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1 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-21

Ade Ros Riza (a), Filli Azandi (b) , Ibrahim (c) and Nimrot Manalu (d)

Medan State University


This study aims to describe the results of wellness data for long-term PON athlete weightlifting athletes in 2024. There are 10 wellness data for training programs that must be filled in every day by athletes, so the application helps coaches monitor exercise progress based on existing Welnes Data.
This idea arose when researchers felt the need to anticipate the preparation of fitness data for an exercise program even though they did not meet face-to-face and management in reporting the results of the exercise. Facilitate athletes in submitting daily reports through telecommunications media. This research can also be used as an evaluation material in preparing the right recovery in the preparation of the training program which is closely related to the weekly training session.
The research method used is a quantitative approach and uses the Research & Development (R & D) method from Sugiono by developing products, testing the effectiveness of products that achieve the desired goals.

Keywords: Key Word : Wellnes Progress, Weightlifting athletes

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2 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-28

Muhammad Farouq Ghazali Matondang, Ali Nurman, Muhammad Ridha S. Damanik, Meilinda Suriani Harefa

Universitas Negeri Medan


Geospatial information related to the visualization of an interactive spatial map, in Desa Lubuk Kasih, Kecamatan Berandan Barat, Kabupaten, is a location points presented in the form of information on Village Spatial Planning using WebGIS and survey 123 techniques when conducting field surveys. Dissemination of information regarding spatial planning is still limited and lacking effective. In this study, a geographic information system on governance space in a web-based village. Information presented in the form of a spatial map interactive information that is equipped with data and attributes. .Therefore The hopes of this research are: 1. Designing a spatial WebGIS for Lubuk Kasih Village 2. Analyzing the information contained in the administration of Lubuk Kasih Village 3. Mapping the spatial conditions and the potential of natural resources in Desa Lubuk Kasih.

Keywords: Keywords: Spatial Planning, Village Potential, Lubuk Kasih

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3 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-29

Design of Computer Assembly Learning Media Using Augmented Reality
Reni Rahmadani, Tansa T A Putri

Universitas Negeri Medan


Augmented reality is considered an essential technology in the education sector. It employs sensory immersion, navigation, and information manipulation to promote emotional mediators for improving the learning process and learning outcomes. Augmented reality has two categories for displaying 3D images, namely using markers and not using markers (markerless augmented reality). Markerless Augmented Reality utilizes pop code to place data into the created image. This research utilise RAD method to develop an augmented reality application in android smartphone. Testing is done by the black box method. The results show the application runs well on the android operating system above android 4.0 (KitKat).

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Markerless Augmented Reality, Android Application

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4 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-43

Deni Rahman Marpaung (a*), Raswin (b), Muhammad Ishak (c), Indra Kasih (d)

a) Sport Science Study Program, Medan State University. Medan-Indonesia.
b) Physical Education, Health and Recreation Study Program, Medan State University. Medan-Indonesia.
c) Physical Education, Health and Recreation Study Program, Medan State University. Medan-Indonesia.
d) Physical Education, Health and Recreation Study Program, Medan State University. Medan-Indonesia


Basically, this research is focused on coaches and PJOK teachers in seeing or looking for volleyball athletes. This study aims to get a clearer, more complete picture and information, as well as allowing and easy for researchers to conduct observational research on the description of the ideal athlete^s specifications according to the anthropometric ratio.
This research was carried out in several steps, namely: identifying potentials and problems, gathering information, product design, product manufacturing, expert validation, product revision, testing, final production. The final product in this study is a volleyball athlete talent scouting manual based on anthropometric ratios. This handbook was first validated by volleyball experts and test and measurement experts. The product trial was carried out on male volleyball athletes from Deli Serdang with 18 respondents as subjects. The small group test consisted of 6 respondents, while in the large group test there were 12 respondents. Types of data collection with the instrument in the form of a questionnaire.
The results showed that the volleyball athlete talent scouting manual based on anthropometric ratios was very feasible. These results were obtained from the validation results from a) volleyball experts by 96% or very feasible- b) measurement test expert by 93% or Very feasible- c) small group trial of 81% or very feasible- d) large group trial with a result of 94% or very feasible. The talent scouting guide book for volleyball athletes based on anthropometric ratios is very suitable to be used as a medium to find or see prospective volleyball athletes.

Keywords: Books, talent scouting, volleyball

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5 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-61

Production of Liquid Smoke From the Combination of Empty Fruit Bunch and Coconut Shell through Pyrolysis Process
Robert Silaban, Izwar Lubis, Riski E. Siregar, Ferry I.S. Sinaga, Agus N.P

Universitas Negeri Medan


The aim of this study is to produce liquid smoke which will be used as a pesticide by means of pyrolysis of a mixture of two types of biomass- empty fruit bunches with coconut shells. The parameters used are the ratio of the mixture of the two raw materials and the pyrolyse temperature of between 250 and 450 oC. A reactor of 2 kg capacity with indirect heating is used for the process. Heat is obtained from burning LPG using a burner. Raw materials, in the form of pieces of coconut shells and empty bunches according to the size planned to be used as raw materials, are first dried using solar energy until they reach a standard drynes. During process, the smoke is passed through the cyclone to reduce tar levels, and then flows into the condenser with a water cooling fluid. After the specified duration of pyrolysis is reached, the LPG was stopped and the furnace is left for some time for cooling. After that, pyrolysis products (charcoal and liquid smoke) are taken and laboratory tests will be carried out. The influence of operating parameters such as temperature, heating rate, process duration, and raw material characteristics will be associated with the quality of the products produced, and testing will continue to be carried out until high-quality pyrolysis products are obtained.

Keywords: Empty fruit bunch, coconut shell, pyrolysis, liquid smoke

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6 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-62

Analysis Of The Addition Of 10% Lime On The Strength Of Free Pressure of Humbang Hasundatan^s Soil Peat
Suhairiani Suhairiani- Nahesson H Panjaitan- Enny Keristiana Sinaga

Universitas Negeri Medan


Knowledge of Civil Engineering in the field of Geotechnical engineering, especially in terms of soil stabilization, can be used as the development and utilization of soil materials such as peat soil in the Humbang Hasundutan district, as land use in road subgrade construction work to be tested with a pressure test free (UCS). This study uses experimental methods carried out in the laboratory, by conducting tests to obtain new soil parameter data by trying the lime variation of 10%. The results to be achieved in this study are to see the effect of soil strength on variations in lime mixture which can later be used as new soil material in road subgrade construction work

Keywords: Lime- Peat Soil- Pressure Test- Soil Stabilization

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7 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-96

Performance analysis of indirect clothes dryer using solar photovoltaic energy
Safri Gunawan(a*), Binsar Maruli Tua Pakpahan(b), Dwiki Muda Yulanto(a), Liana Atika(c), Sapitri Januariyansah(d)

(a) Automotive Engineering Education Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. William Iskandar, Indonesia
(b) Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. William Iskandar, Indonesia
(c) Building Engineering Education Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. William Iskandar, Indonesia
(d) Mechanical Engineering Education Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. William Iskandar, Indonesia


This study discusses the indirect clothes dryer using solar photovoltaic energy. The dryer is used to dry clothes and designed to be practical, safe and friendly. The purpose of this study was to test the performance of an indirect clothes dryer in drying clothes. The results of drying clothes produced in the form of clothes that are ready to be ironed. The clothes dryer under study uses a solar thermal energy source which is converted from solar photovoltaic to charge electric current into the battery. The electric current is changed from DC to AC to turn on the 6 units heater fan which is installed in a drying cabinet. The research showed that the solar photovoltaic dryer clothes dryer run well with an average drying room temperature of 40 to 41 Degree Celsius and could desiccate clothes made of polyester within 45 minutes of drying time

Keywords: solar energy- photovoltaic- clothes dryer- thermal energy- heater

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8 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-133

Integrated Information System Model for Academic Performance Assessment
S. Sriadhi., R. Restu., S. Siagian., M. Mesran

Universitas Negeri Medan


Data and information become reporting materials that determine the accuracy of higher education performance reporting. This study aims to build an information system of integrated academic performance assesment (ISIPA) as a solution to the problem of weak data management in universities. This weakness hinders the reporting process related to lecturer performance, study program accreditation, lecturer career paths, university rankings and opportunities for obtaining competitive grants. The ISIPA program is built using the System Development Life Cycle model by integrating internal and external information system applications of universities. Data analysis was carried out using SDLC model. The results of the analysis prove that the system performance has been fulfilled according to the planned criteria. The system performance on the Manager, Administrator and User menu blocks has met the feasibility criteria. Likewise, the test results on the menu block have met the feasibility standard for both design system, configuration, application, accuracy, reliability and friendly. The achievement of the feasibility of this system becomes the basis for the use of the application in the actual environment.

Keywords: system_information- academic performance

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9 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-138

Fabrication and Characterization of PVDF Film for Sensor Applications
Suprapto1*, Ari Handoko2, Safri Gunawan3, Sapitri Januariyansah4, Rudi Salman5, Jubaidah6

1 Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
2 Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, STT. Sinar Husni, Indonesia
3 Pendidikan Teknik Otomotif, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
4 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
5 Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
6 Pendidikan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia


PVDF as smart material has been widely used for the miscellaneous application fields, such as sensor and actuator, energy harvesting, and medical devices due to the merits of flexibility, light weight, high sensitivity, and so on. How to improve the content of \beta phase on the polymer is always of great concern and becomes an attractive and imperative research subject recently. In this article, instead of using the above methods, PVDF thin film is fabricated by use of mixed mechanical and chemical processes with appropriate percentage of solvents under certain operating conditions. The characteristics of PVDF phase transformation behavior were measured by FTIR and XRD to obtain the \beta phase fraction and the degree of crystallinity. The surface morphology, roughness, and microstructure change of PVDF composites were examined by AFM. The PVDF composite thin film was deposited by silver ink as electrode for conducting in both sides. From experimental results, a conclusion can be drawn that with the addition of Ionic Liquid on the solution of PVDF and DMF in association with suitable operating conditions, PVDF thin film can be built with satisfactory fraction of \beta phase and degree of crystallinity as well as piezoelectricity

Keywords: PVDF film, Ionic Liquid, piezoelectric, crystallinity, force sensor

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10 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-148

Fatigue in Employee during Working from Home
#Syamsul Gultom #Dewi Endriani #Agustin

Universitas Negeri Medan


Covid-19 which attacked the world has forced the offices to send their employees working from home. This current study identified the fatigue level in the employees who worked from home. There were 34 employees recruited as the participants in this study. All the participants are working in Universitas Negeri Medan. This is a qualitative study. The fatigue was measured using SOFI, a tool for measuring fatigue. There were 5 points measured for the fatigue, they are Physical exertion, physical discomfort, lack of energy, lack of motivation, and sleepiness. the results show that lack of energy and sleepiness are in the highest level. The further study was needed to explore the causes and how to handle it.

Keywords: fatigue, SOFI, work from home, employee

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11 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-149

Integrated Education Payment System UX Design
Ressy Dwitias Sari (a*), Try Wahyu Purnomo (b), Vivi Ramayanti Harahap (c)

a) PTIK-FT, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
b) PGSD-FIP, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
c) LPPM, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia


Educational institutions/schools in Indonesia have education payment activities carried out by students every month. The financial officer makes a monthly education payment report to be reported to the Principal. Routine activities carried out every month are still mostly done conventionally, namely recording using books and reports calculated manually. This conventional activity has problems if the number of students in the school is more than 100 people. For educational institutions/schools that have not utilized information technology, there is a risk if the bill to students does not match with the data in the financial officer^s book. This risk can be prevented by using information technology. This paper aims to design an education payment system based on user experience. User experience is conducted so that the system is designed according to user needs. The user experience uses the Five Planes method, namely the strategy plane, the scope plane, the structure plane, the skeleton plane and the surface plane. The result of this research is the design of an education payment system interface that is integrated with the Whatsapp gateway.

Keywords: education payment, user experience, five planes method

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12 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-162

Study of the Utilization of the DJI Phantom 4 Pro Drone for Mapping as a City Spatial (Case Study: City of Banda Aceh)
Darwin Parlaungan Lubis (a), Mahara Sintong (a), M Taufik Rahmadi (a*), Sendi Permana (a)

Department of Geography Education, Universitas Negeri Medan
Jalan Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan Estate, 20221, Indonesia


Spatial planning is a necessity that needs to be done over a period considering the changes in urban spatial planning that are growing rapidly. One of the areas experiencing changes in urban spatial planning is Banda Aceh City. This spatial mapping uses uncrewed aircraft or commonly called drones. This study aims to examine and identify spatial layouts using the DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone. The method used is to take measurements with drones that have previously made flight paths and test accuracy based on coordinates in the field. The results of this study are a spatial map of the city of Banda Aceh as a result of the recording of the DJI Phantom Drone and determine the accuracy of the results of the DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone.

