Sharia Service Management Strategy Model of Accreditation-Based Islamic Private Hospital in Pekanbaru with ANP Approach
Melia Frastuti, Azhari Akmal Tarigan, Sugianto



Sharia hospitals as service companies provide opportunities for all human resources that are integrated with various disciplines in them to master science, develop technology, and become service directions for other institutions so that they can be emulated in the sharia services they provide. The author develops a sharia hospital so that it becomes a hope for the future to be even better in terms of services that reflect Islamic morals, Al-Qur^an morals and become a motivator for other agencies so that the services provided can realize Islam that is accepted at all levels of society. The Analytic Network Process method is a strategy for human resources in it, especially internal sharia hospitals, to always improve, grow, and be strong. The results of this study lead to superior human resources, plenary sharia service systems, and patient orientation. Sustainable development of human resources, in stages in accordance with the development of regulations in force in Indonesia and sharia values which are expected to be successful towards accreditation of plenary hospitals.

Keywords: Sharia Service Management Strategy Model, ANP, Islamic Private Hospital

Topic: Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective

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