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Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-96 |
Is the Post-Reformation System of the Indonesian Government a Parliamentary Form? Parbuntian Sinaga (a), Aris Machmud
Universitas Krisnadwipayana
Indonesia^s democratic government system has experienced ups and downs based on history, where at the beginning of independence Indonesia used a presidential system, then changed to a parliamentary and then returned to a presidential system. The reformation period was a milestone in changing the government system where previously the president was elected by the MPR as the highest state institution to switch to direct presidential elections carried by a party or a coalition of parties - due to the existence of regulation on the threshold for nomination (parliamentary threshold) - but in order to maintain the implementation of the presidential campaign promise to establish a coalition of parties supporting the government which has an impact on the role of the People^s Representative Council only as a stamp of government interests. The problem in this study is how the presidential system exists in the post-reform Indonesian government system. The form of the research method used is normative juridical with a statutory approach and an analytical descriptive approach that examines primary and secondary legal materials, besides that examines the synchronization and harmonization of law. The conclusion is that the current Indonesian government system tends to be parliamentary in nature. This is due to the weak bargaining position of the DPR in supervising the running of government because the majority of DPR members are supporters of the government, while the opposition forces are unequal with the majority, which prioritizes the most voting system over consensus deliberation for the benefit of the people. so that checks and balances - separation of powers - turned into a division of powers - dividing power.
Keywords: Check and Balance, Presidential, Parliamentary
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| Corresponding Author (Parbuntian Sinaga)
92 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-98 |
Land problems cannot be resolved, but they are hoped that they can be reduced or prevented early on. One of the existing land problems is land problems arising from the control and management of land by the Regional Government, both lands that have become assets or lands that are recognized as Regional Asset Lands. The aim of this study is to formulate a settlement of land disputes over regional assets used by the community. This research is normative legal research through the statutory, conceptual, case, and comparative approaches and the application of legal theories in assessing legal opportunities, and justice, in the mechanism and process of resolving land rights disputes over assets. The results of the study show that there are provisions that specifically determine the area of regional asset land dispute resolution. To achieve legal certainty and justice, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of resolving state/regional land asset disputes through an integrated and coordinated dispute settlement scheme. Settlement of local asset land disputes can be through mediation or judicial channels, the government in maintaining assets used by individuals must prioritize the common interest, in the sense that it does not harm individuals or the community. In settling disputes over land assets, the Regional Government is obliged to use, utilize, and manage the land by securing and controlling assets, both administratively and juridically in accordance with the principles of justice and the principle of legal certainty. In addition, when revising the UUPA the state^s right to control in the field of land law needs to be limited by prioritizing the principles of respect for private property which is protected by the 1945 Constitution. This affirmation is absolutely necessary, so as not to cause resistance from the people who are in dispute with the government in resolving land cases and state assets. In addition, there are clear boundaries between state authority in the field of public law and private law which have been abused so far.
Keywords: Disputes, Land Assets, Justice
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| Corresponding Author (RIZA ZULFIKAR)
93 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-100 |
Has the Palm Oil Industry Failed to Prosper the People? Akhmad Safik (a), Sadino (b)
University Al-Azhar Indonesia
The large potential of oil palm plantations has not maximized the people^s welfare, this is suspected because the state revenue has not been optimal in collecting taxes and non-taxes on palm oil industry products and their derivatives. Less than fifty percent of the contribution of palm oil in the tax sector, besides that the many overlapping and bribery cases in the oil palm plantation industry have worsened the governance of oil palm plantations. The problem in this research is how our efforts are to increase the optimization of tax collections and improve the governance of the oil palm plantation industry. The research method uses a form of normative juridical research that examines laws and regulations related to plantations and forestry while the approach used is analytical descriptive which utilizes primary and secondary legal sources from which conclusions can then be drawn. The research results show that the government is obliged to implement regulations that can improve optimization and also increase tax collections through synchronization and system integration in institutions related to the palm oil industry.
Keywords: Palm Oil Industry- Optimization- Tax levy
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| Corresponding Author (Sadino Sadino)
94 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-101 |
Socialization of the Dangers of Bullying to Create Students with Akhlakul Karimah at SMK Bani Mahfud Sumedang Abdul Rohman (a*), Jejen Hendar (b), Fabian Fadhly Jambak (b)
a) Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Bandung Islamic University
Jalan Tamansari 24-26, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
b) Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Bandung Islamic University
Jalan Tamansari 24, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
Cases of bullying in Indonesia have reached the district area. In Sumedang District, cases were found involving students as perpetrators and victims. Bani Mahfud Sumedang Vocational High School (SMK Bani Mahfud Sumedang), which is a partner of the Community Service Team for Research and Community Service Institute, Bandung Islamic University (LPPM Unisba), sees the importance of anticipating this danger. Thus, counseling activities were carried out with the theme: ^Socialization of the Dangers of Bullying to Create Students with akhlakul karimah at SMK Bani Mahfud Sumedang^. The results of these activities, there is an increase in students^ knowledge regarding the dangers of bullying for perpetrators and victims. In addition, partners understand the importance of creating innovations in the provision of educative sanctions, so that students who violate school rules are encouraged to be better at participating in learning activities and practicing good behavior towards fellow humans in their surroundings. Thus, students and teachers at SMK Bani Mahfud Sumedang create a comfortable, safe and peaceful atmosphere by practicing the values of akhlakul karimah in everyday life.