Keywords: Mapping, Spatial Planning, DJI Phantom 4 Pro, Banda Aceh

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13 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-173

Integrated Application Needs Analysis at the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Medan
Abdurahman Adisaputera, Wahyu Tri Atmojo, Masitowarni Siregar, Marice, and Achmad Yuhdi

Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to determine the needs of the academic community at the Faculty of Language and Arts, Medan State University for the presence of digital-based applications that are able to integrate academic and student activities in the language and arts faculty environment. the method used is descriptive, research data is collected through filling out questionnaires by students, employees, and lecturers of the language and arts faculties. The results of the study indicate that there are urgent advantages for the development of an integrated application that is able to serve all activities in the Faculty of Languages &#8203-&#8203-and Arts.

Keywords: academic services, students, integrated

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14 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-200

Kemala Jeumpa, Rumilla Harahap, Bambang Hadibroto, Edo Barlian

Universitas Negeri Medan


This paper aims to analyze the needs of learning development and design evaluation of housing to improve students^ skills in healthy buildings. Building health is closely related to the balance between building factors and natural factors which in Building Physics is called the physical enjoyment of the building. Building Physics is very concerned about the comfort and health of the occupants. Designing a building without taking into account the science of Building Physics will cause discomfort to the building. However, students^ skills tend to be low in planning healthy buildings that meet the rules of Building Physics.
Based on this, an analysis and design evaluation of housing is carried out regarding the need for learning development to improve student skills towards healthy buildings. The data of this research were obtained through a questionnaire which was given to several lecturers and students in the Diploma 3 Study Program in Civil Engineering, Unimed. In this case the needs analysis is carried out using Root Cause Analysis, namely by examining layer by layer the causes of the problem to obtain a development design to improve student skills. The residential evaluation design is carried out based on building rules in Building Physics.
The results of the analysis found several main causes of the importance of developing skills. Then a search is carried out on the root cause so that it can be found the need for the importance of developing through a residential evaluation approach. Based on these development needs, a design was prepared to evaluate residential buildings.

Keywords: skills, healthy building, building physics, design, evaluation

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15 Applied Sciences and Information Technology ABS-208

Integrated Learning Monitoring Information System Design
Fahmy Syahputra, Amirhud dalimunthe, Ali Akbar Lubis

Universitas Negeri Medan


Utilization of information technology in the field of education should be done. One of them is the use of information technology to monitor the implementation of learning in schools. Learning monitoring that was originally done manually can be done systematically so that it can be more effective. The use of information technology in learning monitoring can also help the work of related parties to be faster, both in terms of data collection and in terms of reporting.

Keywords: Information Technology, Learning Monitoring

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16 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-2

Classification of Herbal Plants Based on Leaf Images using Convolutional Neural Network
Kana Saputra S, Debi Yandra Niska, Insan Taufik, Mhd Hidayat, Dinda Farahdilla Dharma

Study Program of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan, North Sumatera


Indonesia is an agricultural country that is famous for its wealth of spices and herbal plants. Herbal plants themselves have thousands of species. There are 40,000 species of herbal plants that have been known in the world, and around 30,000 species to be in Indonesia. Herbal plants are a source of new active compounds that have pharmacological and therapeutic effects, both when used directly and through various extraction processes. Herbal plants can be distinguished from the shape of the leaves because each type of plant has different leaf features. Laboratory-based testing also requires skills in sample processing and data interpretation, in addition to time-consuming procedures. Therefore, a simple and reliable herbal plant recognition technique is needed to quickly identify herbs, especially for those who are unable to use expensive analytical instrumentation. This study aims to identify types of herbal plants based on leaf images quickly and accurately using the Convolutional Neural Network method which is part of Deep Learning. This study uses several architectural models of Convolutional Neural Network to classify types of herbal plants. The best accuracy value with the VGG16 architecture is 90% with 93% precision, 90% recall, and 90% F-measure. The VGG16 architecture used epoch = 20, batch_size = 32, and validation_split = 0.2. The result show that CNN Algorithm with the VGG16 architecture is able to classify types of herbal plants with good accuracy.

