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Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-113 |
The factors that influence the user^s intention to use the SI APIK application by UMKM in Kabupaten Garut using the UTAUT2 model Wati Susilawati(a*), Tirania Adisti(a), Dini Turipanam Alamanda(a), Athiya Noura(b)
(a) Faculty of Economics, Garut University, Jalan Raya Samarang No. 52A
The performance problem of a company can be caused by a lack of knowledge about the correct procedures for financial recording in UMKM. Thus, Bank Indonesia together with the Indonesian Accounting Association (IAI) created SI APIK (Sistem Informasi Aplikasi Pencatatan Informasi Keuangan) to help expand business capacity and access to capital for UMKM in Indonesia. This study analyzes the factors that influence the user^s intention to use the SI APIK application by UMKM in Kabupaten Garut using the UTAUT2 model. The framework is based on research from Eneizan et al. (2019) stated that business expectations, social influences, performance expectations, hedonic motivation, facilitation conditions, price values, and habit variables affect behavioral intentions. The analytical method used in this study is a quantitative method with a descriptive method. Data collection was carried out by questionnaires to 100 respondents using the Accidental Sampling technique. The collected data was then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study reveal that the variables of Performance expectancy, Price Value, and Habit have a positive and significant effect on Behavioral Intention. While the variables Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, and Facilitating Conditions have no significant effect on Behavioral Intention
Keywords: Behavioral Intention- PLS-SEM- UTAUT2
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| Corresponding Author (Wati Susilawati)
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Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-116 |
Universitas Garut
The performance of lecturers^ scientific publications is an obligation that must be carried out by every lecturer because it will support careers and university social stratification. The purpose of this study is to disclose how the performance of lecturers^ scientific publications is analyzed from the perspective of workplace spirituality and job satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative-descriptive approach, proportional random sampling is used to determine as many of 157 lecturers with a Likert scale of gradation 1-4. The data were then analyzed using Smart-PLS 3.3. The results show that workplace spirituality has a positive and significant effect on the performance of scientific publications, and job satisfaction mediates the influence of spirituality at work on the performance of scientific publications on permanent lecturers at private universities in Garut Regency, Indonesia. The findings of this study indicate that, when the level of workplace spirituality is high, it will increase job satisfaction and scientific publication performance.
Keywords: Workplace Spirituality, Job Satisfaction, Performance.
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| Corresponding Author (Lilis Suhaebah)
93 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-119 |
Organizational Culture and Employee Performance in Post Covid-19 : Does Employee Engagement Mediate in the Model ? Ryani Dhyan Parashakti, Muhamad Ekhsan*, Tedy Nursaputra
Universitas Dian Nusantara
Universitas Pelita Bangsa*
Universitas Pelita Bangsa
email : muhamad.ekhsan[at]pelitabangsa.ac.id
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of organizational culture on employee performance mediated by employee engagement. The research was conducted using quantitative methods. The population used is all employees of one company spare parts automotive large in Indonesia, located in Cikarang. In the number of samples is 71 respondents using the saturated sample method. Data was collected through google forms in filling out online surveys, and observations. Analysis of the data in this study using the help of the Smart PLS software version 3.0. The result of the study state that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee engagement, employee engagement has a positive and significant effect on employee performance and organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance mediated by employee engagement. Employees who have an engagement will make employees give their best for the organization
Keywords: organizational culture, employee engagement, employee performance, post covid
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| Corresponding Author (Muhamad Ekhsan Muhamad Ekhsan)
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Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-120 |
Optimizing Service Dominant Logic in Enhancing the Tourist Revisit Intention Maria Francisca Lies Ambarwati, Idris Gautama So, Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro, Yosef Dedy Pradipto
Binus University
The pandemic era has changed the way people live their lives. The influence of digitalization exposure to people^s activities affects their willingness in spending their free time. The desire to travel makes people choose tourist destinations that can meet the service criteria they set. This study aims to take advantage of service dominant logic on the tourist revisit intention because tourist destination providers have focused on drawing strategies to increase the number of tourists so that the company stays afloat or even excel. A quantitative approach is used to answer the problems in this study. The result shows that the current strategies that are used by tourism destination providers might not be effective and relevant anymore as the tourists in industry 4.0 are not affected by digital marketing through websites and social media. Instead, the tourist revisit intention is highly influenced by the service given that are driven by the service quality and servicescape. This study implies that the future marketing strategies should be focused on services delivered at tourist destinations.
Keywords: Service Dominant Logic, Revisit Intention, Service Quality, Servicescape.
