THE INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATION, WORK DISCIPLINE AND LEADERSHIP ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE OF PT. KALIMUTU MITRA PERKASA a, b, c, d) Program Studi Manajemen, Universitas Dian Nusantara Abstract Skilled labour will certainly be able to improve the quality of work. The purpose of earning a training and competency certification, especially for fresh graduates from the Bachelor and Diploma Programs in Construction in the DKI Jakarta, West Java and Banten Provinces in 2020 is to prepare the prospective human resources on construction area who are reliable, professional, and competent at early age. Human Resources or employees in the company are the drivers and controller at all stages of the company^s activities, name them from production, distribution, to sales. Efforts to improve the quality of work results and equip the workforce with skills according to their fields are mandatory by conducting training for employees and for more skill and knowledge competitiveness employees are sent abroad. The Covid-19 effected a very significant impact on the construction sector which contributes greatly to the economy, hence this business is hampered due to a shortage of skilled labours in result that construction completion goes slow. The occurrence of delays in the construction completion is caused by two factors, namely external factors and internal factors. This research will focus on internal factors related to Human Resources and their performance, including work motivation, work discipline, and leadership which are considered to affect construction performance and accomplishment. Keywords: work motivation, labour discipline, leadership, work performance Topic: Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management) |
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