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31 Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-115

Sharia Service Management Strategy Model of Accreditation-Based Islamic Private Hospital in Pekanbaru with ANP Approach
Melia Frastuti, Azhari Akmal Tarigan, Sugianto



Sharia hospitals as service companies provide opportunities for all human resources that are integrated with various disciplines in them to master science, develop technology, and become service directions for other institutions so that they can be emulated in the sharia services they provide. The author develops a sharia hospital so that it becomes a hope for the future to be even better in terms of services that reflect Islamic morals, Al-Qur^an morals and become a motivator for other agencies so that the services provided can realize Islam that is accepted at all levels of society. The Analytic Network Process method is a strategy for human resources in it, especially internal sharia hospitals, to always improve, grow, and be strong. The results of this study lead to superior human resources, plenary sharia service systems, and patient orientation. Sustainable development of human resources, in stages in accordance with the development of regulations in force in Indonesia and sharia values which are expected to be successful towards accreditation of plenary hospitals.

Keywords: Sharia Service Management Strategy Model, ANP, Islamic Private Hospital

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32 Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-117

Sustainable Finance Implementation on Institutional Aspects in Indonesia and the European Union
Asni Mustika Rani (a*), Atih Rohaeti Dariah (a), Popon Srisusilawati (b)

a) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari No 10, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Sharia, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari No 10, Bandung 40116, Indonesia


Realizing sustainable finance practices towards a zero-carbon emission economy requires the support and participation of all stakeholders in various industries, especially regulators from an institutional perspective. Sustainable finance plays a critical role in driving transformative increases in economic growth, steering it firmly towards a sustainable trajectory. This study aims to scrutinize the appropriate institutional elements that can bolster sustainable finance initiatives within both Indonesia and the European Union (EU). This study uses the content analysis method which is an in-depth discussion of the contents of written or printed information in various written media, regulations, laws, and various other documents. From an institutional perspective, both in the EU and Indonesia, the implementation of sustainable finance is in line with the work plan regulated by the regulator. However, there are still technical complexities and regulatory aspects that grow with each delegated action, often due to the need to adapt diverse political views.

Keywords: Institutional Aspects- Sustainable Economic Growth- Sustainable Finance

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33 Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-122

Raja Ria Yusnita, Eka Nuraini Rachmawati, Asdelina Ritonga

Universitas Islam Riau


Many studies are related to financial performance but only a few studies on the implementation of maslaha in Islamic banking, especially in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the influence between financial performance and stakeholder benefits. This paper uses 20 Islamic Business Units in Indonesia for the period 2017 to 2021. The variables include financial performance (non-performing financing, return on assets, Operating Costs to Operating Income, Financing Funding Ratio) and Stakeholder Beneficence (Employees, Government, Community, Financing Consumers). This model is analyzed by linear regression with Partial Least Square (PLS) technique. The results show that financing performance affects the benefit of stakeholders, more specifically to the benefit of employees and the benefit of the community, and the government is the last party to benefit from the financial performance of UUS. This paper is a consideration for the government to pay more attention to policies that support the financial performance of UUS, so that, by providing appropriate support, the government can encourage the growth of UUS and in turn increase the benefits obtained by various parties, including the government itself.

Keywords: Islamic Banking, Unit Business Sharia, Maslaha, Stakeholder

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34 Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-125

Design Visioning of Bukit Batu Eon Natural Tourism Area
Fachmy Sugih Pradifta, Hilwati Hindersah, Gina Puspitasari Rochman, Luthfi Ahmad Barwanto, Lely Syiddatul Akliyah, Naufal Nur Fadhlillah, Fakhri Muhammad Adisaputra, Nurcahyo Prabowo, Muhammad Shadam Syafsafa Adsya, Halimah Nurhasanah, Kania Sephiya Sunardi, Muthia Chaerani, Rizky Rivaldi

Universitas Islam Bandung


The Bukit Batu Eon Tourism Area is one of the tourism potentials in Lamajang Village, Bandung Regency offering the natural beauty and history of the Dutch Colonial Government era Hydroelectric Power Plant. Bukit Batu Eon is currently managed as a camping ground area by locals. Diverse potentials such as the Batu Eon site, reservoirs and power plants, open grass fields, and natural beauty that utilizes sunrise valley views need to be directed into an integrated tourism area. In this design, the design approach was carried out in a participatory manner with various community elements to envision the Bukit Batu Eon Tourism Area design plan. The method used is focused-group discussion (FGD) to analyze the site, resulting in a mapping of potentials and problems that leads to the formulation of the initial idea for site design. The results of the FGD were embodied in a three-dimensional site design which resulted in the preliminary design of the Bukit Batu Eon Tourism Area.

Keywords: Bukit Batu Eon, Lamajang, participatory design, design visioning, natural tourism

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35 Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-128

Competency Based Training Analysis in Increasing Self-Efficacy and Self-Confidence Indonesian Migrant Workers in South Korea (Study on Workers of Fishery and Marine Sector)
Sri Suwarsi, Allya Roosallyn Assyofa, Nindya Saraswati, Muhammad Rizqi, Muhammad Rafi Addar, Bella Denisya, Cahya Dika Prasetyo

Universitas Islam Bandung


Employment case of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) abroad are still high. Various training and skills provision have not contributed to the success of PMI in the placement country as expected. This study aims to analyze the implementation of competency-based training that has been implemented in Indonesia, measure the level of self-efficacy, and measure the level of self-confidence of PMI in the marine and fisheries sector in South Korea.
The unit of analysis is PMI working in the fisheries sector in South Korea with E9 visas and E10 visas who have attended competency-based training in Indonesia. The unit of observation or respondent in this research is 40 people who have participated in competency-based training at the maritime training center in Tegal, Central Java and after placement in South Korea they were given a questionnaire, interviewed in groups both directly in the South Korean placement country and through online media. This study utilized primary data obtained from the results of questionnaires, interviews, and obervations and secondary data in the form of documentation and archives. The data was then analyzed using descriptive statical data analysis.
The results show that the implementation of competency-based training in Indonesia to prepare migrant workers in the fisheries and marine sector to South Korea is considered sufficient which includes social, technical, managerial and non-unit competency units. In additiction, the level of self efficacy of the workers is classified as very high as measured by the dimensions of level, generality and strength and the level of self-confidence is classified as high as measured by ability, enthusiasm, and satisfaction.

Keywords: Migrant Workers, Competency Training, Self Efficacy, Self Confidence, Fisheries and Marine

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36 Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-140

Performance Appraisal for Data Collecting: Bibliometric Analysis of Current State of the Art and Perspectives
Hirawati Oemar, Sumarto, Aan Komariah, Diding Nurdin, Yan Orgianus, Dea Legina

1)Industrial Engineering Universitas Islam Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
2)Educational Administration Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia


Performance appraisal is an important tool used to measure and evaluate performance. The performance appraisal is conducted within the domains of education and corporate settings, encompassing both individual and group evaluations. This article provides a comprehensive examination of the findings derived from scientific research on performance appraisal, employing a quantitative analysis method known as bibliometric analysis. The research was conducted utilising 478 documents published between 1964 and 2022, sourced from the Scopus database, and employing the VOSviewer software. The software tool VOSviewer is capable of visually representing a network consisting of authors, keywords, and citation counts. The findings indicate that the year with the highest number of publications pertaining to performance appraisal was 2013, specifically with a total of 30 documents. Nevertheless, there has been a discernible decline in the quantity of publications between the years 2014 and 2022. Publications pertaining to performance appraisal within the medical sector have the most substantial representation, accounting for around 30.5% of all publications. Notably, academic medicine emerges as the primary source of articles contributing to the discourse on performance appraisal. Furthermore, a multitude of research studies on performance appraisal have been published in the United States, with sponsorship from the National Institutes of Health. The bibliometric analysis reported in this study offers pertinent information regarding the major theme of performance assessment that was investigated. In general, this study can serve as a valuable resource for scholars seeking to analyse patterns and explore potential future avenues of inquiry within the realm of performance appraisal.

Keywords: Performance Assessment , VOS viewer, Bibliometrics

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37 Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-143

Independent Learning in the Era of Society 5.0: An Economic Perspective on Education
L. Nurwandi, A. Harits Numan, Helmi Aziz, Rully Nurhasan, Yeti Sumiati

Universitas Islam bandung


Society 5.0 embodies a concept that advances a vision of the future society seamlessly integrated with advanced technology. Furthermore, this concept proposes a shift from a sole focus on technological development to prioritizing human well-being and solutions to various social issues. One pivotal factor within Society 5.0 is Education and Skills, which underscores the significance of education and the cultivation of skills relevant to advanced technology. This aids communities in navigating the changes in the job landscape brought about by technological advancements. An educational form projected to align with the evolution of Society 5.0 is the Independent Learning initiative, aimed at propelling students and learners to take a more active role in the learning process, while affording flexibility in selecting methods and learning materials.The factors influencing ^Merdeka Belajar^ will be examined for their impact using regression analysis in a university that has already implemented the Independent Learning approach. Subsequently, the influential factors will be assessed for their economic benefits using the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) method. This endeavor seeks to gain an understanding of the significance from the perspective of Society 5.0 and the benefits that can be reaped by education consumers in the forthcoming era.

Keywords: Society 5.0, Merdeka Belajar, Regression, Benefit Cost Ratio, Economy.

