Protection and Legal Aid for Women Migrant Workers with Problems in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Rini Irianti Sundary *, Nandang Sambas *, Edi Setiadi *, Suci Setiawai

Notary Study Program, Law Faculty, Universitas Islam Bandung, Taman Sari No. 24-26 Bandung -Indonesia


Indonesia is a large country with a large population. According to data from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Indonesia^s population in 2021 is 273 million. Unfortunately, the large population is not accompanied by many job opportunities. As a result, many Indonesians are looking for work in other countries. Migrant workers are one of the biggest contributors to the country^s foreign exchange. However, migrant workers who work abroad often experience problems. lack of legal protection, not having official documents- lack of supervision by the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency and the Indonesian Embassy after being abroad- difficult access to
This paper aims to examine the extent to which the Indonesian government provides legal protection to its citizens who become migrant workers and experience legal problems? And how is community participation to contribute to finding solutions to the problems of migrant workers abroad, especially in Malaysia?
The research method used is the normative juristic method, which prioritizes secondary data, but is also complemented by primary data in the form of interviews and discussions with migrant workers who are experiencing legal problems in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
At the end of the paper, it is argued that basically the Indonesian government has prepared legal instruments to protect migrant workers, but is constrained by migrant workers themselves who do not prepare themselves to protect themselves, the solution is more to repressive settlement efforts, although preventive efforts have been made, but not maximally protecting migrant workers, especially those who go to work abroad without proper procedures.

Keywords: Migrant Workers, Woman, Protection, problems, law

Topic: Human Wellbeing in Islam

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