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61 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-63

The Role of Teachers in Managing Disaster Safe Schools in Early Childhood Education
Nurul Afrianti, Arif Hakim, Erhamwilda, Ayi Sobarna, Masnipal, Via, Leoni

PG PAUD Universitas Islam Bandung


The occurrence of a landslide in November 2021 in Lembang (as part of the Lembang fault fault) had an impact on the surrounding environment, especially early childhood education/PAUD schools. Most recently, in November 2022 there was an earthquake in Cianjur which resulted in as many as 526 damaged infrastructures, namely 363 school buildings, 144 places of worship, 16 office buildings, and three health facilities. Natural disasters that have occurred recently certainly correlate with the victims they have caused. One of those affected is in the education sector. When a disaster occurs, students are the most vulnerable to the effects, especially if the disaster occurs while the children are at school.
With the large number of potential disasters that occur, disaster education is very important to do early on, and this is done by equipping early childhood teachers about disaster education and managing disaster-safe schools. In the end, education and management of disaster-safe schools can be conveyed to children through play activities according to the principles of learning for early childhood. Efforts to provide disaster education from an early age is an important and fundamental action that is not only an act of curriculum development or enrichment alone, but is also a preventive action for the life of every child in dealing with this phenomenon in the future, so that when faced with real events every child has optimal readiness to deal with it.

Keywords: Disaster safe school, school management, disaster

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62 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-71

The Teaching Quality of the Visiting Lecturer Collaboration Program influences the Perceptions of Indonesian-Malaysian Students
Neni Yulianita (*), Yenni Yuniati, Tresnawiwitan, Eka Susilawati, Faisal Maulana, Raihan Firjatullah

Universitas Islam Bandung


The Faculty of Communication Sciences (Fikom) at the Islamic University of Bandung (Unisba) has conducted a series of Visiting Lecturer Online activities several times with the Faculty of Leadership and Management (FKP) Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). This activity is a form of implementing cooperation with foreign campuses, responding to the demands of higher education in the current era. This guest lecturer activity lasts for eight lectures in 2022 via the zoom application. From the phenomena described, researchers are interested in researching and studying whether there is an effect of Teaching Quality in the Visiting Lecturer Collaborative Program on the Perception and Satisfaction of Indonesian-Malaysian Students. Of course, this research is very beneficial for the continuation of the cooperation between the two universities. The aim of the study was to find out the perceptions of students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Unisba-Indonesia and the USIM-Malaysia Faculty of Leadership and Management after carrying out Visiting Lecturer activities in terms of Teaching Quality. The object of this research is students who have participated in guest lecturers as a UNISBA-USIM Collaboration program. Questionnaires were distributed to students from the two universities. Furthermore, the results of the research will be described and analyzed after going through data processing based on the results of the questionnaire and supported through interviews with relevant sources, observation, and documentation related to the implementation of the Visiting Lecturer activities.

Keywords: Teaching Quality- Perception- Satisfaction- Visiting Lecturer- Collaboration Program

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63 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-77

Prof. Dr. Neni Sri Imaniyati, SH., M.Hum, Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Bin Abdul Hadi, Dr. Lina Jamilah, SH., MH. Dr. Titik Respati, drg., M.Sc., PH. Ir. Nugraha, ST., IPM. Intan Nurrachmi, SH.I., ME.Sy. Indra Fajar Alamsyah, SE., MH.,Ph.D

Universitas Islam Bandung


Alamendah Village is located in Rancabali District, Bandung Regency, West Java. This village is one of the most sophisticated agronomy villages in Rancabali District, which is known as Natural Tourism, Religious Tourism, and Agricultural Tourism. With a geographical location in the form of hills or highlands, the agricultural sector is the most prominent economic activity in Alamendah Village, hence most of the people^s livelihoods are farmers and traders. This village was chosen as the site by LPPM Unisba in collaboration with Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL), one of the prestigious private universities in Malaysia, which has a focus on developing rural areas in Malaysia, for conducting community service regarding village development model. The method used in this activity was the introduction and development of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), especially related to brands for tourism sector actors in Alamendah Village and assistance with brand registration. The result was the data acquisition on potential IPR produced by Alamendah community, the increased IPR understanding and its impact on the development of Tourism Village, and the number of MSMEs interested in registering their brands.

Keywords: Intellectual Property Rights, Alamendah Village, Tourism

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64 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-84

Student Social Loafing Behavior in Group Learning Process
Aditia Wirayudha, Firman Shakti Firdaus, Rafi Ariq Maajid, Firda Nurfarida, Muhammad Iqbal Santosa

Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl. Tamansari No.1, Tamansari, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40116
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis


Todays educational design uses technology and information as tools for learning, where information is very easy to access. Social loafing is a phenomenon that occurs when individuals exert less effort or contribution in a group task compared to when they work individually. This convenience can be a potential learning development for students because they will more quickly obtain the knowledge and information they need to pursue education. But it can also have a bad effect on the learning process itself because it can become addictive for students to get grades easily by putting aside the learning itself. In this study, we conceptualize social loafing as a students behavior for their responsibilities in a study group, taking into account that many students are vulnerable to this social loafing behavior. In this study, we tested social loafing behavior using a cross-sectional survey of data collected from 106 students in the economics and business faculties, which consisted of 3 undergraduate study programs, namely Development Economics, Accounting, and Management. Students who are included in this research sample are active students class of 2021 who have attended a course where they are required to do group work in that course. The results of the study show that fairness based on student attitudes in groups shows a significant negative impact on reducing social loafing behavior.

Keywords: Social Loafing Behavior, Students, Group Work,

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65 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-114

Initiation Business Program as a Model Entrepreneurial Development of High School Students in Bandung CityPlease Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract
Sri Suwarsi, Septiana Ayu Mahani, Azib Asro^i, Nina Maharani, Yuda Surya Saputra, Ira Aulia Puspitasari, M. Ridho Hardisk Pratama, Hamilat Tusyadiah

Universitas Islam Bandung


Problems that can be identified related to the proposed activities, namely 1) lack of public awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship that can be developed further in the digital era, 2) the education system in Indonesia that has not maximized entrepreneurship opportunities for high school students- 3) lack of distribution of entrepreneurial interests specifically and there is no entrepreneurship coaching program from the school to be accessed by students.
The problem solutions offered from the proposed activities are: 1) organizing entrepreneurship coaching activities to educate high school students to explore entrepreneurship to the stage of direct practice in marketing the products that have been developed 2) a bazaar festival that functions to provide a market for high school students who are ready to market their products both through offline activities and digital stalls on the shopee platform, and give appreciation to high school students for their hard work in the form of business capital.
The objectives to be achieved in this activity are: 1) providing entrepreneurship coaching since high school in Bandung City by instilling a critical, innovative and creative mindset and business practices in order to face the economic dynamics that occur in Indonesia for branding the profile of the FEB Management Study Program and Unisba institutions through the implementation of entrepreneurship coaching and development.
The stages of activity implementation start from: 1) The socialization stage of the LPPM Unisba Community Partnership Program in the Initiation Business Program as a Model for Entrepreneurial Development of High School Students in Bandung City, 2) Open registration for prospective high school students who will become participants in the Initiation Business Program offered. 3) implementation of entrepreneurship coaching activities, 4) Business mentorship program with partners, 5) Product manufacturing practice, 6) business festival, 7) appreciation of student entrepreneurs through business capital assistance.

Keywords: Initiation, Entrepreneurship, Business program, Bandung City High School

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66 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-141

Training on Child and Adolescent Parenting and Prevention of Early Marriage for Parents in Dusun Banjarsari
Eneng Nurlaili Wangi, Dewi Rosiana, Dewi Sartika, Yuli Aslamawati, & Siti Mutya Lutfiani

Faculty of Psychology


he prevalence of early marriage in Dusun Banjarsari has led many parents to consider it as a solution to prevent norm deviations. However, marriage necessitates physical and mental maturity, both of which are often lacking in adolescents. Unbeknownst to many, the consequences of early marriage extend beyond personal repercussions and have broader societal implications affecting the surrounding community.

The PKM Team recognizes the need to intervene and improve parents^ understanding regarding their roles, parenting, child developmental tasks, and early marriage implications. The training conducted employed diverse methodologies including lectures, simulations, case studies, video presentations, and discussions. Post-training evaluations revealed a noticeable enhancement in participants^ comprehension of parental roles and child developmental responsibilities. However, challenges persisted in understanding various parenting styles.

For future training, it is recommended to incorporate a stronger cultural and social approach, collaborating closely with community leaders, educational institutions, and local authorities. Implementation of these recommendations is anticipated to fortify the program^s efforts in promoting healthy child development and transforming detrimental social norms.

Keywords: Please Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

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67 Innovative Education in the Digital Era ABS-145

Assessing Adaptive Leadership to Develop Teacher Performance in Indonesia
Sumiati, Aan Komariah, Dedy Achmad Kurniady, Asep Suryana

Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Although there has been sizable growth in the number of empirical studies of principal leadership for teacher performance, relatively few published studies have investigated leadership in complex situation in education field. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship and implication of principal adaptive leadership behavior and skill to develop teacher performance in Indonesian school context. This study used a quantitative approach to causality. The data were collected through questionnaires. This study used a sample of 364 respondents from public elementary school teachers in Bogor district to determine the sample size using the saturated sample formula. A partial least square structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS) was applied to estimate measurement and structural models. The results of this study showed that both Adaptive leadership behavior and skill has a significant and positive relationship to teacher performance. Through the findings of this study, adopting adaptive leadership practices and skills, principal could imply such in turbulence time or complex situation in order to build school policies related to improve teacher performance.

Keywords: Adaptive Leadership, Teacher Performance, School

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68 Islamic Education ABS-16

Madrasah Diniyyah Teacher Assistance in Implementing Children^s Early Qur^an Literation Learning in Pangalenga District, Bandung Regency
Helmi Aziz, Dinar Nur Inten, Dewi Mulyani, Haditsa Qur^ani Nurhakim

Universitas Islam Bandung


Eradicating Al-Qur^an illiteracy is an important agenda that must be prioritized, including problems in Madrasah Diniyyah institutions that require expansion of teacher competence in learning the Qur^an that is meaningful and fun in the aspects of planning, preparation and use of learning media as well as various evaluation technique of early Al-Qur^an literacy learning for students of madrasah diniyah. As a solution, to support increased competence and skills in carrying out early Al-Qur^an literacy learning, Madrasah teachers must be given knowledge and skills in managing early Al-Qur^an literacy learning. The goal is that teachers can provide proper early Qur^an literacy learning for madrasah students. The method used in this service is Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR), which is an approach that seeks to facilitate the community in improving academic quality. The empowerment results show that the ability of madrasa teachers in implementing early Qur^an literacy learning has significantly increased through several activities that have been carried out, namely the preparation of lesson plans, methods and techniques of learning the Qur^an, selection of Al-Qur^an learning media , and Al-Qur^an learning evaluation techniques. Assistance for madrasa teachers must always be carried out in an effort to expand the pedagogical competence of madrasa teachers in a better direction.

Keywords: Pedagogic Competence, Madrasa Teacher, Al-Qur^an Learning

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69 Islamic Education ABS-64

Nadri Taja, Arif Hakim, Asep Dudi Suhardini

Universitas Islam Bandung


Religious moderation has become a discourse that has developed massively due to the post-New Order polarization of Islamic thought. By using a literature study, this article outlines the answers to three questions. First, the conceptualization of religious moderation is based on the spirit of al-Baqarah verse 143 with wasathiyyah teachings as a contextualization of moderate Islam. Second, the religious diversity of Indonesian society cannot be separated from the role of Islamic organizations such as NU, Muhammadiyah and Persis which influence the growth and maintenance of religious harmony. Third, religious moderation positions itself as a mediator between the extremities of puritan Islam which tend to be literalists and liberal Islam which tends to be rationalists.

Keywords: Please Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

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70 Islamic Education ABS-83

Training Method Imla and Bil-Hikmah For Islamic School Teacher (Community service) in Paseh District
Huriah Rachmah, Eko Surbiantoro, Alhamuddin

Universitas Islam Bandung


Community service activities in Paseh District aim to help partners who face priority problems. The problem that is a priority is inadequate teacher competence related to the demands of the 5.0 era. The second problem is that learning to recite the Qur^an does not use a variety of learning methods. Inadequate human resources and knowledge is another problem. The solutions offered are era 5.0-based competency improvement training to increase the competence of PAUD teachers, (training on writing Arabic) Imla and Reading Writing Al-Qur^an Bil-Hikmah for Al- Qur^an teachers, and management capabilities of optimizing student acceptance through digital marketing training for schools. The outputs in the form of products resulting from dedication are journal articles, publications in print/electronic media, copyrights, video creation and publication on Youtube, and participation in international seminars. The stages carried out in this activity are to provide training on teacher competence, especially for teachers by providing material that is integrated with technology, the target is teachers who are friendly with technology, able to collaborate, be creative, and teach comprehensively. For teachers of the Qur^an/religion, (training on writing Arabic) Imla and Reading Writing Al-Qur^an Bil- Hikmah methods are given with the target of enriching the Religion learning method in Madrasah (Islamic school). As an effort to promote Madrasah (Islamic school), management was introduced to digital marketing materials with the target of being able to introduce their Madrasah (Islamic School) through various digital media. It is hoped that Madrasah (Islamic School) will be more competitive, both general teachers, religious teachers, and their Madrasah (Islamic School) management.

Keywords: Training, Imla, Bil-Hikmah

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71 Islamic Education ABS-135

The Mosque as a Pious or Tourist Destination
Dadang Suhenda

Research Center for Population, National Research and Innovation Agency
Gd. Widya Graha Lt. X, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto 10 Jakarta 12710, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the role and function of the mosque in the management of the Al-Jabar mosque in West Java Province. The method used is System Thinking analysis, which is to see a problem as a whole and the relationship to each variable described in a model. The results of the analysis show that the existence of the Al-Jabar mosque has positive and negative derivative effects. It has a positive impact on increasing the number of visiting pilgrims, the economy of the surrounding community, and adequate worship facilities. The negative effects are the emergence of congestion, changes in land use, illegal parking, disorderly behaviour of visitors, and garbage. It is necessary to revitalize the roles and functions of mosques by improving management, namely by increasing the number of resources and increasing the knowledge of mosque managers in the management aspect of managing the roles and functions of modern mosques. In addition, it is necessary to empower visitors through assistance by providing motivation, raising awareness, fostering aspects of knowledge and attitudes, mobilizing productive resources, and developing the main activity, namely preaching in harmony with the economic activities of the people.

Keywords: Mosque Management- Empowerment- Roles and Functions of Mosques

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72 Islamic Education ABS-142

Unveiling Excellence: Islamic Values in Lecturers^ Personality Competence
Hirawati Oemar1,2,a), Yan Orgianus1*,b), Endang Prasetyaningsih1,c), Puti Renosori1,d) Adzani Sofyanti1,e) Resfi Panji Swara1,f)

1) Universitas Islam Bandung
2) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


In the context of higher education, particularly in Islamic Universities (PTI), the demand for academic and moral excellence is essential. Lecturers have a central role in shaping student character, but sometimes academic competence is emphasized more than personality competence. The concept of ^Unveiling Excellence^ draws attention to efforts to uncover the superior potential of the personality competencies of PTI lecturers through the integration of Islamic values. This study aims to identify and describe the Islamic values on the competence of lecturers^ personalities. With a deeper understanding of the Islamic values regarding the competence of lecturers^ personalities, PTI can be more effective in shaping student character through Islamic teachings and producing graduates who are academically and morally qualified. Qualitative methods are used through literature studies, interviews, and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with Islamic Education experts. The research findings revealed eight Islamic values on the competence of the lecturer^s personality, namely patience (Shabr), wise (hikmah), forgiving (al afu), shame (al haya), self-control (muraqabah), humble (tawadhu), empathy (ta^atuf) and politeness (adab). These findings highlight the need to integrate Islamic values into lecturers^ competency, thereby providing an educational environment that promotes the building of student character through Islamic teachings.

Keywords: competence, personality, lecturer, Islamic values

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73 Islamic Education ABS-146

Bambang Saiful Ma^arif 1, Nandang HMZ.2, Dede Faisal 3, Eris 4

Faculty of Dakwah ,
Bandung Islamic University (Unisba)


The purpose of this article is to discuss religious moderation from Muhammadiyah^s perspective. Through an in-depth analysis of the basic principles of Religious Moderation and the implementation of religious moderation according to Muhammadiyah. This paper is the result of research at LPPM Unisba with qualitative methods. While the techniques are observation, interviews and literature study. Muhammadiyah has been able to establish intense relations between citizens of different religions. The findings of this study are that Muhammadiyah is a moderate ideology that seeks to have a dialogue between text and context in the relationship between religions and nations in general. Religious Moderation in the Muhammadiyah perspective is aligned with the frame of social, national and ummah reality. Religious moderation is not meant to reduce religious practices in order to achieve harmony- it^s neither in the realm of worship, but in the social order to nation s citizen. Muhammadiyah is moderate opposing views in the context of multiculturalism.

Keywords: Religious moderation, Muhammadiyah, interreligious dialogue, multiculturalism

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74 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-8

The Urgency of State Administration Attitude for Good Governance
Jejen Hendar, Efik Yusdiansyah, Rusli K Iskandar, Neni Ruhaeni, Asep Hakim Zakiran

Faculy of Law, Universitas Islam Bandung


Good Governance is a fundamental concept in public sector management that emphasizes the importance of transparency, integrity, responsibility, fairness, trust, balance, clarity, honesty, consistency, rule of law, vision, and mission in the public sector. In Indonesia, the government administration system is recognized as a crucial element in ensuring national progress and development. Thus, the concept of Good Governance is viewed as an important element in reforming the public sector and transforming it into a system that reflects accountability, responsibility, and transparency in its operations. To achieve the goals of Good Governance, it is essential to establish a strong and effective system of government administration. Such a system must prioritize the application of Good Governance principles in the planning, implementation, and accountability processes. The relationship between the attitudes of state administration and public service delivery is also critical in achieving Good Governance. The attitudes of state administration play a crucial role in shaping the foundation for Good Governance. It is important to note that Good Governance cannot be achieved solely through the implementation of policies and regulations.

Keywords: State Administrative Law, Good Governance, State Administration Attitude

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75 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-9

Legal Protection of Sharia Capital Market Investors in Order to Increase Investor Confidence
Diana Wiyanti, Yeti Sumiyati, Jejen Hendar

Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Bandung


One of the factors that has a strategic role in the development of the Islamic capital market is investors. For investors, investing in the Sharia Capital Market is one of the alternative investment choices based on considerations of benefit and blessings in the world and the Hereafter because it is carried out based on the principles of Islamic law. However, Sharia capital market investors have limitations and lack understanding in ensuring that Sharia capital market activities and products are truly in accordance with and based on Sharia principles. This study examines the concepts and rules of Sharia capital market investor protection, to increase investor confidence. The method used is descriptive-analytical with a normative juridical approach, the analysis is qualitative. The results showed that investor protection is closely related to regulatory aspects. Various regulations such as the PT Law, MUI Fatwa, and POJK have been launched to protect Sharia capital market investors.