Keywords: Convolutional Neural Network- Herbal plants- Leaf Images

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17 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-3

Decision Support System for Determining Graduate Profiles for Students Using the Simple Additive Weighting Method
Debi Yandra Niska (a*), Didi Febrian (b), Karimuddin Hakim Hasibuan (a), Anisa Masnauli (a)

a) Study Program of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
b) Study Program of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia


The graduate profile is a role that can be performed by graduates in the field of expertise or work fields after completing study in the study program. The graduate profile is also a very important component that becomes the identity of a study program so that a study program with the same name can be distinguished from the specified graduate profile. This study uses a Decision Support System (DSS) which will be obtained using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method for drawing conclusions from the data that has been analyzed. The study used five stages, namely problem analysis, literature review, data collection, criteria determination, criteria and alternatives weighting, SAW method implementation, and the last stage of drawing conclusions. The result is that the graduate profile will be more effective if using DSS calculation analysis and drawing conclusions using the SAW method. This can be seen from the results of the analysis of one student who obtained a high match value on the criteria A1 (Intelligent System Developer).

Keywords: Graduate Profile- Decision Support System (DSS)- Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)

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18 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-20

Analysis of Student Responses to Communal Spaces in Universitas Negeri Medan
Novrianty Nasution, Irma1, Alvan, Syahreza2, Yacub, Mirzal3

Universitas Negeri Medan


Communal space on campus is one of the place where educational services occur. Furthermore, it becomes a place for social interaction, ranging from private to public activities carried out between the academic community. The phenomenon of communal spaces at Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed) shows an alarming condition. This can be seen from the lack of student activities facilitation in their community activities such as discussing and developing themselves after the lecture process ends. The tag line of Unimed is The Character Building University which wants to build the character of the nation^s educators. It turns out that the academic atmosphere is not supportively. This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods with field observations, questionnaires and mapping approaches. The results of this study indicate the significance of the need for communal spaces related to improving facilities and designs in communal spaces in supporting non-lecture activities and other activities.

Keywords: analysis, student responses, communal space, universitas negeri medan

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19 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-31

Feasibility Study of Smart House Design with ESP32 and Telegram in a Simple House
Olnes Yosefa Hutajulu, Mhd Dominique Mendoza, Yoakim Simamora

Universitas Negeri Medan


Current technological developments cause people to rely heavily on the use of internet-based devices and applications. This dependence is based on how easy it is for people to get information and communicate. Internet of things (IoT) then emerged with the offer that with information technology not only humans and humans communicate, even objects with objects can communicate with the help of the internet. The concept of IoT then develops to give rise to extraordinary ideas from remote control, smart cars, and smart homes to smart cities. However, this technology may not necessarily be enjoyed by the entire community, considering the costs that must be incurred to enjoy IoT facilities are quite large, especially to implement smart homes. This research was then carried out to analyze the feasibility based on the costs required to provide/develop smart homes in today^s society. This research proposes to utilize smart home design with primary devices for IoT using ESP32 and user interface (UI) with telegram so that people can communicate with monitored objects. The use of electrical energy is also one of the cost components that is also taken into account in this feasibility study. The results of this study are expected to provide information about the feasibility of the IoT system being applied to build smart homes, especially in simple homes so that people who want to use it can find out cost information as a basis for consideration. It is hoped that this research can help provide convenience and smart home models that can be used by all groups.

Keywords: Smart home system, Internet of Things, ESP32, Telegram, Energy Efficiency

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20 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-40

Power Plant Scheduling Model For Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm with Multiparent Crossover (Ga-Mpc)
Rudi Salman(a), Irfandi(b), Arwadi Sinuraya(c)

(a)(b)(c) State University of Medan


Electric power systems are designed and operated to meet the needs of varying and growing electrical loads. The highest cost in operating an electric power system is the cost of fuel. For this reason, it is necessary to use optimization techniques to reduce these costs. Therefore, the optimization problem, namely minimizing the operating costs of the electric power system, is a significant issue. One of the efforts to reduce the operating costs of power plants is by optimizing the scheduling of power plants, in this case, generator scheduling. Generator scheduling aims to prepare a generator start-up (ON) and shut-down (OFF) schedule hourly to meet previously estimated load requirements while meeting specified constraints. Mathematically, the generator scheduling optimization problem is a complex nonlinear combinatorial optimization problem. So to solve this problem, one way can be to use a Genetic Algorithm with Multi parent Crossover (GA-MPC). A genetic algorithm is a random search technique that provides optimal solutions to optimization problems.
This study aims to build a generator scheduling optimization model using GA-MPC. The research was carried out at the Computer Laboratory of the Electrical Engineering Education Department, using the Matlab software version R2008b as a simulation tool. The IEEE standard electric power system with 14 buses was used for model testing.
The results showed that the generator scheduling model built using GA-MPC for generator scheduling optimization was successfully carried out. This situation is quite good and shows that GA-MPC can be implemented for generator scheduling optimization problems.

Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, Optimization, Generator Scheduling, Genetic Algorithm with Multi parent Crossover (GA-MPC)

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21 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-44

Sarra Rahmadani, Denny Meisandy

Universitas Negeri Medan


Floods often occur, one of the causes is rainfall. The distribution of rain should be well patterned, taking into account the density and minimizing errors in recording rain data. This study analyzes the distribution of rain stations in Medan City, including Stamar Belawan, Helvetia Station and BBMKG Medan. The aim is to find out the pattern of placement between rain stations and evaluate the conditions and distribution between rain stations. The results of the mapping pattern using Thissen Polygon and ArcGIS 10.82 state that Helvetia station is located at longitude coordinates 98.63 and 3.60 latitude with the largest area of influence, which is 28.30 Km2 or 71% on a total area of 39.85 Km2. Density analysis There is no identification of density values between stations that meet the WMO standard. So it is necessary to rationalize using the Kagan-Rodda method to meet WMO standards.

Keywords: Rain Station, Density, Kagan-Rodda

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22 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-58

Technical Parameters Study of Coconut Shell Combustion as Heat Source by Using Fixed-bed Type Incinerator
Janter P Simanjuntak, Eka Daryanto, Bisrul Hapis Tambunan, Eswanto

Universitas Negeri Medan


The purpose of this study is to exploit thermal energy of coconut shell via combustion. Coconut shell average size as well as air combustion required were taking into account. The desired output is the highest average temperature of the product gas combustion through a combination of the operating parameters of the fedstok size and combustion air flow. A packed-bed type incinerator is used as combustion chamber. The primary air supply is supplied from the bottom of the grate by a 263 m3/h ring blower capacity and controlled using an air flowmeter. K-type thermocouples are used to detect temperatures inside the primary combustion chamber as well as the temperature of combustion gases at the cyclone exit and visualized utilizing a thermocople reader. Experimental data showed that with the average size of the coconut shell of (30 x 300) mm reached the highest primary combustion chamber temperature of 800 oC with a gas product output temperature of 350 oC at a fuel air ratio (A/F) of 4.

Keywords: Coconut-shell, Incinerator, Combustion, Air-fuel ratio

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23 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-82

Design And Static Test of Machine Paving Block Mix EFB With Simulation
Binar Maruli Tua P, Robert Silaban, Saut Purba, Agus Noviar P

Medan State University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering


Brick or paving block is one of the building materials made from a mixture of cement, sand or similar adhesives, reduce the use of sand which is currently increasing, it is necessary to develop paving blocks with additional biomass waste. Biomass waste from Palm Oil, namely empty oil palm fruit bunches (EFB) which can be used fiber palm empty fruit bunches (EFB), in the utilization of Fiber EFB for the manufacture of paving blocks requires the use of the right tools in the printing process, while the use of tools and material selection needs to be done in the production process. the design process and simulation analysis to avoid product failures and work accidents, while the compressive strength in the paving block molding process reaches 15000 N/m^{2} - 40000 N/m^{2}, this is to produce maximum paving blocks, in the proces of simulating the strength of the tool using simulation, stress , strain, displacement, and safety factor values are obtained, while the pressure value is 15000 N/m^{2} with a maximum stress value of 3.621x10^{7} N/m^{2} at a safety factor of 1.46x 10^{10}10, where the maximum deformation is 0.1589 mm and the strain is 0.01081 mm. At a pressure of 40000 N/m^{2}, the maximum stress value is 5.866 x 10^{7} N/m^{2} at a safety factor of 9.035 , where the maximum deformation that occurs is 0.2591 mm and strain is 0.01775 mm, in this case the material is still in a safe condition seen of the stress analysis value and the stress of the material used.