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| Corresponding Author (Maria Francisca Lies Ambarwati)
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Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-121 |
An Analysis of the Management Practice Using Organizational Metaphor Theory Linus Kali Palindangan, Maria Francisca Lies Ambarwati, Nawan Katarina Hatiningsih
a. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi dan Sekretari Tarakanita, Jakarta
b. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi dan Sekretari Tarakanita, Jakarta
c. Persada Indonesia University, YAI, Jakarta
This study explores the implementation of Morgan^s Organizational Metaphor Theory in the management practice within a private higher education institution in Jakarta. This study helps to interpret the advancements and barriers in the current management practice. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Some analyses were made based on the eight metaphors about organizations according to Morgan, namely the metaphor of the organization 1) as a machine, 2) as an organism, 3) as the brain, 4) as culture, 5) as a political system, 6) as a physical prison, 7) as a dynamic and transforming reality, and 8) as an instrument of domination. The results show that the institutions should strive to make some important changes in their management practice especially by applying the recent management practices, including treating lecturers and staff as partners. This study implies that the the implementation of modern management must be accompanied by the leadership commitment.
Keywords: Organizational Metaphor Theory, Modern Management, Leadership Commitment.
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| Corresponding Author (Maria Francisca Lies Ambarwati)
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Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-122 |
Turnover Intention On The Alfamart Crew Store: Excessive Workload and Job Satisfation To Organizational Commitments Post Pandemic The Covid-19 Siti Annisa Wahdiniawati (a*), Ari Apriani (b), Dian Meliantari (c), Achmad Tarmizi (d)
(a*) Dian Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
(b) Dian Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
(c) Dian Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
(d) Dian Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Alfamart Store Crew salaries were cut to compensate for lost items in the store. When a stock taking is done, it turns out that the number of missing items exceeds the tolerance limit of 0.02%, then the employee is deducted by 10% instead of his salary by Alfamart. This happened before the pandemic and after the pandemic, so this condition made the Alfamart store crew feel very burdened. The impact of this will certainly decrease job satisfaction with the policies taken by Alfamart, employees will also decrease their commitment to the organization which results in the desire of employees to move to other companies. The purpose of this study is to determine the turnover intention of Alfamart^s store crew based on excessive workload, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The design of this research is explanatory. The population in this study is the Alfamart store crew in Jakarta with a total sample of 140 people. This study uses quantitative analysis methods with SEM analysis tools and SmartPLS 3.3 tools.
Keywords: Turnover Intention- Workloads- Job Satisfaction- Organizational Commitment- Alfamart- Post Pandemic The Covid 19
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| Corresponding Author (Siti Annisa Wahdiniawati)
97 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-123 |
The Effect of Personal Selling, Price, And Quality of Produk on The Purchase of Incentive Packages Tour Travel Post Pandemi Covid-19 Widayati, C.Catur- Arijanto, Agus- Vidya Ayu Diporini- Dwi Suryaningrum
Universitas Mercu Buana
Abstract-This study aims to analyze the relationship of Personal Sales Service, Price Perception, and Product Quality to the package purchase of the Travel Package Incentives. The object of this study is all customers of Preferred Tours Management Jakarta. The sample in this study are Preferred Tours Management customers in Jakarta, with 155 respondents. Sampling is done by purposive sampling method, the sample is selected based on its characteristics. The analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis using SmartPLS (Partial Least Square) 3.0. The results of this study indicate that Service Quality shows a positive and significant effect on Purchasing Decisions, but it shows that price has a significant negative effect on Purchasing Decisions. Besides, Product Quality shows that shows a positive and significant effect on Purchasing Decisions. Therefore, considering the existing market, the company requests an increase in purchases by paying attention to service quality and product quality through the application of attractive prices.
Keywords: Service Quality, Price, Product Quality and Purchasing Decisions.
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| Corresponding Author (Christina Catur Widayati)
98 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-130 |
Consumer Behavior in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era on the Purchase Decision Process at the Shopee Marketplace in Garut Husni Muharam, Rahyuniati Setiawan, Muhammad Arip Ramdani, Tiara Raras Pramudita
Universitas Garut
This research is entitled ^Consumer Behavior in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era on the Purchase Decision Process at the Shopee Marketplace in Garut Regency^. The purpose of this study, among others, is to find out how the influence of consumer behavior in the era of the covid-19 pandemic on the purchasing decision process at the shopee marketplace in Garut Regency. With quantitative descriptive research methods, the authors conducted research on 100 respondents. The analysis technique used here is data analysis (SEM) with Structural Equation Modeling (PLS) with variance-based Partial Least Square alternative using the SmartPLS version 3.0 program.
Based on the results of the study indicate that consumer behavior has an effect on the purchasing decision process, these results have been tested by hypothesis testing. The conclusion in this study is that there is a partially significant effect. So it is recommended for researchers who will conduct this research to be able to deepen existing research and be able to find out what variables can affect a buying decision process in addition to consumer behavior that has been studied in this study.
Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Purchase Decision Process, data analysis (SEM PLS)
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| Corresponding Author (Husni Muharam)
99 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-145 |
The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth (e-wom), Brand Awareness, And Price Perception Towards Purchase Intention on Instagram Muhamad Al Faruq Abdullah(a*), Yanthy H. Pangaribuan(b), Wenny Desty Febrian(c), Fathihani(d), Didin Hikmah Perkasa(e), Nur Endah Retno Wuryandari(f)
(a*,b,c,d,e,f) Universitas Dian Nusantara, Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the relationship variables that affect purchase intention on Instagram, a social media platform whose popularity is growing at the present time. Primary data were collected through the use of questionnaires sent to a total of 120 respondents located in a variety of cities throughout Indonesia. The data were analyzed using the application of Structural Positive and Equation Model (SEM) Partial Least Square (smartPLS 3.0), with the goal of determining all of the relationships that exist between the variables of Price Perception, Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM), and Brand Awareness on purchase intention in the model.
Keywords: Price perception, electronic word of mouth (e-wom), brand awareness, purchase intention.
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| Corresponding Author (Muhamad Al Faruq Abdullah)
100 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-152 |
Analysis Stock Return on Manufactur Sector Post Covid-19 Pandemic Fathihani (a*), Vely Randyantini (b), Ika Puji Saputri (c), Didin Hikmah Perkasa(d), Muhamad Al Faruq Abdullah (e), Setiyo Purwanto(f)
a,b,c,d,e,f) Management Program, Dian Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Manufacturel companiels in Indonelsia support thel govelrnmelnt^s rolel in thel delvellopmelnt of thel elconomic growth in thel country. Howelvelr, thel Covid-19 pandelmic has causeld problelms in making a profit. Thelrelforel, thel main problelm of this study is to find out and analyzel how nelt profit margin, and elarning pelr sharel affelcts stock relturn. Selcond, knowing and analyzing capital structurel as an intelrvelning variablel that rellatels thel elffelct of nelt profit margin and elarning pelr sharel to stock relturn. This study elxplorels thel theloreltical modell and elmpirical relsults of how nelt profit margin and elarning pelr sharel affelcts stock relturn through capital structurel. From various elmpirical relsults, thelrel is still littlel relselarch on thel ability of capital stucturel as a intelrvelning variablel to analyzel manufacturel companiels listeld on thel Indonelsia Stock Elxchangel. This relselarch is elxpelcteld to contributel to furthelr relselarch and facilitatel thel govelrnmelnt to approach thel delvellopmelnt of manufacturel companiels to elncouragel thel elconomy. Melanwhilel, invelstors arel ablel to bel informeld about thel company^s stock relturn. Thel importancel of this relselarch can bel uselful for companiels in providing solutions on how to increlasel nelt profit margin and elarning pelr sharel by increlasing stock relturn through capital stucturel factors
Keywords: Nelt Profit Margin, Elarning Pelr Sharel, Capital Structurel and Stock Relturn
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| Corresponding Author (Fathihani Fathihani)
101 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-155 |
Generation X and Millennials: Perception Toward Pay for Individual Performance Hastuti Naibaho(1), Endang Pitaloka(2*), Teguh Prasetio(3), Shula Kayla Putri Agustono(4)
(1,2*,3,4) Department of Management & Jaya Launch Pad, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia
*Corresponding author. Email: oka[at]upj.ac.id
Generational differences will cause different effects on the way employees view and perceive the policies designed by their organizations to motivate them, one of which is pay for performance. The purpose of this study is to examine the differing perceptions of pay for performance between employees from Generations X and Millennials. This study was conducted by using survey of which the respondents were from private and public sector organizations. The total number of respondents in this research is 355 employees, which are made up of 156 respondents from Generation X and 199 Millennial respondents. In this study, t-test and Linier regression models were used for hypotheses testing. Results of the t-test showed that there are differences in perceptions of pay for performance between Generations X and Millennials (p<0.05). Generation X gives a higher positive evaluation on pay for performance compared with Generation Millennials. Results of the regression test showed that pay for performance has a significant effect on employee work motivation for both Generations X and Y (p<0,05). The results of this study to provide insights to organizations into designing appropriate compensation programs based on the demographics of their employees
Keywords: Generation Differences, Motivation, External Regulation, Performance-Contingent Rewards
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| Corresponding Author (Hastuti Naibaho)
102 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-157 |
The Dimensions of Expatriates Acculturation in China: A Review Fangling Bi, Anees Janee Ali
Universiti Sanis Malaysia
Trade globalization pushes multinational corporations (MNCs) to conduct business in many geographic regions. As a result, talent flow has emerged as one of the main avenues for building the competitive advantage of international organizations. Expatriates^ work performance is crucial for MNCs in terms of significant financial losses if expatriates^ failure rate is high. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to identifying what causes the failure of the oversea assignment especially in the era of Covid-19. Drawing on Black^s theory of cross-cultural adjustment, this paper reviews empirical studies on the impact of expatriate management practices on work performance with facets of cross-cultural adjustment as a mediating variable. This paper proposes a new dimension that influences the cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates in China, namely Guanxi. Guanxi is introduced into the research framework of factors influencing the cross-cultural adaptation of expatriates in China. Instead of relying solely on either of the literatures, this integration offers a more comprehensive framework. The findings are expected to add to a growing body of literature on cross-cultural adjustment and work performance of expats and to serve as a base for future research.
