PleaseIMPLEMENTATION OF GOVERNMENT POLICY ON HANDLING LOSSES OF SOES (STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES) Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract PleasFabian Fadhly Jambak, Liza Dzulhijjah, Zia Firdaus Nuzula, Neng Erna Sry Denasty Qadrina Illyin Nandini, M. Zidan al-Insyanie Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract
Universitas Islam Bandung
State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are business entities with the obligation to provide public services, in the form of services and products. Both of these functions raise problems related to accountability and financial transparency that they manage. Financial management sourced from the state has consequences for the success of business and public services, but problems arise if the SOE experiences losses assuming that these losses are interpreted as state losses with relevance in the realization of handling policies. This article tries to discuss the realization of policies in handling the losses of SOEs in Indonesia through comparisons with Malaysia, Singapore. The focus of this article is related to the formulation and handling procedures and suitability to be applied in Indonesia. The emerging perspective using the three countries as a comparison is based on the same regionality, namely ASEAN, while still prioritizing a legal approach as a consequence that policies are based on the rule of law first. Two relationships that have an impact on objectives, as government entities, SOEs are pressured to produce products based on the interests of politicians rather than the needs of the market or society. Socio-political goals take precedence over maximizing profits. This orientation is demonstrated by the strong relationship between corporate leaders and governments and politicians
Keywords: State-Owned Enterprises, State Losses, Policy
Topic: Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective