PSYCHOEDUCATION ON LITERACY SEXUALITY LIFE IN ADOLESCENTS (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) Universitas Islam Bandung Abstract Adolescence is a turbulent time in search of self-identity and sexual development. The increasing sexual behavior among adolescents is increasingly worrying. Sexual delinquent behavior in adolescents has an impact on themselves and the surrounding environment. Sexual education is still considered taboo by society, which results in adolescents having less knowledge about sexual education. As a result, adolescents search for ^sex^ from sources that cannot be accounted for. Education related to reproductive health and sexual life is needed so that adolescents can face their lives healthily and support adolescents in developing aspects of life skills, and positive attitudes towards themselves. The community service team is one way to help the government in this case in West Bandung Regency, to overcome problems regarding sex life in adolescents. which will currently be carried out at SMPN 3 Cipatat, where data on sexual life problems are obtained from distributing questionnaires and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Education and assistance for adolescents related to reproductive health and sexuality life at SMPN 3 Cipatat is carried out by providing psychoeducation about sexuality life literacy. The results of this psychoeducation for adolescent students of SMPN 3 Cipatat, have a healthier perception of sexual life, have more positive behavior towards their sexuality life after being given literacy, so adolescent students of SMPN 3 Cipatat experience more mentally healthy growth and development. Keywords: Adolescents, Mental health, Sexuality lifePlease Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract Topic: Human Wellbeing in Islam |
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