Fatigue in Employee during Working from Home #Syamsul Gultom #Dewi Endriani #Agustin
Universitas Negeri Medan
Covid-19 which attacked the world has forced the offices to send their employees working from home. This current study identified the fatigue level in the employees who worked from home. There were 34 employees recruited as the participants in this study. All the participants are working in Universitas Negeri Medan. This is a qualitative study. The fatigue was measured using SOFI, a tool for measuring fatigue. There were 5 points measured for the fatigue, they are Physical exertion, physical discomfort, lack of energy, lack of motivation, and sleepiness. the results show that lack of energy and sleepiness are in the highest level. The further study was needed to explore the causes and how to handle it.
Keywords: fatigue, SOFI, work from home, employee
Topic: Applied Sciences and Information Technology