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38 Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-144

Fraud Prevention : Effectiveness Sharia Governance in Sharia Banks
Nopi Hernawati, Mey Maemunah, Ade Yunita Mafruhat

Universitas Islam Bandung


This research is motivated by the existence of the phenomenon of fraud that still occurs in Islamic banking which incidentally is based on sharia principles in every activity. Many cases of fraud that befell Islamic banks may be due to weak implementation of shariah governance. The goal that will result from this research is to assist Islamic banks in efforts to prevent fraud, namely by sharia governance. This research was conducted at Islamic Banks in the city of Bandung. This research is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The data source used in this study is primary data obtained using a questionnaire filled out by employee at Islamic banks in the city of Bandung. Data collection techniques are observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The sampling method in this study used a non-probability sampling technique using convenience sampling. The program used in analyzing data uses SPSS 23. The results of the research show that sharia governance in Islamic banks in the city of Bandung is good. So that the potential for fraud on financial management in Islamic Banks will decrease. Based on the results of the study, it shows that sharia governance has a positive and significant effect on fraud prevention.

Keywords: sharia governance, fraud, Islamic banking

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39 Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-148

Complete Model Of Sustainable ZISWAF Control Based On Masjid
Neneng Nurhasanah , Nandang Ikhwanuddin , Udin Saripudin , M Ridha Taufik Rahman , M Rifqi Fathurrahman , Salma Nurul Fadhillah

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The research is based on the cluster foundations of the ZISWAF Managing Organization, namely a cluster of governmental organizations, religious-based society organizations, community-based societies, Pashantren-based organizations, Shariah-based financial institutions, and campus-based organizations. Apart from the above findings, in this study, using qualitative research approaches and descriptive methods of analysis, primary data sources such as the results of interviews, FGD, and observations, as well as secondary and tertiary data such as books, journals, and the website of Jogokariyan Mosque, will be analyzed more deeply and described systematically about the ZISWAF sustainable management model of the mosque. (Studi di Masjid Jogokariyan Yogyakarta). The results of the research show that the comprehensive model of ZISWAF sustainable management is based on the mosque: 1) The philosophy of management is based on the practice of QS. 9: 18, that the empowerment of the economy of the Jamaah is an attempt to restore the function of the mosque in the apostolic times, namely, as a place of worship, as well as as the building of the awareness and spirituality of Jamaah, the economic development and the solution to various problems of society with the tagline of the community- 2) In empowerment, all Jamaah layers (children, adolescents, mosque alumni, young couples, mothers, and parents) are included and their programmes are adapted to their respective interests, talents, and tendencies- and 3) In ZISWAF^s assembly there are several models namely: (1) infiradi models (individual or institutional) and jama^i (general society)- and (2) conventional and creative-innovative models. In terms of empowerment, it was organized by 30 managerial units under the direction of Jogokariyan Mosque in the spiritual, educational, economic, entrepreneurial, health, and other sectors.

Keywords: Management Model, sustainable, productive Ziswaf, mosque

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40 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-5

Muhtadin Yanto, Ivan Chofyan, Ina Helena Agustina

Program Studi Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota


A mosque is a building that provides a place for Muslims to pray. The mosque at Buntet Islamic Boarding School operates similarly. The mosque serves as a gathering place for worship for students and members of the neighborhood. The mosque at Buntet Islamic Boarding School is a historical building that also contains Islamic symbolism and fosters social interaction. This study aimed to discover how the Buntet Islamic Boarding School Mosque contributes to the formation of a cultural ecology. The research was conducted with an exploratory approach. Data processing involves gathering and categorizing. Additionally, the interpretation of group relationships is conducted before coming to a conclusion on the same subject. The results show the formation of space in cultural ecosystems. These findings become input for the spatial substance of the cultural area.

Keywords: Mosque-Boarding school-Buntet- Space-Ecosystem-Culture

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41 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-21

Protection and Legal Aid for Women Migrant Workers with Problems in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Rini Irianti Sundary *, Nandang Sambas *, Edi Setiadi *, Suci Setiawai

Notary Study Program, Law Faculty, Universitas Islam Bandung, Taman Sari No. 24-26 Bandung -Indonesia


Indonesia is a large country with a large population. According to data from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Indonesia^s population in 2021 is 273 million. Unfortunately, the large population is not accompanied by many job opportunities. As a result, many Indonesians are looking for work in other countries. Migrant workers are one of the biggest contributors to the country^s foreign exchange. However, migrant workers who work abroad often experience problems. lack of legal protection, not having official documents- lack of supervision by the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency and the Indonesian Embassy after being abroad- difficult access to
This paper aims to examine the extent to which the Indonesian government provides legal protection to its citizens who become migrant workers and experience legal problems? And how is community participation to contribute to finding solutions to the problems of migrant workers abroad, especially in Malaysia?
The research method used is the normative juristic method, which prioritizes secondary data, but is also complemented by primary data in the form of interviews and discussions with migrant workers who are experiencing legal problems in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
At the end of the paper, it is argued that basically the Indonesian government has prepared legal instruments to protect migrant workers, but is constrained by migrant workers themselves who do not prepare themselves to protect themselves, the solution is more to repressive settlement efforts, although preventive efforts have been made, but not maximally protecting migrant workers, especially those who go to work abroad without proper procedures.

