Technical Parameters Study of Coconut Shell Combustion as Heat Source by Using Fixed-bed Type Incinerator Universitas Negeri Medan Abstract The purpose of this study is to exploit thermal energy of coconut shell via combustion. Coconut shell average size as well as air combustion required were taking into account. The desired output is the highest average temperature of the product gas combustion through a combination of the operating parameters of the fedstok size and combustion air flow. A packed-bed type incinerator is used as combustion chamber. The primary air supply is supplied from the bottom of the grate by a 263 m3/h ring blower capacity and controlled using an air flowmeter. K-type thermocouples are used to detect temperatures inside the primary combustion chamber as well as the temperature of combustion gases at the cyclone exit and visualized utilizing a thermocople reader. Experimental data showed that with the average size of the coconut shell of (30 x 300) mm reached the highest primary combustion chamber temperature of 800 oC with a gas product output temperature of 350 oC at a fuel air ratio (A/F) of 4. Keywords: Coconut-shell, Incinerator, Combustion, Air-fuel ratio Topic: Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering |
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