Keywords: MNCs, Work performance, Expatriates, Guanxi, Cross-cultural adjustment.
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| Corresponding Author (BI FANGLING)
103 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-160 |
Universitas Dian Nusantara, Indonesia
In supporting the improvement of the community^s economy in the coastal tourism sector in Yigyakarta, of course, many efforts have been made by business actors and local governments in promoting beaches post pandemic, such as through social media, websites and travel agents in Yogyakarta. Efforts to promote beach destinations through online media certainly encourage many tourists to visit destinations that are viral on social media. It is necessary to take pictures or videos that describe these tourist attractions so as to attract tourists to visit. The purpose of this study is to determine the determinants of E-WOM and the intention to return to the beach in Yogyakarta through visitor satisfaction. The population in this study were all tourists in Greater Jakarta and Yogyakarta who had visited the beach in Yogyakarta and in this study took 200 respondents as samples. In this study, we will develop and add other constructs/variables that can be predictors of visitor behavior to make return visits to a tourist attraction, from previous research that has been done. The method used in this study is quantitative analysis with SEM analysis tools and SmartPLS 3.3 tools.
Keywords: Intention to Revisit- E-WOM- Visitor Satisfaction- Destination Image- Destination Accessibility- Destination Attraction- Post Pandemic
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| Corresponding Author (Ari Apriani)
104 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-163 |
Analysis of Factors Affecting Leadership at Bank DKI South Jakarta Yanthy Herawati Purnama(a*), Wenny Desty Febrian(b), Didin Hikmah Perkasa (c),Ari Apriani (d),Windayanti (e), Muhamad Al Faruq Abdullah (f)
Universitas Dian Nusantara
This study aims to see the factors that influence leadership at bank DKI South Jakarta. The variables in this study are Organizational Culture, Motivation, Work Environment and Leadership after the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used by this study is a survey research with a quantitative descriptive approach. The population research consisted of all employees of bank DKI Jakarta, and used 58 samples taken from all employees of Bank DKI South Jakarta. This research will use quantitative tools as the data processing, namely SEM PLS. Data collection methods: The data collection techniques carried out are Interviews, Questionnaires, Observations, Interviews. Research results: Based on the table obtained R-Square values for constructs X1, X2 and X3 of 0.707 which means that these values can identify Y can be explained by variables X1, X2 and X3 by 70.7% while the rest is influenced by other variables outside the study
Keywords: Leadership, Organizational Culture, Motivation, Work Environment
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| Corresponding Author (Yanthy Herawaty Purnama)
105 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-173 |
Universitas Dian Nusantara
Companies in Indonesia as taxpayers have the goal of maximizing the amount of profit so that the value of the company^s shares can increase
The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of institutional ownership, family ownership, and thin capitalization on tax avoidance. This study uses data from manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2021, this study uses a purposive sampling method. The sample of this study there are 6 companies that meet the criteria. This study uses panel data regression analysis method which is a combination of time series and cross data to obtain more informative data.
From the table of the results of the regression test ^Coefficient^ it can be seen that the significant value for Institutional Ownership is 0.0295 less than 0.05 (alpha 5%) with a positive beta value in accordance with the hypothesis proposed in this study. So it can be stated that institutional ownership has a significant positive effect on tax avoidance at the 95% confidence level. From the table of the results of the ^Coefficient^ regression test, it can be seen that the significant value for family ownership is 0.2213 more than 0.05 (alpha 5%) with a negative beta value and is not in accordance with the hypothesis proposed in this study. So it can be stated that family ownership has no effect on avoidance.
From the table of the results of the ^Coefficient^ regression test, it can be seen that the significant value for Thin Capitalization is 0.0103 less than 0.05 (alpha 5%) with a positive beta value in accordance with the hypothesis proposed in this study. So it can be stated that Thin Capitalization has a significant positive effect on tax avoidance
From the table, it is known that the significant value is 0.005389 <0.05, which means that Institutional Ownership, Family Ownership and Thin Capitalization jointly affect jointly affect the dependent variable of tax avoidance
Keywords: tax avoidance, institutional ownership, family ownership, thin capitalization
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| Corresponding Author (Achmad Tarmizi)
106 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-175 |
The Impact of Green Marketing Mix on Brand Image of Unilever Indonesia Yohanes Totok Suyoto(1), Endang Pitaloka(2*), Agatha Febriyanti(3),Dea Annisa Ridzkiany Sukarno(4)
1,2,3,4 Department of Management & Jaya Launch Pad, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: oka[at]upj.ac.id
Economic growth in Indonesia shows many impacts on the environment. Today, this environmental issue encourages companies to start looking for a marketing idea that prioritizes marketing campaigns to care for the environment, known as green marketing. The company strives to build an image in the minds of its customers by emphasizing the concept of environmental sustainability. This study aims to understand whether the green marketing mix affects the brand image of Unilever Indonesia. This research applied quantitative research with a survey method. The research proposes a conceptual model consisting of the following variables: Green Product, Green Price, Green Place, Green Promotion, and Brand Image. The results show that all independent variables partially affect the brand image variable. The most influential variables are green products and green prices. The target population for this study was Unilever^s customers, using a sampling technique in the form of purposeful sampling, with 160 respondents. The results of this study show that each independent variable affects the dependent variable brand image. Based on the findings, this study provides theoretical and managerial implications for how companies can build a positive and strong brand image.
Keywords: Green Marketing, Brand Image, Marketing Strategy
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| Corresponding Author (Endang Pitaloka)
107 |
Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
ABS-180 |
The Influence of Recruitment, Training, And Motivation Systems On Employee Performance Bank Mandiri Latumentten Branch West Jakarta Ferryan Harbiato(a), Didin Hikmah Perkasa(*b), Muhammad Al Faruq(c), Cut Nina Rostini(d), Nur Endah Retno Wuryandari(e)
Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta Indonesia
Employee performance is very important in measuring the ability to face business competition. Employees who have good performance will be able to bring the company to achieve its goals. This research is in the form of a proposal study related to employee performance. This study aims to determine the effect of recruitment, training and motivation on employee performance. Companies must be able to implement good strategies and make changes to HR management because business conditions are always changing. The fulfillment of HR through recruitment will greatly determine the development of an organization because HR is the most important source of capital. In conducting recruitment, you must really look for human resources who have competencies that match the needs of the company. Furthermore, the company must have a clear and measurable training program so that the HR recruited are able to complete all their work properly. Furthermore, the role of motivation also determines a person^s work as expected by the company. Many previous studies have stated that there is a link between recruitment, training and motivation on employee performance. The results are still in the form of a proposal study, for more details whether there is an effect of each variable, it is necessary to analyze research data.
Keywords: Recruitment, Training, Motivation, Employee Performance
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| Corresponding Author (Ferryan Harbiato)
108 |
Mechanical Engineering |
ABS-26 |
Experimental study on the performance of centralized air conditioning system due to different outdoor air conditions Kasni Sumeru, Triaji Pangripto, Vickry Muhammad, Mohamad Firdaus bin Sukri
Politeknik Negeri Bandung
It is known that outdoor air conditions give significant effect on the performance of air conditioning (A/C) system. Therefore, this experimental study is proposed to investigate the performance of A/C system with different outdoor air conditions. Four parameters were investigated in this study, i.e., cooling capacity, input power, coefficient of performance (COP) and condensate production rate. The study was conducted on a centralized A/C unit using direct expansion (DX) system with a compressor capacity of approximately 15 kW. The investigation was carried out in two outdoor conditions, namely hot and rainy conditions. As compared to hot condition, the result showed that the average cooling capacity of the A/C system during rainy condition increases by 7.2% (increment from 38.5 kW to 41.5 kW). In the other aspect, reduction in the input power from 16.6 kW for hot condition to 15.9 kW for rainy condition was also achieved. As a result of these increase in cooling capacity and the decrease in the input power led to an improvement in the COP of around 8.5%. In addition, rainy condition produced higher rate of condensate (8.45 l/h), as compared to hot condition (5.43 l/h). In conclusion, the A/C system performs better in rainy condition as compared to hot condition, and higher rate of condensate open up a bigger opportunity for condensate utilization in the future.
Keywords: Air conditioning, cooling capacity, input power, COP
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| Corresponding Author (Kasni Sumeru)
109 |
Mechanical Engineering |
ABS-57 |
Reverse engineering of steam turbines for national manufacturing industry independence Dwijaya Febriansyah(a*), Rudias Harmadi(a), Khamda Herbandono(a), Faisal(a), Cuk Supriyadi Ali Nandar(a)
a) National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN - Republik Indonesia), Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 8, DKI Jakarta, 10340, Indonesia.
Indonesia uses a lot of steam turbines, so there is a lot of demand for this equipment. Indonesia^s current need for steam turbines is still met by imports. It is anticipated that less reliance on imports will result from the development of a domestic steam turbine. The Indonesian government is conducting reverse engineering in accordance with the degree of the local manufacturing industry^s competence to expedite the construction of national steam turbines. Several small-scale (450 HP back pressure, 3 MW direct condensing, 3 MW geothermal direct condensing, and 4 MW back pressure) steam turbine prototypes of various types and powers are the product of the development efforts.
Keywords: Reverse engineering- Steam turbine- Industry independence
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| Corresponding Author (Dwijaya Febriansyah)
110 |
Mechanical Engineering |
ABS-63 |
Development of control system and monitoring via the internet based on Arduino Uno on the use of condensate water in the refrigerator Eddy Erham(a*), Markus(a) , Ary Surjanto(a) ,and Rafa Naufal(b)
a). Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, State
Polytechnic of Bandung (POLBAN), Indonesia.
*Corresponding author: eddy.erham[at]polban.ac.id
b). Alumnus of Department of Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning, State Polytechnic of Bandung, Indonesia
The condensate water in the refrigeration system is liquid of the result of condensation process, usually thrown away without being used. In this paper, to use the condensate water was designed a control system and monitoring via the internet based on Arduino Uno with application to a refrigerator. This design includes both the design of control system for cabin temperature and for condensate water spraying. In this case, the Arduino was uploaded with control system algorithm. In addition, the monitoring system was designed using laptop, LCD and smartphone screen with the ThingSpeak application. The results show that the proposed control system was able to maintain the desired cabin temperature with design error in the range of 0.120C - 0.130C. Meanwhile, the control system for spraying was be able to determine when the desired spraying occurred. When the spraying was set at temperature of 39C, it not only increased the COP by 10%, but also decreased the electrical power consumption by 8.8%. Thus, the method of proposed system is better than the method of existing one.
Keywords: control system- monitoring- condensate water- Arduino Uno- ThingSpeak
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| Corresponding Author (Eddy Erham)
111 |
Mechanical Engineering |
ABS-69 |
EVALUATION OF HEAT LOSS IN DISTRIBUTION PIPELINE COLD WATER IN CHILLER FAN COIL UNIT Ade Suryatman Margana(a*)- Sugiyarto(b)- Luga Martin Simbolon(b)- Bowo Yuli Prasetyo(b)
a) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technique, Bandung State of Polytechnic. Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Bandung 40012, Indonesia.
*) adesmargana[at]polban.ac.id
b)Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technique, Bandung State of Polytechnic. Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Bandung 40012, Indonesia.
This study aimed to evaluate cold water produced by chiller that will be distributed to the fan coil unit (FCU). The cold water distribution system from chiller requires good insulation, especially water pipes in and out of FCU to chiller so water temperature remains stable and chiller performance is not too heavy. Increasing temperature of cold water produced by chiller will affect the performance of the air conditioning system (AC) and the use of electrical energy. The object of this study is chiller unit with 18 FCU units located at the Bandung Electronic Center. Detailed measurements have been taken on the AC system . The results of thermodynamic analysis shows that there is a considerable comparison between the ideal heat loss and the actual heat loss, which is 131,972 kW for supply pipelines and 124,498 kW for return pipelines. Heat loss will also result in increased electricity consumption. The measurement and evaluation results showed the insulation of cold water distribution pipe is not effective enough because there are damaged parts of the insulation, the size or thickness of the insulation used does not match the size of the pipe causing unbalanced chilled water flow rate and heat loss.
Keywords: Heat Loss- Insulation- Fan Coil Unit-
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| Corresponding Author (Ade Suryatman Margana)
112 |
Mechanical Engineering |
ABS-71 |
The Effect of Atmospheric Temperature on Brine Cooling Performance Using Nylon Tube on Liquid Line and Suction Line. Ir. Arda Rahardja Lukitobudi, M.Eng., Ir. Sugiyarto, MT., A.P. Edi Sukamto, ST., MT., Triaji Pangripto Pramudantoro, ST., M.Eng., Cindy Gamas, Verino Apriliano Prio Utomo
Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Nowadays nylon tubes was used on liquid and suction lines especially on moveable Standing Floor and Split Unit Air Conditioner and also another Refrigeration Units. But using nylon tube on liquid and suction line will increase the power consumption. Cindy Gamas analysed that the COPactual, COPcarnot and Efficiency were reduced and the power consumption was increased by using nylon tubes beside of copper tubes on liquid and suction line. The chilling time was also the same using those tubes.
In this paper, a further experimental study was carried out to know the effect of atmospheric temperature on the performance of Brine Cooling Unit using nylon tubes on liquid and suction lines. As nylon tubes influence the subcool and superheat of the refrigerant and by using indirect cooling secondary refrigerant on Brine Cooling Unit will increase COP and reduce the energy, it was interesting to know the effect of using nylon tubes on liquid and suction lines of the unit. The atmospheric temperatures were carried out on 220C- 24,50C and 270C. The result was that the discharge pressure was increased and the temperature was also increased when the atmospheric temperature was increased. On the other hand, the suction pressure was increased and the temperature was also increased when the atmospheric temperature was increased. The evaporator inlet temperature was increased when the atmospheric temperature was increased. The brine chilling time was increased when the atmospheric temperature was increased. The electrical current was increased when the atmospheric temperature was increased. The COP was decreased when the atmospheric temperature was increased.
Keywords: Liquid and Suction Line, Nylon Tubes, Brine Cooling Unit
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113 |
Mechanical Engineering |
ABS-73 |
Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Undira
Archive Depot Building, in general, serves as a place to store, safe-keep, and maintain archives. Therefore, archives located in this building should be treated in accordance with the Head of ANRI (The National Archives of Indonesia) Regulation No. 31 of 2015 on Guidelines for Establishment of Archive Depots. For this type of paper archive, its recommended temperature setting is that of 15oC to 22oC with moisture of 55%.