Keywords: Bullying- Students- Akhlakul Karimah
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| Corresponding Author (Abdul Rohman)
95 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-103 |
Universitas Islam Bandung
This writing aims to find out who should be responsible for the rampant phenomenon of deepfake AI for the purpose of making pornographic content, and how Indonesian law regulates it. Deepfakes, which may be categorized as a subfield stemming from the utilization of artificial intelligence technology, possess the capacity to modify visual media by superimposing facial features onto the bodies of individuals other than their original owners, so generating fabricated videos that present misleading depictions. Initially, the utilization of deepfakes was mostly observed within the domain of filmmaking, subsequently extending its application to various gadget functions. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the potential of deepfakes has been exploited for the creation of explicit videos with pornographic content. This research uses a normative law type of approach. The findings of this study indicate that Indonesia currently lacks specific legislation pertaining to artificial intelligence technology, with the exception of its explicit mention in Law Number 19 of 2016, which pertains to amendments made to Law Number 11 of 2008 regulating Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE Law). The regulation of pornographic content generation is addressed in Law Number 44 of 2008 on Pornography, which categorizes it as a forbidden activity and imposes criminal penalties as a means of holding the offender legally accountable. The utilization of deepfake technology by operators of pornographic platforms is subject to regulation and prohibition as stipulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 71 of 2019, which pertains to the implementation of electronic systems and transactions.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, deep fake, pornography
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Ilman Abidin)
96 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-107 |
Doctoral student of Doctoral Program Faculty of Law Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia,
Law Faculty, University Al-Azhar Indonesia
Law Faculty, Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Bekasi, Indonesia
Globalization is an ongoing process that influences various aspects of human life, including the economy, society, culture, politics, and technology. In the era of globalization, countries like Indonesia face challenges related to economic, social, and cultural rights violations, particularly in the context of e-commerce. As science and technology rapidly advance, the emergence of Industry 4.0 and the digital economy brings significant changes to business operations and consumer behavior. E-commerce platforms have facilitated convenience in buying and selling activities but have also raised concerns regarding fraud and the validation of consumer data. This research aims to examine the legal provisions and implications of electronic signatures in e-commerce transactions, focusing on the perspective of Civil Law and ITE Law (Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions). The study adopts a normative legal research method, analyzing primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials to explore the legal framework surrounding electronic signatures in Indonesia. Key research problems include understanding the validity of electronic signatures as a form of agreement, policies governing the use of electronic signatures in online transactions, the legal implications of utilizing digital signatures in e-commerce, and the available legal remedies in case of electronic signature disputes. Through a comprehensive analysis of statutory regulations and legal doctrines, this study aims to provide insights into the legal aspects of electronic signatures in e-commerce transactions, addressing concerns related to the validity of agreements, contract binding force, transaction cancellations, and security of information and payments. The findings can contribute to enhancing the legal framework and promoting secure and trustworthy e-commerce practices in the globalized world.
Keywords: Electronic signatures- electronic commerce- legal aspects.
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| Corresponding Author (Anis Rifai)
97 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-110 |
Legal Protection for Environmental Control and Management Continuation Through the Ruling of the State Administrative Court Abdul Latif (a), Lulik Tri Cahyaningrum (b)
Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Bekasi
Universitas Jayabaya, Jakarta
The problem in this paper is how the consistency of the decision on environmental state administrative disputes in the state administrative court. The writing method uses a normative juridical approach with statutory regulations, the legal sources used are primary and secondary legal sources related to state administrative law and those related to environmental regulations, besides that, the author uses a case study approach. The results of the study show that the application of regulations related to administrative state decisions in the environmental field is still not consistent, where the government places more emphasis on remedial (retroactive) measures in environmental matters which are manifested in the form of government intervention to restore environmental conditions after pollution and/or environmental damage. Considering that the largest part of environmental law enforcement is in the area of government administration, the inconsistencies in environmental state administration decisions must be resolved immediately to realize good environmental protection and management. Even though the decision of the judge of the state administrative court is not only intended to resolve a dispute but will also become a guideline for government agencies/officials in realizing environmental protection and sustainable management. Changes in environmental law provisions that have the potential to lead to inconsistencies in these decisions must be harmonized by the legal system. Without consistency in rulings on environmental public administration disputes, it will be difficult for the government to adopt rulings and guidelines for setting policies related to environmental protection and management.
Keywords: Consistency- Environment- Protection- Sustainability
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| Corresponding Author (Abdul Latif)
98 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-113 |
The Legality of Interfaith Marriage The Perspective of Islamic Law and Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage Palmawati Tahir, Muhamad Muslih
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
The introduction is in the form of a problem in this research, namely that the legality of interfaith marriages in Indonesia is still a polemic so that people who will carry out interfaith marriages and people who have entered into interfaith marriages choose the court as an institution that can legalize their marriage. Interfaith marriages in Yogyakarta have become increasingly common since the Yogyakarta District Court issued stipulation number 378/PDT.P/2022/PN which contains the granting of registration of interfaith marriages. Since then other interfaith couples started making the same request in the following months. Ali Said, when he was chairman of the Supreme Court, also believed that rather than allowing immorality, it is better to reduce it by giving approval to couples of different religions to marry. Many experts argue that marriage is a human right, so that everyone should be given the freedom to choose their partner, even if there are differences in nationality, race, ethnicity, origin, descent, and religion in order to get married. Permitted or not, marriage between followers of two different religions has occurred long ago and is ingrained to this day.
The research objective is to find out how marriages between adherents of different religions according to Islamic law and Law no. 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage and to find out how the solutions to interfaith marriages have occurred in the community.
The method used in this research is Normative Juridical law research method. This research is Analytical Descriptive in nature, using Primary and Secondary Data Sources. Source of data obtained from Library Research (Library Research). The data obtained through research and literature studies were analyzed to obtain clarity on the issues discussed.
