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31 Civil Engineering ABS-23

Utilization Of Waste Glass Material As Fine Aggregate Substitutions on Flexible Pavement
Muhammad Taufik Habibillah Ibnu Ahmad (a*), Suherman Sulaiman (b)

a) Master Program of Applied Infrastructure Engineering, Bandung State Polytechic
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, West Java 40559, Indonesia
b) School of Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom


Waste glass is one of the waste materials that takes millions of years to decompose. One of alternative to processing waste glass apart from being recycled is to use it as material for flexible pavements. Waste glass that has been broken can be used as a substitute for fine aggregate asphalt mixture. The research was carried out with several tests, such as characteristics of the glass material and characteristics of the asphalt mixture using the absolute density method. Variations of glass material used as a substitute for fine aggregate are 0%,10%,20%, and 30%. The results showed that the use of 10% glass material as a substitute for fine aggregate in flexible pavement increased on the variable of density, flow, low asphalt content, and marshall immersion.

Keywords: Waste glass- Flexible pavement- Fine aggregate- Marshall density method

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32 Civil Engineering ABS-54

Compressive Strength of Bacteria-Based Concrete Materials Using Bacillus Megaterium Bacteria
Mutia Gina Savira (a), Ujang Ruslan (a), Keryanti Keryanti (b), Luthfi Muhammad Mauludin (a*)

a) Civil Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Indonesia
b) Chemical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Indonesia


In construction sector, especially in infrastructure, a concrete structure is the most commonly used. In fact, the concrete structure is weak in tension but strong in compression. Due to its weak tensile strength, it can cause cracks in the concrete. From small cracks, medium cracks and finally into wide cracks. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of Bacillus megaterium bacteria on compressive strength of concrete. In this paper, the type of bacteria used in concrete mixing is Bacillus megaterium which proportions of 1% and 2% are adopted in this study along with fly ash as additive. Bacillus megaterium bacteria, fly ash, and calcium lactate were added into the concrete mixing. The specimens were casted into the cylinder molds (diameter 150 mm and height 300 mm) with different percentages of fly ash and bacteria. The specimens were tested under uniaxial testing machine to observe its compressive strength. The compressive strength of bacteria-based concrete were examined for some particular periods, such as 14 days and 28 days. It is found that the compressive strength of bacteria-based concrete was increased up to 55,178% compared to the normal one.

Keywords: Compressive strength, Bacillus megaterium, cracks, fly ash

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33 Civil Engineering ABS-60

The Effect Of Rice Husk Ash And Phosphoric Acid As Soft Soil Stabilizing Agent For Plasticity Index Value
Muhammad Raihan Riandi (a*), S Syahril (b)

a) Department of Civil Engineering Master Program, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559, Indonesia
b)Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559, Indonesia


Many of infrastructure buildings were damaged because it built on soft soil and need a special treatment to increase the strength and bearing capacity of the soil. Soil stabilization is a method of improving soil characteristics by adding some additional material. The method of soil stabilization is using Rice Husk Ash (RHA) because it has a pozzolanic properties that can absorb the water and decrease the plasticity index value of the soil and also use Phosphoric Acid (PA) because it can react easily with water content of the soil. This research used stabilization method by adding 5 variants of rice husk ash (3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, and 15%) as an independent variable and phosphoric acid percentage is 10% as a dependent variable. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of Rice Husk Ash and Phosphoric Acid which is stabilized for soft soil using USCS (Unified Soil Classification System) method. Based on testing, obtained maximum value on variant 4 (12% RHA + 10% PA) which is 14,5% from 35% soft soil. From this research it is proofed that rice husk ash and phosphoric acid can decrease the plasticity index value and repair the characteristic of soft soil.

Keywords: Rice Husk Ash- Phosphoric Acid- Soil Stabilization- Plasticity Index

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34 Civil Engineering ABS-62

The Effect of Adding Marble Dust On Compressive Strength And Bearing Capacity Value For Soft Clay Soil
S Syahril (a*), Agus Suyono (a), Hendry (a), Muchtar (a), Muhammad Raihan Riandi (b)

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559, Indonesia
b) Department of Civil Engineering Master Program, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559, Indonesia


The problem of soft clay soil is occurrence of expansion and shrinkage of the soil and becomes very dangerous for a construction. To overcome the problem of clay soil, several studies were carried out that can improve the characteristic of soft clay soils. The use of this soft clay stabilization method aims to reduce the value of the plasticity index, increase strength of soil and increase bearing capacity value. One of the methods of soil stabilization is by adding marble dust. From the chemical analysis results of marble dust show that calcium oxide content is above 50%. In this research the soft clay soil will be stabilized using marble dust of 10%, 15%, and 20%. The optimum variant for stabilization is using marble dust 20% and reaching 1,12 kg/cm2 from the UCS test which is increased from 0,39 kg/cm2 for the soft clay soil. The CBR test value on optimum variant reaching 5,25% and 6,6% from 2,15% and 2,9% on the soft clay soil from soaked and unsoaked condition. From the result, it is proofed that marble dust as stabilized material can increase the strength and bearing capacity value of the soil based on the UCS and CBR test.

Keywords: Marble Dust- Soil Stabilization- Unconfined Compressive Strength- California Bearing Ratio

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35 Civil Engineering ABS-85

The Effect Of Squeezing Force to the Shear Strength Of Sengon Wood and Coconut Wood Using PVAC Adhesive
Muhammad Taufan (a), Mujiman (a), Yulianto Petrus Krisologus (a)

a)Civil Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Indonesia


The increasing of hardwood utilization as a construction material make it expensive. To solve that problem is by using the sengon wood and coconut wood. One of technology to improve the quality of Sengon wood and Coconut wood by using the laminate method. The test object in this study made by glueing the two sengon wood with 60MDGL PVAC adhesive also the same with coconut wood. The variations of squeezing pressure using are 1 MPa, 2 MPa, and 3 MPa. It is hoped that this research can determine the effect of squeezing force to the the shear strength of wood connecting. The results showed that the shear strength values for Sengon wood with squeezing pressure of 1MPa, 2MPa, and 3MPa are 154,59 kg/cm2, 197,49 kg/cm2 and 277,07 kg/cm2 while for coconut wood are 17,18 kg/cm2, 31,77 kg/cm2 and 39.64 kg/cm2. It can be concluded that the maximum shear strength of sengon sample more that 3 times also the maximum squeezing force of gluing sample is 3 MPa.

Keywords: Sengon, coconut, laminate, shear strength

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36 Civil Engineering ABS-101

Analytical and Dynamic Loading Test Evaluation of Fly Over ^X^ Foundations, Bandung City, Indonesia
Aditia Febriansya, Iskandar, Mulyadi Yuswandono, Andri Krisnandi Somantri*, Nadya Amelia, Rubinaufal Arfariq Yahya

Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40559, Indonesia


In this paper, the evaluation of Fly Over ^X^ foundations will be discussed based on analytical and dynamic loading test whether the foundation meets safety criteria or not, and the strengthening of foundation are proposed in this paper. During the construction of Fly Over ^X^ substructure, it was found that the result of loading test of bore pile foundation in Pier 5 and Pier 18 did not meet the minimum requirements and specification. The loading test was carried out using Pile Driving Analyzer or PDA resulting in the ultimate bearing capacity of Pier 5 and Pier 18 foundation each are 397 Ton and 515 Ton, while the bearing capacity criteria need to meet is 675 Ton. In this paper, analytical and loading test evaluation of Fly Over ^X^ foundation is presented to determine whether the foundations are able to withstand external loads according to Indonesian Standard. Standard penetration test result also used to determine the allowable bearing capacity and total settlement of foundations. Based on the evaluation result, the foundation at Pier 5 and Pier 18 needs to be strengthened by adding each 12 piles and 16 piles surrounding the existing pile configuration so that the substructure can meet the safety criteria. The placement and construction method of new piles must consider the land availability, traffic management, and bridge clearance.

Keywords: Foundations, Bore pile, Pile driving analyzer, Standard penetration test, Bearing capacity

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37 Civil Engineering ABS-131

Analysis of Public Transit System Fare Policy in Indonesia using Big Data on Post Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of MRT Jakarta Indonesia
Mira Lestira Hariani (a*), Fariz Ramadhan (b)

a) Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia.

b) Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia.


Public Transit System Fare Policy is a very important basic component in the implementation of public transit system. This study aims to provide several alternatives that can be applied by MRT Jakarta and give recommendation for fare policies that can increase PT. MRT Jakarta revenues using big data (tapping data) taken in the post-covid 19 Pandemic. Big data will be analyzed to produce passenger frequency distribution data based on the number of travel stations and an origin-destination matrix. Several alternative fare policies will be determined by considering Ability to Pay (ATP), Willingness to Pay (WTP), and passenger frequency distribution from the results of big data analysis, Then the best alternative will be determined which will generate the highest revenue increase for PT. MRT Jakarta. This study result the best alternative fare is a graduated fare structure based on mount of travel stations with the application of an initial fare of Rp. 3000, - at the first station, and then the fare will increase by Rp. 2,500/station starting from 2nd travel stations, and will increase by Rp. 1000/station from 4th travel stations until the last station. This alternative resulted in an increase in PT. MRT Jakarta^s revenue of about 36% to its existing revenue.

Keywords: Fare Policy , Transit system, MRT Jakarta, Big Data Analysis.

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38 Civil Engineering ABS-153

Flood Vulnerability Mapping in South Cimahi Subdistrict Cimahi City
Yackob Astor (a*), Iin Karnisah (a), Ainnaya Sajida (a), Hana Fitri Khairani (a)

(a) Department of Civil Engineering, Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Indonesia


South Cimahi Subdistrict is an area that often floods in Cimahi City. Each village has been hit by floods. This is caused by several factors, namely: Cimahi City is a basin that slopes to the south, so that South Cimahi Subdistrict is at the lowest point of Cimahi City. South Cimahi Subdistrict is the largest area and has the largest population of other subdistricts. There is no clear and accurate information related to flood vulnerability in South Cimahi Subdistrict. Therefore, it takes a mapping of flood vulnerability at the village level in South Cimahi Subdistrict. To determine the level of flood vulnerability, several methods were carried out, namely: surveying of flood point locations, collecting of secondary data from various sources, scoring and evaluating the Flood Vulnerability Index referring to Regulation of the head of BNPB Number 2 of 2012 concerning General Guidelines for Disaster Risk Assessment, as well as making a Flood Vulnerability Map using ArcGIS 10.8. The results of this study are maps that describe 3 classes of flood vulnerability along with the value of the Flood Vulnerability Index per village, namely Cibeurem Village (High: 2.805), Melong Village (High: 2,590), Utama Village (Moderate: 2,415), Leuwigajah Village (Moderate: 2,230), and Cibeber Village (Low: 1,845). Verification of the mapping results is carried out by comparing the number of flood points, the distance of the flood point to the river, and comparison with the Cimahi City Flood-Prone Zoning Map in 2017. The comparison results show that the flood vulnerability classes in this study are not much different. The South Cimahi Subdistrict Flood Vulnerability Map is useful for the Cimahi City Government to formulate flood control solutions in each village in South Cimahi Subdistrict.

Keywords: Flood, Flood Vulnerability Index, Flood Vulnerability Map

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39 Civil Engineering ABS-167

Planning of Bicycle Lane as Sustainable Transportation to Support Post Pandemic Adaptation in Cimahi City
Agah Muhammad Mulyadi (a*), Anisa Mardiyanti (b), Sally Nuraeni (b), Fairuz Albi Asyahari (b), Aldo Organami (b), Hanafi (b)

a) Regional Development Planning, Research, and Development Agency of Cimahi
Jalan Rd Demang Hardjakusumah, Tower B Level 3, Cimahi 40513
b) Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of General Achmad Yani
Jalan Terusan Jend. Sudirman, Cibeber, Cimahi 40513


Bicycles is an environmentally friendly and sustainable mode of transportation to reduce the impact of global warming. There is a regulation of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning road traffic and transportation which requires every road to be equipped with a bicycle lane. The existence of bicycle lanes is intended to provide safety and comfort for cyclists on the road and also to encourage people to use bicycles. The use of bicycles became a boom during the Covid-19 pandemic because cycling is an outdoor activity that is considered safer and healthier. Cimahi City as a part of the Greater Bandung area has also seen an increase in bicycle users. However, currently in Cimahi City there are no bicycle lanes so that the needs of cyclists are not accommodated. The aims of this research are (1) planning bicycle lane routes in Cimahi City, (2) planning types of bicycle lane, and (3) comparing various bicycle lane route planning methods. Data collection for bicycle lanes was carried out on two routes. Planning on alternative route 1 along 7,712 km on 11 roads. Meanwhile, planning for alternative route 2 along 4.79 km includes 4 roads. The method of assessing bicycle route planning in this study uses 7 principles of bicycle lane route network issued by FHWA (Federal Highway Administration). In addition, the design criteria for selecting the types of bicycle lane used the Cycling Facility Design Guidelines from the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. The results of the analysis show that alternative route 1 is better than alternative 2 with a score of 79.93 and 68.19, respectively. Most bicycle lanes are recommended to use type A, which is a bicycle lane that is physically protected by using planter boxes. There are 4 methods of determining bicycle route routes that have been implemented abroad and all of them focus on the safety, safety and comfort aspects of cyclists.

Keywords: Bicycles lane- Cycling routes- Types of bicycles lane- Sustainable transportation- Cimahi city

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40 Civil Engineering ABS-174

The Analysis of Bending Capacity of Camphor Wood-Reinforced Concrete Composite Beams with CFRP Layers Variation in Tensile Sections
Pamella M Sri Rezeki (a*), Mujiman (b)

a) Department of Civil Engineering Master Program, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559, Indonesian
b) Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559, Indonesian


The tropical forests that are spread throughout Indonesia territory support the processes for constructing the wood bridge. However, the availability of camphor wood with adequate capacity is very limited. The planning of composite beams for laminated wood bridges and reinforced concrete is expected can receive higher loads. Laminated wood is planned by using anchors in the beam support area. In addition, external reinforcement in the form of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) is applied to the tensile section of the composite beam. Variations in the CFRP layer on the tensile section of the composite beam affect the beam^s ability to carry loads. Experiments were carried out with Displacement Control using One Point Load on the beam. The beam is loaded with a static (monotonic) load with a constant ramp actuator speed of 0, 05 mm/s until the beam collapses. The test results showed that the laminated concrete-reinforced composite beam using 3-layer CFRP reinforcement could carry a load 34% greater (70.29 kN) than the composite beam without CFRP reinforcement (52.53 kN)

Keywords: Composite Beams, CFRP, Flexural Reinforcement, Laminated Wood Beams, Displacement Control.

