scarce. The study deciphered the overview of big data in vocational education, which has been started being researched in the last ten years, from 2013 to 2022. In a focused systematic review, this study used a scoping review to reveal the findings deeply by implementing PRISMA -Scr flow diagram for the selection method. The data mining was conducted through the reliable and quality-checked database, Scopus. The searching process was limited by its type of document, publication stage, source type, and language to ensure the best results of the review. Of the 313 results in the Scopus database, 31 articles were filtered by applying the limitation, and only 10 articles were lastly selected to be included in the scoping review process. The results mainly discussed the use of big data in vocational education as analytical process data, prognostications in the TVET field of studies, personalized training systems based on big data, job platform development utilizing big data, or any other personalized services that big data could handle. To sum up, even though big data is still rarely used, the utilization of big data in vocational education might be highly rocketing since the demands and developments of technology. Additionally, further research may conduct more empirical research related to the application of big data in vocational education.
Keywords: Big Data, Vocational Education, Scoping Review
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| Corresponding Author (THEODORE ODURO-OKYIREH)
66 |
Electrical Engineering |
ABS-22 |
ASP.NET MVC Web API as Powerful IoT Controller From Cloud Server Randy Rahmanto (a*), Sulistyo Widodo (b), Belinda Ayuningtyas (c)
a,b,c) Electrical Engineering, Universitas Dian Nusantara
Jl. Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1, Indonesia
Internet of things is a concept in which an object or object is implanted with technologies such as sensors and software with the aim of communicating, controlling, connecting, and exchanging data through other devices as long as they are connected to the internet. One way to connect the devices (in this research is Arduino microcontroller) is using a Web API. This technology is designed as a medium for data exchange between the Microcontroller and the Server. With this Web API it is possible to store data and control devices from the cloud server. In this research, a simple device is made using an Arduino microcontroller with a temperature sensor that will send data to the Web API, so that the data can be stored in a database on the cloud server. In addition, there are also LED lights that can be controlled from anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. The benefits of this research, with the use of Web APIs, allow users to be able to monitor and control IoT devices from anywhere as long as the device and user are connected to the internet.
Keywords: ASP.NET MVC- Web API- Internet of Things- Arduino- Cloud
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| Corresponding Author (Randy Rahmanto)
67 |
Electrical Engineering |
ABS-29 |
ANALYSIS OF ELECTRIC PROTECTION SYSTEM WITH ARRESTER ON CATENARY NETWORK FOR ELECTRIC TRAIN POWER SUPPLY Erfiana Wahyuningsih(1*), Rizal Wahyu Fatoni(2), Desy Kristiawaty(3), Ganjar Febriyani Pratiwi(4)
1) Electrical Engineering, Universitas Dian Nusantara, *erfiana.wahyuningsih[at]undira.ac.id
2),3) Electrical Engineering, Universitas Gunadarma
4)Electrical Engineering, Universitas Dian Nusantara
The electric protection system in overhead transmission network is the main requirement to protect electrical equipment from various potential hazards. With this protection system, the age of the electrical components in the network can be maintained. Overhead transmission network is vulnerable to various hazards, especially lightning strikes, so a protection system is needed. Lightning strikes can disrupt the distribution of air transmission currents. Therefore, air transmission lines generally have protective elements such as Over Head Ground Wire (OHGW), lightning arresters, and grounding. These parts will protect the overhead network from lightning strikes. Arrester components were installed every 250 meters, while Overhead Ground wire components were installed at 12.5 meters. Arrester and OHGW distance and height can be adjusted to optimize trolley wire protection. Based on observations, the components installed were in accordance with the nominal pressure. With this arrangement, the potential for damage to the parts contained in the air transmission line can be minimized.
Keywords: Arrester, OHGW, grounding
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| Corresponding Author (Erfiana Wahyuningsih)
68 |
Electrical Engineering |
ABS-49 |
Highly Independent 5G Multiband Antenna using Circular Patch Structure Yohanes Galih Adhiyoga, Tri Nur Arifin, Syaeful Ilman
Universitas Dian Nusantara
In the past 3 years, 5G mobile communication technology has attracted a lot of attention. However, the development of antennas that are able to cover three types of 5G bands at once has not been studied. In this paper, an antenna that can cover the three frequency bands of 2.3 GHz, 3.5 GHz, and 26 GHz for 5G communication is proposed. The proposed antenna using a microstrip patch design with 50-ohm inset feeding. FDTD mathematical analysis through simulation has been carried out and confirmed that the proposed antenna meets the required specifications in 5G technology. The simulation result shows that the proposed antenna has a good reflection coefficient in the target frequencies of -22.6 dB, -28.26 dB, and -22.48 dB, respectively.
Keywords: microstrip antenna, 5G communication, multiband antenna
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| Corresponding Author (Yohanes Galih Adhiyoga)
69 |
Electrical Engineering |
ABS-59 |
Data Transmission Performance Analysis of Virtual Reality System Supported with IoT Technology Nuske Lisa Marlissa, Damar Widjaja
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Science and Technology
Sanata Dharma University
Virtual Reality (VR) technology has been widely used in various fields. Such as the fields of medicine, aviation, military, and even used as a supporting device for playing games. However, in its application, the VR system still uses Bluetooth technology in data transmission. In this study, a hand movement data transmission was developed in VR system using Wi-Fi network.
The hand gesture data transmission system in VR using a Wi-Fi network is designed to transmit hand movement data over a wireless network. The devices used to support this system include NodeMCU ESP8266 as a microcontroller that have a link to the Wi-Fi network, the MPU6050 sensor as a hand motion detector, and a smartphone as a VR visualization. Blynk is used as IoT platform to gather and monitor data transmission process from hand detector to smartphone.
The result of this study shows that the distance between the hand detector and smartphone as an access point affects the transmission delay. Data transmission delay increase from 1.7 sec to 2 sec as the distance increase from 10 cm to 80 cm. There is no data error (data error rate = 0%) during transmission with distance up to 80 cm apart.
Keywords: Data Transmission, Virtual Reality, IoT, Delay, Data Error Rate
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| Corresponding Author (Damar Widjaja)
70 |
Electrical Engineering |
ABS-66 |
The Implementation of MPPT Perturb and Observe Method with Boost Converter on PV system Agnesia Felita, Yehezkiel Krisma, Petrus Setyo Prabowo, Bernadeta Wuri Harini
Universitas Sanata Dharma
Solar panels can convert solar energy into electrical energy under direct current conditions. Changes in solar radiation cause the MPP characteristics of solar panels to be unstable so the electrical power generated by solar panels is not optimal. Therefore, the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) system with the Perturb and Observe method is used to maximize the power received by the solar panels. The Perturb and Observe algorithm is implemented through a boost converter circuit by changing the duty cycle value on the Atmega328 Arduino Uno microcontroller as a frequency source. MOSFET inductors, capacitors, diodes, and resistors as obstacles to adjusting the input to regulate the DC-DC voltage by adjusting the pulses on the PWM generated from the microcontroller. The INA219 sensor is used to read the data of each system. A single axis solar panel system uses a DC motor to move the panel supported by an LDR sensor to detect the highest light intensity The test results of solar panels with a single axis MPPT with Perturb and Observe methods and a single axis tracking system produce 45.23W of power with an efficiency of 90.46%.
Keywords: MPPT, Perturb and Observe, DC-DC Converter, Boost Converter
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| Corresponding Author (Bernadeta Wuri Harini)
71 |
Electrical Engineering |
ABS-67 |
The Implementation of MPPT Incremental Conductance Method with Boost Converter on PV system Dorothy Patricia, Yehezkiel Krisma, Petrus Setyo Prabowo, Bernadeta Wuri Harini
Universitas Sanata Dharma
The development of renewable energy has been rapidly growing since renewable resources have become a crucial necessity to fulfill electricity needs. Solar energy is constantly flowing away from the sun and will soon become one of the main energy resources that people depend on. Therefore, a highly efficient PV system is needed to get the maximum power of a panel could absorb. This paper presents an implementation of the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Incremental Conductance method on PV systems using a DC-DC Boost Converter. This algorithm controls the system by changing the duty cycle using the ATmega328 microcontroller on Arduino UNO. INA219 sensor is used to read the output of the converter, which is used as input for the algorithm. A motor DC will be used to drive the panel vertically (Single-Axis), therefore the panel will get the best intensity from the sun. The results of the study prove that solar panel with the MPPT Incremental Conductance method and vertical tracking system produces 45.52W of power with 91.01% efficiency.
