1) Universitas Islam Bandung
2) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
In the context of higher education, particularly in Islamic Universities (PTI), the demand for academic and moral excellence is essential. Lecturers have a central role in shaping student character, but sometimes academic competence is emphasized more than personality competence. The concept of ^Unveiling Excellence^ draws attention to efforts to uncover the superior potential of the personality competencies of PTI lecturers through the integration of Islamic values. This study aims to identify and describe the Islamic values on the competence of lecturers^ personalities. With a deeper understanding of the Islamic values regarding the competence of lecturers^ personalities, PTI can be more effective in shaping student character through Islamic teachings and producing graduates who are academically and morally qualified. Qualitative methods are used through literature studies, interviews, and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with Islamic Education experts. The research findings revealed eight Islamic values on the competence of the lecturer^s personality, namely patience (Shabr), wise (hikmah), forgiving (al afu), shame (al haya), self-control (muraqabah), humble (tawadhu), empathy (ta^atuf) and politeness (adab). These findings highlight the need to integrate Islamic values into lecturers^ competency, thereby providing an educational environment that promotes the building of student character through Islamic teachings.