Keywords: Design, Analysis, EFB, machine, Paving Block

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24 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-83

Analysis Economic value in the manufacture of OPEFB fiberboard as substitute for ceramics
Bonaraja Purba, Batumahadi S, Marlan, Agus Noviar P

Medan State University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering


The amount of palm oil waste that has not been utilized optimally, such as Oil Palm Empty Bunches (OPEFB). OPEFB waste can be used as a raw material for partition boards to replace ceramics, by processing OPEFB into fibre and adding resin adhesive to the partition board moulding process. The process of making partition boards requires an economic analysis that is calculated from the cost of using raw materials, tools, labor, operational costs, and margins to get the value and selling price in the community. ceramic partition board with a size of 40 cm x 40 cm with a thickness of 5 mm where this size is adjusted to the ceramics used by the community. economic analysis is calculated from the capital for 1 month or 24 working days with the cost of raw materials Rp. 68,811,200, labor wages Rp. 7,200,000, Overhead Rp. 3,893,000, and the use of tools is Rp. 48,900,000 where the total cost of tools in 1 month of work is Rp. 815,000 whose use is calculated for 5 years of use, while the results are 6,912 pcs/month, from the capital price issued the price of the partition board is Rp. 84,000/box which in 1 box contains 6 pcs. The price of ceramic partition boards obtained is 84,000/box which is still stated as standard in sales with the selling price of ceramics in the community Rp. 55,000 - Rp. 120,000.

Keywords: Analysis, Tecno-Ekonomi, OPEFB, Fiberboard.

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25 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-85

Light Intensity Characterization of Plastic Optical Fiber as Gasoline and Diesel Vapor Sensor
Bakti Dwi Waluyo (a*), Mega Silfia Dewy (a)

a) Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, 20221, Indonesia


This research produces plastic fiber optic sensors to detect gasoline and diesel vapors. The sensor consists of a single-mode optical fiber which has removed the original 3 cm long cladding in the center and replaced with Stannic Oxide (SnO2). The modified cladding coated with SnO2 can produce attenuation changes at the core and cladding boundaries (evanescent field). This attenuation change is in line with changes in light intensity when interacting with gasoline vapors and diesel steam. The optical fiber sensor can respond to the concentration of gasoline vapors, with the most optimal sensor sensitivity value being 0.0821 volts / degrees Celsius at 50 ppm. At the same time, the response to diesel steam has a sensitivity value of minus 0.0262 volts/ degrees Celsius at a concentration of 50 ppm. There is a difference in the response of the fiber optic sensor when interacting with gasoline and diesel vapor. When interacting with gasoline vapors, the higher the vapor concentration, the less light intensity received by the OTDR. The higher the concentration of diesel vapor given, the more light intensity received by the OTDR.

Keywords: fiber optic sensor- gasoline and diesel vapor- light intensity

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26 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-86

Multi-Sensors Module Development Using Microcontroller
Eka Dodi Suryanto (a*), Marwan Affandi (a)

a) UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MEDAN, Jalan Willem Iskandar, Pasar V Medan Estate, Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang 20221


Sensors and transducers are one of the theoretical courses that must be followed by all students Electrical Engineering Department. Practicum implementation using team based project method is still not optimal yet. This is due to the lack of practical equipment (trainers) in accordance with the learning outcomes of the subject. One of learning achievement from sensor and transducer course is students have knowledge and skills for the concepts, characteristics, circuits and implementation of sensors and transducers. The focus of this research is how to develop a multi-sensors practicum module and its guideline based on the learning outcomes of sensor and transducer course. The results of this study include a study of theory and application of sensor components, transducer components, actuators, controllers and various series of control system applications in industry. Materials that presented in this modul is a combination of the trainer component of the sensor transducer and the application of a series of industrial instrumentation systems. The multi-sensor practicum module has 16 experiments that can still be developed. The test results show that this module is very suitable to be used as teaching material to support the theory and practicum of sensors and transducers course.

Keywords: Multi Sensors, Module, Microcontroller

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27 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-88

Lymphatic Filariasis Detection Using Image Analysis
Ayu Elvana (a*), Eka Dodi Suryanto (a)

a) UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MEDAN, Jalan Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan Deli Serdang 20221


Lymphatic Filariasis is detected by microscopic examination of a blood sample usually. Until now, this is still difficult to do that because microfilariae only appear in the blood at night for only a few hours (nocturnal periodicity). The lack of trained microscopy technicians and repeated diagnoses and the fact that there were only a few positive cases in a population of thousands were problems the team faced. This is one of main factor causing the detection error. The main problems are the level of difficulty, high accuracy and the long time to carry out laboratory examinations result. Image analysis method can be used to identify Lymphatic Filariasis worms in the blood. Lymphatic filariasis worm detection can be done by digital image analysis. This study will use feature extraction methods and K-Nearest Neighbor to identify object features in the form of worms that cause elephantiasis (Lymphatic Filariasis) in digital images recorded by Trinocular digital microscope cameras. This study aims to determine the performance of the image analysis method used in the identification process of Lymphatic Filariasis worms.

