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Student Social Loafing Behavior in Group Learning Process
Aditia Wirayudha, Firman Shakti Firdaus, Rafi Ariq Maajid, Firda Nurfarida, Muhammad Iqbal Santosa

Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl. Tamansari No.1, Tamansari, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40116
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis


Todays educational design uses technology and information as tools for learning, where information is very easy to access. Social loafing is a phenomenon that occurs when individuals exert less effort or contribution in a group task compared to when they work individually. This convenience can be a potential learning development for students because they will more quickly obtain the knowledge and information they need to pursue education. But it can also have a bad effect on the learning process itself because it can become addictive for students to get grades easily by putting aside the learning itself. In this study, we conceptualize social loafing as a students behavior for their responsibilities in a study group, taking into account that many students are vulnerable to this social loafing behavior. In this study, we tested social loafing behavior using a cross-sectional survey of data collected from 106 students in the economics and business faculties, which consisted of 3 undergraduate study programs, namely Development Economics, Accounting, and Management. Students who are included in this research sample are active students class of 2021 who have attended a course where they are required to do group work in that course. The results of the study show that fairness based on student attitudes in groups shows a significant negative impact on reducing social loafing behavior.

Keywords: Social Loafing Behavior, Students, Group Work,

Topic: Innovative Education in the Digital Era

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