Keywords: Migrant Workers, Woman, Protection, problems, law

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42 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-25

Design Development of the Spiritual Tourism Destination Areas Ki Buyut Trusmi and Astana GunungJati in the Cirebon Regency
I H Agustina , H Fauzi , A M Ekasari



There are a significant number of spiritual tourism destinations in the Cirebon Regency. Attractions include Ki Buyut Trusmi and Astana Gunungjati. In an effort to maintain the existence of these destinations, study was conducted on the design development plans for the two Regions, as well as investigation on travelers who had visited the two tourist attractions. The purpose of this study was to describe the design development of the Ki Buyut Trusmi and Astana Gunungjati Spiritual Tourism Areas. The research method was carried out using a descriptive approach through pre-test and post-test techniques. Data collection was carried out from 10 selected people through propursive sampling, namely visitors who have visited both tourist destination locations. The questionnaire was filled in by visitors before viewing the area development design (pre-test) and after viewing the area design (post-test). The results are then compared and it can be concluded what designs are needed in the two locations of the Area. The findings show which spatial elements from the two destinations can be developed.

Keywords: PleaseDesign-Destination-Spiritual-Tourism- Ki Buyut Trusmi-Astana Gunungjati- Development

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43 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-29

Policy Constraints on Local Governance for Community Resilience: Qualitative Insights from Stakeholders in Disaster-Prone Areas
Yuniarti,Ratna Januarita,Siska Nia Irasanti,Titik Respati

Universitas Islam Bandung


This qualitative study examines the impact of central government policies on community resilience for disaster preparedness, specifically focusing on the constraints faced by local governments. Through 20 in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) with key stakeholders, including sub-district heads and village leaders, the study explores the challenges hindering optimal performance at the local level.

The findings reveal that central government policies pose significant hurdles to local governance in disaster-prone areas. These policies restrict the decision-making authority and autonomy of local governments, impeding their ability to respond effectively to disaster risks and emergencies. Notably, the study highlights the presence of a community-led disaster management organization already in place, comprising members from within the community.

The policy constraints identified include limited resource allocation, bureaucratic procedures, and a lack of flexibility in decision-making. Stakeholders express concerns regarding rigid central government frameworks that fail to account for the unique needs of individual communities. The study emphasizes the importance of policy reforms to empower and support local governments and their existing disaster management organizations.

This research contributes to understanding community resilience by emphasizing the vital role of local governance and community-led organizations in disaster preparedness. Policy recommendations should be formulated based on the perspectives of central and local government stakeholders, as well as community members involved in the disaster management organization. Implementing contextually appropriate policies will enhance local autonomy, flexibility, and community resilience in the face of disasters.

Keywords: Community, resilience, disaster

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44 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-48

Exploration of Halal Lifestyle Principles of Cikole Village Community, Lembang District
Ina Helena Agustina, Astri Mutia Ekasari, Mohamad Dzikron, Riswandha Risang Aji, Eren Reyhan, Tiara Aisyah

Universitas Islam Bandung


Cikole Village in Lembang District, West Bandung Regency, is vulnerable to natural catastrophes. A person who practices a halal lifestyle consumes, employs, and uses goods and services in a way that is consistent with Islamic values and principles. Islam predominates in the Cikole Village population^s religious landscape. Halal is a guiding principle in the community of Muslims. When disaster strikes, it^s common to overlook something fundamental. Halal, on the other hand, promotes ethical actions including honesty, integrity, respect, and justice. These positive attitudes are crucial in the face of catastrophes since they frequently lead to conflict. This justification informs the study^s aim, which is to investigate the application of Halal principles in the Cikole Village Community. Inductive techniques are used, such as field observations, discussions with local community groups, and visual observation. Data analysis was carried out by grouping the collected data/information and analyzing how those groups related to one another. The results demonstrate a halal lifestyle principle that is practiced in Cikole Village. The outcomes of these discoveries are taken into account during the disaster mitigation procedure.

Keywords: Cikole village- Halal lifestyle- Principles

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45 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-57

Analysis of Personal Values and Work Culture of Sundanese and Javanese Employees in West Java
Allya Roosallyn Assyofa, Moch. Malik Akbar Rohandi, Rusman Frendika

