Post Pandemic Covid-19 Leadership Performance: A Proposed Study a, b, c, e) Management Study Program, Dian Nusantara University Abstract The progress of the organization will be greatly influenced by the performance of its leaders. The leader will try to motivate and encourage his subordinates to be able to work as planned. The Covid-19 pandemic brought about a major change in performance leadership. The strategic role carried out by leaders so that employees avoid the Covid-19 pandemic is by changing work patterns that were originally work from office to work from home. This is important to do so that the company^s performance can be achieved as expected. Various literatures discuss a lot about factors that affect employee performance. This research is important to conduct with the aim of determining the influence of leadership style, workload and burnouts on employee performance. Leadership style has to do with the style that a person performs in leading, motivating and directing his employees in achieving a certain performance. Employees who feel comfortable with the leadership style of a leader will certainly be willing to carry out their duties voluntarily without any coercion because employees feel that it is a responsibility that must be completed. While the workload becomes a measure of whether a person is able to achieve good performance or not. Workload will be a factor that affects employee performance because each employee has a different ability to complete their work. Another factor is burnouts or fatigue. Exhausted employees will interfere with physical and mental condition, if this is allowed to drag on, it will have a bad impact on their performance achievements. Some of the findings in previous studies have the influence of leadership style, workload and burnouts on employee performance. Keywords: Leadership style, Workload, Burnouts, Employee Performance Topic: Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
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