The Role of Religiosity on Hijab Buying Intention on Premium Hijab of Muslim Consumers in Indonesia Moh Farid Najib, Tia Fauziah, Tjetjep Djatnika and Dedy Saefulloh
Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Hijab is defined as a veil, cover, or screen which usually has cultural connotations in a country where the population is predominantly Muslim. Hijab serves to cover Muslim women^s hair with modest clothing. Hijab products are varied, not only used as a cover, but also can increase the confidence of Muslim women because hijab fashion does not have to be left behind from non-hijab fashion. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the role of religiosity on the purchase intention of Muslim consumers in Indonesia. The research method used is qualitative research with semi-structured in-depth interviews. The results show that the interaction of religiosity in using hijab without being influenced by the premium hijab trend, buying hijab because of its functionality, quality, durability, and costs that reflect its utilitarian value, using this premium hijab to experience the latest style experiences and ideas that describe its hedonic values, and this premium hijab trend is positive, such as enthusiastic, more enthusiastic about wearing the hijab, and indeed liking premium hijab products that reflect their attitude.