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Data Transmission Performance Analysis of Virtual Reality System Supported with IoT Technology
Nuske Lisa Marlissa, Damar Widjaja

Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Science and Technology
Sanata Dharma University


Virtual Reality (VR) technology has been widely used in various fields. Such as the fields of medicine, aviation, military, and even used as a supporting device for playing games. However, in its application, the VR system still uses Bluetooth technology in data transmission. In this study, a hand movement data transmission was developed in VR system using Wi-Fi network.

The hand gesture data transmission system in VR using a Wi-Fi network is designed to transmit hand movement data over a wireless network. The devices used to support this system include NodeMCU ESP8266 as a microcontroller that have a link to the Wi-Fi network, the MPU6050 sensor as a hand motion detector, and a smartphone as a VR visualization. Blynk is used as IoT platform to gather and monitor data transmission process from hand detector to smartphone.

The result of this study shows that the distance between the hand detector and smartphone as an access point affects the transmission delay. Data transmission delay increase from 1.7 sec to 2 sec as the distance increase from 10 cm to 80 cm. There is no data error (data error rate = 0%) during transmission with distance up to 80 cm apart.

Keywords: Data Transmission, Virtual Reality, IoT, Delay, Data Error Rate

Topic: Electrical Engineering

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Damar Widjaja)

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