Keywords: Legal Protection, Sharia Capital Market, Investor, Capital Market Law

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76 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-10

Waqf Role Model To Mitigate Disaster According To Islamic Law And National Law
Siska Lis Sulistiani- Ramdan Fawzi: Intan Nurrachmi

Sharia Faculty, Universitas Islam Bandung


Waqf is an Islamic social financial instrument that can be one of the efforts to assist disaster mitigation, considering that Indonesia is a country with a high potential for disasters. This study aims to determine and analyze the role model of waqf in pre- and post-disaster according to fiqh and national law. This research is a qualitative research with a normative juridical approach using types and sources of legal data, including primary legal sources, namely the Waqf Law, Disaster Law and other regulations. From the point of view of Islamic law, namely the Al-Quran, Al-hadith, fatwas and opinions of related scholars. Secondary legal sources in the form of journals, proceedings, theses, dissertations, books and other relevant articles. Then the data was collected through literature research (library research) and then analyzed to see synchronization, compliance with legal norms and principles through descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the role of waqf can be one of the solutions in efforts to mitigate disasters with waqf forest programs, waqf money, and waqf through money which can be an alternative to disaster prevention with disaster-prone land disasters, raising waqf funds from the community and for the community, and waqf money as an effort to hide capital in disaster-prone open areas to become green open areas which can also provide benefits to the surrounding community

Keywords: Model, response, waqf, disaster, law.

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77 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-18

Irawati, Dedy Effendi, Nurul Chotidjah



This paper examines the concept of coordinative law enforcement in an effort to maintain security and order in Indonesian archipelagic waters. Indonesia has accommodated the right of archipelagic sea lanes passage by establishing three archipelagic sea lanes. In implementing the right of Indonesian archipelagic sea lanes passage, many violations have occurred both by ships and foreign aircraft, there are still many criminal acts and violations of sovereignty at sea. The method to be used in this research is normative juridical. The specification of the research used is analytical prescriptive.
Based on the results of the study, it is known that law enforcement agencies have overlapping powers. BAKAMLA has very broad powers including authority as the TNI and authority as the Police. The authority of coordinative law enforcement can be realized through the distribution of authority among law enforcers in a proportional and coordinated manner under one command. Criminal acts at sea will be the domain of all law enforcers, but in the coordination of the Water Police, while acts of violation of sovereignty committed by foreign ships or aircraft will fall under the authority of the Indonesian Navy and Indonesian Air Force as Coordinators.

Keywords: Sea lanes Passage, law enforcement, Coordinative, Authority

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78 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-22

Ade Mahmud1 Chepi Ali Firman Z Husni Syawali Tiara Azzahra Zaini Indira Ratna Wismaya

Faculty of law Bandung Islamic University


Corruption is synonym with financial crime which is perceived by the public to be severely punished so as to make the final justice system for the settlement of corruption cases a severe punishment even though there are a number of corruption cases that have harmed the country^s finances in a small loses and open up opportunities for restoration. This study aims to analyze the criteria for corruption with small state losses that can be restored and the implications of implementing restorative justice for eradicating criminal acts of corruption. This study uses a normative juridical approach by using secondary data related to restorative justice and criminal acts of corruption and then analyzed using qualitative techniques. The results of the study show that corruption with small losses can be restored if the value of the loss is not more than 1 billion rupiah, the perpetrator does not have an important role in the implementation of the crime and is not a repetition of the crime. The application of restorative justice is believed to have juridical implications in the form of recovering state losses due to corruption, the restoration process can speed up the stages of the case settlement process, making law enforcement cost efficiencies, the restoration concept is an alternative choice to reduce the cost of handling cases to be efficient, reduce the problem of overcapacity in correctional institutions while socially this concept affects the public^s perception that state losses due to corruption can be returned without punishment.

Keywords: opportunity, restoration, corruption.

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79 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-32

Legal Awareness and Utilization of Financial Technology for Empowering Islamic Co-operatives in Bandung City, West Java
Lina Jamilah, Indra Fajar Alamsyah, Arif Firmansyah

Universitas Islam Bandung


Islamic Co-operative is one of the flagship programs of the Bandung City government to maximize the function of masjid in Bandung City which has implications for improving the community^s economy. In practice, there are several problems that exist in Islamic co-operatives in Bandung City. Two problems that have become the focus of this community service (CS) activity are the problem of low legal awareness and low financial technology (fintech) literacy from Islamic co-operative administrators. The methods for this activity were (1) In-depth interviews involving the head of the economic aspects of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Bandung City- (2) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of Islamic co-operative administrators- (3) Training on legal awareness- and (4) Fintech literacy improvement training involving 20 participants. The mapping before the two trainings showed low scores and this result increased after the training was given in this CS activity. These two aspects, namely, legal awareness and fintech literacy are two important aspects that can bring Islamic co-operatives in Bandung City to compete with the many financial services that exist in society.

Keywords: Legal Awareness, Fintech, Islamic Co-Operatives, Community Service

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80 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-44

Formation of Halal Motivator Women to Encourage Halal Awareness of Mothers of the Bandung City Council
Prof. Dr. Hj. Neni Sri Imaniyati, S.H., M.Hum., Diana Wiyanti, S.H., M.H. Dr. Panji Adam Agus Putra, S.Sy., M.H.