This building has 4 floors, and is located at Margonda Raya Street No. 54 Depok. The geographical location of this building is 6o South Latitude. The building is facing west, and the building area is of 3211,12 ft2.
From the design and calculation results, we obtained cooling loads of 264929.11 Btu/hr or equivalent to 77.62 kW. The specifications of air conditioners selected to meet the cooling load based on the calculation results are: 1 Outdoor Unit- Nominal Cooling Capacity of 78,6 kW. 2 Indoor Units- Nominal Cooling Capacity of 2800 W. 3 Indoor Units- Nominal Cooling Capacity of 3600 W. 4 Indoor Units- Nominal Cooling Capacity of 4500 W. 1 Indoor Unit- Nominal Cooling Capacity of 8000 W. Lastly, 3 Indoor Units- Nominal Cooling Capacity of 14000 W.
Keywords: Air Conditioning System Archive Depot, Cooling Load, Unit Specification
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| Corresponding Author (Madarif Prawibowo)
114 |
Mechanical Engineering |
ABS-81 |
Air Circulation Types on Albizia Chinensis Refrigerated Drying Petrus Kanisius Purwadi, A Prasetyadi
Mechanical Engineering Department,
University of Sanata Dharma
Air circulation is important for drying especially in furniture industry. Choice of air circulation type can affect speed of drying, production time, and logistic process. Understanding the effect of air circulation types in refrigerated drying for wooden boards was the aim of this experimental research. Seventy Albizia Chinensis boards of 2 x 0.2 x 0.02 m3 were tested under closed air circulation and opened air circulation. The closed air circulation recorded 34 hours with 30.4% air humidity and [\50^{o}\]C of the inlet air. The RH outlet air was 65%, and its temperature was [\40^{o}\]C. The opened air circulation had inlet air temperature of [\40^{o}\] with 32% RH. The outlet air of the opened air circulation was [\29^{o}\]C and 75% in temperature and RH, respectively. It also needed 39.5 hours for the opened air circulation to provide expected boards dryness. It can be concluded that close air circulation is more suitable for drying the boards with COP of 17 in comparison to open air circulation with COP of 10.7.
Keywords: Performance- Refrigerated drying- Wooden boards
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115 |
Mechanical Engineering |
ABS-103 |
Simulation of Heat Spread Welding Process on Friction Drive Wheel in Longitudinal Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW) Machine Using Nastran Inventor Software Andy Kasdianto1,Adri Fato2, Margono Sugeng3, Miftahul Surur4*
Universitas Dian Nusantara
*Universitas Pancasila
One of the most important steps inside drum manufacturing is Welding. Generally, the welding step used is an airtight connection called Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW). Resistance seam welding (RSEW) is welding with wheel-shaped electrodes rotated by a friction drive wheel to produce a weld along the joints on the workpiece. The type of connection used in the Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW) process is a lap joint. In this Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW) welding process, damage was found to the friction wheel drive which was suspected to be caused by the distribution of heat received from the electrode wheel. In this study, I will simulate the temperature variation received by the Friction Drive wheel with skd61 material to the service life using Nastran Inventor software. From the simulation results, it can be seen that there is a temperature difference in the Friction Drive wheel which is caused by the difference in temperature given. After conducting research, it was proven that temperature does not affect the service life of the Friction Drive Wheel. This research can be continued by making material changes, reducing pressure and variations in the friction surface on the friction wheel drive against the electrodes.
Keywords: Engineering Journal- Scientific papers- Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW)- Heat Transfer- Simulations
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| Corresponding Author (Andy Kasdianto)
116 |
Mechanical Engineering |
ABS-111 |
Constructal Heat Release of Radial Permanent Magnet Generator Andreas Prasetyadi (a*), Ronny Dwi Agusulistyo (b)
(a) Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta
(b) Mechatronics, Faculty of Vocation, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta
Constructal theorem indicates a pattern of optimum efficient flow. In a radial permanent magnet generator, the constructal pattern was studied. A 2D model of radial permanent magnet generator was assumed to have specific thickness of the laminated core for the stator. Heat released to the frame in order keeping temperature of the magnet below its critical temperature. Geometric parameters showing thickness and width of the stator were found as the constructal pattern that meet the targeted output.
