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Islamic Da^wah in Improving the Spirituality of Migrant Communities
Ida Afidah, Rodliyah Khuza^i, Fariz Farrih Izadi, N. Sausan M. Sholeh, Hendi Suhendi

Universitas Islam Bandung


Although in general the main hope of migrant communities is an improvement in their economic conditions, in practice this hope cannot be separated from the encouragement and spiritual needs that they make the basis of their migration activities. This view is reinforced by Quinlan that people who migrate due to economic or work problems and few have religious reasons. The phenomena in this study found that the need to increase the value of spirituality in the migrant communities of Malaysia, Australia and South Korea is very high. Thus this article focuses on the main study of improving the ruhuddin of migrant communities. The main objective is to provide a solution to the need to increase the religious values of migrant communities due to the limited number of teachers. The results of the study recommend: First. Form a network of cooperation with da^wah organizations that have religious teaching human resources. Second. Improving the management of religious studies activities both from the aspect of the quantity and quality of studies

Keywords: Da^wah, Migrant, Spirituality

Topic: Human Wellbeing in Islam

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