Policy Constraints on Local Governance for Community Resilience: Qualitative Insights from Stakeholders in Disaster-Prone Areas Yuniarti,Ratna Januarita,Siska Nia Irasanti,Titik Respati
Universitas Islam Bandung
This qualitative study examines the impact of central government policies on community resilience for disaster preparedness, specifically focusing on the constraints faced by local governments. Through 20 in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) with key stakeholders, including sub-district heads and village leaders, the study explores the challenges hindering optimal performance at the local level.
The findings reveal that central government policies pose significant hurdles to local governance in disaster-prone areas. These policies restrict the decision-making authority and autonomy of local governments, impeding their ability to respond effectively to disaster risks and emergencies. Notably, the study highlights the presence of a community-led disaster management organization already in place, comprising members from within the community.
The policy constraints identified include limited resource allocation, bureaucratic procedures, and a lack of flexibility in decision-making. Stakeholders express concerns regarding rigid central government frameworks that fail to account for the unique needs of individual communities. The study emphasizes the importance of policy reforms to empower and support local governments and their existing disaster management organizations.
This research contributes to understanding community resilience by emphasizing the vital role of local governance and community-led organizations in disaster preparedness. Policy recommendations should be formulated based on the perspectives of central and local government stakeholders, as well as community members involved in the disaster management organization. Implementing contextually appropriate policies will enhance local autonomy, flexibility, and community resilience in the face of disasters.
Keywords: Community, resilience, disaster
Topic: Human Wellbeing in Islam