Universitas Islam Bandung


West Java has a quite dense population, 65% of the population in West Java are Sundanese. In addition, there are also other tribes, namely the Javanese, which are also found in many areas in West Java. This study aims to analyze differences in personal values and work culture of employees based on Sundanese and Javanese ethnicity in West Java. The determination of the two tribes is because most of the population in West Java Province are Sundanese and Javanese.
The specific objectives of this study are to analyze the differences between Sundanese and Javanese employees in 1) the hedonistic values 2) The value of empathy 3) The value of self-actualization 4) The integrity 5) Professionalism 6) Satisfaction and 7) Exemplary.
The data analysis technique used in this study was descriptive and two-sample independent non-parametric test with the Mann-Whitney, Kolmogorov Smirnov, and Run Woldfowitz tests, using the SPSS version 25. Sample analysis was carried out using criteria consisting of 75 employees of private sector company using questionnaire in West Java, including Bandung, Purwakarta, Karawang, Subang and Cianjur.
The output of this study indicates that Sundanese and Javanese employees in West Java have different but equally good personal values and work culture. Personal values consist of 3 main dimensions, namely hedonistic, empathy and self-actualization, while work culture consists of integrity, professionalism, satisfaction and exemplary. The most significant difference is shown in the dimension of integrity where the Sundanese show adherence to company rules while the Javanese are more honest at work.

Keywords: ethnicity, personal values, work culture

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46 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-60

Evaluation of Psychoeducation in Junior High School Students
Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo1, Sulisworo Kusdiyati2, Hedi Wahyudi3, Ali Mubarak4

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Islam Bandung


Bullying prevention psychoeducation called AMBU (Aksi Mencegah Bullying) has been conducted in junior high schools in West Bandung Regency. This activity was attended by eight teachers and 93 students in grades 7, 8, and 9. The participants were enthusiastic about joining the program because the bullying incidents were quite high in their school. After participating in the activity, an evaluation of the activity was conducted. Six things were evaluated on a scale of 4 (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree), namely the material presented according to the needs of the participants, this activity increases knowledge about bullying, the comparison between material and discussion is as needed, the presentation method is as needed, the material presented is understandable and interesting, and the atmosphere during the activity was lively and interesting. The evaluation results show the mean score is 3.18 - 3.41. The evaluation results show that AMBU is excellent. Thus, it can be concluded that AMBU can be given to junior high school students and their teachers.

Keywords: AMBU, bullying, junior high school, psychoeducation, teacher

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47 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-123

Siti Qodariah (a*), Milda Yanuvianti(b), Farida Coralia(c), Temi Damayanti(d), Andhita Nurul K(e)

(a), (b), (c), (d), (e) Universitas Islam Bandung


Adolescence is a turbulent time in search of self-identity and sexual development. The increasing sexual behavior among adolescents is increasingly worrying. Sexual delinquent behavior in adolescents has an impact on themselves and the surrounding environment. Sexual education is still considered taboo by society, which results in adolescents having less knowledge about sexual education. As a result, adolescents search for ^sex^ from sources that cannot be accounted for. Education related to reproductive health and sexual life is needed so that adolescents can face their lives healthily and support adolescents in developing aspects of life skills, and positive attitudes towards themselves. The community service team is one way to help the government in this case in West Bandung Regency, to overcome problems regarding sex life in adolescents. which will currently be carried out at SMPN 3 Cipatat, where data on sexual life problems are obtained from distributing questionnaires and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Education and assistance for adolescents related to reproductive health and sexuality life at SMPN 3 Cipatat is carried out by providing psychoeducation about sexuality life literacy. The results of this psychoeducation for adolescent students of SMPN 3 Cipatat, have a healthier perception of sexual life, have more positive behavior towards their sexuality life after being given literacy, so adolescent students of SMPN 3 Cipatat experience more mentally healthy growth and development.

Keywords: Adolescents, Mental health, Sexuality lifePlease Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

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48 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-127

Islamic Da^wah in Improving the Spirituality of Migrant Communities
Ida Afidah, Rodliyah Khuza^i, Fariz Farrih Izadi, N. Sausan M. Sholeh, Hendi Suhendi

Universitas Islam Bandung


Although in general the main hope of migrant communities is an improvement in their economic conditions, in practice this hope cannot be separated from the encouragement and spiritual needs that they make the basis of their migration activities. This view is reinforced by Quinlan that people who migrate due to economic or work problems and few have religious reasons. The phenomena in this study found that the need to increase the value of spirituality in the migrant communities of Malaysia, Australia and South Korea is very high. Thus this article focuses on the main study of improving the ruhuddin of migrant communities. The main objective is to provide a solution to the need to increase the religious values of migrant communities due to the limited number of teachers. The results of the study recommend: First. Form a network of cooperation with da^wah organizations that have religious teaching human resources. Second. Improving the management of religious studies activities both from the aspect of the quantity and quality of studies

Keywords: Da^wah, Migrant, Spirituality

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49 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-129

Financial Literacy and Behavioral Bias Towards Consumptive Behavior: Evidence from Bandung, Indonesia
Astrie Krisnawati- Putri Sya^adatul Fadila- Putri Fariska Sugestie- Nora Amelda Rizal

Telkom University


Bandung is a city with a notably elevated per capita spending rate. It denotes a considerable degree of consumptive behavior, which can be attributed to various factors. This research delves into the impact of financial literacy and behavioral bias on consumptive behavior within the productive-age population of Bandung. Employing a quantitative methodology, the study gathered data by administering surveys to 400 participants using the Slovin formula and purposive sampling methods. The data analysis was conducted through multiple linear regression. It reveals that financial literacy and behavioral bias possess significant partial and simultaneous influences on consumptive behavior. The study^s results suggest that the Financial Services Authority (OJK) needs to enhance financial education initiatives among the productive-age population. Its implications for future research involve supplementary independent variables, such as framing bias and demographic factors.

Keywords: financial literacy, behavioral bias, consumptive behavior

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50 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-133

Hari Imbrani (1), Iwan Setiawan (2), Zenith Irfansyah (3)

(1) STIE Gema Widya Bangsa
(2) STIE Gema Widya Bangsa
(3) STIE Gema Widya Bangsa


To get the best quality products and to meet consumer expectations, supervision and competence are needed in production activities. Production supervision is a comprehensive system of a production process in accordance with procedures so that the quality of the products produced is in accordance with the plan that has been made. Competence is a combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and other personal characteristics needed to achieve success in a job.In this study, the method used was quantitative with an associative approach. The population in this study was 271. The technique used in determining the sample is using the solvin formula so that the sample results total 73 people. The analysis used is linear regression, correlation, coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing with the t test.The results showed that supervision has a positive influence on product quality, with competence as a moderating variable.

Keywords: Supervision, Product Quality. Employee Competence

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51 Human Wellbeing in Islam ABS-147

Lilim Halimah, Suci Nugraha, Suhana

Universitas Islam Bandung


Smoking among university students is often seen as something that can help relieve boredom, but this activity can have negative effects on health, especially with high usage and addiction. The Islamic University of Bandung (UNISBA), as a higher education institution, implements a campuswide no-smoking policy as a preventive measure against smoking addiction among students. Many smoking students want to quit, especially those who have experienced health problems, but do not know how to quit, or lack support from family and friends that making it difficult to quit smoking. This community service aims to help Islamic University of Bandung^ students who experience smoking addiction to quit smoking by providing smoking addiction counseling using motivational interview techniques. This counseling is given to 8 UNISBA^s students who are addicted to smoking. The counseling is conducted in a 12-weeks program. The results of the counseling show a significant change in the intensity and quantity of smoking.

Keywords: Addiction, Smoking, Counseling, Motivational interview

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52 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-11

Enhancing Digital Literacy Through Instructional Videos and Social Media Engagement
Mochamad Malik Akbar Rohandi- Rezi Muhamad Taufik Permana- Rizka Estisia Pratiwi- Nadia Meirani

Universitas Islam Bandung


Digital literacy is an important factor in supporting the implementation of more optimal learning activities in Early Childhood Education (PAUD), more than that digital literacy can have a good influence on the development of early childhood.
The purpose of this activity is to provide a further understanding of digital literacy and social media interactions in the PAUD Education environment. As well as providing complete counseling on techniques and materials for making interactive learning videos.
This service program uses participatory techniques through mentoring and training methods with comprehensive teaching media based on learning videos to meet learning needs in PAUD. Teachers will be given training on various digital applications that can support learning.
Teachers and parents will have the ability to make teaching videos for students and children, which will indirectly direct them to become content creators in the field of education.

Keywords: Education, Childhood, Digital literacy, Social Media

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53 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-12

The Psychological Well-being Index for Use with School Children and Adults in Indonesia
Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo, Sulisworo Kusdiyati, Hedi Wahyudi

Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


Abstract. Psychological Well-being Index-School Children (PWI-SC) and Psychological Well-being Index-Adult (PWI-A) have been validated and used in many countries. However, no adapted and validated PWI-SC and PWI-A in Indonesian contexts were found. The aims of this study are twofold. First, to translate the PWI-SC and PWI-A and adapt them for use in Indonesian contexts. Second, to test the validity and reliability of these PWI-SC and PWI-A. The study participants were middle school students (N = 968- 56.8% girls- 43.2% boys- M age = 13.76) and adults (N = 534- 42.1% males- 57.9% females- M age = 43.63). Samples were children and their parents. Samples were randomly chosen from 16 middle schools in Bandung and their parents. Product moments have been used to validate PWI-SC and PWI-A. Results showed that the Indonesian version of PWI-SC and PWI-A have been translated and adapted excellently. The reliability of PWI-SC was .905, and the reliability of PWI-A was .936. PWI-SC can be used for children and adolescent school age, and PWI-A can be used for adults. PWI-SC and PWI-A can be used for research and practice in Indonesia.

Keywords: Adults, Adolescents, Children, Indonesia, PWI-A, PWI-SC.