Keywords: MPPT, Incremental Conductance, DC-DC Converter, Boost Converter
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| Corresponding Author (Bernadeta Wuri Harini)
72 |
Electrical Engineering |
ABS-83 |
SCADA application for popcorn cooking and packaging system using PLC and internet T P A Setiyani, I D Saniscarani and G V P P Ayu *
Universitas Sanata Dharma
The SCADA application on a prototype cooking and packaging system from raw corn to popcorn can be monitored, controlled, and obtained popcorn quantity information, remotely via the Internet. The prototype consists of 2 containers of raw corn with 2 flavors, a cooking pot and its heating element, and a conveyor. Each container is equipped with a rotary vane feeder that can be adjusted the number of rotations to determine the volume of raw corn that is poured with certain variants into the cooking pan as desired by the user through the HMI. The heating element will be active to cook raw corn into popcorn at a certain temperature and heating time according to the volume of corn. The product in the form of popcorn will be placed in a package that is transported by a conveyor. Detection of packaging position, rotary vane feeder, volume, and temperature carried out by a photodiode and thermocouple. Control system using PLC TM221CE40R which has an analog module and ethernet port. The result that system was able to cook and package 4 types of products, monitors the process that occurs in the plan remotely in real-time, and stores the daily number of products.
Keywords: PLC TM221CE40R, HMI, photodiode sensor, thermocouple, rotary vane feeder
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| Corresponding Author (Theresia Prima Ari Setiyani)
73 |
Electrical Engineering |
ABS-84 |
Guitar Chord Recognition using MFCC Based Feature Extraction and Kaiser Windowing Linggo Sumarno
Electrical Engineering Study Program, Sanata Dharma University, Kampus III, Paingan, Maguwoharjo, Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Based on the previous studies of the guitar chord recognition systems, there is an indication that a study can still be carried out. In this case, a study to obtain a lower number of coefficients of feature extraction in a guitar chord recognition system can still be carried out. The purpose of this study is to obtain a lower number of coefficients of feature extraction in a guitar chord recognition system than the previous studies. In this study, the guitar chord recognition system uses MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) based feature extraction and Kaiser windowing. This study evaluated three parameters from the system, namely the lowest mel filter frequency and the number of mel filters in the mel filter bank, and also the shape factor of the Kaiser window. The results showed that by using only four coefficients of feature extraction, it could achieve an accuracy of up to 92.14%.
Keywords: MFCC, Kaiser window, chord recogniton
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| Corresponding Author (Linggo Sumarno)
74 |
Electrical Engineering |
ABS-108 |
Alternating Current Electric Generator Design Using PhET Simulation Djoko Untoro Suwarno
Electrical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Science and Technology
Sanata Dharma University
Paingan, Maguwoharjo, Sleman 55282
The need for renewable energy causes a lot of research related to energy harvesting. Research on renewable energy is mostly done with the topic of energy measurement. The energy produced is still low, this is because the generator selection is not right. In general, research on energy harvesting uses a motor as a generator with high rotation.
In this study, a generator design simulation was carried out to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Simulation using PhET simulation adn GeoGebra. The simulation carried out changing the speed of the magnet, changing the distance between the coil and the magnet, the intensity of the magnet, the number of turns of the coil.
The simulation results obtained an AC electric generator depending on the location of the coil, coil configuration, the number of turns of the coil, the type of magnet, the distance between the magnet and the coil and the rotational speed of the coil according to Faraday^s law of induced voltage.
Keywords: AC generator, simulation, PhET, GeoGebra
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| Corresponding Author (Djoko Untoro Suwarno)
75 |
Electrical Engineering |
ABS-109 |
A Modified Iterative Method for Solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation Hartono
Department of Mathematics, Sanata Dharma University
Kampus III Paingan, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta
In the field of optimal control, the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation specifies both the necessary and sufficient condition for finding optimal control with respect to the intended objective function. The equation is a nonlinear partial differential equation which is generally intractable to be solved analytically. Hence, in order to obtain the solution of some optimal control problem formulated in the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, it is necessary to develop some reliable and efficient numerical method.
In this article, we propose a modified version of our iterative method, previously published in a journal, to solve the state- constrained Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. The modification is made on the way to update the value function of the objective function. In this new scheme, instead of updating the value function on each point on the domain, we select only some points neighboring a nominee of the optimal path making up the solution of the optimal control problem. Therefore, comparing to the old scheme, the computation results not only a reliable solution but it is also much faster and efficient.
Keywords: optimal control problem, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, iterative method
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| Corresponding Author (Hartono Hartono)
76 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-18 |
Training and Human Resource Development on the performance of BSI West Jakarta Employees with Leadership as a Moderation Variable Wenny Desty Febrian,yanthy herawaty purnama,didin hikmah perkasa,ari apriani,windayanti,muhamad al faruq abdullah
Universitas Dian Nusantara (email : wenny.desty.febrian[at]undira.ac.id)
In the post-pandemic period, of course, the new company will re-implement training and human resource development which for some time have not been carried out due to the Covid-19 condition. training and human resource development are closely related to improving the performance of employees in the company, especially banking, and the period after this pandemic is the initial period for banks to improve their performance again, during the pandemic there are many customer bottlenecks which have an impact on declining banking profits and have an impact on banking performance.This study aims to look at the training and development of human resources on the performance of BSI jakarta barat employees with leadership as moderation. The variables in this study are Training and Human Resource Development of Performance and Leadership. This study used 77 samples taken from all BSI West Jakarta employees. This research will use quantitative tools as the data processing, namely SEM PLS. We need some time for finishing our this paper, becuase we still doing this research until now, we need to give a quesioner and get data from our research subject, until we get result for the case in this research. For now, we have result before finish the case, training as variable X1 and human resource development as variable X2 affect to leadership as variabel Z, and than leadership affect to performance as variable Y. But for this we will still continue it, and for this we need support by our research subject.
Keywords: Training, Human Resource Development, Performance, Leadership
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| Corresponding Author (Wenny Desty Febrian)
77 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-24 |
The Role of Religiosity on Hijab Buying Intention on Premium Hijab of Muslim Consumers in Indonesia Moh Farid Najib, Tia Fauziah, Tjetjep Djatnika and Dedy Saefulloh
Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Hijab is defined as a veil, cover, or screen which usually has cultural connotations in a country where the population is predominantly Muslim. Hijab serves to cover Muslim women^s hair with modest clothing. Hijab products are varied, not only used as a cover, but also can increase the confidence of Muslim women because hijab fashion does not have to be left behind from non-hijab fashion. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the role of religiosity on the purchase intention of Muslim consumers in Indonesia. The research method used is qualitative research with semi-structured in-depth interviews. The results show that the interaction of religiosity in using hijab without being influenced by the premium hijab trend, buying hijab because of its functionality, quality, durability, and costs that reflect its utilitarian value, using this premium hijab to experience the latest style experiences and ideas that describe its hedonic values, and this premium hijab trend is positive, such as enthusiastic, more enthusiastic about wearing the hijab, and indeed liking premium hijab products that reflect their attitude.