The results of this study indicate that there are many differences in the judge^s arguments in adjudicating and deciding on the legality of interfaith marriages in three court institutions, namely the District
Keywords: Islamic family law- marriage- interfaith marriage
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| Corresponding Author (Muhamad Muslih)
99 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-118 |
The Dawn Sky Kadzib: Quran and Hadith Perspective Encep Abdul Rojak (a), Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria Hamdani (a*), Shindu Irwansyah (a), Nisfa Lailah Syaban (a), M. Akmal Saifullah (a)
a) Faculty of Sharia, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari 24-26 Bandung
*) fatwa19[at]unisba.ac.id
The light of dawn kazib is part of the study of Islamic Astronomy, especially in determining the start of Fajr. This article aims to explain the concept of Fajar Kazib from the perspective of the Koran and related hadiths. The method used in this study is qualitative with a thematic interpretation approach. Data collection techniques with documentation studies, while data analysis techniques using concept analysis. The results of this study explain that the light of dawn kazib clarifies whether or not someone may eat when they want to fast with the terms white thread and black thread. Its meaning is distinguishing the night^s darkness and the light of day. The specification of the study of Fajr Kazib is then explained in the Hadith that there are two types of Fajr, namely Fajr, which does not justify the Fajr prayer / it is permissible to eat Suhoor and Fajr which permits Fajr prayer / it is not acceptable to eat Suhoor. Humans know the signs of the two dawns from the phenomenon of the zodiac light in the eastern sky in the morning.
Keywords: The Dawn Kazib, Islamic Astronomy, Quran, Hadith
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| Corresponding Author (Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria Hamdani)
100 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-119 |
Functions of Sharia Banks in Optimizing Waqf as Integration of Commercial Economy and Social Economy to Improve Community Welfare Prof. Dr. Hj. Neni Sri Imaniyati, SH., MH., Dr. Arif Firmansyah, SH., MH., Indra Fajar Alamsyah, SE., MH., Ph.D., Dr. Anita Kamilah, SH., MH.
Neni Sri Imaniyati, imaniyati[at]yahoo.com, Law Faculty, Unisba
Arif Firmansyah, arifunisba05[at]gmail.com, Law Faculty, Unisba
Indra Fajar Alamsyah, indrafajaralamnsyah[at]gmail.com, Ecpnomy Faculty, Unisba
Anita Kamilah, anita.kamilah[at]yahoo.co.id, Law Faculty, Unsur
The pillars of Islamic Economics and Finance cover commercial finance and social finance, such as zakat and waqf. Based on data from Baznas in 2020, ziswaf (zakat, infaq, alms, and waqf) funds among Muslim in Indonesia was Rp12.5 trillion, while its potential reached Rp327.6 trillion. The potential for cash waqf is Rp80 trillion every year. Meanwhile, based on data from the Ministry of Religion in 2018, the realization of cash waqf recorded from 2011 to 2018 was an average Rp31.9 billion each year. This means that cash waqf still has enormous potential to be developed. Therefore, the study was conducted to (1) explain the regulation of bank functions to achieve the goal of increasing people^s welfare and (2) find alternative efforts to improve bank functions in improving peoples welfare through the integration of the commercial and social economy. The method used the normative juridical approach with descriptive and prescriptive analysis, while the type of data used secondary data obtained through literature review. Then, the data was analyzed by qualitative juridical analysis through legal interpretation. The results showed that (1) based on Law Number 21 Year 2008, the function of sharia banks is as a financial intermediary, which collects funds from the public in the form of deposits, namely savings, time deposits, and demand deposits. Sharia banks cannot accept deposits in the form of cash waqf. (2) As an effort to integrate the commercial economy and social economy to improve people^s welfare, it is better to amend the Sharia Banking Law which allows sharia banks to accept deposits in the form of cash waqf, so that the proceeds can be channeled into productive activities.
Keywords: Sharia Bank, Waqf, Commercial Economy, Social Economy
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| Corresponding Author (Neni Sri Imaniyati)
101 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-120 |
Supervision Model of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) on the Capital Market in Indonesia to Protect Investors Diana Wiyanti, SH., MH., Prof. Dr. Hj. Neni Sri Imaniyati, SH., MH., Dr. Nurul Chotidjah, SH., MH.
Diana Wiyanti, dianawiyanti1[at]gmail.com, Doctoral Program of Law Sciences, Unisba
Neni Sri Imaniyati, imaniyati[at]yahoo.com, Law Faculty, Unisba
Nurul Chotidjah, nurulchotidjah[at]gmail.com Law Faculty, Unisba
The supervisory agency for the financial services sector in Indonesia is currently implemented by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) whose existence is contained in the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Law Number 21 Year 2011. OJK oversees all financial institutions, both bank and non-bank financial institutions such as the capital market. Prior to the issuance of the OJK Law, Bapepam supervised the capital market, specifically the capital market in Indonesia. This study aimed to first find models of capital market supervision, and second, find a model of capital market supervision carried out by the OJK to protect investors. The method used a normative juridical approach with descriptive and prescriptive analysis. The data used secondary data, which was obtained through literature review, and then analyzed using qualitative and comparative juridical analysis. The results showed that, first, there are several supervisory models for financial institutions, namely Multi Supervisory Model, Twin Peak Supervisory Model, and Unified Supervisory Model and the institutional model, functional model, integrated model, and twin peaks approach model- second, the capital market supervision model carried out by the OJK is a single model. Thus, OJK becomes a super body institution meaning that OJK is the only institution that has regulatory and supervisory authority over all financial service institutions. The effect of this model on investor protection is to be less than optimal. This is one of the factors in the occurrence of unethical and immoral fraudulent practices that harm investors.
Keywords: Supervision, OJK, Capital Markets, Protection, Investors
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| Corresponding Author (Neni Sri Imaniyati)
102 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-121 |
Legal Protection for Customers in Murabaha Financing whose Land Ownership Objects are not on behalf of Sharia Banks to Fulfill Sharia Compliance Imron, SH., M.Kn. Prof. Dr. Hj. Neni Sri Imaniyati, SH., MH. Dr. Arif Firmansyah, SH., MH.
Imron, imronshmkn[at]gmail.com, Doctoral Program of Law Sciences, Unisba
Neni Sri Imaniyati, imaniyati[at]yahoo.com, Law Faculty, Unisba
Arif Firmansyah, arifunisba05[at]gmail.com, Law Faculty, Unisba
Murabaha financing is one of sharia banks financing that uses a sale and purchase agreement with a counter-performance in the form of a margin determined in accordance with an agreement between the bank and the customer. The difference between murabaha contract and credit at a conventional bank is that, in a murabaha contract, sharia banks purchase the object (house or land) that the customer wants in advance. Then, the banks sell the house to the customer by informing the amount of the price that has been added with a margin. In practice, not all sharia banks provide murabaha financing using this procedure. Therefore, this study aimed to, first, explain the practice of murabaha financing whose ownership object is not on behalf of sharia banks in terms of legal protection for customers, and second, find the practice of murabaha financing whose ownership object is not on behalf of sharia banks in terms of fulfilling sharia compliance. The method used a normative juridical approach with descriptive analytical research specifications. The data used secondary data, which was collected through library research, and then analyzed by qualitative analysis through legal interpretation methods. The results showed that, first, in terms of legal protection for customers, the practice of this murabaha financing was not in accordance with internal and external legal protection, and second, in terms of fulfilling sharia compliance, the practice of this murabaha financing contained elements of gharar (unclear object) and dzalim (causing injustice).
Keywords: Protection, Customers, Financing, Murabaha, Sharia Compliance
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| Corresponding Author (Neni Sri Imaniyati)
103 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-126 |
Use of Military Power Through the Joint Special Operations Command in Eradicating Criminal Acts of Terrorism Dini Dewi Heniarti, Mujahid, Anita Puspawati
Fakultas Hukum Unisba
Handling acts of terrorism is part of Military Operations Other Than War and Military Operations of War. The TNI carries out its main duties, in accordance with Article 7 Paragraph 2 Letter b Number 3 Law Number 34 of 2004. In Articl The establishment of the TNI Komando Operasi Khusus Gabungan ( Koopsus) which was tasked with organizing and supporting special operations against strategic targets that required high speed and success, further narrowed the role of the Komando Koopsus in countering terrorism. Profile of Koopsus was formed on 9 June 2015 by General Moeldoko as the TNI Commander at that time. This team is a combination of special forces from three TNI dimensions, namely Sat-81 (Kopassus TNI AD), Denjaka (Kopaska and Yontaifib TNI AL), and Satbravo-90 (Paskhas TNI AU). The special troops from each of these dimensions are united with the intention of being able to accommodate the specifications of the expertise of each unit which is known as the best troop, so that it can operate with confidence in success that cannot be doubted. The basic idea of forming a joint three-dimensional special forces was due to the fact that around 2002 to 2013 there were cases of terrorism involving bombings and shootings in several areas or points in Indonesia. The incidents involving international-scale terrorism became the Koopsus headquartered at the Headquarters of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, with personnel members from Sat-81 Kopassus TNI AD, Denjaka TNI AL, and Sat-Bravo TNI AU. For now, all of these units are still at their respective unit Headquarters, but are always on standby should they be operated or deployed at any time. One of the reasons or factors driving the formation of a three-dimensional integrated special force.
Keywords: Military Operation Other than War, Terrorism, Indonesian Armed Forces
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104 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-130 |
The Genomic Nature of Debt Settlement in Indonesia (Study on Bankruptcy Regulation During Pandemic Covid-19) Ratna Hartanto, S.H., LL.M
Universitas Islam Indonesia
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the global economic sector, including the increasing number of companies in Indonesia that are unable to settle debt. Data in commercial courts shows an increase in the number of applications for bankruptcy declarations. This study intends to examine to what extent the bankruptcy provisions are aligned with the genomic nature of debt settlement in Indonesia and whether the government policies related to bankruptcy during pandemic are in accordance with the genomic nature of debt settlement in Indonesia. This research uses normative juridical research methods by examining bankruptcy regulations with the indicators of the nation^s ideological values and the constitution. The research approach is carried out with a statutory approach, a conceptual approach, and a comparison approach with regulations in several countries. Previous research related to the weaknesses of bankruptcy law in Indonesia has been carried out by other authors but there has been no research specifically discussing the suitability of debt settlement through bankruptcy regulation with the genomic ideology of the nation and the constitution of the Indonesian. The results showed that bankruptcy regulation in Indonesia has not been fully aligned with the genomic nature of debt settlement in Indonesia that is taken from the values of Pancasila and the constitution. Based on Pancasila, the genomic nature of debt settlement should be in line with the belief, humanity, unity, democracy, and social justice. These values are important for business continuity. In addition, although the government has issued a series of policies for economic recovery due to the pandemic, from the beginning, Indonesia did not recognize the debt threshold as a condition for applying for a bankruptcy declaration like other countries so that when some countries raised the debt threshold that could be requested for bankruptcy during the pandemic, Indonesia could not do the same. The government^s policy during the pandemic is very limited, namely debtors from financial service institutions are given the opportunity to apply for credit relaxation to financial service institutions. This government policy is certainly not fully aligned with the principles of debt settlement in Indonesia.
Keywords: Genomic, Debt Settlement, Bankruptcy, Pandemic.
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105 |
Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-131 |
The Influence of Organizational Culture and Business Ethics on Commitment Implications for Employee Performance in LPG Industry and Retail Agents Imbrani Hari (1), Affandi Azhar(2), Djulius Horas(2), Rusyani Erni(2), Mubarak Ali(3)
(1) STIE Gema Widya Bangsa
(2) Universitas Pasundan
(3) Universitas Islam Bandung
The uses of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) are very massive and used in all sectors of life, both households, small, medium and large scale industries. Because its practical and eco-friendly fuel offers fuel engine performances. This research is based on the existing phenomenon where employee performance in the industrial environment and retail LPG agents have decreased even some agents have almost stopped operating. This study aims to determine and examine the influence of organizational culture, and business ethics on commitment, and its implications on employee performance in the LPG Industry and Retail Agents. This study used descriptive and verificative approaches. The research methods used are descriptive surveys and explanatory surveys. Sampling using proportionate cluster random sampling. In this study, the sample was employees in the LPG industry and retail agents as many as 205 respondents. The analysis method in this study uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM).The results of the study concluded that there is a positive and significant influence of organizational culture, and business ethics, partially and simultaneously on commitment and there is a positive and significant influence of commitment on employee performance in the LPG industry and retail agents.
