The Role of Teachers in Managing Disaster Safe Schools in Early Childhood Education
Nurul Afrianti, Arif Hakim, Erhamwilda, Ayi Sobarna, Masnipal, Via, Leoni

PG PAUD Universitas Islam Bandung


The occurrence of a landslide in November 2021 in Lembang (as part of the Lembang fault fault) had an impact on the surrounding environment, especially early childhood education/PAUD schools. Most recently, in November 2022 there was an earthquake in Cianjur which resulted in as many as 526 damaged infrastructures, namely 363 school buildings, 144 places of worship, 16 office buildings, and three health facilities. Natural disasters that have occurred recently certainly correlate with the victims they have caused. One of those affected is in the education sector. When a disaster occurs, students are the most vulnerable to the effects, especially if the disaster occurs while the children are at school.
With the large number of potential disasters that occur, disaster education is very important to do early on, and this is done by equipping early childhood teachers about disaster education and managing disaster-safe schools. In the end, education and management of disaster-safe schools can be conveyed to children through play activities according to the principles of learning for early childhood. Efforts to provide disaster education from an early age is an important and fundamental action that is not only an act of curriculum development or enrichment alone, but is also a preventive action for the life of every child in dealing with this phenomenon in the future, so that when faced with real events every child has optimal readiness to deal with it.

Keywords: Disaster safe school, school management, disaster

Topic: Innovative Education in the Digital Era

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