COMMUNITY SERVICE IN TRAINING AND ASSISTANCE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR TOURISM POTENTIAL IN ALAMENDAH VILLAGE, RANCABALI DISTRICT, BANDUNG REGENCY Prof. Dr. Neni Sri Imaniyati, SH., M.Hum, Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Bin Abdul Hadi, Dr. Lina Jamilah, SH., MH. Dr. Titik Respati, drg., M.Sc., PH. Ir. Nugraha, ST., IPM. Intan Nurrachmi, SH.I., ME.Sy. Indra Fajar Alamsyah, SE., MH.,Ph.D
Universitas Islam Bandung
Alamendah Village is located in Rancabali District, Bandung Regency, West Java. This village is one of the most sophisticated agronomy villages in Rancabali District, which is known as Natural Tourism, Religious Tourism, and Agricultural Tourism. With a geographical location in the form of hills or highlands, the agricultural sector is the most prominent economic activity in Alamendah Village, hence most of the people^s livelihoods are farmers and traders. This village was chosen as the site by LPPM Unisba in collaboration with Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL), one of the prestigious private universities in Malaysia, which has a focus on developing rural areas in Malaysia, for conducting community service regarding village development model. The method used in this activity was the introduction and development of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), especially related to brands for tourism sector actors in Alamendah Village and assistance with brand registration. The result was the data acquisition on potential IPR produced by Alamendah community, the increased IPR understanding and its impact on the development of Tourism Village, and the number of MSMEs interested in registering their brands.
Keywords: Intellectual Property Rights, Alamendah Village, Tourism