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Media, Journalism, and Information |
ABS-106 |
a) Faculty of Social and Political Science UIN Raden Fatah
Jalan Zainal Abidin Fikry No.1 KM 3,5, Kel. Pahlawan Kec, Kemuning, Palembang 30126
b) Faculty of Social and Political Science UIN Raden Fatah
Jalan Zainal Abidin Fikry No.1 KM 3,5, Kel. Pahlawan Kec, Kemuning, Palembang 30126
c) Faculty of Social and Political Science UIN Raden Fatah
Jalan Zainal Abidin Fikry No.1 KM 3,5, Kel. Pahlawan Kec, Kemuning, Palembang 30126
d) Faculty of Social and Political Science UIN Raden Fatah
Jalan Zainal Abidin Fikry No.1 KM 3,5, Kel. Pahlawan Kec, Kemuning, Palembang 30126
The halal label is one of the important elements as a written or symbolic marker of a product so that it can be suitable for consumption, but halal labels are often seen only in large-scale industries such as restaurants and factory output. Halal is seen from several sides- both include processes, materials, equipment, and equipment. This research aims to find out the internalization of the halal label which involves academics in the product certification process in Palembang City street food entrepreneurs. The descriptive qualitative method is used with the object of research, which is the chairman of the Halal Examining Agency (LPH), Halal product certification administrator, and street food business actors. Communications strategies and persuasive communication models are used in this research as an analysis knife. As a result, there is a proliferation of street food in Palembang City, but some of them do not have a halal label, thus causing public confusion in consuming these foods. Besides, the involvement of academics (lecturers) in Religious Institutions such as Islamic Universities helps a lot, especially in the process of accelerating halal certification in Palembang City, although there is still a need for directed optimization so that the results can be maximized. The mentoring and easy access to halal certification will certainly be very helpful for street food entrepreneurs, even though this is still relatively new. Labeling halal on street food is a symbol and a very important meaning as a sign that the food is safe for public consumption, especially in the majority Muslim community of Palembang City.
Keywords: Halal Label, Product Certification, Street Food
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| Corresponding Author (Sonia Nurprameswari)
122 |
Media, Journalism, and Information |
ABS-124 |
Digital Literacy for Women Empowerment: A Solution to Grow Awareness of Countering Hoaxes Rini Rinawati, Dadi Ahmadi, Ferry Darmawan, Dedeh Fardiah, Mutia Umar
Universitas Islam Bandung
The purpose of this paper is to explore the effectiveness of a digital literacy program for women to raise awareness and combat hoaxes. Using a quasi-experimental design, this paper uses pre-test and post-test data to measure awareness and combatting hoaxes. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources, including surveys and literature reviews. The importance of digital literacy in today^s digital age and the need for continued investment in programs to help women become more digitally literate. These findings can be used to develop more effective digital literacy programs in the future.
Keywords: hoax, digital leteracy, survey and literature
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| Corresponding Author (Dadi Ahmadi)
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Media, Journalism, and Information |
ABS-137 |
The development of communication and information technology today has had a major impact on the realization of the information society and the order of political life. Information literate citizens demand that government be more open, responsive and accountable. Democratization in various national lives is an inevitable necessity. The presence of regulations regarding public information disclosure through Law Number 14 of 2008 is an important part towards a more democratic nation.
This research aims to discuss the challenges faced by the Information Commission from a socio-political perspective in relation to the information society and democratization in the digital era. The research uses normative juridical method and literature review. The research concludes that information as a primary human need is inherent in daily life that is always demanded from the government. In Indonesia^s position as a democracy, public information disclosure is an integral part of government administration. Public oversight of effective governance will be supported by the management and service of public information by every public body. Public participation in the formation and implementation of public policy is getting higher along with the formation of the information society and digital society. In the current digital era, there are great challenges to the Information Commission as an independent institution mandated by Law No. 14/2008 to resolve public information disputes through mediation and/or non-litigation adjudication.
Keywords: Information Commission, democratization, information society, digital era
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| Corresponding Author (Isna Wijayani)
124 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-31 |
Increasing Coffee Sales Competitiveness through Omnichannel retail in Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency Eri Achiraeniwati1, Djamaludin2, Yanti Sri Rejeki3,Otong Rukmana4, Chaznin R. Muhammad5
Industrial Engineering, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
Cimenyan District Bandung Regency is located adjacent to many coffee plantations in Bandung Regency, which produce about 8 quintals per year from a total of 21.53 tons of coffee produced in Bandung Regency. Bandung Regency is one of the best quality coffee producing regions in Indonesia and the world. From the results of observations and interviews with farmer groups and coffee sellers, several problems related to the value chain and coffee business in the Cimenyan District area include seed modernization, post-harvest processing and marketing which are still traditional (unchanged). This community service is aimed at improving the ability of entrepreneurs and coffee producers in Cimenyan District, especially in marketing and selling their coffee products more broadly both nationally and internationally through the concept of omnichannel retail with the help of digital technology. It is hoped that by providing knowledge, skills and assistance in increasing sales networks, entrepreneurs and coffee producers in Cimenyan District, in particular, can channel their sales through various digital channels created to provide the same good experience to customers in researching, buying, and communicating on the products sold. This community service aims to increase the competitiveness of coffee sales and produce new creative entrepreneurs and / or the development of digital channels and offline networks in existing business fields
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Network, Omni Channel Retail, Coffee Sales Competitiveness, Cimenyan District
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| Corresponding Author (djamaludin djamaludin)
125 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-37 |
Content Analysis on the Use of Abusive Language in Social Media 1Riza Hernawati, 2Maya Amalia Oesman Palapah, 3Ratri Rizki Kusumalestari, 4Dadan Mulyana
1234Universitas Islam Bandung
The use of social media continues to increase along with the need for information in society which is also getting higher. Social media makes it easy to communicate and interact with one another. This resulted in a shift in the language used to become written language. But often with this written language, social media users ignore the rules of using good language.
The characteristics of social media users, including different Instagrams, also bring up different languages when internet users (netizens) write comments on social media, ranging from polite to offensive language. The case of an Indonesian celebrity who reported his partner to the police because of a criminal act he had committed gave rise to various comments, especially when the reporter later withdrew his report. Immediately netizens wrote comments on the celebrity^s Instagram account, even with abusive language. Abusive language is often freely used by netizens in expressing feelings in the form of comments on social media. this study will try to detect several official Instagram accounts of Individual A and individual B. Detection is carried out by classifying targets, categories and levels. Words (posts) are identified as hate speech or offensive language. The levels of hate speech are also classified into levels, namely: Weak hate speech, swear words aimed at individuals without provocation- Moderate hate speech, swearing directed at groups without provocation- Strong hate speech, swearing that provokes and has the potential to open up conflict.
Keywords: Social media, Instagram, Abusive languange, Netizen, Celebrity
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| Corresponding Author (Riza Hernawati, S.Sos., M.Si)
126 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-55 |
Portrait of Hijrah Youth Virtual Culture on Social Media: An Effort Towards A Harmonious Society Anne Maryani1, Kiki Zakiah2, Anne Ratnasari3
Faculty of Communication, Bandung Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia
Self and group identity can be built through social media, including religious identity. Instagram can be used for various content regarding Islam, such as content from the youth community of hijrah which contains symbols of Islamic religious messages. This phenomenon inspired the writer to research the virtual culture of millennial Muslim youth on social media in building social cohesion. This kind of community can be a solution to overcome problems that arise due to differences in perceptions about religion in society. The purpose of this research is to examine the Hijrah Youth Virtual Cultural Portrait on Social Media, an effort towards a harmonious society. The data were obtained through interviews, observations, literature studies, and relevant documentation. The research informants are community managers of hijrah youth and millennial youth who are active on social media Instagram with Islamic religious content. The results of the study show: 1. The values contained in the communication symbols on the social media of the millennial Muslim youth community are symbols that are closer to young people who are relaxed, fun, and do not seem hard to study religion 2. The main reason why young hijrah choose Instagram as a social media for Islamic religious content is because Instagram is the platform most used by young people. The benefits obtained are that messages can be spread easily and efficiently in a short time. 3. Interaction is carried out on social media and also through face-to-face meetings in cafes. The experience of interacting on social media influences the understanding and religious practices of the youth of hijrah.4. Optimizing the use of features on the social media of the Hijrah youth community is by utilizing all the features provided for communication purposes, sharing information, or strengthening social bonds.
Keywords: Keywords: Virtual Culture, Instagram, Millennial Muslim Youth,
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| Corresponding Author (Anne Maryani)
127 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-59 |
Communication Model of Entrepreneurship Education for Children Based on Pesantren Culture: A Case Study of Pesantren Sirojul Huda Kabupaten Bandung Ike Junita Triwardhani, Endri Listiani, Yulianti
Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung
Entrepreneurship education has become important for the future of children, which is filled with challenges. Entrepreneurship is related to how new knowledge-based ideas can provide economic added value. Entrepreneurship also exists within Pesantren, Islamic boarding schools. Pesantren has a unique way of life and has been able to sustain itself for centuries by adhering to its own values. As a traditional Islamic educational institution, Pesantren does not consider it sufficient to only provide knowledge to its students. Therefore, the institution strives to create entrepreneurial environments and teach entrepreneurship education to its students. This research aims to develop a communication model of entrepreneurship education based on Pesantren culture. The research case chosen is Sirojul Huda Islamic Boarding School in Bandung Regency. The average age of the students, who are predominantly children, ranges from 12 to 15 years old, and they are already being taught entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial culture needs to be instilled from an early age through education. The entrepreneurial values instilled in children through education are expected to shape their resilient character. The research is conducted using an ethnographic communication approach, tracing the communication patterns that emerge from the interactions of participants within a specific community group. Ethnographic communication is an approach used to obtain cultural values present in a given condition through interpersonal communication processes.
Keywords: Pesantren Culture, Entrepreneurship, Child Education, Ethnographic Communication, Communication Model.
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| Corresponding Author (Ike Junita Triwardhani)
128 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-65 |
Model Institutional Communication for Innovation Ecosystem: Mapping Researchers and Institution Relationship to Transform Research Into Innovation Anne Maryani, Ike Junita Triwardhani, Yulianti
Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung
Higher education institutions play an important role in innovation since they are institutions that produce knowledge. Through researchers, innovation ecosystems can be developed. Developing innovation includes building innovation orchestration as there is high uncertainty in innovation. Each party locates itself and builds networks with the others. Networks built by researchers as a process of forming innovations give rise to translation, namely the process of building networks that occur due to transactions. The process of building networks in generating innovation remains ongoing. Researchers need mediator that plays an important role in building innovation networks, either mediator as a person or in the form of technology, which both are needed in creating innovation. The stages in the research are as follows: 1) Mapping the main issues being addressed by researchers in developing innovation, 2) Conducting an analysis of the reading of social arena where researchers communicate with other parties in creating innovation, 3) Analyzing the academic manners of researchers in building innovation, 4) Analyzing the articulation of researchers in developing innovation, and 5) Developing an institutional communication model to form an ecosystem of researchers who develop innovation. Fields or social arenas where researchers have to collaborate with other parties in developing innovations will explain how ideas are formed and who will take the advantages of these innovations. Reading the researchers^ social arena will help map out the innovation process built. Scientifically, this research is expected to become part of the development of ethnography of communication approach in reading the values established in the interaction between the parties involved in the communication of researcher.
Keywords: Innovation, Communication Model, Researcher, Interpersonal Communication, Actor.
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| Corresponding Author (Ike Junita Triwardhani)
129 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-72 |
Preparation of Cognitive Process Qualitative Assessment Instruments in Making Decisions to Play Online Games Fanni Putri Diantina,Rizka Hadian Permana,Andhita Nurul Khasanah,Rifky Abdila Pratama,aqyla halwa,Dianita Rahma
Faculty of Psychology, Bandung Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia
Indonesia is ranked 6th in terms of numbers online gamers the most in Asia and ranked 12th in the marketgaming world. When it becomes an addiction, online gamers being unable to stop or control play behavior game, so that lead to the emergence of problematic behavior. The decision-making process at the cognition level is considered relevant in various addictive behaviors, including behavior problematic gaming. In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the comparison of the interaction processes of each cognitive component on the decision to playonline game in both group gamers Which non-problematic and problematic, then exploratory research can be carried out through a qualitative approach, where data collection is carried out through depth interview. Steps are required to compileguideline digging related to functioningaffective & cognitive respons (coping, cognitive & affective bias, andcraving & urge), as well asexecutive & inhibitory control. The preparation of guidelines uses a cognitive theoretical framework in addictive behavior, namely the I-PACE model with a theoretical basis multidimensional. Through theoretical deepening, it is revealed in the form of guidelines which are divided into 3 main aspects, 4 sub-aspects and 32 main questions.
Keywords: Cognitive process, Decision making, Guideline, Depth interview, Problematic Gamers,
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| Corresponding Author (Andhita Nurul Khasanah)
130 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-73 |
Management of Digital Marketing of Halal Products: Solutive Strategies for Empowering MSME Entrepreneurs Anne Ratnasari, Anne Maryani, Yenni Yuniati, Aning Sofyan
Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung
The Cekaz K1 business community is one of the business communities that survived the Covid 19 pandemic. They are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Members of the group produce various products in the form of coffee products and processed foods. This article results from research on training management digital marketing for halal products as a solution strategy for differentiating MSME entrepreneurs. The research aims to analyze forms of digital marketing and information on halal products to empower businesses. The research method used is a descriptive method to measure research phenomena carefully. Data collection techniques in the form of literature studies, interviews, and a research questionnaire were conducted by distributing it to the training participants, as many as 29 people. A census was carried out with the sampling technique. Therefore all training participants became research respondents. The study results show that business actors have high knowledge of digital marketing through personal selling as a marketing communication tool through oral presentations in the form of conversations with potential customers and the application of sales promotions. Business actors^ knowledge of Halal product information is also high, and this halal product information becomes a guide for business actors in preparing and making products that are promoted to consumers. The study results show that business actors have high knowledge of digital marketing in the form of personal selling as a means of marketing communication through oral presentations in the form of conversations with potential customers and the application of sales promotions. Business actors^ knowledge of Halal product information is also high, and this halal product information becomes a guide for business actors in preparing and making products that are promoted to consumers. The study results show that business actors have high knowledge of digital marketing. Personal selling is marketing communication through oral presentations in the form of conversations with potential customers and the application of sales promotions. Business actors^ knowledge of Halal product information is also high, and this halal product information becomes a guide for business actors in preparing and making products that are promoted to consumers.
Keywords: digital marketing, halal products, empowering MSME business actors.
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| Corresponding Author (Anne Ratnasari Ratnasari)
131 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-74 |
Study on Consumer Perception of Halal Cosmetic using An Exploratory Factor Analysis Titik Respati, Abdul Razak bin Abdul Hadi, Neni Sri Imaniyati, Nugraha, Lina Jamilah, Intan Nurrachmi,Indra Fajar Alamsyah, Bellasepti Aisyah Rachel Aldilla Yastin
Universitas Islam Bandung
Universiti Kualalumpur
The global halal cosmetics market has experienced significant growth, driven by the rising demand for products that adhere to Islamic principles and ethical considerations. Muslim consumer population is expected to reach 2,2 billion by the year 2030. Customer behavior nowadays is shaped by various online platforms that provide knowledge and contribute to an informed decision about these products.
This study aims to explore how customers perceive halal cosmetics. The exploratory factor analysis is used for the factors that contribute to them. A structured questionnaire was developed to collect data on consumer perceptions This study has 202 respondents consisting of 119 from Indonesia and 83 from Malaysia. Based on the results of research using the EFA method, four main themes were found, which consisted of [1] Halal Awareness which consisted of Halal logo awareness- Awareness of halal concepts, halal processes, and halal principles- Knowledge about the obligation to use halal cosmetics for every Muslim. [2] Social Media Promotion consists of The language used in advertisements on social media is easy to understand, and Social media ads are exciting. [3] Quality of Halal Cosmetics consists of Feeling safe using products with the Halal logo- Knowledge of halal ingredients in halal cosmetics. Halal cosmetics can make you appear confident. [4] The lifestyle of influencers consists of Affordable halal cosmetic prices and Attractive halal cosmetic packaging based on influencers, Social media influencers are a lifestyle to follow.
