The Implementation of MPPT Perturb and Observe Method with Boost Converter on PV system Agnesia Felita, Yehezkiel Krisma, Petrus Setyo Prabowo, Bernadeta Wuri Harini
Universitas Sanata Dharma
Solar panels can convert solar energy into electrical energy under direct current conditions. Changes in solar radiation cause the MPP characteristics of solar panels to be unstable so the electrical power generated by solar panels is not optimal. Therefore, the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) system with the Perturb and Observe method is used to maximize the power received by the solar panels. The Perturb and Observe algorithm is implemented through a boost converter circuit by changing the duty cycle value on the Atmega328 Arduino Uno microcontroller as a frequency source. MOSFET inductors, capacitors, diodes, and resistors as obstacles to adjusting the input to regulate the DC-DC voltage by adjusting the pulses on the PWM generated from the microcontroller. The INA219 sensor is used to read the data of each system. A single axis solar panel system uses a DC motor to move the panel supported by an LDR sensor to detect the highest light intensity The test results of solar panels with a single axis MPPT with Perturb and Observe methods and a single axis tracking system produce 45.23W of power with an efficiency of 90.46%.
Keywords: MPPT, Perturb and Observe, DC-DC Converter, Boost Converter