Initiation Business Program as a Model Entrepreneurial Development of High School Students in Bandung CityPlease Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract
Sri Suwarsi, Septiana Ayu Mahani, Azib Asro^i, Nina Maharani, Yuda Surya Saputra, Ira Aulia Puspitasari, M. Ridho Hardisk Pratama, Hamilat Tusyadiah

Universitas Islam Bandung


Problems that can be identified related to the proposed activities, namely 1) lack of public awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship that can be developed further in the digital era, 2) the education system in Indonesia that has not maximized entrepreneurship opportunities for high school students- 3) lack of distribution of entrepreneurial interests specifically and there is no entrepreneurship coaching program from the school to be accessed by students.
The problem solutions offered from the proposed activities are: 1) organizing entrepreneurship coaching activities to educate high school students to explore entrepreneurship to the stage of direct practice in marketing the products that have been developed 2) a bazaar festival that functions to provide a market for high school students who are ready to market their products both through offline activities and digital stalls on the shopee platform, and give appreciation to high school students for their hard work in the form of business capital.
The objectives to be achieved in this activity are: 1) providing entrepreneurship coaching since high school in Bandung City by instilling a critical, innovative and creative mindset and business practices in order to face the economic dynamics that occur in Indonesia for branding the profile of the FEB Management Study Program and Unisba institutions through the implementation of entrepreneurship coaching and development.
The stages of activity implementation start from: 1) The socialization stage of the LPPM Unisba Community Partnership Program in the Initiation Business Program as a Model for Entrepreneurial Development of High School Students in Bandung City, 2) Open registration for prospective high school students who will become participants in the Initiation Business Program offered. 3) implementation of entrepreneurship coaching activities, 4) Business mentorship program with partners, 5) Product manufacturing practice, 6) business festival, 7) appreciation of student entrepreneurs through business capital assistance.

Keywords: Initiation, Entrepreneurship, Business program, Bandung City High School

Topic: Innovative Education in the Digital Era

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