Keywords: Halal Cosmetics, Costumer Perception, Social Media Promotion,Halal LIfestyle, Consumer Behaviour
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| Corresponding Author (Titik Respati)
132 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-85 |
Understanding The Influence of Tiktok Live Streaming Shopping Feature on Purchase Intention for Local Beauty Brand through Emotional Factors in The SOR Model Kadiva Dwilia Rosadiputri, Indira Rachmawati
Telkom University
The phenomenon of online shopping has driven business players to be more innovative in promoting their products on existing digital platforms. There is a technological innovation that allows online businesses to showcase and demonstrate their products in real time, known as live streaming shopping. TikTok has become one of the popular social commerce platforms with beauty content within its application. This study aims to better understand the influence of TikTok live streaming shopping on the purchase intention of the local beauty brand through emotional factors. We applied the SOR (Stimulus, Organism, Response) model, with influencer credibility variables added to the emotional factors in the SOR model. Data were collected from 300 respondents who registered through a Google Form survey with predetermined criteria. PLS-SEM using Smart PLS was chosen for data analysis. The study revealed that attraction, cognitive assimilation, and influencer credibility mediate the relationship between real time interaction, shopping guidance, visibility, media richness, and consumer purchase intention. Therefore, live streaming shopping through emotional factors significantly influences consumers purchase intention. This research found that the enrichment of material living standards has transformed peoples purely demand-oriented shopping style. This study result help enterprises to better apply live streaming more effectively and expanding channels promotion strategies.
Keywords: TikTok Live Streaming Shopping, Purchase Intention, SOR Model
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| Corresponding Author (Kadiva Dwilia Rosadiputri)
133 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-104 |
The influence of Negative Electronic Word of Mouth and Variety Seeking on Brand Switching Behaviour with Customer Engagement as an intervening variable, facial serum products study on Gen Z Dertaida Panjaitan (a), Indrawati (b)
Telkom University
School of Economics and Business, Bandung, Indonesia
The growth of the cosmetic industry in Indonesia is influenced by the high demand for beauty products. One of the factors, the problem that is often faced by women, especially Gen Z is dull facial skin. One of the most purchased beauty products by Gen Z is facial serum products. This study aims to see the effect of negative E-WOM and variety seeking on brand switching behaviour with customer engagement as an intervening variable for facial serum products on Gen Z. Quantitative research method with questionnaire data collection as many as 300 respondents. Data analysis techniques with Structural Equation Modeling using SmartPLS. The results showed negative E-WOM, variety seeking has a negative effect on customer engagement, customer engagement has a negative effect on brand switching behaviour. While E-WOM and variety seeking have a positive effect on brand switching behaviour. Then negative E-WOM on brand switching behaviour through customer engagement as an intervening variable also has a positive influence. Variety seeking on brand switching behaviour through customer engagement as an intervening variable also has a positive influence. This research helps companies in carrying out their business processes to continue to innovate, improve brand image and improve business strategies to be sustainable.
Keywords: Negative E-WOM, Variety seeking, Customer Engangement, Brand Switching Behavior
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| Corresponding Author (Dertaida Panjaitan)
134 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-109 |
Analysis of Website Quality on User Satisfaction, a study on the DigiExpert Platform at Telkom Corporate University Nabila Junviani (a), Indrawati (b)
Telkom University
Faculty of Economics and Business, Bandung, Indonesia
Digital transformation is a significant evolution that leverages available resources, including existing digital technologies. As the emphasis on digital technology increases, digital transformation becomes an inevitable phenomenon. Telkom Indonesia is pursuing digital transformation through the creation of a web-based collaboration and expert management platform called DigiExpert. Currently in its introductory phase, DigiExpert is adapting to the new market landscape with approximately 1700 users, primarily from the Telkom Group. This study aims to assess the quality of the DigiExpert website, a part of Telkom Indonesia^s digital transformation efforts, and its impact on user satisfaction at Telkom Corporate University. Using a quantitative approach and WebQual 4.0 method, along with VISAWI for visual quality assessment, the study reveals positive perceptions of the DigiExpert website^s quality among respondents. Variables like usability, information quality, service quality, and visual quality have a significant positive influence on user satisfaction, both individually and collectively. These findings not only serve as a guide for future researchers but also offer valuable insights for companies seeking to improve their corporate website quality and set benchmarks for other businesses.
Keywords: Digital Transformation, DigiExpert, User Satisfaction, Website Quality, WebQual 4.0
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| Corresponding Author (Nabila Junviani)
135 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-132 |
Optimizing Disaster Response and Mitigation through Digital Communication, Visualization, and Jabar Command Center: A Comprehensive Analysis Ferry Darmawan (a*), Dedeh Fardiah (a), Rini Rinawati (a), Viky Edya Martina Supaat (b), Sandi Ibrahim Abdullah (b)
(a) Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Tamansari No.24 Bandung, Indonesia
(b) master of communication science, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Tamansari No. 1 Bandung, Indonesia
In an increasingly connected world, effective disaster response and mitigation demand the integration of advanced technologies. This study investigates the synergistic role of digital communication, visualization, and the Jabar Command Center (JCC) in optimizing disaster management strategies. Focusing on the West Java region, this research offers a comprehensive analysis of how digital communication channels enhance information dissemination, and how visualization techniques aid in situational awareness during disasters. Through an exploration of JCC^s functions, the study assesses its effectiveness in leveraging digital tools for timely and coordinated responses. Drawing on qualitative and quantitative data, the research delves into case studies and success stories, highlighting the impact of the integrated approach on disaster management outcomes. Moreover, challenges and limitations related to technology utilization are addressed. This study contributes to the understanding of the interplay between digital communication, visualization, and disaster response, and provides recommendations for optimizing these components to build resilient disaster management systems.
Keywords: disaster management- digital communication- visualization techniques- Jabar Command Center- comprehensive analysis
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| Corresponding Author (Ferry Darmawan)
136 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-136 |
Analysis of Website Quality on User Satisfaction (A Study on the DigiExpert Platform at Telkom Corporate University) Nabila Junviani, Indrawati
Telkom University
Digital transformation is a significant evolution that leverages available resources, including existing digital technologies. As the emphasis on digital technology increases, digital transformation becomes an inevitable phenomenon. Telkom Indonesia is pursuing digital transformation through the creation of a web-based collaboration and expert management platform called DigiExpert. Currently in its introductory phase, DigiExpert is adapting to the new market landscape with approximately 1700 users, primarily from the Telkom Group. This study aims to assess the quality of the DigiExpert website, a part of Telkom Indonesia^s digital transformation efforts, and its impact on user satisfaction at Telkom Corporate University. Using a quantitative approach and WebQual 4.0 method, along with VISAWI for visual quality assessment, the study reveals positive perceptions of the DigiExpert website^s quality among respondents. Variables like usability, information quality, service quality, and visual quality have a significant positive influence on user satisfaction, both individually and collectively. These findings not only serve as a guide for future researchers but also offer valuable insights for companies seeking to improve their corporate website quality and set benchmarks for other businesses.
Keywords: Digital Transformation, DigiExpert, User Satisfaction, Website Quality, WebQual 4.0
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| Corresponding Author (Nabila Junviani)
137 |
New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers |
ABS-149 |
Gaming as a Representation of Urge and Passion: A Thematic Analysis of Online Gamers Fanni Putri Diantina1,2, Rizka Hadian Permana1, Andhita Nurul Khasanah1, Rifky Abdila Pratama1, Aqyla Halwa1, Dianita Rahma1, Elizabeth Kristi Poerwandari2, Dyah Triarini Indirasari2
Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia1
Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia2
The meaning of playing online games is important to explore to understand why playing online games is a passionate activity for enthusiastic and problematic gamers. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from 20 gamers (Male, 19-24 years old) who intensely play online games. Through the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) technique, the meaning of the essential or basic things from the participants life experiences was sought. The results showed that the experience of craving and urge emerged as themes in the decision-making process to continue playing online games even though they realized the negative impact of being too fixated on playing games.
Keywords: craving, passion, problematic gamers, thematic analysis, urge
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