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54 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-13

Alhamuddin, Rabiatul Adwiah, Eko Surbiantoro

Universitas Islam Bandung


Teaching Arabic language to visually impaired students can be a challenging task. The traditional teaching materials such as textbooks, handouts, and visual aids are not accessible to them. Therefore, it is essential to develop accessible teaching materials that cater to the needs of visually impaired students. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of developing accessible Arabic language teaching materials and some strategies to create them. Importance of Developing Accessible Arabic Language Teaching Materials Visually impaired students face several challenges in learning Arabic language. They cannot read printed materials, and visual aids such as pictures, charts, and diagrams are not accessible to them. Therefore, it is crucial to develop accessible teaching materials that cater to their needs. Here are some reasons why developing accessible Arabic language teaching materials is essential: (1) Inclusion: Developing accessible teaching materials ensures that visually impaired students are included in the learning process. It provides them with equal opportunities to learn and participate in the classroom. (2). Independence: Accessible teaching materials enable visually impaired students to learn independently. They do not have to rely on others to read the materials for them. (3). Engagement: Accessible teaching materials make learning more engaging and interactive for visually impaired students. It allows them to participate in activities and discussions with their peers. Strategies to Develop Accessible Arabic Language Teaching Materials. Developing accessible Arabic language teaching materials requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some strategies to create accessible teaching materials for visually impaired students: (1). Use Braille: Braille is a system of raised dots that can be read by touch. It is the primary reading and writing system used by visually impaired people. Therefore, it is essential to provide Arabic language teaching materials in Braille format. (2). Use Audio: Audio materials such as recordings of lectures, conversations, and readings can be used to teach Arabic language to visually impaired students. Audio materials can be played on a computer or a mobile device, making them easily accessible. (3). Use Tactile Materials: Tactile materials such as raised maps, diagrams, and models can be used to teach Arabic language to visually impaired students. These materials can be created using 3D printing technology or by using materials such as clay or foam. (4) . Use Large Print: For visually impaired students who have some residual vision, large print materials can be used. Large print materials are printed in a larger font size, making them easier to read. (5). Use Assistive Technology: Assistive technology such as screen readers, magnifiers, and Braille displays can be used to make Arabic language teaching materials accessible to visually impaired students. These technologies can be used to read text, magnify images, and convert text to Braille. Developing accessible Arabic language teaching materials is essential to ensure that visually impaired students are included in the learning process. It provides them with equal opportunities to learn and participate in the classroom. Creating accessible teaching materials requires careful planning and consideration. Using strategies such as Braille, audio, tactile materials, large print, and assistive technology can make Arabic language teaching materials accessible to visually impaired students. By developing accessible teaching materials, we can ensure that all students have equal access to education.

Keywords: Material, Arabic Language, Teaching

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55 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-14

Improving Student^s University Higher Order Thinking Skills through Differential Instruction to Develop 21st Century Learners
Alhamuddin, Rabiatul Adwiah, Shindu Irwansyah, Ahmad Fanani

Universitas Islam Bandung, University Brunei Darussalam


This approach is designed to cater to the diverse learning needs of students and to enhance their Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). HOTS are essential for students to succeed in their academic and professional lives, as they require critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. The differential instruction approach involves tailoring teaching methods and materials to meet the individual needs of students. This approach recognizes that students have different learning styles, abilities, and interests. Therefore, teachers must use a variety of teaching strategies and materials to engage students and enhance their learning experience. The development of a learning model with a differential instruction approach involves several steps. Firstly, teachers must identify the learning needs of their students. This can be done through assessments, surveys, and observations. Once the learning needs are identified, teachers can develop teaching strategies and materials that cater to these needs. The next step is to implement the learning model in the classroom. Teachers must ensure that the teaching strategies and materials are appropriate for the students^ learning needs. They must also monitor the students^ progress and adjust the teaching strategies and materials accordingly. The differential instruction approach has several benefits for students. Firstly, it enhances their HOTS by providing them with opportunities to think critically, solve problems, and make decisions. Secondly, it caters to their individual learning needs, which enhances their motivation and engagement in the learning process. Finally, it prepares them for the diverse and complex challenges they will face in their academic and professional lives. In conclusion, the development of a learning model with a differential instruction approach is essential for enhancing the HOTS of students in higher education. This approach recognizes the diverse learning needs of students and provides them with opportunities to develop their critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. Teachers must identify the learning needs of their students, develop appropriate teaching strategies and materials, and monitor their progress to ensure the success of the learning model.

Keywords: HOTS, differential Instruction, Higher Education, Teaching

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56 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-17

Heru Pratikno, Asri Nuranisa Dewi, Irma Yulita Silviany

Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Islam Bandung


In every academic activity on campus, students must always apply good language skills. The language skills that must be possessed include reading, listening, writing, and speaking. It turns out that the four skills are still lacking in students, especially in reading skills. As a result, students are not able to analyze sentences properly according to the rules of the Indonesian language. So, reading skills are basic skills that must be mastered by students before they apply other language skills. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the extent of students^ language skills in reading a text to analyze the suitability of the effectiveness of the sentence. Research that is a test of this variable is suitable for using mixed methods or what is commonly called the mix method, namely quantitative methods with qualitative methods. The use of this mix method will result in a comprehensive and accountable description of the research answers. The results of the study show that there is an increase in the knowledge graph of students^ language skills after being given effective sentence material treatment.