Keywords: Detection- Lymphatic- Filariasis- Image Anaysis,

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28 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-93

Optimal Reconfiguration of Radial Distribution Network Considering Time Varying Load using Firefly Algorithm
Dadang Mulyana, Yoakim Simamora, Muhammad Isnaini

Universitas Negeri Medan


Increase population growth, industrial growth and the economic growth of the Indonesian people is directly proportional to the level of need consumers of the need for electric power, this leads to the wider topology power grid of the plant, transmission system, medium voltage distribution system to low voltage distribution systems. At this time the distribution system is still often used is a radial distribution system, the impact of the use of the system radial distribution is an active power loss and high voltage drop, one of the solutions to solve this problem is to reconfigure the distribution network. Network reconfiguration is one way to optimize energy flow by opening and closing switches contained in the distribution network. The study using 2 scenarios in the reconfiguration process, the first scenario is fixed reconfiguration, determining the most optimal distribution network configuration based on peak load conditions, the second scenario is hourly reconfiguration, Hourly reconfiguration, determining the most optimal distribution network configuration with for each charge level, these two scenarios are expected to determine the most optimal radial distribution network configuration. The result of initial conditions simulating in the IEEE 33 bus in first scenario have power losses 202,66 kW, after fix reconfiguration obtained 139,53 kW. The result of initial conditions simulating in the IEEE 33 bus in second scenario have power losses 1665,8 kW, after fix reconfiguration obtained 745,78 kW.

Keywords: network reconfiguration, firefly algorithm, Time varying load

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29 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-115

An Image Processing Techniques Used for Soil Quality Inspection and Classification
Mansur AS(a*), Herkules Abdullah(a), Hermawan Syahputra(a), Brahim Benaissa(b) and Fauziyah Harahap(a)

(a)Universitas Negeri Medan, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr V - Medan Estate, Medan, Indonesia.
(b)Toyota Technological Institute, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Design Engineering Lab, 2-12-1 Hisakata, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-8511, Japan.


A soil inspection provides information on the essential fertility of the soil, and it is an important starting point for determining soil fertility. Therefore, soil quality determination is hazardous in agricultural systems before planting. Image processing techniques associated with the computer vision model are widely used today, having applications in many branches of agriculture, closely related to technologies used in precision farming. This study aims to provide an accurate model in image processing techniques for the inspection and classification of soil quality based on detecting external data. The outer texture was identified based on the visible and invisible system acquired using spectral technology (computer vision). We provided the Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) method for analysis of the texture of images, and the classification process was performed using the Support Vector Machines (SVMs) method. This study showed that the model is a proper system for assessing soil quality. The experiment also indicates that the invisible channels have the potential in the classification model since the hidden texture features are not visible to the human eye.

Keywords: images processing- classification- GLCM- SVMs- soil inspection- spectral technology

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30 Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering ABS-135

Generating of North Sumatran Songket Fabric Motifs Based on Crystallographic Groups Using the Matlab GUI
Dinda Kartika (*), Fevi Rahmawati Suwanto

Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jalan Willem Iskandar
Pasar V, Medan 20221, Indonesia


Traditional fabric is a cultural heritage that should be preserved and developed. Over time, traditional fabrics that were only worn at traditional events are now starting to be noticed by the fashion industry. Therefore, it is needed to create various innovations to make traditional fabrics sell well in the modern market. One of the innovations to develop motifs or patterns is to utilize crystallographic groups. Crystallographic groups are a mathematical classification of two-dimensional repeating patterns based on the symmetry of the patterns. These are common in architecture and decorative arts, especially for textiles, tiles, and wallpaper. In this research, the researcher generated North Sumatran songket motifs based on 17 crystallographic group patterns using the GUI Matlab program. The results of this research can contribute as a reference for art activists in developing fabric motifs.

Keywords: Crystallographic- Symmetry group- Songket- Matlab GUI

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