Keywords: organizational culture, business ethics, commitment, employee performance.
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| Corresponding Author (Hari Imbrani)
106 |
Marketing and Fintech in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-19 |
THE URGENCY OF FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY LITERACY FOR COMMUNITIES (MSMEs) 1Nanik Eprianti, 2 Popon Srisusilawati, 3Mohamad Andri Ibrahim, 4Intan Manggala W
123 Perbankan Syariah, 4 Hukum Ekonomi Syariah UNIVERSITAS ISLAM BANDUNG
Email : 1nanikeprianti[at]gmail.com , 2poponsrisusilawati[at]unisba.ac.id 3,andriibrahim[at]unisba.ac.ic, 4intan.manggala[at]unisba.ac.id
Orcid: 1https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8416-5256, 2https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7620-9287 , 3https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1947-632X?lang=en , 4https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6761-9308
Information Technology-Based Money Lending Services which are considered to have contributed to development and the national economy. Financial technology (Fintech) refers to the definition of the National Digital Research Center (NDRC), namely as financial innovation in the scope of financial services, while this innovation combines financial and modern technology. However, the results of the OJK survey in 2022 illustrate that people using digital financial technology platforms are only 10.9%, very low from other financial institutions. This shows the lack of literacy about financial technology in the community.
This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach. The results of the study show steps to increase literacy according to POJK Number 77/POJK.01/2016 the scope for increasing financial literacy includes planning and implementation of: 1. -Financial Education- and 2. -Development of infrastructure that supports financial literacy for consumers and/or the public, and protection for users of technology-based money lending services as follows- a. transparency- b. fair treatment- c. reliability- d. data confidentiality and security- and e. settlement of User disputes in a simple, fast, and affordable way.
Keywords: Society, Literacy, Financial Technology
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| Corresponding Author (NANIK EPRIANTI NANIK)
107 |
Marketing and Fintech in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-47 |
Customer Engagement on Live Streaming: Findings from Java Island Yudha Dwi Nugraha- Mohsin Shaikh- Annisa Nadiyah Rahmani- Khumairah
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
School of Management, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune, India
Based on Socio-Technical Approach, this study aims to investigate the direct impact of interaction on emotional attachment, synchronicity on platform attachment, notification, visit duration and platform attachment on visit duration, and visit duration on customer engagement. This study offers valuable insights regarding customer engagement of TikTok Shop users in Java Island. An online survey of 111 users was used to collect the data. SEM Amos was applied to assess the five hypotheses. The results indicate that interaction has a positive and significant relationship with emotional attachment. However, this study concluded that synchronicity was found to have no significant relationship with platform attachment. Furthermore, emotional attachment was found to have a positive and significant relationship with visit duration. Platform attachments are also found to have a positive and significant relationship with visit duration. Finally, visit duration has a positive and significant effect on customer engagement. This study contributes to the customer engagement and marketing literature by increasing the use of the Socia-Technical Approach in determining the factors influencing customer engagement on TikTok Shop.
Keywords: Interaction- Emotional Attachment- Synchronicity- Platform Attachment- Customer Engagement.
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| Corresponding Author (Yudha Dwi Nugraha Nugraha)
108 |
Marketing and Fintech in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-70 |
The Effect Fears Of Missing Out (FoMo) On Behaviour of Women Muslims Consumer On Cosmetics Product Rezi Muhamad Taufik Permana, Eka Tresna Gumelar, Nindya Saraswati
Universitas Islam Bandung
The phenomenon of fear of missing out (FoMO) among generation Z today has become quite a unique phenomenon when viewed from the perspective of consumer behavior. The FoMO phenomenon of cosmetic products is very interesting to see what factors can influence this. Therefore FoMO among generation Z, especially Muslim women cosmetic consumers, needs to be further identified which is the right approach for Muslim women consumers in determining their product choices.
This research focuses on the factors causing the emergence of FoMO in generation Z which specifically identifies the linkages of social media marketing and influencer marketing to the emergence of FoMO behavior that has an impact on consumer behavior (Consumer Behavior).
This study uses a quantitative approach with non-probability sampling techniques because researchers do not know for sure the actual number of the study population. The sampling technique used was a purposive sampling technique because the respondents and samples from this study used several criteria. Meanwhile, data analysis in this study uses structural equation modeling with AMOS software. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for how Muslim women consumers behave in dealing with the FoMO phenomenon.
Keywords: Fears of Missing Out, Social Media Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Consumer Behaviour.
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| Corresponding Author (Rezi Muhamad Taufik Permana)
109 |
Marketing and Fintech in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-93 |
Cognitive Dissonance on Muslim^s Purchase Behaviour Amid Ice Cream Halalness Controversy Sari Bayurini Samudra (a*), Rina Pebriana (a), Ahmad Muhaimin (a)
a) UIN RADEN FATAH PALEMBANG - Faculty of Social & Political Science - Major Communication Study
Jl. Prof. K. H. Zainal Abidin Fikri No.KM. 3, RW.5, Pahlawan, Kec. Kemuning, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30126
Indonesia is one of the five biggest population countries in the world with 275,000,000 people (BPS,2023). Indonesia is potential market for various goods and services brand from abroad due to high consumption, daily necessities or lifestyle. Muslims as the largest population (86,7%) in Indonesia have a principle of halal life which includes all things that are consumed, used or lived in life. However, Muslims often experience cognitive dissonance because not all products circulating in Indonesia, especially food and beverages, are labeled as halal. An ice cream brand from China, Mixue, has been selling their products in Indonesia since 2020 through more than 300 outlets. The halal issue of Mixue became controversial at the end of 2022. As a matter of fact, Muslim consumers still bought Mixue before it got halal certification. This study uses Cognitive Dissonance Theory (CDT) to analyze the behavior of Muslim consumers who keep buying Mixue during its controversy. Researchers conducted a qualitative method using in-depth interviews with 6 informants. The results showed that all informants experienced cognitive dissonance before buying Mixue products but still chose to continue the purchase because it was influenced by the behavior of the reference group, social media exposure, and the price factor.
