Madrasah Diniyyah Teacher Assistance in Implementing Children^s Early Qur^an Literation Learning in Pangalenga District, Bandung Regency Helmi Aziz, Dinar Nur Inten, Dewi Mulyani, Haditsa Qur^ani Nurhakim
Universitas Islam Bandung
Eradicating Al-Qur^an illiteracy is an important agenda that must be prioritized, including problems in Madrasah Diniyyah institutions that require expansion of teacher competence in learning the Qur^an that is meaningful and fun in the aspects of planning, preparation and use of learning media as well as various evaluation technique of early Al-Qur^an literacy learning for students of madrasah diniyah. As a solution, to support increased competence and skills in carrying out early Al-Qur^an literacy learning, Madrasah teachers must be given knowledge and skills in managing early Al-Qur^an literacy learning. The goal is that teachers can provide proper early Qur^an literacy learning for madrasah students. The method used in this service is Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR), which is an approach that seeks to facilitate the community in improving academic quality. The empowerment results show that the ability of madrasa teachers in implementing early Qur^an literacy learning has significantly increased through several activities that have been carried out, namely the preparation of lesson plans, methods and techniques of learning the Qur^an, selection of Al-Qur^an learning media , and Al-Qur^an learning evaluation techniques. Assistance for madrasa teachers must always be carried out in an effort to expand the pedagogical competence of madrasa teachers in a better direction.
Keywords: Pedagogic Competence, Madrasa Teacher, Al-Qur^an Learning