Keywords: religiosity, utilitarian value, hedonic value, attitude, hijab premium
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| Corresponding Author (Moh Farid Najib)
78 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-30 |
Motivation, Discipline and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance Post Pandemic Covid-19: A Proposed Study Didin Hikmah Perkasa (a*), Ryani Dhyan Parashakti (b), Maria Imelda Novita Susiang (c), Yanthy Herawaty (d), Wenny Desty Febrian (e), Fathihani (f)
a,b,c,d,e,f) Management Program, Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta Indonesia
a*) didin.hikmah.perkasa[at]undira.ac.id
The company depends on the quality of its human resources. Meanwhile, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the psychological work pattern in human resource management activities in companies. Adjustments to online and offline activities cause attitude changes in work motivation, work discipline, and job satisfaction on employee performance. This study explores theoretical models, and empirical results on how to be motivated, disciplined, and job satisfaction to improve employee performance after the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, the company needs to have a strong strategy for managing reliable and resilient Human Resources Post Pandemic Covid-19 to achieve the company^s goals. From various empirical results, the importance of this study is regarding employee performance to analyse work motivation, work discipline, and job satisfaction. This research is expected to contribute to further research and make it easier for the government to take a dominant post-19 pandemic approach to company performance. The benefits of this research are expected to provide solutions on how to manage motivation, discipline, and job satisfaction for the benefit of improving employee performance after the Covid-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction, Work Discipline, Work Motivation
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| Corresponding Author (Didin Hikmah Perkasa)
79 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-31 |
Teacher Performance Post Pandemic Covid-19: A Proposed Study Hery Mulyanto (a), Didin Hikmah Perkasa (b*), Maria Imelda Novia Susiang (c), Cut Nina Rostina (d), Ryani Dhyan Parashakti (e)
a, b, c, e) Management Program, Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia
d) Universitas Teuku Umar, Aceh Barat, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia
(b*) didin.hikmah.perkasa[at]undira.ac.id
Achieving good teacher performance will be largely determined by the leadership style. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the management of business organizations, including school organizations. Leadership style requires adaptation to digitalization, including in the management of human resources in schools. One of them is teaching and learning activities that use the application zoom meeting, G-meet, Webex and so on. In this Paper, we proposed to analyse how the factors that influence the success of the world of education are seen from the point of view of the teaching staff. Second, this study explores theoretical models and empirical results about knowing and analysing workload, leadership style, and work discipline on teacher performance. This study is important to do to obtain empirical results on post-covid-19 pandemic performance, this is because there are still differences in the results of performing research on the performance of high school teachers. Thus, this research is expected to contribute to further research that can facilitate the government in approaching teacher performance. In addition, this research is important and useful for all educational organizations in providing solutions on how to improve teacher performance after the covid-19 pandemic which requires adaptation to the full use of information technology.
Keywords: leadership style, teachers^ discipline, teacher performance, Workload
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| Corresponding Author (Hery Mulyanto)
80 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-37 |
Universitas Dian Nusantara
Employee performance is a measure of an employee either or proficient in completing his work. This research will examine various aspects of proficiency that affects to the employee performance in an organization. The research is to determine the influence of the physical work environment, work motivation and work discipline on employee performance. This research is to find out the factors that mostly influence the employee performance. In the last two decades the terminology of human resources has been replaced by the terminology of human capital. Thus, the members of the organization are no longer considered as a resource but have shifted as capital or assets of the organization. The volatility of an organization are inseparable from the role of organizational members in realizing organizational goals. Good employee performance will affect the growth and development of an organization. This research will present a critical review of various aspects that are able to predict the performance of employees of an organization. Finally, this study will propose a model of the relationship between the physical work environment, work motivation and work discipline to the performance of employees in an organization.
Keywords: physical work environment, work motivation, work discipline, employee performance, organization.
Keywords: physical work environment, work motivation, work discipline, employee performance, organization.
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| Corresponding Author (Lusitawati Lusitawati)
81 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-38 |
DOES POST PANDEMIC COVID-19 THE EMPLOYEE^S PERFORMANCE CHANGE? A PROPOSED STUDY IN GOVERNMENT CIVIL APPARATUS Cecep Saepudin, Didin Hikmah Perkasa, Cut Nina Rostina, Maria Imelda Novita Susiang, Ryani Dhyan Parashakti, Setiyo Purwanto
Universitas Dian Nusantara Jakarta
Excellent resource management will be able to produce excellent performance. The pandemic outbreak that hit globally, including Indonesia, had many impacts on economic conditions. To be able to survive, many companies have changed the way their employees^ endeavor, including their management. The company strives to adjust the way of working from the office to working from home, to changing attitudes in work discipline, work motivation and work environment towards performance. This phenomenon is essential to be researched, due to find out the factors that most influence employee performance. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of work discipline, work motivation and work environment on employee performance. One of the virtues in research is how companies are able to implement suitable strategies provided that they will achieve excellent performance simultaneously. A person who has better work motivation will certainly complete his work well and will be able to achieve better performance. In addition, an employee must have high work discipline thus that every work given can be completed according to a predetermined time. The work environment is closely related to the work situation where employees work, if the work environment is managed properly, employees will be able to achieve satisfactory performance likewise. According to the findings on work discipline, work motivation and work environment on employee performance at post-pandemic Covid-19 have a positive influence.
Keywords: Work Discipline, Work Motivation, Work Environment, Employee Performance
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| Corresponding Author (Cecep Saepudin)
82 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-40 |
OF THE PKS FACTION OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Anwar, Didin Hikmah Perkasa, Maria Imelda Novita Susiang, Cut Nina Rostina, Ryani Dhyan Parashakti, Setiyo Purwanto
Universitas Dian Nusantara
A strong organizational commitment is needed among employees. Employees who have organizational commitments will be able to survive in a strong organization. This research will explore various determinants that affect the high and low commitment of employees in an organization. The study aims to determine the influence of work culture, work motivation and employee job satisfaction within the PKS faction of the DPR RI. To find out the most influential factors of the three free variables. The terminology of human resources has been replaced with the terminology of human capital in the industrial world in the last two decades. The role of members of the organization is considered significant in realizing the goals of the company. Thus, the company continues to explore and identify various factors that are able to improve employee performance. Good employee performance will affect the sustainability of the company in the long term. This research will present a critical review of various factors that are able to predict the performance of employees of a company. Finally, this study will propose a model of the relationship between work motivation, work discipline, job satisfaction with employee performance in a company.
Keywords: work motivation, work discipline, job satisfaction, employee performance, company.
Keywords: work motivation, work discipline, job satisfaction, employee performance, company.
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| Corresponding Author (Anwar Anwar)
83 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-42 |
Universitas Dian Nusantara (email : windayanti[at]undira.ac.id)
During the pandemic, economic activities stopped immediately because many companies were not operating, but hospitals continued to run as usual, precisely during the pandemic hospitals experienced an increase in work demands compared to before, the high pressure of work demanded that health workers must carry out their duties properly, performance is required to always be good to serve the community. This research will researching about organizational commitment in hospital after covid 19. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of organizational commitment on nurse performance with the variable Organization Citizen Behavior as a mediating variable at XYZ Hospital. The object of this research is XYZ Hospital Nurse. This research was conducted on 30 respondents using a quantitative descriptive approach. Therefore, the data analysis used is statistical analysis in the form of multiple linear regression test. The research design used is verification research or the same as causal. Verification or causality is a type of research with the aim of knowing the causal relationship between variables through a hypothesis testing. This research was conducted at the XYZ hospital and is still being carried out at this time so no results have been found. This research will be carried out within a few months and will get the results of the research and conclusions if it has finished carrying out the whole series of research. Based on the hypothesis that the author describes, the writer suspects that organizational commitment has a positive impact on performance, through the variable Organization Citizen Behavior as a mediating variable in this study.
Keywords: Commitment, OCB and Nurse Performance
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| Corresponding Author (Winda Yanti)
84 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-48 |
Post Pandemic Covid-19 Leadership Performance: A Proposed Study Erna Lika Kabdiyono (a), Setiyo Purwanto (b), Didin Hikmah Perkasa (c*), Cut Nina Rostina (d), Muhammad Al Faruq Abdullah (e)
a, b, c, e) Management Study Program, Dian Nusantara University
d) Teuku Umar University
c*) didin.hikmah.perkasa[at]undira.ac.id
The progress of the organization will be greatly influenced by the performance of its leaders. The leader will try to motivate and encourage his subordinates to be able to work as planned. The Covid-19 pandemic brought about a major change in performance leadership. The strategic role carried out by leaders so that employees avoid the Covid-19 pandemic is by changing work patterns that were originally work from office to work from home. This is important to do so that the company^s performance can be achieved as expected. Various literatures discuss a lot about factors that affect employee performance. This research is important to conduct with the aim of determining the influence of leadership style, workload and burnouts on employee performance. Leadership style has to do with the style that a person performs in leading, motivating and directing his employees in achieving a certain performance. Employees who feel comfortable with the leadership style of a leader will certainly be willing to carry out their duties voluntarily without any coercion because employees feel that it is a responsibility that must be completed. While the workload becomes a measure of whether a person is able to achieve good performance or not. Workload will be a factor that affects employee performance because each employee has a different ability to complete their work. Another factor is burnouts or fatigue. Exhausted employees will interfere with physical and mental condition, if this is allowed to drag on, it will have a bad impact on their performance achievements. Some of the findings in previous studies have the influence of leadership style, workload and burnouts on employee performance.
