APPLICATION OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE STUDY OF WEBGIS-BASED VILLAGE SPATIAL PLANNING (Case Study: Desa Lubuk Kasih, Kecamatan Berandan Barat) Universitas Negeri Medan Abstract Geospatial information related to the visualization of an interactive spatial map, in Desa Lubuk Kasih, Kecamatan Berandan Barat, Kabupaten, is a location points presented in the form of information on Village Spatial Planning using WebGIS and survey 123 techniques when conducting field surveys. Dissemination of information regarding spatial planning is still limited and lacking effective. In this study, a geographic information system on governance space in a web-based village. Information presented in the form of a spatial map interactive information that is equipped with data and attributes. .Therefore The hopes of this research are: 1. Designing a spatial WebGIS for Lubuk Kasih Village 2. Analyzing the information contained in the administration of Lubuk Kasih Village 3. Mapping the spatial conditions and the potential of natural resources in Desa Lubuk Kasih. Keywords: Keywords: Spatial Planning, Village Potential, Lubuk Kasih Topic: Applied Sciences and Information Technology |
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