Competency Based Training Analysis in Increasing Self-Efficacy and Self-Confidence Indonesian Migrant Workers in South Korea (Study on Workers of Fishery and Marine Sector) Sri Suwarsi, Allya Roosallyn Assyofa, Nindya Saraswati, Muhammad Rizqi, Muhammad Rafi Addar, Bella Denisya, Cahya Dika Prasetyo
Universitas Islam Bandung
Employment case of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) abroad are still high. Various training and skills provision have not contributed to the success of PMI in the placement country as expected. This study aims to analyze the implementation of competency-based training that has been implemented in Indonesia, measure the level of self-efficacy, and measure the level of self-confidence of PMI in the marine and fisheries sector in South Korea.
The unit of analysis is PMI working in the fisheries sector in South Korea with E9 visas and E10 visas who have attended competency-based training in Indonesia. The unit of observation or respondent in this research is 40 people who have participated in competency-based training at the maritime training center in Tegal, Central Java and after placement in South Korea they were given a questionnaire, interviewed in groups both directly in the South Korean placement country and through online media. This study utilized primary data obtained from the results of questionnaires, interviews, and obervations and secondary data in the form of documentation and archives. The data was then analyzed using descriptive statical data analysis.
The results show that the implementation of competency-based training in Indonesia to prepare migrant workers in the fisheries and marine sector to South Korea is considered sufficient which includes social, technical, managerial and non-unit competency units. In additiction, the level of self efficacy of the workers is classified as very high as measured by the dimensions of level, generality and strength and the level of self-confidence is classified as high as measured by ability, enthusiasm, and satisfaction.