Keywords: Leadership style, Workload, Burnouts, Employee Performance
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| Corresponding Author (Erna Lika Kabdiyono)
85 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-72 |
1,2,3 Department of Management & Jaya Launch Pad, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: oka[at]upj.ac.id
Organizations can determine what constitutes dysfunctional behavior in a number of ways, often by aligning with the shared social values of the local society in which the organization operates. In relation to this, urban environments pose a particular challenge to organizations as its higher degree of diversity compared to rural areas often leads to its residents having a different ethical testimony from the common local society and, subsequently, the organization. This is especially prevalent in urban millennials of Indonesia, as said difference in moral reference to the organization is compounded by the high levels of self-confidence the urban millennials have, as well as the far greater exposure to even more different references of moral values they get as a side-effect of their expertise on using modern technology. This study was conducted on an urban campus, with 197 students from various study programs being the respondents. Data collection used open-ended questions distributed through online surveys, which were then followed up by focus group discussions to obtain more detailed answers. The results showed that the main targets of the students^ dysfunctional behavior were the college itself, the lecturing staff, and the student-led organizations. The most common reasons for this behavior are disappointment with the goal and being encouraged by other students. The study also found that despite being aware that their actions were deemed unethical by the target, students who committed dysfunctional behaviors did not feel guilty because they believed the target deserved it. The findings of this study are useful for organizational behavior research, particularly in the study of dysfunctional behavior, as it provides empirical data to support that retaliation is one of the antecedents of dysfunctional behavior.
Keywords: revenge behavior, perception of justice, service failure recovery, consumer ethical standards
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| Corresponding Author (Hastuti Naibaho)
86 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-75 |
THE INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATION, WORK DISCIPLINE AND LEADERSHIP ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE OF PT. KALIMUTU MITRA PERKASA M. Syamsul Hidayat (a), Didin Hikmah Perkasa (b*), Maria Imelda Novita Susiang (c), Ryani Dhyan Parashakti (d)
a, b, c, d) Program Studi Manajemen, Universitas Dian Nusantara
b*) didin.hikmah.perkasa[at]undira.ac.id
Skilled labour will certainly be able to improve the quality of work. The purpose of earning a training and competency certification, especially for fresh graduates from the Bachelor and Diploma Programs in Construction in the DKI Jakarta, West Java and Banten Provinces in 2020 is to prepare the prospective human resources on construction area who are reliable, professional, and competent at early age. Human Resources or employees in the company are the drivers and controller at all stages of the company^s activities, name them from production, distribution, to sales. Efforts to improve the quality of work results and equip the workforce with skills according to their fields are mandatory by conducting training for employees and for more skill and knowledge competitiveness employees are sent abroad. The Covid-19 effected a very significant impact on the construction sector which contributes greatly to the economy, hence this business is hampered due to a shortage of skilled labours in result that construction completion goes slow. The occurrence of delays in the construction completion is caused by two factors, namely external factors and internal factors. This research will focus on internal factors related to Human Resources and their performance, including work motivation, work discipline, and leadership which are considered to affect construction performance and accomplishment.
Keywords: work motivation, labour discipline, leadership, work performance
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| Corresponding Author (M. Syamsul Hidayat)
87 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-80 |
Universitas Dian Nusantara
The covid pandemic has devastated the Indonesian economy, including the tourism industry. After the pandemic, tourism began to reopen. One of them is Jonggol Garden which has the potential to be developed into eco-tourism. This study aims to find out how the potential and obstacles of Jonggol Garden after the pandemic. The method used is the kuantitatif method with purposive sampling and incidental sampling through the provision of questionnaires, interviews and secondary data from literature materials. Analyze with SWOT to see the potential and obstacles of Jonggol Garden. Followed by univariate and bivariate analysis for each of the observed variables.
Keywords: post-pandemic, ecotourism, Jonggol tourism, Jonggol Garden, Creative economy.
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| Corresponding Author (Dian Meliantari)
88 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-95 |
Dividend Policy: Analyzed from Stock Prices and Firm Size in Indonesia^s Manufacturing Sector Wufron Wufron (a*), Nizar Alam Hamdani (b), Neng Silva Siti Parwati (c), Wulan Sri Utami (d)
a) Universitas Garut
b) Universitas Garut
c) Universitas Garut
d) Universitas Garut
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of stock prices and firm size on dividend policy in manufacturing companies in Indonesia. This type of research is quantitative because it uses inferential statistical analysis to test hypotheses. The sampling technique used is purpositive sampling because the sample is taken based on certain criteria. The data is taken from the company^s financial statements from 2018 to 2021. The data analysis method used is multiple regression analysis to test the research model and test the influence between variables. The results showed that the stock price and firm size on dividend policy is a fit research model. Stock prices have a positive effect on dividend policy. Firm size has a negative effect on dividend policy. Stock prices have a significant effect on dividend policy. Firm size has a significant effect on dividend policy. The findings in this study show that the assets of manufacturing companies in Indonesia during 2018 to 2021 experienced fluctuations, this will directly affect the welfare of investors. The importance of this research is to jointly maintain the existence of all manufacturing companies in Indonesia because companies engaged in the manufacturing sector are very influential in the economic sector.
Keywords: Company Size, Dividend Policy, Manufacturing Sector Company, Stock Price
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| Corresponding Author (Wufron Wufron)
89 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-100 |
A Framework for Investigating Low Attention Processing of Advertising in Post Pandemic Era Irene Santoso(a*)- Endi Rekarti (b)
a) Massey University, New Zealand
Massey University, Private Bag 11 222, Palmerston North, 4442, New Zealand.
b)eCampus, Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
Jl. Pd. Cabe Raya, Pd. Cabe Udik, Kec. Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15437, Indonesia
In the cluttered digital landscape, it has been widely accepted that advertising typically receives low attention from the consumers. This condition becomes a problem when many marketers switch to using digital media which is accelerated by the pandemic period in various countries. Restrictions on physical activity make digital marketing activities the main alternative for marketers and consumers. The study of how advertising can get adequate attention so that it can contribute to marketing is very necessary in both theory development and practical needs. Yet, advertising effectiveness at low attention has been the subject of limited research. As low attention processing involves a set of mental processes, some being at subconscious level, the difficulty concerns the methodology for investigating those processes and measuring the effects that occur. This paper proposes a novel framework for investigating low attention to advertising, incorporating the four levels of competition for attention and a naturalistic approach to research. We provide preliminary evidence that supports the value of this framework.
Keywords: Advertising Research, Digital Advertising, Low Attention Processing, Post Pandemic
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| Corresponding Author (Irene Santoso)
90 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-105 |
City Image Model in Creating Tourist Engagement *Rahyuniati Setiawan1, Yupi Yuliawati2, Gita Garliani3, Syifa Berliani4
1 Universitas Garut
2 Universitas Islam Nusantara
3 Universitas Garut
4 Universitas Garut
The problem in this study is the decline in tourist visits to hot spring natural tourist destinations in Indonesia during the Covid 19 pandemic. City image and nostalgic emotion play an essentials role in influencing tourist engagement through memorable tourism experiences as mediation for visiting tourist destinations. This study aims to determine the effect of city image and nostalgic emotion on tourist engagement within Memorable tourism experiences as a mediation. The research subjects were tourists in natural hot spring tourist destinations in West Java Province. The method used in this research is the explanatory survey. Respondents in this study were visitors to hot spring natural tourist destinations in Indonesia accidentally, totaling 400 people. The sampling technique used in this research is proportional random sampling. This study uses a questionnaire as a data collection tool, and the data analysis techniques use SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) analysis using AMOS software version 20. The results indicate that city image and nostalgic emotion positively influence tourist engagement through memorable tourism experiences as a mediation.
Keywords: city image, nostalgic emotion, memorable tourism experience, tourist engagement
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| Corresponding Author (Rahyuniati Setiawan)
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