Legal Protection of Sharia Capital Market Investors in Order to Increase Investor Confidence Diana Wiyanti, Yeti Sumiyati, Jejen Hendar
Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Bandung
One of the factors that has a strategic role in the development of the Islamic capital market is investors. For investors, investing in the Sharia Capital Market is one of the alternative investment choices based on considerations of benefit and blessings in the world and the Hereafter because it is carried out based on the principles of Islamic law. However, Sharia capital market investors have limitations and lack understanding in ensuring that Sharia capital market activities and products are truly in accordance with and based on Sharia principles. This study examines the concepts and rules of Sharia capital market investor protection, to increase investor confidence. The method used is descriptive-analytical with a normative juridical approach, the analysis is qualitative. The results showed that investor protection is closely related to regulatory aspects. Various regulations such as the PT Law, MUI Fatwa, and POJK have been launched to protect Sharia capital market investors.
Keywords: Legal Protection, Sharia Capital Market, Investor, Capital Market Law
Topic: Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective