Agrarian Transformation: Land Reform as a Pillar of Sustainable Development in Indonesia Dr. Arif Firmansyah, SH., MH. Dr Lina Jamilah, SH., M.H. dan Liya Sukma mulya, SH.,M.H.
Fakultas Hukum Unversitas Islam Bandung
The background to the importance of land reform is related to the problem of unequal land ownership and unequal access to agricultural land. This inequality creates social conflict, poverty, and economic instability in rural areas. Land reform is essential for creating fairer land access for small farmers and vulnerable groups in society. The main challenges in implementing land reform in Indonesia include resistance from large owners, legal and administrative issues, and a need for more resources and effective policies. However, this challenge can be overcome with a strong commitment from the government, community support, and cooperation between various stakeholders. Land reform^s expected benefits are increasing farmers^ welfare, increasing agricultural productivity, reducing poverty, and sustainable development. Smallholders can sustainably develop their agricultural businesses, increase their income, and reduce socio-economic inequality by providing more equitable access to land. The research method used is normative juridical with statutory and conceptual approaches. The results of this study are steps that can be taken to realize effective land reform, including precise land mapping and identification, reform of inclusive agrarian policies, facilitating access to credit and training for small farmers, as well as strict monitoring of the implementation of land reform. Land reform is an essential pillar of sustainable development in Indonesia. With effective land reform, it is hoped that agrarian justice will be created, increasing the welfare of farmers and sustainable agricultural development. Implementation of land reform requires close collaboration between the government, communities, and other stakeholders to achieve these goals.
Keywords: Land Reform, Suistainable, indonesia
Topic: Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective