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The Mosque as a Pious or Tourist Destination
Dadang Suhenda

Research Center for Population, National Research and Innovation Agency
Gd. Widya Graha Lt. X, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto 10 Jakarta 12710, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the role and function of the mosque in the management of the Al-Jabar mosque in West Java Province. The method used is System Thinking analysis, which is to see a problem as a whole and the relationship to each variable described in a model. The results of the analysis show that the existence of the Al-Jabar mosque has positive and negative derivative effects. It has a positive impact on increasing the number of visiting pilgrims, the economy of the surrounding community, and adequate worship facilities. The negative effects are the emergence of congestion, changes in land use, illegal parking, disorderly behaviour of visitors, and garbage. It is necessary to revitalize the roles and functions of mosques by improving management, namely by increasing the number of resources and increasing the knowledge of mosque managers in the management aspect of managing the roles and functions of modern mosques. In addition, it is necessary to empower visitors through assistance by providing motivation, raising awareness, fostering aspects of knowledge and attitudes, mobilizing productive resources, and developing the main activity, namely preaching in harmony with the economic activities of the people.

Keywords: Mosque Management- Empowerment- Roles and Functions of Mosques

Topic: Islamic Education

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