Optimal Reconfiguration of Radial Distribution Network Considering Time Varying Load using Firefly Algorithm
Dadang Mulyana, Yoakim Simamora, Muhammad Isnaini

Universitas Negeri Medan


Increase population growth, industrial growth and the economic growth of the Indonesian people is directly proportional to the level of need consumers of the need for electric power, this leads to the wider topology power grid of the plant, transmission system, medium voltage distribution system to low voltage distribution systems. At this time the distribution system is still often used is a radial distribution system, the impact of the use of the system radial distribution is an active power loss and high voltage drop, one of the solutions to solve this problem is to reconfigure the distribution network. Network reconfiguration is one way to optimize energy flow by opening and closing switches contained in the distribution network. The study using 2 scenarios in the reconfiguration process, the first scenario is fixed reconfiguration, determining the most optimal distribution network configuration based on peak load conditions, the second scenario is hourly reconfiguration, Hourly reconfiguration, determining the most optimal distribution network configuration with for each charge level, these two scenarios are expected to determine the most optimal radial distribution network configuration. The result of initial conditions simulating in the IEEE 33 bus in first scenario have power losses 202,66 kW, after fix reconfiguration obtained 139,53 kW. The result of initial conditions simulating in the IEEE 33 bus in second scenario have power losses 1665,8 kW, after fix reconfiguration obtained 745,78 kW.

Keywords: network reconfiguration, firefly algorithm, Time varying load

Topic: Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering

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