Universitas Islam Bandung


One of the obstacles in the development of the halal ecosystem in Indonesia is the awareness of the public and business actors about halal products. To raise awareness about halal, the role of women is very strategic. As a housewife, you are responsible for preparing various needs including food for the health and welfare of your family. It is interesting among the public that the forum for women to seek and study knowledge, especially religious knowledge, is the majlis ta^lim. For this reason, Community Service (PKM) was carried out with the title Formation of Halal Motivator Women to Encourage Halal Awareness of Mothers of the Bandung City Council. The aim is to add insight to the participants about halal products and form halal driving women. The methods used are seminars, training and mentoring. The results of the activity showed a 27.5% increase in understanding of halal products and the establishment of a Halal Women^s Community of 12 people who would become halal promoters within the Majlis Ta^lim environment in the city of Bandung.

Keywords: woman, mover, halal, assembly, ta^lim

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81 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-45

Reconceptualization of Violations and Limitation of Human Rights in Indonesia
Syahrul Fauzul Kabir, Wicaksana Dramanda, Asep Hakim Zakiran

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl. Tamansari No. 24 Bandung. 40116.
Syahrul.fauzul[at], wicaksanadramanda[at], asephakimz.unisba[at]


This research is motivated by the ambiguity of the norms governing the definition of human rights violations in Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights. This definition causes the concept of human rights violations in Indonesia to be different from the traditional understanding of human rights that the state is a single entity capable of being the perpetrator of human rights violations. This condition is also supported by the unclear concept of limited human rights so that human rights restrictions by the government can lead to human rights violations.
Based on this description, this study provides arguments about how human rights violations should be defined and what ^tools^ or means can be used to test human rights restrictions so that the restrictions are proportional.
To be able to answer the two issues above, this research will use a normative legal research approach by exploring various primary and secondary legal sources to find the concept of human rights violations that is more in line with the understanding of human rights in international law, as well as find the concept to be able to measure human rights restrictions proportionally.
This research shows that positioning the state as a ^duty bearer^ to respect, protect and fulfill human rights creates the perception that the state is the sole actor that has the potential to violate human rights. In addition, this research also shows that the concept of proportionality is not recognized in the formulation of human rights limitation policies in Indonesia.

Keywords: Human Rights, Law, Violation, Limitation, Proportionality

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82 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-66

Is It Legal To Handle Waqf Assets Management On Comunal Land?
Neng Dewi Himayasari, Ifa Hanifia Senjiati, Ira Siti Rohmah Maulida, Reza Oktaviani

Universitas Islam Bandung


Nazhir has been unable to recognize waqf assets that lack legitimacy and do not comply with administrative regulations. As a result, Nazhir didn^t record and report these assets to stakeholders. There are still numerous waqf Nazhir that administer waqf assets without obvious legality of asset ownership, creating the possibility of fraud in their management. This study^s case occurred in a Muslim minority area, namely Bali. According to observations, Nazhir manages waqf assets that stand on traditional territories without the legitimacy of proof of ownership. Consequently, these waqf assets are not recorded in financial statements or reports on waqf asset acquisition. The research approach used is a qualitative case study in Muslim minority communities of Bali. Direct observation and interviews are used to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive and narrative methods. Based on the findings, strategies for minimizing risks in managing waqf assets on the traditional territory are (1) the local government issuing a policy stating that it is permitted to manage waqf assets with temporary waqf criteria. The administration was completed by releasing the Minutes of Receipt of waqf assets known to the customary administrators, nazhir, wakif, and the office of religious affairs (KUA). (2) Nazhir has the authority to ruislag waqf assets to land that is permitted to become private property, such as Village Yard land (PKD).

Keywords: Waqf, comunal land, asset, Nazhir, Waqf Governance

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83 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-67

Wakaf Management Cost Policy In Indonesia
Siska Lis Sulistiani- Ramdan Fawzi: Intan Nurrachmi- Abdurahman Raden Aji Haqqi

Universitas Islam Bandung- Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunei Darusalam


Waqf In Indonesia Was Existing Since Before Independence. But The Development Of Policy Regulations Is Still Conducted In Stages, Especially Related To The Imposition Of The Operational Costs Of Wakaf Management In Indonesia. This Study Aims To Analyze Policies Related To The Mechanisms And Operational Costs Of Waqf Management In Indonesia. The Method Used Is A Normative Juridical Method Using Primary Legal Data Sources And Types Using Waqf Laws And Regulations, Bwi Regulations, Compilation Of Islamic Law, The Koran And Hadith. Secondary Legal Data In The Form Of Articles, Journals, Proceedings And Books Relevant To The Waqf Theme. Data Was Collected Through A Literature Study And Analyzed To Find Out The Suitability Between The Prevailing Policy Norms And The Conditions Of Waqf Management In Indonesia. The Results Of This Study Indicate That The Policy For Determining Operational Costs In Indonesia Is Not Contained In Statutory Regulations So That Waqf Nazhirs Vary In Implementing The Operational Financing Mechanisms Of The Waqf They Manage, The Most Important Thing Is Not To Reduce The Core Of The Waqf Assets Being Managed.

Keywords: waqf, costs, management, policy.

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84 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-68

Review of Human Rights and Islamic Law with Regard to the Surabaya District Court Judge^s Decision to Allow Interfaith Marriage, Number 916/Pdt.P/2022/PN-S.
Fariz Farrih Izadi, Dian Alan Setiawan, Abdul Rohman

Universitas Islam Bandung


In article 28 B paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, it is stated that every Indonesian citizen has the right to marriage, family life, and procreation. A legitimate marriage, or one that complies with Indonesian rules and regulations, is required to exercise this entitlement. According to Article 2 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 1 of 1974 Concerning Marriage (Marriage Law), marriage is legitimate if it is conducted in accordance with each religions and beliefs legal requirements. A marriage that is performed in conformity with each partners own religious law is considered valid. With claim number 916/Pdt.P/2022/PN-Sby, Surabaya District Court Judge Imam Supriyadi granted the applicants request. Interfaith marriages are deemed to be haram and invalid by the Indonesian Ulema Councils (MUI) Fatwa Number: 4/Munas VII/MUI/8/2005, along with marriages between Muslim males and women. According to Qaul Mutamad, People of the Book are forbidden and outlawed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the legality of interfaith unions in light of Fiqh Munakahat and positive law. It also seeks to understand how Islamic law and human rights view the Surabaya District Court Judges decision to permit interfaith unions. A normative juridical method is used in this study to look at legal norms, institutions, and procedures. A comparative legal strategy backs up this approach. Normative research focuses on textual studies, specifically employing secondary material, such as laws and regulations, court rulings, legal theory, legal concepts, and legal principles, and can take the shape of scholarly works.

Keywords: Human Rights, Islamic Law, Judge^s Decisions, Marriage, Different Religions.

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85 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-75

UNDERSTANDING THE CORE PROBLEMS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE. A Comparative Study of the National Criminal Law System and the Maqasid Syariah
Dian Andriasari , Amrullah Hayatudin Iman Sunendar

Dosen Hukum Pidana dan Kriminologi Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Bandung
Dosen Hukum Keluarga Islam Fakultas Syariah Universitas Islam Bandung
Dosen Hukum Internasional Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Bandung


What makes this system paradoxical is that it remains based on two paradigms that have been perceived to be at opposition. The discourse on sexual violence that has been developing so far has prompted these phenomena to shift into public conversation. The theoretical framework of religious morality and the paradigm of feminism are both of these concepts. Through the enactment of Law No. 12 of 2022 Concerning Crimes of Sexual Violence (TPKS), this article focuses on criticizing the problematic bases of sexual violence in two key areas. The primary one is how sexual violence has become a legal and social issue. The additional issue is how the maqasid sharia method for understanding sexual violence roles. This study^s methodology will apply the sociolegal approach, while qualitative analysis will be a component. The significance of the research comes from the reality of increasing cases of sexual violence throughout Indonesia regardless of the implementation of legal restrictions. The author argues that a more in-depth and relevant analysis of the phenomenon of sexual harassment is necessary. With the objective to encourage policies that provide a compromise and are acceptable to all spheres of society, the analysis in this paper tries to create a critical discourse in absorbing sexual assault. So that the values of justice and legal advantage can be seen in the state^s policies.

Keywords: Maqasid Syariah, national criminal justice system, and sexual violence.

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86 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-76

PleasFabian Fadhly Jambak, Liza Dzulhijjah, Zia Firdaus Nuzula, Neng Erna Sry Denasty Qadrina Illyin Nandini, M. Zidan al-Insyanie Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

Universitas Islam Bandung


State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are business entities with the obligation to provide public services, in the form of services and products. Both of these functions raise problems related to accountability and financial transparency that they manage. Financial management sourced from the state has consequences for the success of business and public services, but problems arise if the SOE experiences losses assuming that these losses are interpreted as state losses with relevance in the realization of handling policies. This article tries to discuss the realization of policies in handling the losses of SOEs in Indonesia through comparisons with Malaysia, Singapore. The focus of this article is related to the formulation and handling procedures and suitability to be applied in Indonesia. The emerging perspective using the three countries as a comparison is based on the same regionality, namely ASEAN, while still prioritizing a legal approach as a consequence that policies are based on the rule of law first. Two relationships that have an impact on objectives, as government entities, SOEs are pressured to produce products based on the interests of politicians rather than the needs of the market or society. Socio-political goals take precedence over maximizing profits. This orientation is demonstrated by the strong relationship between corporate leaders and governments and politicians

Keywords: State-Owned Enterprises, State Losses, Policy

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87 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-78

Agrarian Transformation: Land Reform as a Pillar of Sustainable Development in Indonesia
Dr. Arif Firmansyah, SH., MH. Dr Lina Jamilah, SH., M.H. dan Liya Sukma mulya, SH.,M.H.

Fakultas Hukum Unversitas Islam Bandung


The background to the importance of land reform is related to the problem of unequal land ownership and unequal access to agricultural land. This inequality creates social conflict, poverty, and economic instability in rural areas. Land reform is essential for creating fairer land access for small farmers and vulnerable groups in society. The main challenges in implementing land reform in Indonesia include resistance from large owners, legal and administrative issues, and a need for more resources and effective policies. However, this challenge can be overcome with a strong commitment from the government, community support, and cooperation between various stakeholders. Land reform^s expected benefits are increasing farmers^ welfare, increasing agricultural productivity, reducing poverty, and sustainable development. Smallholders can sustainably develop their agricultural businesses, increase their income, and reduce socio-economic inequality by providing more equitable access to land. The research method used is normative juridical with statutory and conceptual approaches. The results of this study are steps that can be taken to realize effective land reform, including precise land mapping and identification, reform of inclusive agrarian policies, facilitating access to credit and training for small farmers, as well as strict monitoring of the implementation of land reform. Land reform is an essential pillar of sustainable development in Indonesia. With effective land reform, it is hoped that agrarian justice will be created, increasing the welfare of farmers and sustainable agricultural development. Implementation of land reform requires close collaboration between the government, communities, and other stakeholders to achieve these goals.

Keywords: Land Reform, Suistainable, indonesia

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88 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-88

GATS Obligations Related to Halal Tourism Policy
Neni Ruhaeni1, Norazlina Binti Abdul Aziz2, Efik Yusdiansyah3, Eka An Aqimuddin4

Faculty of Law, UNISBA, Indonesia and Faculty of Law, UiTM, Malaysia


Despite the concept and terminology of halal tourism policy remaining varied between countries, at the international level, regulations related to service are bound by General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) as international trade in services platform. In this context, governments that issue halal tourism policies and are also members of the GATS have two separate obligations. This article will examine whether the halal tourism policy is compatible with GATS rules. This analysis will be conducted by reviewing the state^s obligations and commitments within the GATS and juxtaposing them with the halal tourism regulations implemented by the country. The author posits that it is imperative for any country implementing a halal tourism policy to carefully consider the provisions outlined in the GATS to avoid any potential conflict between domestic interests and international commitments.

Keywords: GATS- Halal Tourism- Policy

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89 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-91

Dani Durahman, Maryadi Wijaya, Asep Dahlan Koswara

Universitas Langlangbuana
karapitan no.116 Bandung


Coordination between the Attorney General^s Office and the Police in the pre-prosecution process is experiencing problems. Currently, the Criminal Procedure Code and other related laws and regulations only regulate the period of time for the Public Prosecutor to study, examine, and arrange for Investigators to complete the examination program file. The purpose of this study is to produce a concept so that coordination between the prosecutor^s office and the police can run well so that the pre-prosecution process does not hinder the law enforcement process, because, currently, the pre-prosecution can take a long time due to the back and forth of cases. Coordination between the Public Prosecutor^s institution and investigators since the start of an investigation stage or case title, so that the different approaches between investigators and prosecutors have been elaborated since the beginning of the investigation. Or it can be said that the relationship between investigators and public prosecutors is a communication space, not like a post box between investigators and public prosecutors. If this happens, back-and-forth examination of case files becomes unnecessary or very minimal, because investigators and public prosecutors already have aligned views and needs for proof. So that in carrying out an investigation, the two can complement each other, there is no need to wait until the end of the investigation process which is only limited in time to 14 days. Conceptually, ideal relations between public prosecutors and investigators can be carried out if the inter-subsystems are not limited by sub-system partitions (functional differentiation). There needs to be a regulation in the Criminal Procedure Code regarding the limit for returning case files from the prosecutor^s office to the police three to four times the return of case files after exceeding the limit, the prosecutor must take a stand regarding the case.

Keywords: Coordination, Investigators, Prosecutors, Pre-prosecution

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90 Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective ABS-94

Sadino (a), Aris Machmud (b)

University Al-Azhar Indonesia


The Formulation problem in this research are, First, how should state control of forests still pay attention to land rights through the process forest area confirmation? Second, how should the Government carry out the Constitutional Court Ruling regarding forest control by the state in protecting the constitutional rights of citizens who are affected by it?
The legal research used in this study uses normative legal research related to Constitutional Court Decisions and other legal provisions in the process of determining an area/land to become a forest area,
The Result are that in accordance with the procedures the territorial space is not a forest area and already has land rights under cultivation rights (HGU) but is still included as a reserve forest area by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and given to forestry permit holders. The Petitioner argued that the Government^s action violated the Petitioners^ constitutional rights because they already had land rights granted by laws and regulations, especially the Basic Agrarian Law, so that the touchstone used by the Petitioners was Article 28G paragraph (1) and Article 28H paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution. The Petitioner argues that the Government^s action in implementing the provisions of Article 4 paragraph (3) of Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry is contrary to the 1945 Constitution if it is not interpreted insofar as it does not mean ^Forest control by the State is still obliged to protect, respect and fulfill the rights of indigenous peoples, insofar as they actually exist and their existence is recognized, the community^s rights are granted based on statutory provisions, and do not conflict with the national interest^ according to the Constitutional Court Ruling

Keywords: Control Over State Forests, Decisions of the Constitutional Court, Legal Protection of Land Rights

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