Keywords: Cognitive Dissonance- Halal Issue- Muslim Purchase Behaviour
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| Corresponding Author (Sari Bayurini Samudra)
110 |
Marketing and Fintech in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-111 |
Conjoint Analysis to Determine The Perceptions of Restaurant Consumers in Choosing Halal-Certified All You Can Eat Restaurants Ratih Hadiantini, Aggi Panigoro Sarifiyono
Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia
Halal certification is increasingly becoming a concern for Muslim consumers in choosing a place to eat, especially in restaurants with the concept of ^all you can eat^ (AYCE). This study aims to analyze the factors that influence consumer preferences. This research has important implications for the food and restaurant industry, especially for entrepreneurs who want to attract Muslim customers with ^all you can eat^ services that comply with halal principles. By understanding consumer preferences and the most influential attributes, restaurants can develop more effective strategies to meet consumer expectations and increase their competitiveness in an increasingly competitive market. The conjoint analysis method is used to identify the most important attributes for consumers in choosing AYCE restaurants in Bandung. The attributes analyzed include price, menu variety, cleanliness, location, and halal reputation. This research provides insight into how these factors interact in shaping consumer preferences and how restaurants can optimize their marketing strategies based on these findings.
Keywords: consumer preferences, conjoint analysis, Halal-Certified, all you can eat
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| Corresponding Author (Ratih Hadiantini)
111 |
Marketing and Fintech in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-138 |
Effort to Market Halal Religious Television Programs Prida Ariani Ambar Astuti (a*), Antonius Widi Hardianto Adams (b), M. Sarofi Sahrul Romadhon (c)
a) Department of Communication Science, Kalbis Institute, Jl. Pulomas Selatan Kav. 22, Jakarta Timur
b) Department of Business Administration, UNIKA Atma Jaya Jakarta, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 51, Semanggi, Jakarta Selatan
c) Department of Communication Science, STIKOSA-AWS, Jl. Nginden Intan Tengah Surabaya
Television programs are essential for television stations because programs are in direct contact with viewers who have different characteristics, needs, and expectations. Currently, soap operas are still the most popular television programs in Indonesia. Therefore, this study wants to examine the strategy of TV9 Nusantara, one of the local televisions in Indonesia that focuses on information and entertainment programs with Islamic nuances, marketing its religious programs when soap operas are the most favorite television program. In Indonesia, three types of television stations broadcast nationally, public, or government-owned, central, and regional, and local television. This study only focuses on local television stations whose main programs are religious, especially about Islam. Qualitative descriptive is used because this study wants to examine cases that naturally arise in society. The key informant in this research is the Executive Producer of the TV9 Nusantara and the Producer of the Jurnal9 Program. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation related to television programs and marketing strategies. TV9 Nusantara is more focused on local marketing by involving brand adjustments and promotions for the needs and desires of local customer groups as one of their efforts to capture the television program market share, which is currently controlled by soap opera programs. Furthermore, TV9 Nusantara uses a counter-programming strategy by broadcasting religious da^wah programs on other primetime televisions to attract viewers.
Keywords: Islamic marketing strategy- religious television programs- Islamic television programs- selling to Islamic market, Islamic marketing mix
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| Corresponding Author (Prida Ariani Ambar Astuti)
112 |
Marketing and Fintech in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
ABS-139 |
The Power of Technology: Enhancing Muzaki Satisfaction through Quality Accounting Information System in Zakat Management Nunung Nurhayati, Dewi Sartika, Ririn Sk, Ayunazwa, M Rakan, Ridwan
Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Islam Bandung
The potential for zakat in Indonesia is very large, but the reality in the field is only 5% of the potential. Many factors affect the low receipt of zakat funds, including the quality of the zakat management accounting information system, which has an impact on decreasing muzaki satisfaction. The research objective is to measure how much influence the quality of management accounting information systems has on user satisfaction While the research method used is explanatory research. With a sample of 100 Muzaki, data collection techniques using questionnaires, research instruments using validity and reliability, data analysis techniques using SEM-PLS. The results of this study prove that the quality of the zakat management accounting information
system has a significant effect on muzaki satisfaction.
Keywords: Please Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract
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| Corresponding Author (Nunung Nurhayati)
113 |
Media, Journalism, and Information |
ABS-30 |
Involvement of Journalists and Content Creators In Developing Opportunities For Halal Tourism Erik Setiawan, S.Sos., M.I.Kom., Prof. Dr. Atie Rachmiatie, M.Si., Dr. Kiki Zakiah, M.Si.
Universitas Islam Bandung
Term ^Halal^ or ^Muslim Friendly^ has shaped the mindset and influenced the decision making of Muslim tourists in choosing or using tourism products. The aims of this Community Service in general is to increase the understanding, awareness and interest of information makers in the media about how the concept of halal tourism, how to develop the halal industry, how to raise local potential and natural resources to be packaged in halal tourism. Data collection method that has been used is through a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) related to the Strategy for Involving Journalists/Content Creators in the Dissemination of ^Muslim Friendly Tourism^. This FGD was attended by the initiator of the panel discussion Prof. Dr. H. Sapta Nirwandar, S.E. (Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, United Indonesia Cabinet II 2011-2014 period), and Ir. Dina Sudjana (Chairman of the Salman ITB Halal Center 2015-present), as well as inviting journalists from various media institutions
FGD results suggest that the gap in Halal Tourism is still focused on concepts and definitions. There are seven approaches to mapping tourist interests and behavior including 1) Changing perspectives, 2) Government policies and action plans in an integrated manner, 3) Health and safety related to food and medicines where guaranteed and benefits are felt, 4) Education/literacy related to halal tourism, 5) Mapping information technology and R&D (research and development), 6) Service activities related to Halal Tourism, 7) Sharing responsibilities between stakeholders so that the roles performed do not overlap.
Keywords: Interest and Behavior Model, Tourist Destinations, Muslim Friendly
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| Corresponding Author (Atie Rachmiatie, M.Si.)
114 |
Media, Journalism, and Information |
ABS-35 |
Communication Skills in Efforts to Reduce Disaster Risk: A Case Study of Cimahi Region Scout Leaders^ Sophia Novita, Tresna Wiwitan, Neni Yulianita, Respitawulan
Universitas Islam Bandung
An essential step for disaster risk reduction is disaster mitigation. Disaster mitigation is a series of efforts to reduce disaster risk through physical development, awareness, and capacity building to deal with disaster threats. The ability and skills to communicate messages about disasters to the public, government, media, and opinion leaders are not only needed in emergencies. Still, they are also important to always be alert and prepare people in disaster-prone areas who are always on standby to reduce risks, save lives, and the impact of disasters, through soft power and hard power approaches. This study aims to determine the disaster communication skills of scout coaches in the Kwartir Branch of the Scout Movement, Cimahi City. The method in this research is qualitative with a case study approach. The results of this study are the communication skills of the scout coaches who use risk mitigation in various conditions, such as during pre-disaster, during disaster, and post-disaster, by utilizing multiple communication media from different types of media.
Keywords: disaster communication, scout coaches, risk anticipation
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115 |
Media, Journalism, and Information |
ABS-38 |
Assistance for Increasing Social Entrepreneurs in Digital Media for Odapus and Low Vision Entrepreneurs 1Firmansyah, 2Arbaiyah Satriani, 3Andalusia Neneng P., 4Ratri Rizki K., 5Septiawan S.K.
12345Universitas Islam Bandung
Odapus and low vision have abilities and intelligence like people in general. However, in society, the presence of the odapus and low vision groups often does not get the opportunity. This problem finally arises at the opportunity to open employment opportunities. In the end, people with odapus and low vision try to get income through entrepreneurship. The problems experienced by people with lupus and low vision lie in developing their potential in society, especially in terms of livelihood. The Syamsi Dhuha Foundation is one of the foundations engaged in assisting people with lupus (odapus) with low vision sufferers to be able to participate in community life. In discussions with the management of the Syamsi Dhuha Foundation, it was found that people with odapus and low vision have some need for increased knowledge in selling products sold by entrepreneurs. So to help overcome this problem, assistance in social entrepreneurship is needed. Social entrepreneurship or social entrepreneurship is a way or approach to solving social problems through business strategy. In community service activities (PKM) Assistance is carried out to Improve Social Entrepreneurs in Digital Media for Odapus and Low Vision Entrepreneurs. Assistance is carried out within a business development framework through digital media with the ABCD (Assets Based Community Development) concept approach carrying out five key steps, namely Discovery, Dream, Design, Define, and Destiny. The results of the assistance are evaluated at each stage in the ABCD concept by looking at the effectiveness in the continuity of the process which results are effective in helping Odapus and low vision entrepreneurs in developing digital marketing.
Keywords: Literacy, Digital, Odapus, Low Vision, Social Entrepreneurship
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| Corresponding Author (Firmansyah Firmansyah)
116 |
Media, Journalism, and Information |
ABS-50 |
Gen Z Information Ecosystem: How Mainstream Media Should Take A Part Ratri R. Kusumalestari, Andalusia N. Permatasari, Arbaiyah Satriani, Yuki Jauza Hasna Afyadi, Sarry Shafina Saraswati
Universitas Islam Bandung
Gen Z, the generation at the forefront of consuming and sharing information, holds immense influence in shaping societal conversations. However, the current information ecosystem is plagued by misinformation, disinformation, eroding trust in traditional media. This abstract highlights the significance of mainstream media^s active participation in the Gen Z information ecosystem, addressing the problem, objectives, methods, and preliminary results. With the proliferation of social media platforms and alternative news sources, Gen Z faces challenges in distinguishing reliable information from falsehoods. Bridging the trust deficit between Gen Z and mainstream media is crucial to foster a healthier information landscape. This study aims to explores strategies for mainstream media to effectively engage with Gen Z, considering their diverse preferences, digital behaviors, and trust-building mechanisms from their perspectives. Through qualitative interviews and surveys, the findings suggest that Gen Z values authenticity, diversity, and interactivity in news consumption. By embracing digital platforms, transparency, and innovative engagement techniques, mainstream media can rebuild trust and establish meaningful connections with Gen Z, enhancing media literacy and promoting critical thinking among them. Recognizing Gen Z^s preferences and employing appropriate strategies will strengthen mainstream media^s role as trusted sources and contribute to an informed and engaged generation.
