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Training Method Imla and Bil-Hikmah For Islamic School Teacher (Community service) in Paseh District
Huriah Rachmah, Eko Surbiantoro, Alhamuddin

Universitas Islam Bandung


Community service activities in Paseh District aim to help partners who face priority problems. The problem that is a priority is inadequate teacher competence related to the demands of the 5.0 era. The second problem is that learning to recite the Qur^an does not use a variety of learning methods. Inadequate human resources and knowledge is another problem. The solutions offered are era 5.0-based competency improvement training to increase the competence of PAUD teachers, (training on writing Arabic) Imla and Reading Writing Al-Qur^an Bil-Hikmah for Al- Qur^an teachers, and management capabilities of optimizing student acceptance through digital marketing training for schools. The outputs in the form of products resulting from dedication are journal articles, publications in print/electronic media, copyrights, video creation and publication on Youtube, and participation in international seminars. The stages carried out in this activity are to provide training on teacher competence, especially for teachers by providing material that is integrated with technology, the target is teachers who are friendly with technology, able to collaborate, be creative, and teach comprehensively. For teachers of the Qur^an/religion, (training on writing Arabic) Imla and Reading Writing Al-Qur^an Bil- Hikmah methods are given with the target of enriching the Religion learning method in Madrasah (Islamic school). As an effort to promote Madrasah (Islamic school), management was introduced to digital marketing materials with the target of being able to introduce their Madrasah (Islamic School) through various digital media. It is hoped that Madrasah (Islamic School) will be more competitive, both general teachers, religious teachers, and their Madrasah (Islamic School) management.

Keywords: Training, Imla, Bil-Hikmah

Topic: Islamic Education

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