Keywords: language skills- student- effective sentence

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57 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-28

Literacy Training in Learning Media for Elementary School Teachers in Cilengkrang District, Bandung Regency
Irma Yulita Silviany, Asri Nuranisa Dewi, Heru Pratikno

Universitas Islam Bandung


Literacy skills are a form of ability or quality of literacy (letters) possessed by a person, including the ability to read and write, both physically, tactically, and technically a person who is in unity to carry out a mission or task. In this case the mission is to increase elementary school students interest in reading in the Cilengkrang District, Bandung Regency. In line with Cope and Kalantzis (2000), multiliteracy pedagogy is increasingly developing multilingual and multimodal dimensions of literacy. This has an impact on schools and communities who need to develop practices and skills using ways to express and understand ideas and information using conventional text forms as well as innovative text forms, symbols and multimedia (Abidin, 2015). Literacy skills can be improved by adapting current learning media to digital-based with the aim of attracting students literacy interest. Through interesting learning media the literacy movement can be successful. The method used is digitizing conventional learning media and presenting new learning media innovations to increase students^ interest in reading. Based on this, training and mentoring need to be carried out as an innovative effort to prepare effective learning media with the aim of increasing the literacy skills of elementary school students. Training and mentoring was carried out over a span of three months, from February to April 2023 with 36 teacher participants. As a result of this training and mentoring, teachers can create and apply digital-based learning media in an effort to increase students interest in literacy.

Keywords: Literacy Skills- Learning Media- Elementary School

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58 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-40

Ayi Sobarna, Erhamwilda, Nurul Afrianti, Masnipal

PG PAUD Universitas Islam Bandung


This research aims to identify Neleng Neng Kung nursery rhyme from a child well-being perspective. Child well-being is currently facing threats due to several factors, mainly the crisis of dominant value from modernization (identically to the westernization). Adding to the factor is the change in the current Western dominance in science and knowledge. In the child well-being context, each ethnic group has childcare tradition, specifically for nursery rhymes. Various studies have touched this subject, but none relates it with child well-being. Therefore, this study aims to cover the relation of Neleng Neng Kung as a nursery rhyme with child well-being. This research uses the Norman Fairclough model of Critical Discourse Analysis which includes three steps: description, interpretation and explanation and UNICEF framework for child well-being. The conclusion shows that the local wisdom covers a part of the child well-being framework and centers well-being to social relation. Physical and intellectual aspects must be guided to social ones.

Keywords: Child well-being, nursery rhyme, local wisdom

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59 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-54

Growing Quranic Literacy Through Mother^s Quranic Stories to Children
Dinar Nur Inten, Dewi Mulyani, Helmi Aziz

Universitas Islam Bandung


Mother is an important figure in a child^s life. Children can get to know various things from their mothers, so it is only natural that mothers have a big role in introducing Islamic values into children^s lives. The purpose of this research is to find the right way to foster Al-Quran literacy in children by mothers. This study uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method. The object of research is mothers with basic education background and have early childhood. The results of the study proved that the experimental class gain was 0.522 or was in the moderate category higher than the control group. This explains that through the mother^s understanding of knowledge and skills in making Quranic literacy activities through Quranic stories that involve children and produce works can foster children^s interest in Al-Quran literacy activities and make children enthusiastic about knowing Quranic stories

Keywords: Al-Quran Literacy, Quranic Stories, Mothers and Children.

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60 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-58

Development of Digital Learning based International Cooperation in Elementary School Teachers
Panji Adam Agus Putra, Maman S, Heru P, Nurbani S, Intan N, M Zidan

Universitas Islam Bandung


Collaboration programs with international organizations develop all aspects, especially in the field of education that the university has carried out. The activity was educating the elementary school teachers because it has a significant component in the educational process. The university education system has a substantial role in preparing competitive human resources. This study result findings in the form of language and cultural differences is the main issues in the implementation of the international collaboration programs.
The method was used group discussions between Indonesian and Thai teachers through an innovative approach to digital learning media in a more structured and in-depth way. Group discussion case studies successfully provided practical and interactive experiences to the participants. It was concluded that mutual understanding of culture between teachers and students was fundamental and needs to be considered so that learning can be done effectively and comfortably. Educators can jointly build awareness of the effectiveness of using technology in the classroom. Technology was not only used but has a significant impact on learning processes and outcomes. The implementation of this international collaboration program aims to solve the problems faced and enhance cooperation between the two countries further.

Keywords: Collaboration, Education, Innovation, Digital Learning

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