RELIGIOUS MODERATION AS A RESPONSE TO PURITANIC AND LIBERAL ISLAM Universitas Islam Bandung Abstract Religious moderation has become a discourse that has developed massively due to the post-New Order polarization of Islamic thought. By using a literature study, this article outlines the answers to three questions. First, the conceptualization of religious moderation is based on the spirit of al-Baqarah verse 143 with wasathiyyah teachings as a contextualization of moderate Islam. Second, the religious diversity of Indonesian society cannot be separated from the role of Islamic organizations such as NU, Muhammadiyah and Persis which influence the growth and maintenance of religious harmony. Third, religious moderation positions itself as a mediator between the extremities of puritan Islam which tend to be literalists and liberal Islam which tends to be rationalists. Keywords: Please Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract Topic: Islamic Education |
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