The Teaching Quality of the Visiting Lecturer Collaboration Program influences the Perceptions of Indonesian-Malaysian Students
Neni Yulianita (*), Yenni Yuniati, Tresnawiwitan, Eka Susilawati, Faisal Maulana, Raihan Firjatullah

Universitas Islam Bandung


The Faculty of Communication Sciences (Fikom) at the Islamic University of Bandung (Unisba) has conducted a series of Visiting Lecturer Online activities several times with the Faculty of Leadership and Management (FKP) Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). This activity is a form of implementing cooperation with foreign campuses, responding to the demands of higher education in the current era. This guest lecturer activity lasts for eight lectures in 2022 via the zoom application. From the phenomena described, researchers are interested in researching and studying whether there is an effect of Teaching Quality in the Visiting Lecturer Collaborative Program on the Perception and Satisfaction of Indonesian-Malaysian Students. Of course, this research is very beneficial for the continuation of the cooperation between the two universities. The aim of the study was to find out the perceptions of students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Unisba-Indonesia and the USIM-Malaysia Faculty of Leadership and Management after carrying out Visiting Lecturer activities in terms of Teaching Quality. The object of this research is students who have participated in guest lecturers as a UNISBA-USIM Collaboration program. Questionnaires were distributed to students from the two universities. Furthermore, the results of the research will be described and analyzed after going through data processing based on the results of the questionnaire and supported through interviews with relevant sources, observation, and documentation related to the implementation of the Visiting Lecturer activities.

Keywords: Teaching Quality- Perception- Satisfaction- Visiting Lecturer- Collaboration Program

Topic: Innovative Education in the Digital Era

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