The Implementation of MPPT Incremental Conductance Method with Boost Converter on PV system Dorothy Patricia, Yehezkiel Krisma, Petrus Setyo Prabowo, Bernadeta Wuri Harini
Universitas Sanata Dharma
The development of renewable energy has been rapidly growing since renewable resources have become a crucial necessity to fulfill electricity needs. Solar energy is constantly flowing away from the sun and will soon become one of the main energy resources that people depend on. Therefore, a highly efficient PV system is needed to get the maximum power of a panel could absorb. This paper presents an implementation of the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Incremental Conductance method on PV systems using a DC-DC Boost Converter. This algorithm controls the system by changing the duty cycle using the ATmega328 microcontroller on Arduino UNO. INA219 sensor is used to read the output of the converter, which is used as input for the algorithm. A motor DC will be used to drive the panel vertically (Single-Axis), therefore the panel will get the best intensity from the sun. The results of the study prove that solar panel with the MPPT Incremental Conductance method and vertical tracking system produces 45.52W of power with 91.01% efficiency.