Literacy Training in Learning Media for Elementary School Teachers in Cilengkrang District, Bandung Regency Irma Yulita Silviany, Asri Nuranisa Dewi, Heru Pratikno
Universitas Islam Bandung
Literacy skills are a form of ability or quality of literacy (letters) possessed by a person, including the ability to read and write, both physically, tactically, and technically a person who is in unity to carry out a mission or task. In this case the mission is to increase elementary school students interest in reading in the Cilengkrang District, Bandung Regency. In line with Cope and Kalantzis (2000), multiliteracy pedagogy is increasingly developing multilingual and multimodal dimensions of literacy. This has an impact on schools and communities who need to develop practices and skills using ways to express and understand ideas and information using conventional text forms as well as innovative text forms, symbols and multimedia (Abidin, 2015). Literacy skills can be improved by adapting current learning media to digital-based with the aim of attracting students literacy interest. Through interesting learning media the literacy movement can be successful. The method used is digitizing conventional learning media and presenting new learning media innovations to increase students^ interest in reading. Based on this, training and mentoring need to be carried out as an innovative effort to prepare effective learning media with the aim of increasing the literacy skills of elementary school students. Training and mentoring was carried out over a span of three months, from February to April 2023 with 36 teacher participants. As a result of this training and mentoring, teachers can create and apply digital-based learning media in an effort to increase students interest in literacy.
Keywords: Literacy Skills- Learning Media- Elementary School