Keywords: constructal- heat release- radial permanent magnet generator
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117 |
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) |
ABS-32 |
The Effect of Innovation Capability on Market Performance Mediated by External Collaboration on MSMEs Mohamad Trio Febriyantoro, Zulkifli, Yohanes Totok Suyoto, Fendi Saputra, Dede Suleman
Departement of Management & Jaya Launch Pad, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia
The functions and roles of MSMEs in Indonesia are quite numerous both economically, politically, socially, culturally and security. Economic-social-political functions and roles, for example, are to increase people^s income, reduce unemployment and poverty and urbanization flows. This study aims to determine the effect of innovation capability on market performance mediated by external collaboration in Batam MSMEs. This study took a sample of 257 respondents who are managers or owners of MSMEs selected using non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Square (SEM PLS) approach. The results show that innovation capability has a significant effect on market performance in MSMEs, there is a significant relationship between innovation capability and external collaboration and a significant relationship between external collaboration on market performance, while the results of the indirect effect show that external collaboration mediates the relationship. between innovation capability and market performance. Suggestions for Batam City MSMEs to continue to maximize innovation capabilities and collaborate with various parties to improve market performance
Keywords: Innovation Capability, Market Performance, External Collaboration, MSMEs
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118 |
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) |
ABS-34 |
The Important of Technology, Management and Accounting Adaptability toward Business Performance: A Proposed Study Ikrar Agung Dewantoro (a*), Caturida Meiwanto Doktoralina (b), Lestari (c)
a,b,c) Accounting Program, Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta Indonesia
The traditional restaurant business is one of the sources that contribute to an increase in the income of a region. However, poor business performance causes the income from traditional restaurants to be suboptimal. Therefore, the role of traditional restaurants in having the ability to adapt to technological developments, good management methods, and good accounting reporting are the main issues of this paper. This study attempts to unearth a theoretical model of proposals on how these three capabilities can affect the performance of traditional restaurant businesses. The studies on the importance of the role of adaptability of accounting, adaptability of technology and adaptability of management have not been widely carried out in previous research in Indonesia. This research is expected to provide guidelines and further research facilities for the government to approach the development of traditional restaurants in encouraging culinary tourism and the revival of SMEs.
Keywords: Accounting Adaptability, Management Adaptability, Technology Adaptability, SMEs
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119 |
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) |
ABS-125 |
Do MSMEs need to adopt e-wallet? A study of MSMEs adapting to the post-pandemic digital era Ari Apriani*, Nur Endah Retno Wuryandari
Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia
In the digitalization era, technology in the use of E-Wallet in business processes in MSMEs is not yet optimal. This can be seen from the lack of use of the Quick Response Indonesia Standard (QRIS) application on MSMEs. As we know, there are many E-Wallet applications in Indonesia such as Gopay, OVO, Shopee Pay, Dana, Link Aja. Therefore, this research is important because during the Covid-19 pandemic, the high level of consumer spending in online shopping activities at e-commerce merchants at MSMEs in Indonesia, should have an impact in the post-pandemic period. The purpose of this study is to find out that perceived ease of use, perceived risk and promotion can affect the intention to adopt e-wallet, of course, the results of this study can be considered by MSMEs actors to adopt e-wallet and switch to digital, because MSMEs must be able to adapt to conditions during the pandemic and after the pandemic by utilizing E-Wallet as a means of payment. Quantitative descriptive research was used in this study and the research was conducted based on previous research in building the concept of this research. A total of 250 respondent populations Jabodetabek area are used in the distribution of data that will be managed using tool Smart PLS.
Keywords: adoption e-wallet- digital era- e-wallet- post pandemic- SMEs
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120 |
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) |
ABS-135 |
The Spirituals Post-Covid Asnaf Entrepreneurs Towards Zakat On Business Noormariana Mohd Din (a), Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad (b*), Azwan Abdullah (c), Ahmad Ridhuwan Abdullah (d), Caturida Meiwanto Doktoralina (e)
a,b,c,d) Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, City Campus, 16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
e) Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia
This study assesses the spiritual^s post-covid Asnaf entrepreneur^s towards zakat on business. it indicated the new insight of Asnaf entrepreneur^s spiritual after covid. Asnaf entrepreneurs who are participated in the Asnaf entrepreneurial Programme (AEP) act as the contributors in solving the effectiveness in distribution issue. The rationale for the effectiveness distribution in Islam is to help and boost the social and economic life among Asnaf. After participated in the AEP, the Asnaf become as the zakat payer and directly will be give the positive effect to zakat collection. However, many small businesses especially business from Asnaf entrepreneurs are financially fragile cause of Covid19 challenges. To meet the challenges posed by the Covid19, the Asnaf entrepreneurs had to react in agile and decisive ways by relating the spiritual towards business and able to maintain as the zakat payer soon. This involves conducting an after-action review in spiritual by lessons learned from the pandemic and enhance the business value. Therefore, in this paper, we explore the Spiritual^s Asnaf entrepreneurs towards zakat on business after facing the Covid19. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the reliability and validity of the measurement, and the structural equation modelling techniques (SEM) were used to evaluate the casual model. The findings indicate that the strong predictive power of Spiritual among Asnaf entrepreneur^s towards zakat on business after covid19. Hence, the study provides an insight to zakat institution that the covid19 seek out the opportunities emerging in the recovery and stability return by move to digitalisation business.
Keywords: Asnaf, Entrepreneur, Spiritual Quotient, Post Covid
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