Keywords: mainstream media, Gen Z, information ecosystem
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| Corresponding Author (Ratri Rizki Kusumalestari)
117 |
Media, Journalism, and Information |
ABS-52 |
Content Creator Strategy as Tourism Journalism for Post-Covid 19 Pandemic Recovery 1Wiki Angga Wiksana, 2Firmansyah, 3Dian Widya Putri, 4Doddy Iskandar
Universitas Islam Bandung
Pikiran Rakyat Media Networks (PRMN) engaged in the digital media business,
develops its business by creating a media ecosystem through multiple portals. The PRMN subdomain news portal is managed and filled with content by content creators as PRMN partners. The phenomenon of content creators on news portals creates opportunities for strategies in
tourism recovery. This research was conducted with the aim of looking at strategies for utilizing content creators as a form of journalism to advocate for tourism recovery in Indonesia. This study aims to get an overview of tourism journalism patterns carried out by content creators which can be a strategy for recovery and increasing the attractiveness of tourist destinations. This study uses a constructivist approach by finding qualitative data to be analyzed and categorized so that it becomes a pattern of tourism communication through journalism in digital
media. The results of the study show that the strategy to restore the tourism sector after the Covid-19 pandemic requires the role of mass media and social media. The collaboration business strategy carried out by PRMN with the google algorithm supports the creation of positive tourism content in marketing tourist destinations according to tourist targets.
Keywords: Content Creator, Journalism, Tourism, Post-Pandemic, Covid 19
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| Corresponding Author (Wiki Angga Wiksana)
118 |
Media, Journalism, and Information |
ABS-53 |
Tourism Village Development Based on Participatory Planning Irland Fardani, Verry Damayanti, Ernady Syaodih, Hani Burhanudin
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Bandung Islamic University
Tourism is one of the sectors that was encouraged to improve the economy in Indonesia after the crisis in 1998, many efforts were made to develop tourism from the national to the village level. In the last ten years, many villages in Indonesia have started to focus on developing tourism activities ,this is motivated by many villages which have had a positive impact on the village economic sector from tourism activities. However, many tourist villages still develop their tourism without planning, adversely impacting the sustainability of tourism in the village. This research aims to develop a tourism village plan with a participatory planning and participatory mapping approach. In participatory planning, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities were carried out, and in-depth interviews with community elements such as Village Heads, Community Leaders and Chairs of Tourism Groups. In the participatory mapping process, identify potential locations that are directed to become tourist objects. From the process, it is formulated that village tourism is based on the concept that tourism is not only tourism in Baros Village but more fundamentally is tourism for the people of Baros Village. From this formulation, the concept of tourism development planning in Baros Village is Agro-Eco-Culture which has added value from its location in the form of local wisdom and natural resources. In the planning of Baros Village tourism, it will be divided into two, namely educational tourism and recreational tourism. Educational tourism will be directed at building teams and bird watching. At the same time, recreational tourism will focus on adding to tourist experiences such as resident interaction and involvement in farming, nature walks, cultural tours and culinary tours.
Keywords: Tourism, Village, Planning, Particaptory
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119 |
Media, Journalism, and Information |
ABS-97 |
Local Wisdom Values in Community Empowerment through Social Forest Utilization in Indonesia and Malaysia Chairiawaty,Ida Afidah,Rodlyah Khuza^I,Zarina
Faculty of Dakwah Universitas Islam Bandung
The research entitled ^Local Wisdom Values in Community Empowerment through Social Forest Utilization in Indonesia and Malaysia,^ is designed to know the local wisdom values and the social economics characteristics in the community empowerment by utilizing the social forest needs. The research conducted in Indonesia and Malaysia uses case study method. After analyzing five empowerment indicators consisting of empowerment forms, principles, stages and influencing factors, the research found out: (1) The Social Characteristics involve the community engagement, traditional knowledge and practices, social cohesion, gender inclusivity and community-based institution- as for the economic characteristics are in the forms of Livelihood Diversification, Sustainable Forest Management, Access to Markets, Capacity Building and Training, and Microfinance and Credit Access- (2) Empowerment programs in Indonesia, like those in Malaysia, focus on integrating Local Wisdom into sustainable forest management, conservation, and community livelihood initiatives to ensure effective and culturally sensitive outcomes. The local wisdoms used in empowerment programs for forestry communities in Indonesia and Malaysia are: (a) Traditional Ecological Knowledge, (b) Medicinal Plant Knowledge, (c) Agroforestry Practices, (d) Sacred Forests and Rituals, (e) Community Forest Management Systems, (f) Forest-Based Art and Crafts, (g) Indigenous Fire Management, (h) Traditional Agriculture and Seed Selection, (i) and Livelihood Strategies
Keywords: Forestry Community Empowerment, Social Characteristics, Economic Characteristic, Local Wisdoms
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| Corresponding Author (Chairiawaty M.Si.)
120 |
Media, Journalism, and Information |
ABS-105 |
a) Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl Tamansari No 24-26 Bandung, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl Tamansari No 20 Bandung, Indonesia
Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (YKI) Bandung City Branch was established in 1995 and are managed by administrators who care about efforts to expand and prevent cancer in Indonesia. One of YKI^s functions through its volunteer health workers is to provide assistance to cancer patients and educate the public to adopt healthy living behaviors in preventing cancer.
The current problems and conditions of YKI Bandung City include the lack of empathetic communication skills to motivate and assist patients. Currently, the YKI board is empowering volunteer health workers in collaboration with various related parties such as government and universities. Empathic communication skills require special training, because generally health workers during their studies do not receive material on communication and practice of implementing human relations as a basis for empathic communication skills. The management of YKI Bandung City has conducted a self-evaluation, and mapped the various deficiencies in the competence of the volunteer health workers.
The Unisba Community Service Team conducted community empowerment through empathy communication training for Volunteer Health Workers at YKI Cancer Patient Companion Bandung City. The training was conducted in the form of interactive discussions and face-to-face simulations. The material provided is about Effective Communication Techniques and Interpersonal Skills, Techniques for Developing Empathy Skills, Recognizing Types of Personalities and Psychic Conditions of Patients, and Understanding Motivation Theory and Motivational Techniques. After the training, the level of knowledge and skills of the participants increased by 69%.
Keywords: Empathic Communication, Health Worker Volunteers, Motivation, Human Relations
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