Independent Learning in the Era of Society 5.0: An Economic Perspective on Education
L. Nurwandi, A. Harits Numan, Helmi Aziz, Rully Nurhasan, Yeti Sumiati

Universitas Islam bandung


Society 5.0 embodies a concept that advances a vision of the future society seamlessly integrated with advanced technology. Furthermore, this concept proposes a shift from a sole focus on technological development to prioritizing human well-being and solutions to various social issues. One pivotal factor within Society 5.0 is Education and Skills, which underscores the significance of education and the cultivation of skills relevant to advanced technology. This aids communities in navigating the changes in the job landscape brought about by technological advancements. An educational form projected to align with the evolution of Society 5.0 is the Independent Learning initiative, aimed at propelling students and learners to take a more active role in the learning process, while affording flexibility in selecting methods and learning materials.The factors influencing ^Merdeka Belajar^ will be examined for their impact using regression analysis in a university that has already implemented the Independent Learning approach. Subsequently, the influential factors will be assessed for their economic benefits using the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) method. This endeavor seeks to gain an understanding of the significance from the perspective of Society 5.0 and the benefits that can be reaped by education consumers in the forthcoming era.

Keywords: Society 5.0, Merdeka Belajar, Regression, Benefit Cost Ratio, Economy.

Topic: Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective

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