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41 Civil Engineering ABS-177

Compliance of Standards for Pedestrian Facilities in Cimahi City Based on Pedestrian Technical Guidelines
Agah Muhammad Mulyadi (a*), Fitri Yulia Rahmawati (b), Sidik Baitul Rochmat (b), Casare Adi Nugraha (b), Lulu Qonita Lutfiya (b), Ferry Rusgiyarto (b)

a) Regional Development Planning, Research, and Development Agency of Cimahi
Jalan Rd Demang Hardjakusumah, Tower B Level 3, Cimahi 40513
b) Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of General Achmad Yani
Jalan Terusan Jend. Sudirman, Cibeber, Cimahi 40513


Pedestrian facilities are one element of the urban transportation system in order to create a pedestrian friendly city. Sidewalks must be designed to meet the standards in pedestrian technical guidelines. Cimahi City is part of the Greater Bandung Region so that the characteristics of the city are urban characteristics which require adequate pedestrian facilities, especially in the city center. Aim of this study was to evaluate pedestrian facilities in the Gandawijaya and Cimahi City Square areas based on existing technical guidelines. The technical guidelines used to evaluate pedestrian facilities are based on (1) Regulation of the Minister of Public Works Number 03/PRT/M/2014, and (2) Technical Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities Number Pd 03-2017-B from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. Assessment of pedestrian facilities based on these two technical guidelines uses 19 assessment indicators that must be met by pedestrian facilities. The nineteen indicators are grouped into four aspects, namely: (1) security aspect, (2) comfort aspect, (3) accessibility aspect, (4) aesthetic aspect, (5) connectivity aspect, and (6) supporting facilities aspect. In the Gandawijaya area, there are 3 aspects that have an assessment above 50%, most of which have met technical compliance, i.e (1) security aspects, (2) comfort aspects, and (3) aesthetic aspects. These three aspects have technical compliance values with the guidelines of 66.67%, 100%, and 66.67%, respectively. Meanwhile, in the Alun-alun area, none of the aspects has a value of technical compliance above 50%, which describes that most of the indicators cannot be met. The six aspects have technical compliance values by 25%, 25%, 25%, 50%, 25%, and 0% respectively. All in all, the supporting aspects are aspects that cannot meet the technical standard guidelines for all indicators. While the aspects of comfort and aesthetic aspects are aspects that can meet some of the technical standards of the guidelines.

Keywords: Cimahi City- pedestrian facilities- pedestrian guidelines- sidewalk- technical standards

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42 Communication and Multimedia ABS-6

Social Media and The Dynamics of Journalism in Indonesia: A Study of Media Preneurship by Journalists in the Cross Platform Era
Rizki Briandana (a*), Muhammad Raqib Mohd Sofian (b), Abdul Haris (c)

a) Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia.
Jalan Meruya Selatan No.1 Jakarta Barat 11650.
* rizki.briandana[at]
b) Faculty Of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia
Bandar Baru Nilai, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
c) Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Bung Karno, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Jl. Pegangsaan Timur No.17A, Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10310.


This study aims to analyze the phenomenon of journalists in utilizing digital platforms. At present Indonesia has entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The change from the fourth industry is marked by the inclusion of digitalization technology in all fields of human life, ranging from the economic, business, infrastructure, and communication fields. Advances in information and communication technology have forced the media industry to converge to survive in this era of disruption. Meanwhile, journalists use digital platforms to upload news material that they create for economic or personal use. New media theory and social media preunership are used as the main foundation in research. This research uses case study method with in-depth interview data collection techniques. The result shows that the new practices as a result of new media technology appear in various forms of activities that have never been carried out before, especially in traditional media practices. This research also reveals the recognition of the erosion of professional values as a result of the impact of new media. One of the ways that is able to perpetuate existence is a deep and complete jurnalistic strengthening and sharpness.

Keywords: social media, Indonesian journalist, media preunership and ICT

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43 Communication and Multimedia ABS-21

Kornelia Johana Dacosta and Suswinda Ningsih

Universitas Dian Nusantara


Female voters outnumber male voters. However, until now, many female politicians who have had to fail to compete in the general election compete with male politicians. This is a big question mark, what are the factors that make women^s voices in the 2019 general election whitewash. The informants were taken from residents of DKI Jakarta, who represented Central Jakarta, Jakarta, South Jakarta, West Jakarta, North Jakarta and East Jakarta that female voters chose female politicians based on attractive visuals, based on the party where the female politician joined, based on the vision and mission there are also who choose based on advice from friends and some even choose their own without a good reason. In addition, mass media and social media also have an influence in influencing the election of female politicians. Framing carried out by the mass media or imaging in the media will greatly affect female voters in determining their choice. Meanwhile, for the mass media, it is clear that they are not in favor of women politicians. The framing given often focuses on the sexuality of female politicians rather than on their performance or intelligence. In social media, many politicians are highlighted by netizens from the point of view of their beauty. This has a negative impact that affects female voters in determining their choice in the 2019 election.

Keywords: Female voters, female politicians, 2019 election

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44 Communication and Multimedia ABS-25

Semiotic Analysis of Social Media Content in promoting Local Wisdom in Cultural Awareness at Jati Rangon Village, Bekasi
Ida Royani Damayanti, Dwi Sapto Febriantaka, Rengga Sendrian

Communications Department, Faculty of Business and Social Science Universitas Dian Nusantara.
Jl. Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1, Grogol, Jakarta Barat


Globalization and modernization, triggering foreign cultural elements into people^s lives, modernization and globalization, is not only characterized by physical changes in its territory, but also affects the fading of local wisdom of the community. Now days, one of the local wisdoms that still establish is gotong royong as a unifying form in carrying out the social life of the community. Gotong royong in organizing the activities of the Bekasi Betawi ethnic community its call as Paketan. Meanwhile, the people of Kranggan Village, where Jati Sampurna District wichs is still maintain strong and preserve cultural life and customs that are closely related to Sundanese customs which they call it Babarit. They have these tradition from generation to generation or it has has been around for ages. Babarit is an acronym for ^Ngababarkeun ririwit^ which means eliminating trouble or in other words it can be referred to ^Earth ceremony^ Social media become effective to launch a product were creative content in it such a local governments and the private sector to process and develop a brand with a very large market

Keywords: Local Wisdom, Cultural Awareness, Semiotic Analysis, Social Media Content

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45 Communication and Multimedia ABS-43

Maya Sekartaji, Putri Ayienda Dinanti, Firly Yunanda Damanik

Universitas Dian Nusantara


The world has suffered from COVID-19 since 2020. The high rate of death happens everywhere. In addition, nearly all sectors of life have been destroyed, which leads to chaotic situations. Suddenly people have to be able to survive in many ways. Not only must they get through death, but mentally as well. It is the moment when people express how they feel in literary works to balance their emotions with their mental states. This paper aims to describe the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on particular social groups through reading literary works. Qualitative research is the method used in this paper. Employing Habitus theory from Pierre Bordieu on selected fields, media, and practices, it finds that some people tend to read literature more during pandemics. They choose the pandemic topic, neither the classic nor the newest literature readings. Having read specific reading, they find salvation and form a sense of hope in dealing with the outbreak. This paper results that through rigorous literature reading, habitus is formed to ensure sustainability in the post-pandemic of COVID-19.

Keywords: Habitus, sustainability, reading literature, post-pandemic

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46 Communication and Multimedia ABS-51

The Construction of Reality of Media Regarding Ustadz Abdul Somats Refusal to Enter Singapore for Vacation
Agustinus Rustanta, Gabriella Novianty Soedjarwo, Berlianda Ciputri, Hendra Alfani

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi dan Sekretari Tarakanita, Jakarta


The construction of reality by the media can give certain effects according to the objective of the media itself. The rejection of Ustadz Abdul Somat to visi Singapore was not something extraordinary, especially since he did not come to represent an institution or government. The purpose of this study was to analyze how the media ( and framed the case of not allowing Abdul Somat to visit Singapore. The text of the news by the two online media on 16-23 May 2022 became the primary data for this research. The data were then analyzed using the framing analysis method by Pan & Kosicki. The findings of this study indicate that the two online media and differ in constructing reality. is more neutral, by prioritizing information from the authorities why and how Abdul Somat was not allowed to enter Singapore. Meanwhile tends to construct these communication events with a provocative tone. constructs reality by describing the position and situation of Abdul Somat who is less honorable in Singapore.

Keywords: Framing, Reality, Construct, News

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47 Communication and Multimedia ABS-52

Media Framing Against Identity Political Orientation as a Representation of Political Interests Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election
Hendra Alfani, Agustinus Rustanta, Elsie Oktivera dan Steffi Lee

Universitas Baturaja, Sumatera Selatan
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi dan Sekretari Tarakanita, Jakarta


Political movements ahead of the 2024 presidential election are increasingly escalating. The media began to focus on highlighting the political escalation. This study aims to analyze how,, and, as influential online media in Indonesia, frame and construct the issue of identity politics ahead of the 2024 presidential election. In the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections, the highlight of the issue of identity politics is very strong, it is even used as a political commodity to gain voter support. This then causes political polarization, polemics, and even conflicts whose residues are still felt ahead of the 2024 presidential election. This study uses a qualitative approach with Robert Entman^s framing analysis method. The results of the study indicate that there is an emphasis on the process of selecting issues and highlighting certain aspects of the reported reality which are influenced by the ideology of the media and the opinions of journalists involved in the process of presenting news from the three media in displaying the construction of the reality of the issue of identity politics orientation as a representation of political interests ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

Keywords: Media framing, construction of reality, representation, identity politics

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48 Communication and Multimedia ABS-58

Language Anxiety Among English Foreign Language Learners
Nur Bintang Zul Hulaifah, S.Pd., M.Pd. - Todo F. B. Sibuea, S.Pd., M.Hum.

Universitas Dian Nusan


This research title is ^Language Anxiety Among English Foreign Language Learners^. This research intended to find out EFL University Students^ level of language anxiety, its causes, and how they cope with it. The present study implemented a mixed method in case study research. There were two instruments applied in this research. Those were a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The quantitative data were collected by questionnaire through FLCAS. The qualitative method was chosen through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. This research involved 40 male and female EFL university students who enrolled in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at one of the private universities in Jakarta. Their age range is between 18-25 years. The questionnaire items showed that there were two levels of anxiety in this research as follows: 1. Low level of anxiety (62%) and 2. Moderate level of anxiety (38%). From the combination of questionnaire items and semi-structured interviews, five causes of language anxiety were clarified: Lack of confidence in speaking English in class, 2. Fear of making mistakes when speaking English, and 3. Inadequate knowledge of vocabulary/grammar. In addition, a total of five coping strategies based on Kondo and Ling (2004) can be identified.

Keywords: Foreign Language Anxiety, Speaking Anxiety, FLCAS, Level of Anxiety, Causes of Anxiety.

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49 Communication and Multimedia ABS-68

The Silent Language of Political Communication of President Putin
Agustinus Rustanta, Hendra Alfani, Koesmaryanto Oetomo, Karin Gultom

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi dan Sekretari Tarakanita


The delivery of messages in political communication is various. One of them was President Putin^s political communication when he received a diplomatic visit from other Presidents, including when he was visited by President Joko Widodo some time ago. The messages sent and received by these two important people provoked different perceptions by the public. The extreme distance between President Putin and other Heads of State is interesting to analyze. The purpose of this study is to analyze the distance (proxemics) of communication between two heads of state, both to President Jokowi and other Heads of State. Data, pictures, were collected from newspapers. Photographs showing the communication distance between President Putin and other heads of state were analyzed using symbol theory and distance and territorial theory. This research shows that President Putin has a different way of welcoming and engaging himself when communicating with other country^s leaders. This non-verbal way of conveying messages shows both power and respect for the interlocutor.

Keywords: Communication, Proxemic, Symbol, Non-verbal communication

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50 Communication and Multimedia ABS-76

Bintang Pratama, Deden Hidayatulloh, Indriastanto, M. Arief Rachmansyah, Pricilia Parengkuan



The silver man phenomenon in South Tangerang City is quite troubling. In addition to having an impact on the perpetrators, the existence of this silver man indirectly disturbs order on the highway. This fact is certainly interesting if you look more closely at the actual conditions that occur and the appearance of the silver man who seems difficult to take firm action against. So this study wants to discuss the Silver Human Community Communication Pattern in Living Social Life in South Tangerang City. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative research with an ethnographic communication study approach. The data needed to describe the Silver Man communication pattern in South Tangerang City was obtained by using in-depth interview, observation and document review techniques. From the results of the analysis of this study, it was found that in communicating, Silver Man is more likely to use verbal symbols as a code or signal when communicating with fellow Silver Men when there is a conversation regarding important or confidential matters which other people should not know. In addition, there is a harmonious and dynamic communication pattern between Silver Humans, this is due to a close emotional relationship with fellow professionals.

Keywords: Silver man, community communication, communication pattern

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51 Communication and Multimedia ABS-126

Digital Communication Management Planning, Activities and Evaluation Government of the Republic of Indonesia for Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Recovery in Indonesia
Saktisyahputra, Yuli Evitha, Sukarni Novita Sari, Degdo Suprayitno, Jhulianfika Irrianda

Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI


The COVID-19 pandemic has occurred in the world since 2020, not only in Indonesia but also in all countries in the world. The economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been felt by the Indonesian people since the implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) on March 15, 2022. Community activities are forced to be carried out through digital transformation in services, transactions and work, for example the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. This research was conducted to determine the Digital Communication Management Planning, Activities and Evaluation of the Depok City Government in an inclusive and sustainable Economic Recovery. The object of this research is the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. This study uses the method of Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. Having the concept of phenomenology as a scientific method that does not start with doubt, direction, and the truth of an experience. Data collection techniques in this study by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study use data reduction, data display, and verification of Miles and Huberman.

Keywords: Management, Communication, Digital, Government, Republic, Indonesia, Economy

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52 Communication and Multimedia ABS-128

Intercultural Communication Interaction of Multicultural Society in West Kalimantan Province (Ethnographic Studies)
Theresi Fannia, Sherly Lianto Lau, Fitria Rismawaty, Firda Awliya, Maya Ameri

Public Relations Study Program, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Universitas Dian Nusantara Jakarta


Indonesia has a society with various cultures due to there are many ethnic groups with their respective cultural structures and living side by side, which is called multicultural.
West Kalimantan Province is one of the regions in Indonesia where multicultural society live side by side, known as TIDAYU, namely the Chinese, Dayaknese and Malays, which are the three largest tribes in West Kalimantan, which are divided in various places in West Kalimantan.
In addition to the three main tribes, there are also people from other ethnic groups such as the Madurese, Bugis and Javanese. The people with various ethnic groups who live in West Kalimantan live side by side in peace and respect each other. In fact, one of the cities in West Kalimantan, namely Singkawang City was rewarded as the number one most tolerant city in 2018 based on the assessment of the SETARA Institute in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs and the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency, and was again ranked number one in 2021.
From the description above, this paper discusses and aims to find out how the process of intercultural communication of the society in West Kalimantan province. The method used in this study is a qualitative method based on ethnology, because it focuses on how the behavior of multicultural people who live side by side and carry out intercultural communication.
Based on the research results, communication between multicultural society in West Kalimantan runs in harmony and respects each other. With their differences, they need each other in their daily needs and participate to help each other in inter-tribal traditional events. From an early age, people in West Kalimantan are accustomed to cultural diversity, so that the life of a multicultural society in West Kalimantan has a high level of tolerance.

Keywords: Intercultural Communication, Interaction, Multicultural Society, Tolerance.

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53 Communication and Multimedia ABS-137

Internship after Covid-19 Pandemic: An In-Depth Interview among Journalism Program Interns of a Malaysian Public Higher Learning Institution
Muhammad Raqib Mohd Sofian, Afiqah Mior Kamarulbaid, Nurul Nadirah Abu Hasan, Rizki Briandana

Fakulti Kepimpinan & Pengurusan, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Department of Communication, Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia


This paper intends to explore the challenges encountered by the journalism undergraduates whilst undergoing their internship after Covid-19 Pandemic.
This in-depth interview study was conducted with a small selected group of final year journalism program students at a public university in Malaysia who had undergone a 14 week internship at various Malaysian companies after a series of nationwide lockdown for almost 2 years. The findings of this research will provide rich insights on internship experiences which in turn will benefit the stakeholders involved namely students, employers and educational institutions.

Keywords: internship, post pandemic, journalism students, public university

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54 Communication and Multimedia ABS-162

Making Meaning of the Pandemic through Symbols in Literary work
Irma Rahmawati, S.S., M.Sas., Wahyu Budi, S.S., M.Sas.

Universitas Dian Nusantara


Pandemic COVID-19 is still a thing people think and deal with. It affects everything, including literature. Arguably, making meaning of a pandemic through literature can be a helpful strategy to cope with the situation. This paper aims to observe the meaning of the symbols in a novel by Herman Melville, Moby Dick. The story possesses various symbolic meanings and can relate to the metaphorical point of view of the pandemic. The paper focuses on finding the symbols, the themes represented, and the meaning of the symbols for each character and relate them to post pandemic situation using a qualitative methodology.
The theory of symbolism by Susanne Langer is employed to identify and analyze the symbols in Moby Dick. This paper results on the relevance of the symbols and create meaning for the situation of the Covid-19 Post Pandemic.

Keywords: Post Pandemic, Literature, Novel, Symbolism

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55 Communication and Multimedia ABS-166

News Framing on Actors of National Capital City (IKN) through Cultural Communication of ^Tanah^ and ^Air^ Unity in Online Media
Dwinarko, Wichitra Yasya, Aan Widodo

Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya


Against the backdrop of historical communicative actions, the news is the outcome of knowledge in the reality of everyday life. The homo sociological communication model consists of behaviors that refer to collective norms and values, especially laws that declare a requirement, a social order which is then ensured by normative conventions. Through actors and cultural symbols, social action, transcendence, and objectivity become communication acts in the form of news framing. The State Capiral or Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) has been the subject of news in the media. This study then aimed to determine news context on the unity of land and water (Tanah dan Air) as a metaphor of the relocation of the State Capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan Alfred Schutz^s Communicative Action theory. The research used qualitative methodology while analysis done using Pan and Kosicki Framing model. The findings of this research are the symbols of land and water in the discourse of framing the news of the transfer of the State Capital (IKN) since the administrations of President Sukarno to President Jokowi became a reality of communicative acts with historical significance and cultural communication through land and water rituals. The discourse frame is a value that contributes to profoun political and cultural dialogue and equal growth. Sociologically, communicative behavior in new framing results from the integration of the players^ historical, cultural, and political interests. Based on the research findings, the recommendation put forward is policy analysis on the transfer of IKN must continue to investigate hsitroy via cultural communication and social action of players on homo sociologicus and history who possess strategic collective values and norms for sustainable cultural and economic development.

Keywords: news framing- communicative action theory- cultural communication

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56 Communication and Multimedia ABS-168

Social Media as a Platform to Increase Participation of Extension Workers and Farmers in Achieving SDGs
Metha Madonna, Fikri Reza, Rina Sovianti

Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya


The development of farming and agribusiness is a relevant and ideal choice considering the geographical structure of Indonesia as an agricultural country. However, there is a trend in society, particularly among the millennial generation, that prefers to focus on the mechanical industry, financial business, and entertainment. This situation is exacerbated by adolescents^ widespread use of digital communication technologies and the occurrence of a pandemic, raising concerns that public participation in the agriculture sector may dwindle considerably. Based on a number of these manifestations, an analysis was carried out that it was important to use internet-based digital communication tools as a medium of socialization while increasing community participation in agriculture. Social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram can be used to perform communication as well as improve production and marketing through e-commerce in order to fulfill sustainable development goals (SDGs). Social media is not simply a means of contact between extension workers and farmers- it can also be used to exchange information, innovate, build marketing networks, and obtain other farming supplies. The objective of this study is to optimize the participation of extension workers and farmers in agricultural extension and communication activities. The study also intends to demonstrate the importance of using social media as a non-formal learning tool for farmers and the general public interested in agribusiness. This research applied the constructivist research paradigm with a systematical review method to explore and redefine social media as a medium of participatory extension and communication. As a result, the WhatsApp application provides a social media platform that extension workers and farmers can use for socialization, debate, and consulting in order to boost agricultural product output and marketing.

Keywords: social media- participation- extension communication

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57 Communication and Multimedia ABS-169

Andi Adam Adami, Hamida Syari Harahap, Wichitra Yasya

Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya


This study aims to determine the use of Zoom and WhatsApp applications as a communication bridge in the Indo Red Army Bekasi community in forming cohesiveness during the pandemic. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method, with interview, observation, documentation and content analysis techniques for mass media. This research uses the concept of group cohesiveness introduced by Forsyth (2010), to see how the cohesiveness that exists within the Indo Red Army Bekasi community in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The results of this research are that the chairman of the Indo Red Army Bekasi community seeks to maintain communication and cohesiveness during the Covid-19 pandemic by using the Zoom and WhatsApp applications. From the Zoom application, it is used for watching the Manchester United club game together online and discussions after the game, while the WhatsApp application is used as a forum for communicating with all members and online meetings. By using these two applications as a communication bridge, they have been able to form solidarity and cohesiveness in the Indo Red Army Bekasi community.

Keywords: Zoom and Whatsapp Applications- Indo Red Army Community- Cohesiveness

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58 Communication and Multimedia ABS-170

Marketing Endorsement Activities on the level of Sales and The Existence of online shop Tokikubytata
Claresta(a*), Kornelia Johana M.Ikom(b), Soemiadeny, S.E., M.I.K. (c)

Faculty of Social Sciences and Business ,Dian Nusantara University Jl. Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1, Grogol, West Jakarta


Nowadays Social media is quite famous for Promotional media. Social media is now a business land for someone to promote and sell products, goods or services to social media users known as an online shop. The use of Endorsements is one of the creative strategies in advertising that is often used by online shop sellers to introduce and disseminate product information that is owned widely and quickly. This research will be focused on the influence of using Endorsements on the Sale of Online shop businesses. This study aims to examine the Usefulness of Endorsements to Increase Online Shop Sales for tokikubytata.
The research method used is Descriptive with a Qualitative Data approach obtained from consumers and online shop owners through written interviews with questionnaires.
The research process has several stages, starting from reading books about marketing endorsements, literature and research supporting references, understanding research backgrounds, collecting data, conducting a series of qualitative data analysis processes and conducting written interviews and field observations.
The result of this study is that endorsement is very influential in increasing the number of followers and buyers for tokikubytata. With the endorsement, it will increase consumer confidence in the products marketed by tokikubytata. Phenomenological studies in this study are a method used to explore the phenomenon of endorsement can increase the number of followers for online shop.

Keywords: Endorsement, Tokikubytata, Online Shop

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59 Computer Science ABS-2

Triple Filter Test a Simple Technique Preventing The Spread of HOAX
Henri Septanto, Ari Hidayatullah, Ryani Dhyan Parashakti

Universitas Dian Nusantara


HOAX is a fake news or false information which is one of the easiest forms of Cyber Crime, without the need to have high competence in the field of Information Technology, someone or even anyone can be a HOAX spreader. Even though HOAX is easy to do and seems simple, but it is inversely proportional to the effect it causes, if a country ignores it and does not take steps to anticipate the unity and integrity of a nation, it can be torn apart through HOAX. To fight HOAX requires the cooperation of various parties and anticipatory steps that must be taken. The government with its power and authority through its agencies will not be able to fight HOAX without the help of other parties, including in this case people who live in the information age. The Triple Filter Test method is a simple step that can be taken to filter information in anticipation of the spread of HOAX. Triple Filter Test is a method for filtering information by testing the correctness of information, seeing the goodness of information and looking for the benefits of information. Even though it is simple, the Triple Filter Test method is a powerful way to anticipate the spread of HOAX if it is carried out consistently and systematically by involving various interested parties, the spread of HOAX will be well anticipated.

Keywords: HOAX, Cyber Crime, Triple Filter Test, Information Technology

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60 Computer Science ABS-33

QR Code: An alternative for Activating Coursework Post Pandemic Covid-19
(*a) Boy Yuliadi, Magito (b),Margono (c),Herlinda (d),Muhaimin Hasanudin(e)

a, b, c) Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia
d, e ) Universitas Indraprasta, Universitas Mercu Buana,


Post-Pandemic Covid-19 should make all institutions learn the importance of using technology. One of them is optimizing the use of smartphones as a companion tool for users rather than desktops or notebooks. Smartphones are becoming popular in all circles and should be an alternative to speed up the process of filling out the Studenta Course Selection Sheet (KRS). This paper proposes a system based on QR codes, which are displayed by educational institutions at the beginning of the lecture. Students will find it easy to scan the code to select the courses taken. Moreover, the course package system is implemented by a higher education institution. This concept paper seeks to explain the details of the proposed college-level implementation of the system. In developing the KRS prototype using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method with an object-oriented approach to producing a system with the main goal of shortening processing time. The results of the system design can verify the identity of the courses offered to minimize course entry errors, make it easier for system users to access information and manage computerized data, and can be accessed via Android.

Keywords: Adaptability, Academic, Higher Education, Learning, Post-Pandemic

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