Design Visioning of Bukit Batu Eon Natural Tourism Area Fachmy Sugih Pradifta, Hilwati Hindersah, Gina Puspitasari Rochman, Luthfi Ahmad Barwanto, Lely Syiddatul Akliyah, Naufal Nur Fadhlillah, Fakhri Muhammad Adisaputra, Nurcahyo Prabowo, Muhammad Shadam Syafsafa Adsya, Halimah Nurhasanah, Kania Sephiya Sunardi, Muthia Chaerani, Rizky Rivaldi
Universitas Islam Bandung
The Bukit Batu Eon Tourism Area is one of the tourism potentials in Lamajang Village, Bandung Regency offering the natural beauty and history of the Dutch Colonial Government era Hydroelectric Power Plant. Bukit Batu Eon is currently managed as a camping ground area by locals. Diverse potentials such as the Batu Eon site, reservoirs and power plants, open grass fields, and natural beauty that utilizes sunrise valley views need to be directed into an integrated tourism area. In this design, the design approach was carried out in a participatory manner with various community elements to envision the Bukit Batu Eon Tourism Area design plan. The method used is focused-group discussion (FGD) to analyze the site, resulting in a mapping of potentials and problems that leads to the formulation of the initial idea for site design. The results of the FGD were embodied in a three-dimensional site design which resulted in the preliminary design of the Bukit Batu Eon Tourism Area.
Keywords: Bukit Batu Eon, Lamajang, participatory design, design visioning, natural tourism
Topic: Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective